Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 236 Invite the Supreme Being of the Human Race to Enter

Chapter 236 Invite the Supreme Being of the Human Race to Enter

Big Dipper, Eastern Desolation and Northern Territory.

The ancient mine in the early days swallowed the essence of heaven and earth, like a giant beast in the abyss, every time it swallowed the light of the sun, moon and stars, it plunged the heaven and earth in the northern region into a deep night.

But only in the direction of the ancient cave, there is a vast silver glow converging into the sea, and the three thousand avenues manifest, penetrating into the depths of the ancient mine.

Upon hearing the news that the Supreme Being of the Human Race was going to break into the ancient mine in the early days, all the existences above the saints woke up and set their sights on this place.

However, all the saints were terrified when they saw that the Human Race Supreme standing in the void didn't move at all, annihilating the giant palm that struck from the ancient mine in the early days with just a glance of his eyes.

It's really an enemy restricted area.

Zhou Luo's calm words still echoed over the Northern Territory.


From the direction of the ancient mine in the early days came the terrifying avenue fluctuation again, and even spread to the outside world, making the stars in the sky sway.

A huge wave came from the depths of the forbidden zone, accompanied by three different fairy lights flying out, dazzling and dazzling, roaring in the void, as if falling from the real fairyland above the nine heavens.

This time, it was obviously more intense and serious than the previous attack.

However, the master of the ancient mine in the early days still hasn't shown up, but he has already shown such unrivaled power.

One can't help but imagine that if they really come to the world, I am afraid that this world will not be able to accommodate their existence.

Although there were three supreme beings taking action at the same time, the expected defeat of the human supreme did not occur.

Seeing the three flying fairy lights coming, Zhou Luo not only did not show any surprise on his face, but smiled slightly, and immediately pointed out.

The unremarkable fingers were rendered golden, like a jade pillar supporting the sky toppled over, falling down with the might of a heaven-shaking god.


The fingers touched the three celestial lights, and it was difficult for the latter to move forward any more.

Not only that, Zhou Luo's mind moved slightly, and immediately flicked his fingers, the three immortal lights turned around and went straight to the ancient mine in the early days.


The fairy light returned to the ancient mine, but there was a palpitating explosion sound from the secluded ancient cave.

There was a roar like a fairy roaring, accompanied by the spread of the imperial prestige, cutting across the heavens and worlds, making all living beings in Beidou tremble.

No one expected that the Human Race Supreme was so powerful.

On weekdays, people of all clans, even the old patriarch of the supreme royal family, would tremble in fear of the existence in the ancient mine in the early days.

Even if there is a major incident to be reported, it can only be sacrificed in the palace complex outside the ancient mine, and they dare not go beyond half a step.

However, today, the Supreme Human Race not only refuted the existence of the ancient mine face to face, but also slapped them in the face with practical actions.

I'm afraid it can't be better.

Many ancestor kings thought like this in their hearts.

For tens of thousands of years, those who dared to offend the ancient mine in the early days had only one end.

In a moment, strands of murderous intent overflowed from the deep ancient cave.That kind of breath is overwhelming and terrifying, making people feel like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood are floating in front of them.

If it weren't for the Supreme Being of the Human Race, if it were someone else, even the quasi-emperor of the Nine Heavens would have only the ending of the collapse of his body and soul.

In the void, although Zhou Luo was slightly puzzled, the ancient emperors in the ancient mine in the early days shouldn't be so persistent. Facing the existence of the same supreme series, with strong blood and continuous combat power far surpassing them, they should It's more polite.

However, even if he really wants to go to war, he is not afraid of anyone.

A sharp light emerged in Zhou Luo's eyes, confronting the vast ocean-like murderous aura, it meant that a single word of disagreement would break the sky and cover the heavens.

At the moment when a real battle of gods was about to break out between the two sides, the fourth wave of vicissitudes and ancient spiritual thoughts came from the ancient mine.

It was low and indifferent, as if it had just woken up from a long sleep, but the voice was still majestic and grand:
"For the existence of this series, we all paid a terrible price. Are we really going to fight for such a trivial matter?"

As soon as this remark came out, because the master of the restricted area did not hide it at all, there was an uproar in the Big Dipper world, and monks from all over the place were discussing it.

What kind of existence is there in the restricted area, and what price did they pay?
But those ancient sects with long traditions, the supreme royal family, etc., at this moment, are keeping this secret.

The supreme being who spoke last seemed to be quite majestic. Hearing what he said, the murderous aura permeated in the ancient mine in the early days gradually disappeared and returned to nothingness.

After a long time, the ancient and vicissitudes of life sounded:

"Please also invite the Supreme Being of the Human Race to enter the ancient mine."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole Beidou seemed to explode.

Especially the people of all races, many of them dropped their jaws in shock.

They had originally hoped that the existence of the ancient mine in the early days would suppress this supreme human being who was born out of nowhere, but now it seems that it has actually achieved its great reputation.

More ancestor kings were silent.

The supreme beings in the ancient mines in the early days are not easy to talk about. Being recognized and invited by them only shows one thing——

That is, your strength has been recognized by them, and you are truly on the same level.

Standing in the void, Zhou Luo had already made plans to face the birth of the Supreme in the ancient mine, and was even ready to kill one or two ancient emperors to establish his prestige, but unexpectedly, he turned around in the end.

After thinking about it, he still wants to test the attitude of the Taichu Ancient Mine towards the Underworld, and ask for the Taichu Life Stone.

Since the other party showed sincerity, he was also willing to accept it.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo showed a smile on his face, and the tense momentum disappeared immediately:
"Since you are so invited, this deity will be disrespectful."

Dare to speak to the existence in the ancient mine in the early days like this, I am afraid that he will be the only one in tens of thousands of years.

Under the respectful or fearful gazes of all living beings in the Big Dipper, Zhou Luo's figure disappeared into the secluded ancient cave.

And the external gods, fairy visions, etc. also dissipated, as if they had never appeared before, and peace was restored between heaven and earth.

Only outside the ancient mine in the early days, the criss-crossing desolate land silently tells that there used to be a confrontation between the supreme beings here.

Even if he had made good friends with Taichu Xiantai and others, it was the first time that Zhou Luo really entered the interior of the ancient mine.

Strolling in it, Zhou Luo finally understood why the Taichu Ancient Mine became the most powerful forbidden zone in later generations, and the most ancient emperors lived here.

At the entrance of the eye, there are all silver-white life stones of the beginning of time, all of which contain vigorous vitality.

This is a fairy treasure that is hard to find in the world, and it is only found here. It is of inestimable value to the Supreme Ancient Emperor who wants to continue his life.

In addition, in the depths of the ancient mine, Zhou Luo vaguely glimpsed many towering Taoist platforms in the depths of the ancient mine, and there was an ancient atmosphere far beyond the age of mythology, as if it came from the hands of real immortals.

Thousands of strands of primordial light flooded there, and it is conceivable that the ancient emperors who bathed in it would be able to maintain their vitality and blood for a long time.

Good guy!
The moment he saw the ancient emperors who had just made a move, Zhou Luo immediately understood why they were full of hostility towards him.

 The second update is around 23:30
(End of this chapter)

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