Chapter 144 Reopening the Fairy Road

Although it is called an ancient star, it is actually five continents floating in the void, and it is a star field.

At this moment, a bright avenue of golden light traverses the sky, descending from the depths of the universe to the starry sky outside the Big Dipper Continent.

In this era, beyond the past, there are four Dzogchen deities coexisting.

On weekdays, it is not uncommon for Tianzun to go out on the golden Shenguang Avenue.

But today, there is not one figure standing on the Shinto path, but four people!

All exude the invincible momentum of suppressing the past, present and future.

And behind them, they should not be underestimated.

Chuan Ying, a different kind of enlightenment, is not a weak supreme.

There are also dozens of quasi-emperors, hundreds of great sages, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals gathered.

For a moment, the starry sky outside the Beidou Continent was densely packed, full of people's voices, and the blood was so strong that it was terrifying.

Sensing the great aura coming from the starry sky, even the supreme beings in the two restricted areas of Xianling and Shenxu couldn't help being shocked.

The four Heavenly Venerates with complete realms and exuberant vigor, purely in terms of strength comparison, are enough to level them out.

The supreme beings who were still peeping with their divine sense were a little afraid to look at it for a moment.

Of course, Shenxu is okay, because Xiaoyao Tianzun, who comes from their restricted area, is standing in the front row of everyone in the heavenly court.

Among the crowd, Zhou Luo couldn't help looking at the Big Dipper, only to see the five continents as usual.

The dense formation patterns in the void have the handwriting of many supreme beings throughout the ages.

Everyone in the heavenly court stood quietly in the void, looking at the emperor, but inside they had their own thoughts.

Suddenly, a green bronze tripod emerged, simple and majestic, floating in the void, as if it could suppress the eternity.

It is the source of all things.

This can be said to be the most mysterious fairy artifact today. It was refined by Emperor Zun through Kunlun Mountain thousands of years ago, and it contains the hope of heaven to teach flying immortals.

I saw that on the wall of the cauldron, the phantoms of all spirits manifested, the holy radiance flowed, the green clouds filled the sky, and the chaotic energy fell down.


The cauldron of the source of all things roared, unexpectedly breaking open a huge crack in the void.

Immediately, Emperor Zun shot and fixed it with unrivaled magic power, and finally turned into a light gate, and white mist surged out.

Bathed in this fairy mist, many heavenly soldiers and generals felt refreshed, and even the Zhundi in the front row was shocked, sensing a faint breath of longevity.

When the mist dissipated, behind the light gate, a scene of a fairyland world manifested.

The vegetation is flourishing, rare birds and animals are roaming, and there are monks in the distance.

"Immortal Realm! Emperor Zun has entered the Immortal Realm!"

In addition to Supreme, all the major ancient sects and sects also peeped with the precious eyes of the demon and the heavenly eyes of the Taoist sect. Fortunately, everyone in the heavenly court didn't mind.

At this moment, all realms were startled, the universe trembled, and every source of life was full of uproar.

Is it so easy to break into the fairyland?
Naturally, no one can answer this question.

I saw that outside the Big Dipper Starfield, Emperor Zun took the lead, leading all the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court, filing in, and disappeared in the light gate in the blink of an eye.

The universe was in an uproar.

To teach Feixian?So simple?
There are even radical monks gearing up to follow everyone in the heavenly court.

"Hmph! Ignorance! It's just a small world with the breath of the fairyland leaked, just sit and watch the sky."

Came from nowhere, the majestic voice from above, like a divine thunder, exploded in the ears of all living beings.

The indifferent and ruthless voice rumbled, making the creatures in Wanyu terrified and dared not speak.

But everyone knows that this kind of power must be the existence of the supreme series, and what they said is true.

It just happened to solve the doubts in everyone's mind.

It turned out that it was not a fairyland, and everyone couldn't help feeling sorry, but immediately regained their confidence.

Almost everyone is paying close attention to Tianting's every move.

Although they couldn't come in person, they all pinned their hopes on everyone in the heavenly court.

If Emperor Zun succeeds, it will prove the existence of the Immortal Territory and create an unprecedented miracle.

So from now on, all monks also have a clear and visible pursuit-to become a fairy!
In the fairyland world, there are thousands of auspicious colors and dense fairy mist. There are indeed rare and exotic beasts, but they are not fairy spirits, just native creatures.

As for the figure of the monk, it is only a subordinate of the heavenly court arranged by Emperor Zun to enter in advance.

It was also the first time for Zhou Luo to visit this place in person, and even he couldn't help being surprised when he saw the interior of the Immortal Earth World.

Contiguous stretches of majestic sacred mountains stand tall, meandering and majestic, and entangled with countless leylines.

Ten thousand dragons steamed, turning into a big purple dragon, hovering high in the sky.

This kind of terrain is definitely not inferior to Feixian.Kunlun 99 Longshan is also similar.

And in the middle of the vast and boundless fairyland world, the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the altar in the middle.

It is located where the earth's veins are entangled and the dragon ascends to heaven.

It is purely made of five-color divine jade, which is consistent with the five elements and the five chaotic continents of the Big Dipper.

On it, there are innumerable patterns of the supreme array engraved, and there are even faint traces of immortals.

True immortals do not leave traces, only a highly cultivated monk, after trying over and over again, can finally imprint a trace of the weak Dao Yun on it.

I don't know how much talent was consumed.

Zhou Luo lamented that only the Heavenly Court can be so arrogant nowadays, and the Underworld, which was hollowed out by Mingzun, is obviously incomparable.

Emperor Zun brought Chuanying, Zhou Luo, Changsheng, and Xiaoyao to the high platform, and personally placed the source of all things in the groove on the top.

Immediately, the celestial glow gushed out, and the sky filled with chaos.

"All living beings sacrifice together, and you will see immortals on the road!"

The voice of Emperor Zun, majestic and grand, spread throughout the small world of Immortal Earth.

Hearing the emperor's order, countless heavenly soldiers and generals put down their swords, sat cross-legged on the spot, and began to chant sutras.

This is the scripture created by Emperor Zun, and it has unpredictable power.

Although it is not a method of practice, chanting it often can also strengthen the body and wipe away the dust of Sendai.

Of course, Zhou Luo has also studied it, and there may be something in common between intuition and the method of Amitabha Buddha in later generations.

Sure enough, Amitabha is indeed not No. 1 in the study of the mind power of sentient beings.

All living beings sang, the blood and energy of the heavenly soldiers shook together, connected with each other, and sank into the cauldron of the source of all things together, causing inexplicable changes.

The sound of "哗啦" came.

It almost gives people the illusion of facing the vast ocean.

But in fact, all things come from the cauldron, the world of mortals is boundless, and the power of faith is surging.

As everyone recited, the power of faith surged, and finally overflowed from the mouth of the tripod.

Like a nine-day star river hanging upside down, flying down.

Flowing across the high platform made of divine jade, it drowned countless heavenly soldiers and generals in the void.

Although it was a little scary, no one stopped chanting out of blind fanaticism for Regal.

The scriptures are all over the sky, is it really going to be transformed into a real body, creating a fairy road in the void?


It's like a big explosion happened here.

The celestial light is gorgeous, the thought power of all living beings is submerged in the cauldron of the source of all things, and the divine light soars into the sky.

Suddenly, there seemed to be countless phantoms of ancient gods and demons in the air, singing together with all living beings.

It resounded through the heavens and spread across the entire universe.

In the end, I don't know who was the first to exclaim:
"The Fairy Road is open!"

In an instant, the Northern Lights danced wildly and flew out from a hazy road.

 Four more updates will continue tomorrow, with two updates each on 13 and 19

(End of this chapter)

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