Great warships

Chapter 624

Chapter 624
Seen and invisible wars are going on.

It was already the end of September, and the port in the South Kimchi Country was crowded with people, and countless cameras were aimed at the cargo ships that were about to dock.

Originally, the pier of the LNG ship was dangerous, and unrelated personnel were not allowed to approach it, but this time it was different. This time, the crew went through hardships and finally returned to their motherland!
When the fleet set off, it attracted the attention of many people. Later, when it was in danger in the North Pole, people were even more worried to death.

Now, seeing the return of the LNG ship, and all the crew members who were in danger, how can they not welcome it warmly?

The lens of the camera flickered non-stop until someone noticed something: "It seems that a boat is missing?"

Natural gas ships are expensive to build. If one ship is missing, how much is the loss?
However, it seems impossible to get the leaked natural gas ship back, right?
In a small building near the pier, Mr. Li was also watching the return of the fleet.

"It seems that it is worth paying such a high price now." Mr. Li said: "We have maintained the company's reputation, and this is the first time to explore the way. After learning lessons, this route is still more profitable. of."

"Mr. Li, we will go down in 10 minutes. You need to make a public speech. During the outbreak of the financial crisis, this is the most exciting time." The person around said.

A lot of money poured into the South Kimchi country, the stock price rose, and then fell from the peak. This is what a man-made financial crisis is like.

However, the Sanxing Group has been prepared for a long time. Looking at the stock price alone, they seem to have lost a lot. However, the funds they entered into the Damao market can provide them with enough profits. Made a fortune in this crisis.

Those who earn the most must be those on Wall Street, especially Soros. However, their three-line group followed behind and made a lot of money, so they don’t need to worry. After the financial crisis passes, Their three-line group can achieve further development!

Mr. Li nodded: "We are the most important company in the country, and we want to help the people of the country build confidence."

At this moment, the outside door was suddenly pushed open.

Mr. Li looked at the door with some dissatisfaction. It would be too annoying if reporters came in in a swarm.He was going to speak in front of reporters, but definitely not now.

However, there was only one person who came in: Sun Chenghuan. At this time, Sun Chenghuan's face was extremely ugly. The weather was already getting cold, but Sun Chenghuan's hair was dripping wet.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Li asked Sun Chenghuan: "Is there something wrong with our investment in Damao?"

"Yes." Sun Chenghuan said: "From this morning, suddenly, Da Mao suspended the trading of national debt."

Da Mao's financial market is the most unstable, so after large sums of money enter Da Mao's market, they all rush to buy government bonds.

After the financial crisis broke out in the southern kimchi country, a large amount of funds from the southern kimchi country withdrew from Damao, which caused Damao's national debt and stock market to rise one after another. Force the value of 35% five.

Everyone knows that this is a game of beating drums and passing flowers, waiting for the final withdrawal of capital, and the floor is full of feathers. However, because of the inside story, they don't care, and they have a great time playing out of the fire.

Now, Da Mao actually suspended the trading of national debt?

What is this operation?
"How did Da Mao stop the trading of government bonds?" Mr. Li said: "Could it be an administrative order? The capital market is free, they can't do this!"

I have never seen such a show operation in the whole world. It is said that national debt can be bought and sold freely, and it is directly regarded as an effective bond in the financial industry. How else can Da Mao stop the trading of national debt?
"They announced that the US$150 billion of national debt that is about to mature will be converted into a two-year medium-term national debt, and for the national debt due at the end of this year, it will be converted into a five-year medium-term national debt. Before the completion of the national debt conversion, trading will be suspended. "

What?Mr. Li was completely dumbfounded.

Didn't Da Mao just entered the market economy and didn't understand anything?How can such an operation be played?
Damao's capital market is very unstable. Therefore, the national bonds issued by Damao are all short-term, three-month bonds, with an annualized rate of 30.00%. Only in this way can some investment be attracted.

Soros and the capital he controlled poured into Da Mao's market in large quantities. They controlled 70.00% of Da Mao's domestic stock market transactions and 60.00% of treasury bond transactions, and they planned to rely on this monopoly to short and then harvest Da Mao.

The results of it?Da Mao played a showy operation, and their funds could not be withdrawn at all. Next, the initiative is in Da Mao's hands!

"What about those people on Wall Street?" Mr. Li asked, "What are their current plans?"

"They have nothing to do. At present, they can only protest Da Mao's behavior. If they do this, the country's reputation will be lost." Sun Chenghuan said.

Da Mao used this method to successfully retain the funds pouring into Da Mao and prevent the wealth from being plundered by Soros. However, the country's reputation was gone. Next, Da Mao issued national bonds again. Who would dare to buy them?I originally planned to buy a two-year fixed-term government bond, but I didn't expect to take it out after ten years, or even two or three decades. What's the use of a high rate of return?Who knows if it can outperform inflation?

If a country's reputation collapses, what will happen next?

If it is a weak country, those countries with capital will definitely put strong pressure on the weak country to make the weak country give up this kind of operation, but who dares to put pressure on Da Mao?Da Mao has a mushroom bomb in his hand!
"Mr. Li, we have to find a way quickly. All our working capital, even the high-value loans, are trapped." Sun Chenghuan's words were filled with tears.

Mr. Li's eyes froze: "It's all your fault! You must be responsible for this!"

Originally, the Sanxing Group had already prepared a plan and adopted a series of measures to maintain cash flow. It was all the fault of the securities subsidiary to survive this financial crisis. Go to Da Mao's market to make a fortune, and the result?It's all covered!
Sun Chenghuan knelt down immediately: "Mr. Li, it's not our fault, it's all Da Mao, it's so hateful!"

They have inside information, they can withdraw funds at critical times at any time, they will not be in any danger, but, who would have thought that Da Mao would not play his cards according to the routine?
Not only their three-line group, but even Soros and the Wall Street financial tycoons may have to spit out all the wealth swept in several Southeast Asian countries this time, at least billions of blood losses!
Damn it, who on Da Mao's side came up with such a bad idea?
Ah Choo!Qin Tao sneezed.

"What's wrong?" Wu Shengli was very concerned about his son-in-law.

"It's okay." Qin Tao rubbed his nose: "I guess someone is scolding me."

"Come on, everyone, have a taste of our Far Eastern cuisine." Nicholas said, pointing to the dishes on the table.

At this time, several people had arrived at the most famous hotel in the area, and Nicholas was the host, inviting distinguished guests to dinner.

"Gourmet food is secondary, the key is good wine, Nicholas, you are in charge of food, I am in charge of drinks, come, drink!"

The fine Moutai was placed on the table, and Nicholas felt that his saliva was about to flow out.

Just then Zaitsev came in and said a few words to Nikolai.

Nicholas immediately smiled all over his face: "Qin, you have made great achievements again. There is news from Moscow that the operation has been carried out very successfully. We have prevented the outbreak of a financial crisis and prevented foreign capitalists from plundering our wealth. !"

"Nicholas, congratulations. With this credit, your promotion is expected." Qin Tao also responded.

"Yeah, when we finish this joint exercise, I'm going to Moscow. Actually, I prefer to be in the Far East."

Wu Shengli was a little surprised: "This thing really happened?"

The financial crisis in Southeast Asia is sweeping this time, and the country is also highly vigilant. According to Qin Tao's judgment, the Pearl of the Orient that he has just taken back will definitely be affected. The country has prepared a large amount of foreign exchange and can enter the Pearl of the Orient at any time to save the market. .

It's just that no one thought that those turbulent funds would enter the Damao market after flowing through the South Kimchi Country.

Now, Da Mao has completely cut off the evil hand with powerful means, completely dumbfounding those capitalists who are ready to make money.

Analyzing it, these capital giants probably want to have more abundant funds after making money in the Da Mao market, and completely turned the Pearl of the Orient upside down. Who would have thought that they would be defeated by Da Mao.

This is the best!The Pearl of the Orient is safe.

Qin Tao made a great contribution!Not only in China, but also on Da Mao's side. It can be said that after this incident, Qin Tao will become a good friend of the Moscow boss in the future.

No matter at what time, if you want to do business with Da Mao, you must have a reliable backer. Qin Tao's actions are also laying the foundation for the future, so as to save him from always being unsafe to do business with Da Mao.

"Qin, only you can come up with such an earth-shattering method." Nicholas said, "Your wisdom is unparalleled."

Qin Tao smiled: "This is still a civilized way. In fact, there are many other ways."

Just converting short-term treasury bonds into medium- and long-term treasury bonds is nothing at all. The capitalists on Wall Street will definitely curse Da Mao for not talking about martial arts. In fact, Wall Street has done more.

Such as unplugging the network cable, such as turning futures into negative values.Capitalists just eat human blood, and they will do anything to make money.

Of course, the capitalists at this time will definitely curse.

London, England.

"Damn it, Da Mao's doing this violates the spirit of the contract!" A capitalist cursed: "The original three-month short-term national debt has to be converted into a two-year national debt! We must not let them do this!"

"Don't do this? What else? Are we going to use planes and tanks to threaten Da Mao to give up this operation? James, wake up." Another person said: "Damn, I said, we can't touch In Da Mao's market, it would be great if our funds flowed directly to the Pearl of the Orient!"

"Don't say these things are useless, what we have to discuss now is how to solve this problem!" James said angrily, after the fact, Zhuge Liang is always disgusting.

"How to solve it? There is no solution at all now. Da Mao's purpose is very clear, which is to keep our capital in the Da Mao market and prevent us from withdrawing funds. These funds are just used to develop their country's economy!"

This is the most infuriating thing, they only intend to make a quick buck, who would have imagined it, but they were cut off by Da Mao!

Only Da Mao can do it in the world. After all, Da Mao has the confidence. If other countries have already started to threaten with diplomacy and military, what about Da Mao?At most, it is just an attack on public opinion.

At this moment, a person walked in.

"Soros is here!"

"Soros, what should we do?"

"I have communicated with the relevant personnel. Now, the governments of those countries that hold bonds have formed the Paris Club, and we, the creditors who privately hold bonds, have formed the London Club. We will form a group to negotiate with Da Mao!"

The secret means can't go on, they can only come forward to negotiate with Da Mao, after all, you Da Mao owed money, and now you want to renege on the debt, this is not good!
However, no one knows what the outcome of the negotiations will be.

Moscow attaches great importance to these negotiators and has dispatched professionals to negotiate with these people.

"You are seriously violating the spirit of the contract by doing this. Aren't you afraid that your country's reputation will collapse?"

"That's right, there will be no more international funds entering your market in the future, your economy will collapse, and your ruble will also depreciate crazily!"

"You must give up this wrong approach and get back on the right track. You have frozen the capital market, and there will be no good end!"

Facing these crazy creditors, Da Mao's negotiators are also very helpless.

"I'm sorry, we didn't intend to renege on the debt, but we just don't have the money to pay it back now."

The one who owes money is the uncle!This is the universal truth, if I don’t pay back the money, I just don’t have the money to pay back, what should I do?You can't kill me, can you?

When will it be returned?That depends on when I have money, anyway, I have no money now.

The Paris Club and the London Club were dumbfounded.

"Then how do you have the money to repay the loan?"

"First of all, we hope to cut the interest rate. The interest rate on these national debts is too high. We can't even pay the interest. It is best to have no interest."

"Also, we hope that part of the debt can be forgiven directly."

"Your reckless behavior will completely destroy the country's reputation!" Hearing the request from the other side, the creditors were angry.

If we can’t pay it back, we won’t pay back the interest, and if we can’t pay it back, we won’t even pay back the principal.Can this talk go on?If it wasn't for Da Mao, they should have threatened with force at this time.However, facing Da Mao, they have no temper at all!
"Okay, next, let's talk about energy for debt, shall we?"

The creditors finally cheered up. The only thing Da Mao is worth is energy.

Da Mao's coquettish operation shocked the whole world, even the ants on the ground were talking about it.

"Da Mao's operation is too good. Those international capitals should have taken care of it a long time ago. They plundered the national wealth recklessly. Our country was harmed by them. This economic crisis was caused by them!"

All Southeast Asian countries that have suffered from the financial crisis applaud Da Mao's behavior!Da Mao finally avenged them. All the money earned by international capital was cut off by Da Mao.

"The Da Mao government's reneging behavior has caused their country's reputation to be completely lost. In the future, no institution will buy the national debt they issue!" The opponents were furious. Tooth itching.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Those who accidentally got on a pirate ship have already foreseen their own tragic fate, and the Sanxing Group is one of them.

The conference room at the group headquarters was already full of people.

"The crisis this time was caused by the securities company. We decided to abolish the entire securities branch, and only retain a ten-person team responsible for the stocks of our three-line group. All other people will be fired." Mr. Li said: " In this way, we can increase income and reduce expenditure, and we will be able to survive this crisis."

"Really?" An old man spoke with dignity in his words.

"Yes." Mr. Li nodded: "If we hadn't invested a lot of money in Da Mao's market, this crisis would not have happened. We had made a detailed plan..."

Mr. Li was a little nervous. After all, what he was facing was the veteran of the company and the shareholder of the group. In the past, he was full of confidence, but this time it was different.

"That's not what I'm talking about. It's pointless to pursue responsibility. What needs to be determined now is how our group can get out of this crisis!"

Can the crisis be overcome only by abolishing securities companies?

The people present are all old fritters, and they still have a sense in their hearts.

"We also hope that the government will give us a $20 billion fund."

"Government? The last time the government helped solve the problem of the shipping fleet, it was already the last aid fund! Now, various industries in our country are experiencing economic crisis. If the government continues to provide us with funds, what about other departments?"

"We are the pillars of the South Kimchi Country, and we must not fail! If we go bankrupt, the economy of the South Kimchi Country will go back 20 years!" Mr. Li said.

"Yes, that's right, so the government has agreed to allocate [-] million yuan to us, but this is already the last payment."

"Two hundred million, how can two hundred million dollars be enough?"

"It's [-] million won."

Mr. Li can no longer maintain the calm demeanor he used to be. He walked around like an ant on a hot pot: "This money is not enough at all. Our group has broken its capital chain. This month's salary It has not been released yet, and it will cause a series of chain reactions, and our group will completely collapse!"

"So, at this difficult time, we have to find a solution." The old man continued: "The layoff of the securities business can be regarded as getting rid of a burden, but this solution alone is not enough. Next, we More departments need to be cut. As long as our key industries can survive this crisis, then we can continue to develop.”

"The construction of our picture tube factory in Mexico can be suspended." Mr. Li said.

In the past one or two years, their largest overseas factory construction plan is the picture tube factory in Mexico. Now, it must be stopped, and the group has no money at all.

"Any more?"

Mr. Li couldn't think of more.

"Now, which department is the most money-losing department?"

Of course, Sanxing Securities lost the most money. This department has been laid off. What's next?It is Sanhang Heavy Industry, because of the mistakes on the ice-breaking natural gas ship, which led to a series of consequences, and even the current situation of Sanhang Group is completely caused by Sanhang Heavy Industry.

However, Sanxing Heavy Industry is shipbuilding, and it is their most important department. This department cannot be cut off!

"Which one is it?" the old man continued to ask.

"It's Sanxing Heavy Industry." Mr. Li replied.

"I heard that there has been a lot of turmoil in this department recently, which almost caused a serious crisis of trust."


"Now, how many orders does Sanxing Heavy Industry have in hand?"

Order...Mr. Li suddenly thought of something: "Not good!"

Their orders are all taken over at low prices, and only a [-]% down payment is required. Now, the financial crisis is still spreading, and a global economic recession may appear. In this case, the shipowner will still Want a boat?
"Quick, contact the shipowner immediately to stabilize the shipowner's mood. Our Sanxing Heavy Industry will definitely deliver the ship to them on time."

"I've already contacted them." The old man stopped Mr. Li's secretary: "Without exception, the shipowners have all abandoned the ship, and Sanxing Heavy Industry has completely become a mess. This debt should be let Sanhang Heavy Industry take care of itself. back."

Mr. Li nodded.

The debts of Sanxing Heavy Industry can actually be counted on the head of Sanxing Group, but if they really recite all of them, they will definitely go bankrupt. At this time, negotiate with the government to let Sanxing Heavy Industry go bankrupt, thereby erasing Those debts are the best solution.

The government must help them!
"If we operate in this way, we will have another few hundred million dollars in funds, and we will be able to get out of the predicament completely."

Hundreds of millions of dollars, where do you get such a sum of money?

"Everyone, I heard that Mingzhou Group is developing a lithography machine and wants to shrink the chip manufacturing process to 0.25 microns. Should we sell them the 0.25 micron production process?" Finally, someone spoke.

 Ps: Yesterday’s should be Peace 97, I modified it a bit, I don’t know if the modification was successful.

(End of this chapter)

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