Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 264 Preemptive strikes, pointing directly at the underworld!

Chapter 264 Preemptive strikes, pointing directly at the underworld!
Beidou, in the rumored and elusive Dengxian Land.

It was supposed to be a fairy land with a balance of yin and yang, but now it is covered by a strong breath of death, and there are even cut off tributaries of the Yellow Spring rushing and rattling in it.

The entire secret realm seemed to be ravaged by evil spirits from the Netherworld, and there was nothing sacred at all.

In Zhou Luo's eyes, his gaze was like a torch, and he looked straight at Duan De in front of him, taking a panoramic view of the strange reincarnation seal on his body.

Sensing the frightening gaze, the fat Taoist immediately jumped away in fright like a frightened rabbit.

But immediately, Duan De realized that the person in front of him was the rumored Dao Fa Tianzun, what could the other party not see through his meager Taoism?
Heartbroken, Duan De continued to step forward, tugging at the corner of the other party's clothes, crying and asking for credit:

"Heavenly Venerable, why did you come here! If it wasn't for the Taoist priest, I worked so hard, risked my life, and exhausted my strength, I'm afraid this place would have been snatched up by those bastards from the underworld long ago!"


Hearing this, Zhou Luo only raised his eyebrows, and glanced at him calmly.

Believe you big head ghost!
As expected by Zhou Luo, he sensed the lingering aura in Dengxian Land, and it turned out that the corpse emperor of the underworld was not dead.

Since he can calculate the correct time, then the Corpse Emperor can naturally too.

And the corpse emperor took the initiative to cover up the secrets of this place, so that nothing that happened in Dengxian Land was leaked, and wanted to take down the fairy land in one go.

However, according to Zhou Luo's perception, although the Dengxian Land is in a mess, the Huaxian Pond on the top of the giant mountain and the Eternal Dragon Cave at the root of the mountain are all intact. It seems that the corpse emperor's claws have already been defeated before reaching here. Walk.

As for Duan De, although his aura fluctuates slightly, he is obviously fine. He is just putting on a show to win sympathy.

Duan De's tearful cry was still echoing in his ears, Zhou Luo was unmoved at all, immediately raised his eyes, and slowly turned his gaze to the opposite side.

Fortunately, Duan De is not the only person involved here.

Hanging above the burial pit left by Mingzun in the past is a fairy sword that circulates green and red energy.

There was a clanging sound from the latter, which immediately split the void into countless gaps, and boundless chaos surged out, filled with nine colors.

"May I ask Xianjian, what happened in this place?"

The God of Immortal Sword didn't hide anything, and immediately came up with all the details.

It turned out that the corpse emperor of the underworld did tear apart the void at the moment when Dengxian land was close to the mortal world, and temporarily imprisoned this place.

Sensing that energy, the Immortal Sword was born immediately, confronting the intruder.

It's a pity that although the fairy sword is unparalleled in the world, no one wields it after all, and the other party is the supreme emperor who killed himself ten thousand years ago. He is still full of blood, and he is well prepared for this visit.

After a few breaths, Xianjian had to retreat steadily.

And the corpse emperor saw that there was still an immortal artifact dormant in Dengxian Land, so naturally he would not let it go easily.

The two will fight and go.

In desperation, the fairy sword had no choice but to lead the corpse emperor to the vicinity of the burial pit left by the former Mingzun.

Unexpectedly, upon sensing that aura, the corpse emperor was suddenly shocked.

Although he hesitated, he finally couldn't hold back his inner desire for the fairy artifact, and went straight into the area covered by the burial pit.

Strange to say, the moment the corpse emperor stepped near the burial pit, it seemed that the latter was activated instantly.

There was a monstrous black light surging out of the self-burial pit, and the eerie aura near immortality made the entire land of ascending immortals tremble.

Immediately, Duan De, who had been sleeping for many years, slowly sat up in the self-burial pit, his eyes were as dark and deep as two black suns, and he only glanced at the corpse emperor indifferently, which shocked a generation of supreme emperors, revealing Distressed and frightened look:
"Ming Zun!"

As soon as this magic-like name sounded, the world shook violently, the void roared, and the avenue wailed.

And Duan De, who sat up from the burial pit, seemed to be touched when he heard the corpse emperor's fearful roar.


The boundless black light soared into the sky, and behind it, there seemed to be a vast and vast burial ground, which was suppressed together.

For this scene, the corpse emperor is really too familiar, isn't it where the underworld is?

He is obviously the ruler of the underworld, but now he is overwhelmed by that supreme aura.

The godlike and demonic figure in the middle made him even more afraid, and the reincarnation seal in his body was also trembling, as if it would burst at any moment.

The corpse emperor could no longer raise the slightest intention of confrontation, and immediately rolled up the monstrous corpse energy, tore apart the void, and fled to the depths of the vast universe.

The Qinghong Xianjian reproduced what happened just now, allowing everyone to get a glimpse of what happened.

After reading it, Zhou Luo couldn't help frowning slightly.

The supreme emperor of a generation actually fled without a fight. I am afraid that no one will believe it.

But if it is the mysterious and powerful Mingzun in the legend, it seems to be understandable.

Although the corpse emperor is still ashamed, his performance is a little better than in the original book, at least he didn't cut out the reincarnation seal on the spot.

Complaining in his heart, Zhou Luo cast his eyes on Duan De who was watching with relish just now, and seemed to appreciate his heroic figure quite a bit.

"Duan Daochang, it really is a real person who doesn't show his face. Mingzun is alive, and you are the first to scare the crap out of the forbidden zone Supreme!"

Zhou Luo joked to Duan De with a sense of ridicule.

Hearing this, Duan De suddenly showed a bitter expression on his face, and said respectfully:

"Heavenly Venerable really upset me!"

"Taoist priest, I just woke up, and I saw the corpse emperor attacking. It can be said that it is so ineffective every day."

Fatty Duan complained again and again, he couldn't help wiping his tears and said:

"If it weren't for the arrangement of the old ghost of Mingzun in the burial ground, if I was attracted by the Taoist priest, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to wait for Tianzun to see me for the last time, woo—"

Zhou Luo raised his eyes, his pupils were as bright as torches, piercing through all falsehoods.

Well, although the tears are fake, the experience he tells should be true.


Zhou Luo secretly sighed in his heart, he thought it was the Hades who returned against the sky, but he didn't expect that he was still that fat man who didn't know the key.

Thinking of this, Zhou Luo couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

However, even if Hades did not reappear in the world this time, Duan De's gains were beyond his imagination.

The physical body is perfect and flawless, not to mention the recovery of the Heavenly Venerable Dao Body, Duan De's cultivation has also advanced all the way, and he has stepped into the gate of Emperor Zhun.

Moreover, under Zhou Luo's careful observation, its foundation is solid, and there is no hidden danger at all.

Mingzun's method of inheritance and transformation is really miraculous.

It's a pity that Ming Zun's backhand should only be effective this time.

If Duan De reincarnates again in the future, I'm afraid he can only rely on his previous life's arrangements.

Putting down the complicated thoughts in my mind for the time being, there are obviously more important things in front of me.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo immediately looked at the Qinghong Immortal Sword beside him, and said:

"This time, although the corpse emperor was frightened by Taoist Duan, he will not violate the immortal land again in a short time, but after all, the corpse emperor has already cut off his seal and can withstand endless years of waiting. There is no guarantee when he will make a comeback again."

The fairy sword buzzed, and the gods in it also gave a wave of approval, and immediately said:

"Since this is the case, what is the magic method of Tianzun, please teach me."

The god in the fairy sword was unexpectedly polite, and judging from the attitude it showed, it was obvious that it was unwilling to abandon Dengxian and leave anyway.

Reminiscent of the fairy corpse in the Wangu Dragon Cave, Zhou Luo seemed to have a clear understanding.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Luo smiled slightly, and said again:

"It's simple to say, it's nothing more than four words - preemptive strikes."

"Since we can't really dispel the corpse emperor's thoughts, why don't we take him down before the opponent makes a move!"

Hearing this, there was a loud clanging sound from the fairy sword.

Zhou Luo's method is indeed simple, but before the lack of strength, Xianjian just gave up after thinking about it in his heart, and now Zhou Luo took the initiative to speak, which inspired the god of Xianjian:

"If Tianzun is willing to act righteously, it is really a blessing to ascend to the immortal land, and I will also take the lead!"

Zhou Luo smiled and waved his hands, signaling that he didn't have to.

This method can really be said to kill two birds with one stone. It can not only hand over the immortal sword, but also take down the corpse emperor, and find out what happened to the so-called chaotic ancient immortal road.

Why not?
Thinking of this, Zhou Luo turned his attention to Duan De again:
"Duan Daochang, how can you miss such a grand event?"


Hearing this, Duan De on the other side showed a look of astonishment.

Originally, when Zhou Luo and Xianjian were discussing this matter, he just kept his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart.

He just thought that such a big event as planning the underworld and the corpse emperor must have nothing to do with a small role like him, so he waited for the "meeting to adjourn" later, and he said goodbye.

On the Beidou land, there are still several mysterious burial places that he has been thinking about for a long time. He has been trapped here for many years, and he has long been itching.

At this moment, upon hearing the "bad news" from Zhou Luo, Duan De couldn't help crying, and tentatively said:

"Tianzun, Taoist priest, I escaped from the clutches of the underworld just now, and my heart is terrified. I'm afraid I will only make a mistake. Otherwise, I won't cause trouble?"

In this regard, Zhou Luo only smiled kindly, and asked:
"What do you say?"

 I wrote a little bit more today, the third one will have to wait for a while, and I should be able to finish coding before 20:[-], I am very sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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