Chapter 154 The Immortal Road Collapse

In the outer universe.

It was as if a hole had been broken in the sky, the Styx River poured down, and an ominous black rain fell between the sky and the earth.

On the other hand, a strange spring of blood gushed out from the ground, and the black-red lotus filled every inch of the void, as if it was really stained with blood.

Running through the sky and the earth are dense phantoms of gods and demons, all of whom are wailing loudly.

The extremely terrifying vision made all spirits tremble.

Prior to this, blood rain had rained down continuously, announcing to all living beings that the supreme being who once ruled the universe had passed away.

But it's not like it is now, and it can't help but make people panic, and countless monks have guessed in their hearts:
Is it God-

But immediately put away the speculation, as long as there is no accurate news on Xianlu, no one dares to say this bold idea in his heart.

"Did it really pass away?" In Feixian's restricted area, there was a taboo whispering, with a hint of disbelief, and his words did not spread to the outside world.

Unlike ordinary monks, the Forbidden Zone Supreme really witnessed the whole process of this battle of gods, and the methods of both sides can be described as shocking.

"That's right, there are as many as three real artifacts that appeared in this battle, and there are even big killer weapons like the Lingbao Killing Formation."

There is Supreme emotion:
"Combined with the attack of Chaos Dao, Immortal Zhong and Near Immortal, Emperor Zun is really amazing to be able to survive until now. If it were me..."

Speaking of this, the Supreme could not help but shook his head, and it goes without saying.

When he said such a thing, he already admitted that he was far inferior to Emperor Zun.

It is almost unimaginable for the restricted area supreme who has always claimed to be invincible in ancient and modern times.

What's even more rare is that no supreme being uttered a word to refute.

In their discussions, they had already subconsciously not required Emperor Zun by the standards of ordinary enlightened people.

Even in this mortal situation, he still thinks that Emperor Zun has the possibility to stand up.

"The emperor is dead, the road to immortality..."

A certain Supreme One said this, and the other Supreme Beings immediately realized that this is the real Immortal Gate, as long as one passes through that stone gate, one may really become an Immortal!

The Emperor Zun and God War were immediately forgotten.

Among the remaining venerables, although there are Changsheng, Xiaoyao, and Daofa who have completed the realm, the difference is definitely not too big.

Besides, now that Emperor Zun is dead, they may not be as monolithic.

Thinking this way, there is a supreme being who can't hold back and wants to break out of the fairy source.

"Don't worry," an ancient and majestic voice sounded from the depths of the fairy cave, "I have a hunch that there are still variables on the fairy road."

The man seemed to be very prestigious, and all the venerables couldn't help but to be patient for the time being, and looked towards Xianlu.

Before the end of the fairy pass.

After repeated confirmations, they finally concluded that Emperor Zun had been wiped out by them, and there was no trace of his primordial spirit or physical body remaining.

Not only that, Zhou Luo also checked carefully, and the aura of strange creatures no longer existed.

When something happened here, all the venerables raised their heads at the same time, looking at the majestic fairy pass and the mysterious stone gate with burning eyes.

Even Zhou Luo was not immune, he was familiar with the original work and knew that after being baptized by Shimen, he could enter the Immortal Realm.

It's just that I don't know if this place is the same as the fairy road of the ancient star Feixian, with two or three people becoming immortals in one life.

If so...

Zhou Luo glanced at Zhuzun without any trace, and then his eyes drifted to the outside world.

I'm afraid I'm going to fight again.

No matter what, at this moment, all the venerables are hesitant, and no one dares to approach the Shimen of the Immortal Pass first.

The "comrades" who fought side by side not long ago began to be wary of each other in an instant.

At this moment, there was a strange fluctuation between the heaven and the earth, and even the mind of the supreme being was moved by it.

All the gods were stunned, the mysterious fluctuation came from the small world of fairyland.

All the rest of heaven!

What happened on Xianlu Road, Chuanying and the high-level officials in Tianting are naturally aware of it.

At this moment, Chuanying looked sad and angry, and the boundless heavenly soldiers and generals were even more gloomy.

But immediately, Chuan Ying calmed down, encouraged the remaining heavenly soldiers and generals, and sat cross-legged under the high platform made of five-color divine jade.

They chanted the mysterious ancient scriptures taught by Emperor Zun together, and there was a sudden wave between heaven and earth.

At the end of the fairy road, the supreme aura spread like a vast ocean, and the sky and the earth rumbled.

In the chaotic mist, in the small world of fairy land, and in the big universe outside, countless spirits surged in.

The celestial glow is bright and the auspicious colors are so bright that it almost makes the world of mortals fly away.

All the venerables watched this scene in amazement.

A stalwart phantom slowly emerged.

His face is not handsome, but as soon as he appeared, there was an invincible aura that surpassed the heavens and shocked the ancient and modern.

It's just a phantom standing here, as if to accept the worship of all living beings, and the respect of all worlds.


It's too familiar, that aura, you will never forget it.

"A dead person, does he still want to come out to make trouble again?"

"Your time is over, pass away!"

All the venerables were furious, they would never allow it, and the result of planning for a thousand years fell short.

Abandoning all kinds of talents' thoughts, all the venerables united again and attacked together to attack the near immortal, and wiped out the phantom without accident.

"Hmph! Still want to use the corpse to return the soul? You really underestimated me." Changsheng Tianzun shook his head.

The elders breathed a sigh of relief, and almost let the emperor die but not stiff, and could make trouble again.


Just when the gods were focusing on the afterimage of the emperor, the cauldron of all things came out with a huge roar, and escaped from the seal of the gods.

The entire green tripod blooms with an immortal glow, shining in all directions.

The boundless world of mortals and the power of faith are surging.

Tian Bing Tian will gather more than half of the belief power generated by chanting scriptures on it.

All the venerables were surprised, and they understood it in an instant.

It turned out that the real purpose of Chuanying and other people in the heavenly court was not to revive the emperor, but to become an immortal cauldron!
At the moment when the cauldron of all things came out of trouble, taking advantage of the unresponsiveness of the gods, they immediately used extreme speed and fled to the small world of fairyland.

Not only that, but it also takes back the thought power of all beings that has been spilled along the way.

And those powers of thought are the foundation of building the fairy road!

"Dare!" All the venerables in front of the Immortal Pass were furious.

With the "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge" of the source of all things, the majestic Xianguan, Shimen, etc. have all become faintly visible, as if separated by a big universe, it is difficult to approach.

And if the venerables stay here and don't leave, they will all be trapped on the interrupted road to immortality!
No matter what it was for, all the Supremes chased after him.

All of a sudden, the immortal light path, criss-crossing the road of immortality.

But after all, the cauldron of the source of all things is a fairy weapon, and it is one step ahead of the gods.

On top of it is the blessing of sentient beings' mind power, and its supernatural speed surpasses the ultimate world. Only Xiaoyao Tianzun can barely keep up, but he can't stop it.


Finally returning to the small world of Immortal Earth, the Cauldron of All Things Destroyed the exiting fairy cave to delay the progress of the gods.

The source of all things fell straight into Chuanying's hands.

Looking at the supreme Taoist soldier belonging to Emperor Zun, although Chuan Ying looked sad, she did not lose her energy.

Putting aside the distressed thoughts in her heart for the time being, Chuan Ying took the lead, descending to the top of the high platform made of five-color divine jade, and placed the fairy cauldron into the groove again.

According to Emperor Zun's secret instructions when sending him out of the immortal road, he reversed the formation and activated the altar.

Chuan Ying finally turned her head and took a deep look at the closed Chengxian Road.

The five-color divine light soared into the sky, covering everyone in the heavenly court.

In the next moment, time and space were disordered, and huge spatial fluctuations came.


The nobles finally broke through the barriers of the realm and returned from the fairy road.

The extreme divine power shocked the world, but it was too late.

As far as their eyes could see, they were the backs of Chuan Ying, Cheng Xianding, and everyone in Tianting who disappeared in the five-color divine light.


The five-color altar completed its mission and immediately turned into powder.

 The second update is around 23:30
(End of this chapter)

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