Chapter 274 I Have Longevity

Ahead, in the void of the universe, an exceptionally majestic star floated up and down.

The whole ancient star is majestic, and the avenue of heaven and earth is prosperous, and there is a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere permeating it.

Although there were not many powerful creatures living on the ancient star, in Zhou Luo's induction, there were bright rays of light soaring into the sky, and the streams of blood that overflowed were also unsurpassed in the contemporary era.

Among them, there seemed to be a supreme god dormant. If Zhou Luo hadn't come in person, if only a quasi-emperor had come here, he might have lost control and worshiped.

The universe is vast and boundless, even after going through Dao Fa, Yuan Huang, and this life, he still cannot traverse all corners.

This place is undoubtedly a restricted area of ​​life, and it is still beyond his cognition.

With the old and grand waves echoing in his ears, Zhou Luo naturally wouldn't take a step easily, but stretched out his divine sense and glanced at the ancient star below.

Unexpectedly, even if Zhou Luo's current achievements are good fortune, his spiritual sense is like a mud cow entering the sea, and the future is unfathomable.

Sensing Zhou Luo's actions, the supreme being among the ancient stars was not angry, and still said kindly:
"Fellow Daoists don't need to be like this. It's just that you came here just in time, and I want to invite you to see me. I don't have any malicious intentions."

As soon as the words fell, the ancient star in front of him slowly cracked open, the radiant light was gorgeous, and the fairy mist rolled.

Faintly visible, there is a creature shrouded in hazy brilliance in the depths of the big star. Although it can't be seen clearly, it has an invincible aura that surpasses the heavens.

The densely packed polar formations are clearly visible, but they are all hidden at this moment, and there is no defense at all.

Seeing the unnamed Supreme being frank and frank, Zhou Luo naturally stopped being too entangled, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he cupped his hands and said:
"Since Fellow Daoist is so enthusiastic, if I refuse again, it will be a little disrespectful."

Immediately, he took a step forward, and the dreamy light and shadow appeared in the depths of the big star in the flick of his fingers.

The cracked surface of the earth is slowly closed, the fairy light, Rui Cai, etc. disappear into the invisible, and there is still a majestic star floating in the void of the universe.


This is an ancient cave, filled with a strong breath of longevity, which runs through the entire ancient star.

The moment Zhou Luo stepped into the cave, he smelled a refreshing fragrance, which was definitely the elixir of immortality.

At the same time, a strange color appeared in his eyes, and this medicinal fragrance seemed quite familiar.

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and Zhou Luo didn't stop on his feet, and went straight to the depths of the cave.

I saw that there is a huge fairy source here that rises and falls, radiant and colorful, full of nine colors, and filled with eternal and immortal energy.

There is even more chaotic energy surging, and the innate essence turns into a long river, surrounding the fairy source.

In the fairy source, there is a white-haired old man. The clothes he wears are extremely old, not ancient, but before the myth.

Although its appearance is old and worn out, its invincible aura is still there.In his opened eyes, there seems to be the birth and death of the primordial universe, the sinking and sinking of the sun, the moon and the stars.

Zhou Luo's eyes only stayed on the old Supreme for a moment, and then he was attracted by two things around Xianyuan.

A little white tiger more than one foot long, as white as jade, is rooted in the fairy source, where there is a pool of fairy liquid, transpiring auspiciously.

After sensing Zhou Luo's gaze, the naive little white tiger tilted his head, as if recalling whether he had seen this person before.

On the other side, there is a green lotus swaying, surrounded by chaotic energy, and sprinkled with a little bit of light.

Chaos Qinglian!White Tiger Medicine!
It turned out to be these two magical medicines.

Zhou Luo suddenly realized, no wonder he felt familiar.

In the last years of the myth, in order to resist the slash of God's will, he went alone and sent away two plants of magic medicine hastily.

Later, when Emperor Yuan was born, he naturally went to look for it, but he couldn't find it everywhere.It is expected that he either fell into a certain Jedi, or was taken away by the Supreme.

Seeing you today, it really is.

"It's you? Can you still reappear in the world?!"

Just as Zhou Luo was contemplating for a short while, a faint fluctuation of spiritual thoughts came from Chaos Qinglian.

Zhou Luo couldn't help being surprised, and said curiously:

"Do you still remember me?"

Qinglian lowered her head, as if she was nodding.

As expected of Qing Emperor's predecessor, even though he was stabbed by God's will, his spirituality has not diminished.Zhou Luo couldn't help but think so.

"It turns out that this medicine was once mastered by a fellow daoist? It is precisely because of it that the old man can survive for a while longer. In this way, I have to thank my fellow daoist."

The Wuming Supreme has not spoken for tens of thousands of years, and the moment the hoarse and vicissitudes of life sounded, Wan Dao was also stunned.

Hearing this, Zhou Luo smiled and shook his head.

This ancient venerable is exaggerating. He has obviously existed for more than a million years. Naturally, he has taken the medicine of immortality. Even if it is not from the same plant, the efficacy of the medicine is greatly reduced. To continue his life for so long.

"Fellow Daoist is too modest, it is your contribution to good fortune that can survive forever in the world."

The supreme being in Xianyuan smiled lightly:
"It's just that relying on the magic of this fairy source, I have lived a lot of years."

After his reminder, Zhou Luo noticed that the immortal source that sealed it seemed to be quite different from what he usually saw. The breath of immortality was extremely strong, as if it could suppress eternity and cast immortality.

Could this be the fairy source bred in the chaotic ancient times?
Zhou Luo muttered to himself.

Not suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth, the source of immortality that is truly intact is said to be able to seal even true immortals.

Sensing Zhou Luo's gaze and the fluctuation of his divine sense, the supreme being in Yuanzhong didn't shy away from it at all, and said calmly:

"It is indeed the immortal origin liquid of the ancient times. It is a pity that there is only a small amount left now, diluted by the years, and it is not as good as before."

The supreme being in the source pointed to the side, the Nawang Immortal Pond where the magic medicine took root.

Immediately, the old supreme man let out a long sigh, which contained an unknown number of complicated emotions:

"Even if there is a real fairy source in hand, but after two times of God's will and the gradually weakening Dao Shenze, all fellow Taoists will leave before me."

This is actually a supreme being who has experienced the baptism of God's will twice, and he is definitely the Guzun who survived the chaos!
Roughly calculated, it has lived for at least 200 million years!

"It turned out to be a Taoist friend from the chaos of ancient times, so I'm rude."

Regardless of his cultivation level, he has lived for such a long time, and he is a living fossil in itself. Zhou Luo naturally expressed his respect.

Hearing this, the old supreme just waved his hand, smiled and said:
"It doesn't matter how long you live, after all, you won't be able to wait for the fairy road to open again. Instead of greedy for the world of mortals and bringing disaster to the world, it's better to let go of it with ease, so that you can truly enjoy yourself."

This ancient venerable was unusually free and easy.

Zhou Luo pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth to test:

"Fellow Daoists don't need to be so pessimistic. I think you still have at least a few hundred years of lifespan, so there is no turning point. There are billions of living beings, although they are tiny, but their life essence can also be the supreme—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Luo's words were interrupted by him.

I saw the old supreme being solemn, and said with a serious face:

"If you want to feed on the blood of all living beings, you can linger on. Such a long life, I will abandon it!"

Immediately, the old supreme glanced at Zhou Luo, with a trace of sullen expression in his expression, he said unkindly:
"I know that you and I are people of the same path, so don't use this to try again, otherwise, you can only ask fellow Taoist to leave."

His thoughts were exposed, and Zhou Luo also showed apology on his face, and said sincerely:

"Fellow Daoist is really Gao Yi, it's the deity who is being rude."

The old supreme shook his head and said calmly:
"I'm already a dead tree, but I've held back for too long. Before I die, I just want to find someone to relieve my boredom. Fellow Daoist, let's just listen to it, and you can speak freely."

Seeing that the old supreme in front of him really had no intention of launching a dark turmoil, he just greeted the end calmly.

Zhou Luo's heart moved, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"That being said, I still have another method of longevity. Are you really not interested in it, Fellow Daoist?"

 The second update is around 18 o'clock, it may be a little later, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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