Great warships

Chapter 576 Technical Discussion of Naval Early Warning Aircraft

Chapter 576 Technical Discussion of Naval Early Warning Aircraft

Mr. Lin was fooled, and shook his head with a wry smile. He looked at Qin Tao with helplessness. He originally planned to ask the Navy to provide some funds to help with research and development. This would also reduce the burden on the Air Force. Even if there is liquidated damages, the Air Force needs money. There are many places.

But now, Qin Tao has put forward a seemingly fair and reasonable plan. In fact, he is still helping the navy to speak. After all, the research and development of the Air Police 2000 has grown from scratch!This technology is the most difficult. As long as this technology is fiddled with, future research and development will only be a simple modification.

However, this plan seems so suitable, so the Air Force can no longer ask the Navy to invest!

So what's the point of coming to the navy for a meeting this time?This is a lonely ah!
Wu Shengli was very happy, he knew that Mr. Lin came here for a purpose, but the soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil, and now the son-in-law is out, and he is a top three!
"Our navy really needs to develop advanced carrier-based early warning aircraft." Wu Shengli continued: "Now, the radar is handed over to the 14th Institute for research and development. We are at ease. It is only about the frequency of this carrier-based early warning aircraft. Should we go to the United States? the way of man?"

We now discuss specific technical issues.

Choosing different frequencies for different radars requires careful consideration. The Navy’s Aegis battleship has been arguing for a long time between the S-band and the C-band. The final solution is to use the S-band for long-range search and scanning, and the C-band for target irradiation. , that big shield has a large number of S-band T/R components and a small amount of C-band T/R components, and this combination solves the problem.

As for the Air Force's early warning aircraft, the L-band was chosen.

So, what about the Navy's AWACS?

The U.S. Navy uses a unique UHF band. If you look at the tuning knob of an old TV, you can know that this frequency band is the meter wave band allocated for TV broadcasting.

This band has many disadvantages. For example, it will be interfered by TV signals. Therefore, the radar antenna of the E-2 early warning aircraft needs to adjust the frequency once to reduce the interference.For another example, the measurement accuracy of meter wave radar is so poor that it needs to use a large enough antenna to make up for this shortcoming.

But at the same time, this band also has many advantages. For example, the backscatter coefficient of sea clutter in the UHF band is the smallest among all band radars, which means that it has a strong ability to resist clutter. The clutter reflected by islands on the water surface , will be easily filtered out by it.Moreover, it requires a small number of channels. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of phased array radar transmission and reception channels, the radar of this early warning aircraft has only 20 channels, which means that its power consumption is very small!

(I mentioned earlier that the engine power used by the Yak-44 was too high. Some readers were greatly confused. The excess power was not used for flying, but for powering the radar. Considering that Lao Maozi’s electronic equipment has always been power-consuming Big, so it is understandable to use an engine of more than 1 horsepower.)
It can be said that there is no one wave band that can be used all over the world. It is best to choose different wave bands for different needs. Then, should our own carrier-based early warning aircraft also use this wave band?

Elder Wang shook his head in embarrassment: "Leader Wu, if phased array radar technology is used, then our meter wave radar antenna will be extremely huge."

Each T/R component is a separate transmitting and receiving unit. As the wavelength changes, this unit will also change. In later generations, meter wave radars also realized the capability of phased arrays. However, this antenna is very Huge, every independent unit is like a large steamer!

If this thing is put on the early warning aircraft, there can be at most dozens of components on that big plate, which is not enough at all.

"Moreover, this also means starting from scratch and re-developing it." Wang Lao continued.

The current technologies are all in the L-band. If you want to make an S-band, C-band or something, you can directly transplant the technology, but if you expand it to the meter wave band, you have to re-develop it, because the filter clutter of this band, etc. And other technologies have to be re-developed.

Wu Shengli can only acquiesce, the navy does not have huge funds to develop new technologies!It is better to eat off-the-shelf technology.

"Okay, let's stop here about the radar issue. Now, let's listen to how the project of the 603 Institute is going." Wu Shengli said: "With the leaders of the Air Force here, you should report on the transport aircraft project first, and then report on the shipboard project." Early warning aircraft platform."

It was Mr. Chen's turn to speak.

"First of all, we have to thank Mr. Qin. Listening to the comrades who went with us talk about this matter is very emotional. Mr. Qin's method of turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain is really powerful. Let us relax. We have obtained a full set of technical information on the Il-76 transport aircraft, Il-78 tanker aircraft and A-50 early warning aircraft platform, which are of great help to our research and development of advanced transport aircraft.” Mr. Chen first expressed his gratitude.

In order to obtain these materials, Mr. Qin actually collapsed his factory building. This method is absolutely unprecedented!

Old Chen was very excited.

Qin Tao shook his head there: "Mr. Chen, there are so many people sitting here, not listening to you wasting time! Let me focus on the progress of our Yun-20 project?"


Hearing Qin Tao's words, Mr. Lin was a little curious: "Mr. Qin, you just named our early warning aircraft Air Police-2000. Why is this transport aircraft called Yun-20 now? Isn't it better to call it Yun-2000?"

Qin Tao was also a little helpless, his mouth was too fast, and he said it all at once!

However, the remedy is also very simple. Qin Tao only said one sentence, which made everyone fall into deep thought.

"The name like this is of course to commemorate the [-]th. Our [-]th is equivalent to two [-]ths."

Lucky ten!

At some point, the domestic model naming is also confusing. The word Yun should originally be a transport aircraft, but Yun Shi is an out-and-out passenger plane.

Yunshi is the first large aircraft project in China. It is the same as Lao Maozi's original idea. It is to let the country's leaders take the plane produced by their own country when they go abroad, and to present the leaders.

However, if this aircraft is successfully developed, it will be of great significance. The booming domestic civil aviation industry does not need to purchase foreign passenger aircraft, and can be completely self-sufficient.Moreover, it is also possible to modify early warning aircraft, aerial refueling aircraft, etc. on this airframe platform, and the constraints faced by the Air Force are completely resolved.

It's a pity that the Yunshi project ended without a problem, and Mr. Ma also died of depression because of the end of this project.

Everyone is full of emotion. If this project can be successful, then the platform of early warning aircraft and aerial refueling aircraft is ready-made. Now it can only be modified on the platform of transport aircraft, and the platform of transport aircraft has just begun to be developed.

"That's right, it's called Yun-20!" Mr. Lin said: "Old Chen, please continue, how is the progress of this project?"

"After obtaining such first-hand technical information, our transport aircraft development project will be greatly advanced. We are also sure that we will complete the first flight of this aircraft in the new millennium!"

The modification of the wing will definitely require a blow hole, and the force of the entire body needs to be recalculated. However, it is faster to develop on the basis of a full set of Il-76 technical data than to start from scratch. a lot.

Mr. Chen has this confidence.

The Yun-20 project was introduced for more than half an hour, from the airframe to the avionics, from the processing of the titanium alloy beam to the planning of the engine, etc., Mr. Chen introduced the project.Although the specific person in charge of this project is Mr. Tang, for a meeting of this level, Mr. Chen still has the qualifications to introduce him.

"It sounds like the progress is going well, and I hope our project will make its first flight as scheduled," Mr. Lin said.

"Yes, as long as the research and development funds are in place, we can issue a military order." Chen Lao said.

Hearing the words R&D funds, Elder Lin frowned: "How much R&D funds do you need?"

"At least a billion."

Elder Lin looked at Wu Shengli again, and Qin Tao saw the signs, so he quickly spoke.

"These research and development funds are not much. If we don't do our own research, we can only purchase them, and the price is even more expensive. Instead of spending more than a billion dollars to purchase Lao Maozi's second-hand transport aircraft, the Air Force should fully support our self-research plan." Qin Tao Said: "Besides, now that the country's strength is constantly developing, and military expenditures will continue to increase, our national defense lottery sales business will definitely increase this year."

"Hmph, I don't believe that the Navy will not need such a large transport aircraft in the future." Elder Lin said, "If the Navy wants to purchase this type of transport aircraft in the future, then we have to talk about the allocation of research and development funds. .”

After finishing speaking, Elder Lin glanced at the navy leader, the hidden meaning in the words couldn't be more obvious.

"Mr. Lin, have you ever seen that the U.S. Navy has a large transport aircraft?" Qin Tao asked.

Elder Lin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "It seems that there is really no such thing."

"The U.S. Navy has medium-sized transport aircraft such as the C-130, but the strategic transport aircraft, whether it is the C-17 or the C-5, is owned by the Air Force. Moreover, the U.S. Navy has always hoped that various aircraft can be on board. They are Carrier aviation." Another leader said.

"Yes, the U.S. Navy operates carrier-based aviation, and our navy will also develop in this direction in the future." Qin Tao said: "In the future, our navy will develop better and better, and the number of aircraft carriers we will have will increase. , At that time, our naval aviation will also develop into a carrier-based aviation, and we will no longer need land-based aviation. The land-based aircraft currently operated by the navy will all be transferred to the air force. So, Mr. Lin, you Don’t worry, even if the navy has a need for Yun-20 in the future, it will have to be handed over to the air force after spending money to purchase it.”

Wu Shengli laughed happily, and he could tell the reason for such nonsense, not to mention the air force, and the naval officers present did not believe Qin Tao's big cake.Will the Navy become an all-carrier aviation force?How many aircraft carriers does the navy have?Same as America?
Stop dreaming, the big guy never had such a beautiful dream when he was sleeping the most soundly!

This is simply impossible!
However, it is okay to use this reason to fool the Air Force. Looking at Elder Lin's unhappy expression at this time, one can see how unhappy he is.

Wu Shengli was very happy, his son-in-law is really good!The air force has nothing to say twice, hum, it’s not that easy to touch the porcelain navy. If the navy has money, they still want to build two more air defense destroyers!
The Air Force feels that the R&D cost of one billion is high. Do you know that for the Navy, this money is simply not enough to spend, and at most two destroyers will be spent.

"Speaking of our navy's transport aircraft, I think that after the carrier-based early warning aircraft has matured, this platform can be used to develop a navy-specific carrier-based transport aircraft. Now, should we listen to the carrier-based early warning aircraft platform of the 603 Institute? Project progress?" Qin Tao said: "This aircraft is still very distinctive. If the Air Force wants to order it, it is also possible. Leaders of the Navy, let's not ask the Air Force for research and development funds. What do you think?"

"That's right, our navy is big, and we can't hold back." Leader Wu's words didn't make Lin Lao vomit blood with anger.

There are also precedents for the land-based use of naval carrier-based aircraft.

The U.S. Navy’s Tomcat fighter jets and Hornet fighter jets are all exported to the air forces of other countries. As for the U.S. Navy’s E-2 early warning aircraft, they are even purchased by the air forces of some countries. After all, E-3 is too expensive.

Now, if the navy wants to develop a carrier-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft, it must invest a lot of money. When it is developed, the air force can order it directly if it wants it. We don't need any research and development funds.

The lethality of these words was too great, and Mr. Lin blushed immediately.

Qin Tao is not afraid of offending Mr. Lin. After all, these are matters of work. In private, we are still good friends. The big deal is that tonight, I specially serve Mr. Lin a meal with a bottle of Moutai. gone.

"Then Mr. Chen, please continue to introduce the body of the early warning aircraft." Leader Wu continued.

Mr. Chen nodded: "Okay, then I will continue to introduce the airframe. In this regard, we still have to thank Mr. Qin for allowing us to obtain the airframe platform of Yak-44. We decided to start from this airframe platform and integrate our Yunqi. Develop a dedicated carrier-based airframe..."

When talking about this, Mr. Chen suddenly thought of something: "We originally called this aircraft JZY-01 verification aircraft, but Mr. Qin knows how to name it. Do you want to give our early warning aircraft a new name? ?”

Qin Tao shook his head with a smile: "Forget it, I don't know everything! This name can come later, let's introduce the content first."

Mr. Chen nodded: "Okay, then let's introduce the progress of this aircraft. Since the size is similar to our Yunqi, our original surveying and mapping team will take over. This aircraft must meet the needs of the carrier. Therefore, all aspects need to be strengthened. Fortunately, we have already developed carrier-based fighter jets in our country. We can use them directly from our brother units. Especially the front landing gear. According to the original plan, this aircraft will be ejected and taken off. Therefore, the front landing gear also needs to be strengthened."

"In order to accommodate our catapult, the total weight of this aircraft will be limited to 30 tons. If possible, it would be better to achieve 26 or 7 tons. Of course, this depends on the weight of the early warning radar, but , we will try our best to ensure that this aircraft has a maximum weight of more than 35 tons, so that if the radar is overweight, it can also complete takeoff and landing.”

The E-2 early warning aircraft in the United States has a maximum take-off weight of only about 24 tons, and it was enlarged to 26 tons in the later period. However, the Yak-44 has become a monster of 40 tons. This is of course because Lao Maozi's electronic technology is backward.

What about our side?
Our side has just started, and no one knows what results we can develop. Therefore, the development unit of the airframe must be flexible.

In case the radar is strong, it is best to have a total weight of less than 30 tons. The lighter the radar, the more load the aircraft has to load fuel. If the radar is not strong, then they have to allow the aircraft to complete the take-off and landing of the aircraft carrier .

This flexible strategy won the unanimous approval of everyone present.Especially Mr. Wang, the development of the carrier-based early warning aircraft radar has not yet started. They want to put all their strength on the KJ-2000 project, and the development of the airframe must also be advanced. Now, the 603 Institute has given them such a large redundancy. It really moved them.

About the research and development of this early warning aircraft, Mr. Chen introduced it for more than half an hour. Anyway, this project is only in the start-up stage for the time being, and there is no detailed information yet. It is just an analysis.

When it came to the end, Mr. Chen still mentioned the research and development funds.

"Because the development of this carrier-based early warning aircraft is very difficult, we also hope that the navy can provide us with enough funds." Chen Lao said: "If the navy can provide us with [-] million first, then this project can be formalized." unfolded."

The navy cannot refuse this money, Wu Shengli nodded: "Of course no problem, we apply for special funds from the superior, if the superior does not approve, our navy has to tighten our belts, and we have to complete the research and development of this project. After all, Our aircraft carrier project has already started, and these technologies are all to be broken through."

What happened last year has greatly stimulated the superiors, and the power of the aircraft carrier has also been shown. Therefore, those who doubt the aircraft carrier no longer object. The aircraft carrier project is about to start.

Relevant subsystems must also be launched, such as the catapult, and the early warning aircraft. The early warning aircraft project for the helicopter platform has been launched, but those are only emergency, and the fixed-wing early warning aircraft is the most important.

You have to do it even if you tighten your belt!
"As for the ejection weight of this aircraft, we still have to ask the research and development unit of the catapult. If the power of the catapult is strong enough, it should be able to eject a heavy enough AWACS." After Wu Shengli finished speaking, he looked at his watch: " We will stop here for the morning meeting, everyone will go to dinner first, and we will continue to discuss the topic of catapults in the afternoon!"

It's already noon, everyone is hungry, and the catapult has nothing to do with the air force, so, after Mr. Lin and the others have eaten, they can leave first!So, it's time for this meal.

There is a special cafeteria in the Yellow House, and today it has specially prepared lunch for entertaining guests, and the tangy aroma can be smelled from a distance.

Elder Lin's face was a bit ugly: "Listen up, everyone, and open your stomach for me to eat!"

"Eat it, let's take care of it! If you can't walk anymore, we'll find someone to carry you back!" Wu Shengli was also very bold. Of course, he knew that Mr. Lin was still annoyed by the allocation of research and development funds. However, the navy has taken advantage of it, so it doesn't matter so much now, can eating make the navy poor?Open up and eat!

"Why is there no wine, go to Moutai for us!" Sitting on the table, Mr. Lin continued to find fault.

Wu Shengli smiled and waved in satisfaction: "Okay, go to Moutai! If you don't need to attend the meeting in the afternoon, you can open your mouth and drink!"

"Old Wu, that's what you said!" Old Lin said with a smile, "Give us twenty bottles first!"

These days, ordinary Moutai costs two hundred and one bottles, and twenty bottles cost 4000 yuan!

Lin always decided to have a tough meal.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Okay, yes! As long as you can drink enough, I'll have to say something ugly first. When the time comes, you will have to drink if you can't finish it!"

After saying this, Wu Shengli once again confirmed the personnel of the air force, and he was relieved that there was no thin telegraph pole inside.

"Hmph, let's take it away if we can't finish it! We just want to eat and take it!" Elder Lin also began to play tricks.

The two gods were fighting, and it was inconvenient for others to get involved. Qin Tao had already sat down and picked up his chopsticks.

The food on the table is so delicious, it is almost at the level of a New Year's Eve dinner!

"Hey, Taozi, you've already eaten it. Oh, why don't I have a son-in-law like you." Elder Lin sat next to Qin Tao: "Come on, you have to have a drink with me."

"Mr. Lin, I have a meeting in the afternoon, and I won't drink at noon." Qin Tao said, "Would you like to wait until evening, and I'll have a drink with you?"

"It's not that I don't know how much you can drink. It won't affect you even if you go to a meeting after drinking a bottle of wine. You have to drink with me at noon today!"

Qin Tao was a little helpless: "Old Lin, if you are not so willful, we can talk about something while eating, for example, about the future development of the Air Force."

Mr. Lin pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then I'll listen to it. What suggestions do you have for our Air Force?"

This Qin Tao is the best: "First of all, in terms of guiding ideology, our air force should develop from a defensive air force like homeland air defense to both offensive and defensive. After all, offense is the best defense!"

Elder Lin nodded: "That's right, you're right! This kind of thinking has already begun to develop in our Air Force. Everyone is thinking about the future development direction of the Air Force. It is indeed both offensive and defensive."

"Since it is both offensive and defensive, it needs a large number of long-range fighter-bombers." Qin Tao continued: "Now, Lao Maozi has developed a two-seat fighter-bomber on the basis of the Su-27 trainer aircraft. Our air force also needs This kind of plane."

Wu Shengli smiled secretly in his heart, this is also an aircraft that the navy urgently needs!The Navy has already assessed that if it is also equipped with Su-27 series aircraft, it must not need a single-seater, but a two-seater fighter-bomber!

Now, the navy can take advantage of the air force's research and development funds again!

 PS: What band does the KJ-600 radar use? There is no technical information. There is only a radar called "Silk Road Eye" KLC-7, which uses the same system as the E-2, and has to rotate the radome, but This product is for foreign trade. I don't know if it is for personal use.If readers know it well, you can send it to the hero of East China, we will change it later, it will be regarded as the twists and turns in the research and development of the carrier-based early warning aircraft, and there is also information that it is because the weight of the active phased array plate is too large, and the engine power of our early warning aircraft insufficient.But in the book, we have already brought the old Maozi’s turboprop engine, the power output is much stronger than our turboprop-6C, so, the early warning aircraft in our book may be able to stand up and control the phase As for the array radar, let's assume for the time being that it has the same band as the Air Police 2000.I also checked the Jacques-44 early warning aircraft. It said it was in the B-band. I didn’t know which band the B-band was.

(End of this chapter)

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