Chapter 1005 Master of the Emperor
The Yin-Yang Sect is the great religion of Zhongzhou.

Although it is not as good as the four great dynasties, Kunlun, the mother religion of the human race, etc., who are in charge of the supreme inheritance of extreme weapons, they are also among the best among the other religions, and they are the top forces of Beidou.

According to legend, the ancestor of the sect was a powerful quasi-emperor who practiced the Yin-Yang Dao, and wanted to use this to climb to the top.

It's a pity that he was robbed after all and ended sadly, but he also left behind such a colossal ancient religion.

At this moment, in the depths of the world of Immortal Mansion, where the emperor's son's battlefield is inaccessible.

Hearing the news from his subordinates, the Holy Son of the Yin-Yang Sect couldn't help but exclaimed, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

And because he didn't cover up in the slightest, naturally all the arrogant heroes present heard about it.

Including Huo Lin'er, the Holy Prince, etc., everyone focused their attention on Ye Fan who was fighting with the Emperor in the field.

Even the handsome Emperor himself had a genuinely surprised expression on his face, and subconsciously stopped the attack in his hands.

On the edge of the battlefield, Ji Haoyue, who is mighty and mighty, came back to her senses, as if she suddenly remembered something, and immediately glanced at her sister who was beside her with a proud face.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ziyue and that guy were indeed very close, and even came hand in hand just now.

Thinking of this, Ji Haoyue immediately asked in a deep voice:
"Is this true?"

It was rare for her elder brother to ask about Ye Fan with such a serious face, Ji Ziyue's tail was going up to the sky, and she said proudly:

"Of course! Xiao Yezi not only caused the reappearance of the ancient heavenly court, but also had a lightning battle with the humanoid who is suspected of being a mythical god, and he was evenly matched!"


Hearing this, Ji Haoyue couldn't help but gasped.

While being shocked by Ye Fan's stunning talent, he also saw Ji Ziyue's proud face, and he couldn't help but suffer a double blow, with black lines all over his forehead.

Even if Ziyue's description is slightly exaggerated, Ye Fan's ability to successfully survive the rare mythical catastrophe in ancient times, appear here alive and well, and even fight the emperor, is enough to explain everything.

While the brothers and sisters were talking, the monk who reported the letter was trembling under the watchful eyes of many arrogance and geniuses, and at the same time vividly described the scene of Ye Fan's crossing the catastrophe.

Among the people present, there are many people who have watched the scene of the emperor's tribulation before.

Hearing that person's description at this moment, comparing the two, one can naturally judge that the two are indeed quite similar.

Ye Fan's potential is not weaker than the emperor's!
Although the arrogances of various religions did not speak, this is the common thought that emerged in their hearts.

And just when everyone's minds were full of turbulent waves, the emperor in the field smiled slightly, and looked at Ye Fan on the opposite side with a teasing face:

"Very good, you actually triggered the mythical catastrophe. In this golden world, you will not be lonely in the future."

Of course, the emperor's heart was not as peaceful as he appeared on the surface.

Prior to this, no matter whether it was Emperor Yuan, the Lord of Shenxu, Gai Jiuyou and other extreme supreme beings, they all looked at Ye Fan differently.

At that time, the emperor didn't really pay much attention to Ye Fan, he only thought that he was at most a figure of the emperor's son level.

Now it seems that even the arrogance of the world should not be underestimated.

Seeing the prince's expression of being deep in thought, and sensing the fluctuations of his spiritual thoughts, Ye Fan smiled:

"Oh, are you afraid, my lord?"


Facing Ye Fan's provocation, the emperor's eyes were filled with celestial light, as if he could see the past, present and future, and his power was compelling.

"Hmph! Let me teach you what is beyond the sky!"


After the words fell, the emperor stopped talking, and immediately attacked fiercely.

Although his combat strength has inevitably weakened after going through repeated battles, he still feels invincible.

I saw that the divine light of the Heavenly Saber reappeared, covering the sky and covering the earth, accompanied by the gorgeous five-color fairy light, which really wanted to destroy all ways in the world.

As for the crowd watching, watching the battle between the two now, the mood is naturally completely different.

It's a pity that although Ye Fan can use the source of the earth veins and dragons for his own use to make up for the gap in cultivation between himself and the emperor, there is still a gap between the two.

However, facing the invincible enemy in front of him, Ye Fan was not discouraged at all. Instead, he used the pressure brought by the emperor to stimulate his own potential.

Many magical and secret techniques that had no chance to be performed or practiced in actual combat on weekdays are all swayed at this moment, and the celestial light is gorgeous.

At the same time, observing how the emperor deciphered these magic spells also inspired Ye Fan.

After hundreds of rounds, Ye Fan was gradually weakened under the attack of the emperor, and then two other powerful figures joined the battlefield again.

Although the Holy Prince and Ji Zi watched from the sidelines for a long time, they did not forget that this time it was supposed to be the three of them working together to fight the Heavenly Prince, so naturally there was no need to talk about martial arts.

Moreover, they wanted to leave a deep memory on the emperor, and they were merciless in their actions.


The Holy Prince and Ji Zi joined the two new forces, and the offensive and defensive momentum was instantly reversed. Instead, it was the Heavenly Prince's turn to complain secretly.

Originally, the reason why he chose Ye Fan instead of Huo Lin'er to join the battlefield was that he wanted to pick a "soft persimmon".Now, he can only reap the "bad consequences" by himself.

Facing the all-out attack of three emperor-level figures of the same realm, even the rebirth of the ancient emperor may not be able to stabilize the pressure.

What's more, the emperor's combat experience and understanding of the origin of the Dao are far from reaching that level.

In addition, he had been in a series of battles before, and his condition was not perfect after all, while Ji Zi and the Holy Prince adjusted their breath for a long time, and they were fierce.

However, the only good news is that the emperor finally felt the "heavy" pressure from the big battle in front of him, so he sharpened himself, and really gained a lot.

In the end, the battle ended with the Holy Prince, Ji Zi, Ye Fan and the Heavenly Prince fighting to exhaustion.

Although the two sides did not decide the winner, the majesty of the emperor was not only intact, but made people even more awe-inspiring.

Because, he is the existence of fighting against the three emperors and sons by himself, and he is full of majesty, far surpassing all the heroes in this world.

As for the two emperors, needless to say, they are both extraordinary.

The most astonishing thing among them is naturally the rise of the ancient holy body.

In this battle, Ye Fan radiated a dazzling light comparable to that of the emperor's father and son, and became a rising emperor star, replacing Wang Teng who had "fallen" sadly.

You know, the human world has been able to allow multiple emperors to coexist in one lifetime before.

If the fusion of the human world and the strange world is completed, the Dao of this world will be revived, or if the person is really strong and can break the suppression of the Dao of the Dao, he can also be listed as an emperor if he thinks about it.

Therefore, even though the emperor showed almost overwhelming power, the rest of the arrogance and heroes still did not despair.

Such a rare golden world in ancient times, naturally no one is willing to be mediocre.

On this day, Ye Fan still sits cross-legged in the depths of the fairy mansion world, enlightening and practicing in the cave he opened up.


All of a sudden, Ye Fan had a certain feeling, and suddenly opened his eyes.

After he felt silently for a moment, he only thought for a while, and then went straight through the domain gate built by Yaoguang and left the world of Immortal Mansion.

With his current power among the younger generation of Beidou and his position in the Fluctlight, he is really unimpeded.



The void is full of light and shadow, and a handsome young man who looks like he is only about 20 years old manifests, it is Ye Fan.

According to the news he received, he came to a corner of Zhongzhou, a place where birds don't shit.

Ye Fan landed on a mountain, raised his head immediately, and looked around, accompanied by the spread of vast spiritual thoughts, but did not sense the existence of other monks, and his brows could not help but slightly frowned.

Suddenly, a figure that did not exist in his senses walked slowly, which naturally caught Ye Fan's eyes instantly.

It was an old Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes with a handsome appearance, and he was holding a donkey in his hand.

If they hadn't been face to face but still couldn't feel the presence of the other party, Ye Fan might have thought this was an ordinary person.

Just when Ye Fan's thoughts were ups and downs, his eyes had already met the old Taoist priest's eyes, and the latter's eyes seemed to flash, and then he bowed to Ye Fan, and said in a rather emotional tone:
"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the poor Taoist has a [-]% immortal creation, and I am worried that I can't send it out."

"I never thought that Pindao would meet such an amazing person as my little brother. It's really a destiny."

When the old Taoist said this, he was full of immortal demeanor, which made people feel disgusted.

However, Ye Fan on the opposite side looked at his nose, nose, nose and heart, extremely calm, and even snorted coldly:
"Hmph! Become an immortal? Daoist, you have such a big tone. I don't know when you became enlightened, old man?"

As if he didn't understand what Ye Fan said, the old Taoist stroked his beard with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"Ashamed, ashamed, although the poor Daoist proclaimed the Dao in the myth, it has been wasted until now."

Having said that, the old Taoist shook his head regretfully.

Are you really addicted?

Ye Fan couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face, and even pretended to be surprised in cooperation:
"Oh? That Taoist priest, you must have made a lot of great achievements, right?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist sighed leisurely:
"Impoverished but not talented, I have only been a teacher of the emperor, and once taught the ruthless emperor one or two."

 Sorry, the author has something to do today, and the third update may have to wait a little longer. It will not be updated until around 22 o'clock. I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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