Chapter 159 Heavenly Court Collapses


It was like a big explosion or a violent earthquake.

A majestic fairy palace slowly rises into the sky, separating from the foundation of the heavenly court.

Even if there are complicated and mysterious patterns intertwined, the fairy palace is divided by the supreme will.

In the end, the fairy palace fell into the hands of a supreme being, who was one of the restricted beings who tried to come to heaven to pick peaches.

Now, naturally, he could only follow behind Zhou Luo and the others, barely getting a mouthful of soup.

As for Chang Sheng, Zhou Luo and the others, although they are also interested in the pattern of the Heavenly Court, there is no need to take all of the Immortal Palace as their own.

So those who don't like it, let them take it away.

Wherever the Supreme One passed by, although the formations on the ground were flickering and full of murderous intent, they obviously couldn't hurt them at all. If these formations were not worth researching, they could be wiped out with a single thought.

A vast heavenly palace emerges, extremely majestic and majestic, even among the many extraordinary palaces in the heavenly court, it is also special.

On the main hall made of chaotic stones and divine jade, there are criss-cross patterns, dao marks, and flowing misty blue light.

Zhou Luo is no stranger to this place, it is Lingxiao Palace!
Now, the gate of Lingxiao Palace is closed tightly, and the large formation automatically operates to guard the place, as if guarding against wild beasts.

At the same time, there is also a faint Xeon wave, as if it can self-destruct at any time and hurt the enemy a thousand.

But the honorable beings are far more frightening than ferocious beasts.

In order not to affect the things in the hall, Tongtian Mingbao chuckled, as the formation master among all the venerables, it stepped forward to break the formation patterns without hesitation.

When Zhou Luo and others stepped into the hall and looked it over carefully, they felt that it was majestic and resplendent, worthy of being an important place in the heavenly court.

As expected by Zhou Luo, Hua Snake and Nirvana Tianzun were no longer here, but what surprised him was——

In the center of the hall, in the boundless void, the nine-colored immortal fires were blazing, gathering into a vast ocean, and the divine flames soared into the sky, making all the venerables feel a bit of scorching heat.

However, what attracted everyone's attention the most was a small tree more than half a meter high in the middle of the sea of ​​flames, in the dreamy and terrifying fairy flame.

The small tree is as vigorous as a horned dragon, and its bare branches stretch out, with flames dancing on it, like strange and magnificent flowers and leaves.

fairy fire!

Zhou Luo's eyes lit up, and without waiting for everyone to react, he waved his sleeves and took the fairy fire away in a grand manner:
"This treasure is destined to be with this deity."

The venerables hesitated to speak, but gave up immediately. After all, Daofa hadn't taken anything away before, even though Changsheng and the others had dug several palaces, Daofa was still unmoved.

Furthermore, although the Immortal Fire is miraculous, it is not irreplaceable because it suppresses the laws of Immortal Dao in this world, and its power is further weakened.

In the huge Lingxiao Palace, there is nothing but the fairy fire.

All the venerables only said that the emperor is hateful, and they searched and cleaned it up early.

The disappointed Supremes would naturally not let go of this treasure hall itself, and took it away without any hassle.

Leaving Lingxiao Palace, all the venerables turned into fairy light, and rushed towards the place where the life energy is the most abundant in the heavenly court.

Heaven seems to be just a continent suspended in the void, but it is actually as vast as the universe.

After a while, several sacred mountains appeared in the eyes of the venerables.

They all tower into Qingming, just like facing the legendary jade pillars supporting the sky.

I don't know how many huge waterfalls are flying down, like the Milky Way hanging upside down.

The mountain is full of five colors, and there are faint celestial clouds lingering, so hazy that it is difficult for the Supreme Divine Sense to see through.

"Amazing!" Changsheng Tianzun said with emotion.

He had also evolved into the Secret Realm of Longevity, so he naturally knew the extraordinaryness of the sacred mountain in front of him.

Xiaoyao Tianzun remained silent, and went straight into the veins of a certain sacred mountain, grabbing out a sparkling, bubbling divine spring.

Zhou Luo only glanced at it, and it gave him the feeling that it was no less than the holy spring of Immortal Mountain and Mount Sumeru.

At the same time, a refreshing fragrance came from a certain sacred mountain.

All the venerables were very excited, didn't the emperor take away his magic medicine? !
Feeling a little, all the gods descended on a certain sacred mountain, without concealing their aura, the extreme divine power permeated, making all the living beings here tremble.

Shocked beyond counting, the Wannian Medicine King escaped from the ground, and several semi-magic medicines rose from the ground, scattered and fled.

All the venerables turned a blind eye to this, they only had the elixir of immortality in their eyes.

Finally, they saw the true face of the so-called magic medicine.

A huge ancient tree is towering to the sky, accompanied by thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and the surrounding aura is so strong that it cannot be melted.

The branches are as vigorous as a horned dragon, and seem to have scales.A closer look reveals that the entire ancient tree is in the shape of a human.

It is definitely the mysterious humanoid elixir mastered by Emperor Zun!

However, the rich essence of life is gushing out from the fracture at the bottom of the ancient tree.

That's right, this is not a complete magic medicine, it doesn't have the most critical rhizome, it's just the main body's branches.

It is a pity for all the respected ones, but the tree body is complete and the life essence is strong, which is comparable to several complete fruits of magic medicine.

In the end, the gods divided up the human-shaped sacred tree, Xiaoyao got the main body of the sacred tree, and Zhou Luo also got a branch.

Although there are only parts, it is still huge and luxuriant.

Naturally, the sacred mountain that can breed the divine spring and water the undead tree will not be missed, and they will all be moved away.

The medicine kings and demigod medicines on the mountain are also inevitably destined to be divided up by the Supreme.

These medicine kings are all extraordinary products, if they can evolve into semi-magic medicines in the future, they will also have an initial effect on the Supreme.

All the deities were like locusts passing through the heavenly court, and treasure houses were opened one after another.

In general, although Emperor Zun had been prepared for a long time, it was impossible to evacuate the Heavenly Court and left behind a considerable treasure.

After all, he also had to consider that it might not be good if the descendants of the Heavenly Court were always missed by the Supreme Being of the restricted area.

Among them, Zhou Luo and Tongtian Mingbao harvested the most immortal gold materials that can be used to refine extreme weapons, such as the purple gold of the gods and the black gold of the dragon pattern.

The rest of the supreme beings are obviously more interested in elixir and magic medicine.

In the end, the nobles broke into the Tianshu Tower and got all the scriptures collected by Emperor Zun, including the supreme skills of ancient Tianzun, and even the scriptures of everyone present, Emperor Zun also collected them.

In addition, the venerables also discovered the remnants of the chaotic ancient cultivation method, whose value is inestimable.

However, after all, the scriptures of Emperor Zun were not found, and it was a pity that I had no chance to see them.

After searching several times and three times by many Supreme Beings, and then exploring with the Supreme Spiritual Mind, after confirming that nothing was missed, the Supreme Beings finally left.


Accompanied by a huge roar resounding through the heavens, the Heavenly Court Immortal Palace has since disappeared from the world.

While the creatures in the heavens and myriad realms trembled, they also knew that the glorious era belonging to the heavens had really passed away.

The action of Supreme is over, but in countless star fields, the great reckoning has just begun.

The Heavenly Court has surpassed the heavens for many years, and as a huge monster, it is intricately rooted.

Even though it is mainly for the great wish of Emperor Zun to teach Feixian, its branches are spread across many star fields, and it is inevitable to hide dirt.

Countless great sects of the ancient religion, who usually swallowed their anger, finally showed their fangs today.

Naturally, there are still some people left in the Immortal Palace branched by the Heavenly Court, some fled in anticipation, and some ended up miserable.

Even if Emperor Zun is powerful, it is impossible to save everyone in the heaven after his death.

The heavenly palace fell into the mortal world, and everyone in the immortal officials shouted and beat them.

Since then, the world has been bleak and bloody for 300 years.

 Sorry, the third watch will take a while.

(End of this chapter)

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