Cultivation of immortals begins with the appearance of ancestors

Chapter 883: Saints form alliance, dangerous return journey

Chapter 883: Saints form alliance, dangerous return journey

Chaos originates in the ocean, and the void borders it.

A graceful, sacred and magnificent figure looked behind him.

In the distance, there was another saint with an unusually magnificent figure.

That is Xuanyin Saint.

A primordial sage who was born on the yin side after the Taiyin line withered.

He is also one of the heretical sects, among the four major sectarian Taoist palaces, the founder of the Xuanyin White Bone Taoist Palace, and also a heretic saint.

On the way back, the two saints did not hesitate to do anything.

As an ancient sage, Empress Nuwa almost has the upper hand.

But it is still difficult to seal a Yuanshi saint.

Moreover, this Xuanyin sage has always been very cautious, he is determined not to approach him, and Empress Nuwa has nothing to do with him.

At this time, Empress Nuwa's eyes fell on the void of the heavens, and as the two of them entered the place illuminated by the brilliance of the original avenue of the void, the changes in the long river of fate were immediately understood by the two sages of Yuanshi.

These include many changes after the departure of the ancient and modern saints.

Including the resurrection of the Taiyi clan, the return of some of the twelve ancestor demon gods, and even the decline of the demon clan, and the birth of the four ancient and modern saints.

Empress Nuwa's face changed, and her Taoist heart surged with surprise and joy.

Surprisingly, the return of the Taiyi clan actually led to the complete defeat of the Yaozu.

This emperor of the god race and the emperor of the monster race who was in the same era as him ended so hastily.

There is also the demon master Kunpeng, the queen of heaven Xihe, and many ancient demon saints who were wiped out by the Holy Court of the Three Emperors and the Heavenly Court.

But what was pleasantly surprised was that Fuxi Shenghuang finally found his own opportunity to prove the Tao, cut off the past in one fell swoop, and proved the beginning of the world.

Compared to this, the others are nothing.

At this moment, her heart suddenly moved, and her eyes looked into the distance.

The Xuanyin saint in the distance also changed suddenly.

He also never thought that the heavens and void would undergo such a change after the saints left.

Unexpectedly, four Yuanshi sages were born at one time.

Moreover, the four Yuanshi sages all came from Dao Zun.

"What a waste!"

Saint Xuanyin was furious. It is not known whether this trash refers to the many strong men in the sect, or the ancient demons in the six great demon worlds.

But at the same time, the alarm bells in Xuanyin's heart kept ringing, and the holy brilliance around him was about to break through the original river of chaos and return to the chaos.

But it's too late.

Suddenly there was a magnificent and vast dragon chant from the depths of the void, but a nine-headed golden dragon was born from the depths of the void, and it manifested a vast golden light, instantly forcing the Xuanyin sage who was about to leave to retreat.

Hundreds of millions of golden lights emerged, manifesting a majestic human sword light.

Sword light slashed at the punishment of the plow head, and the Xuanyin sage condensed a magnificent Xuanyin divine banner with a wave of his hand, and the top-level innate spiritual treasure energy bloomed from it, instantly annihilating the human sword light.

But a wave of humanity is magnificent and mighty.

Fuxi's holy emperor's real body appeared in the nine-headed dragon dharma.

The person who came was the Holy Emperor Fuxi.

He glanced at Nuwa Empress in the distance and smiled.

"Sister, the two of us will capture this guy first so we can reminisce about old times!"

Empress Nuwa smiled sweetly.

"Since it's my brother's order, there's no reason not to obey!"

Saint Xuanyin was furious at this time.

"Extremely arrogant!"

He couldn't beat Nuwa Saint, so could it be that he couldn't beat this new Yuanshi.

The Xuanyin god banner in his hand changed, and the eighteen Xuanyin demon gods suddenly gathered behind him. Each Xuanyin demon god seemed to be the same as him, filled with the majestic and vast image of the Yuanshi sage, and instantly intertwined to form a Xuanyin sky sword .

The light of the sword soared, like the blade of heaven, and the magic power contained in it was indeed far more than that of Fuxi Shenghuang.

Fuxi Shenghuang's expression remained unchanged, but a three-dimensional innate gossip and dao map emerged around his body, and the eight kinds of power gathered and rotated continuously, dissolving the power of Xuanyin Tiandao.

The Xuanyin saint took advantage of the opportunity, and quickly moved towards the light behind the Holy Emperor Fuxi.

"It's not that easy!"

Seeing this scene, Fuxi Shenghuang looked cold.

But in the depths of the chaotic void, streaks of golden light were outlined, instantly forming a magnificent shadow of the golden light path.

In the Dao map, a majestic nine-headed golden dragon can be faintly seen dancing, and the endless rolling momentum is coming.

That was his incarnation of the emperor.

This incarnation of the Human Emperor has most of the divine cause and effect on him, but it also has the power of a saint, and combined with the human destiny of the void in the sky, it is enough to stop the saint's journey.

The magnificent map of human nature filled the void, and although it was instantly torn apart by a heavenly knife that froze hundreds of millions of time and space, the Nuwa Empress behind her had arrived, and countless red lights spread around her body, turning into a huge handprint that instantly penetrated the whole body of Xuanyin Saint A protective layer of precious light emerged, and under a powerful blow, the naked eye could see that a large area of ​​vitality withered and dried up deep behind the Xuanyin Saint.

At the same time, Holy Emperor Fuxi formed a seal in his hand, and three rays of light manifested in the depths of the void.

That is the Three Emperors Divine Banner.

Three figures jumped out from behind him at the same time.

Looking carefully, it was the incarnation of the three corpses, each holding a divine banner and laying out the three emperors' forbidden formation in the void, enveloping the Xuanyin saint.

The Taoism shown by Saint Emperor Fuxi at this time was more powerful than Empress Nuwa and Saint Xuanyin had imagined.

There is also a magnificent humane will to suppress all laws of the world is always contained around him.

In line with this kind of power, his Taoism is not much worse than that of Xuanyin Saint.

"It seems that brother's vision of a human saint has finally succeeded!" Empress Nuwa thought to herself.

At this time, deep in the palm of her hand, a colorful treasure map also appeared. In the treasure map, you can see the birth and death of the heavens and the universe, and the ups and downs of billions of living beings.

That is the top-level innate Lingbao Mountain River Sheji Map.

Dao Tu burst into intense innate brilliance, instantly pressing down on Saint Xuanyin.

At this time, at the edge of the origin ocean of chaos, the huge movement also attracted the other two saints in the void of the sky.

The Jade Emperor Saint and the Jellyfish Saint walked out of the rules of the avenue with strong original glory floating around their bodies.

The two saints stared at the battlefield above the void, with some comparisons and some contemplation in their eyes.

Among the four saints newly born in the void of the heavens, the Emperor of the Earth is the most mysterious and recognized as the strongest by all the saints.

The other three saints have not been able to imagine until now that a strange saint like the Mother Goddess of Lingkong was directly captured and suppressed by the opponent after several moves.

Next is the Jade Emperor Sage.

The Jade Emperor sage is the sage of the Emperor of Heaven, and he is favored by the original will of the Dao of the Heavens. This is a sage of the Dao.

The remaining Fuxi Holy Emperor and Jellyfish Saint, who is stronger or weaker, is temporarily unknown.

Although they jointly suppressed the Black Abyss Demon Ancestor before, the jellyfish sage hadn't used all his strength yet.

But in today's battle, the jellyfish sage knew that she was probably the bottom of the four sages.

Holy Emperor Fuxi is superior to her in terms of Taoism and understanding of the rules of Yuanshi Dao.

The gap is obvious.

This can be seen from his ability to deal with Xuanyin Saint head-on.

The jellyfish sage had a strange feeling in his heart.

It stands to reason that there is not much difference in the time of their enlightenment, so the gap should not be so large.

Even though Holy Emperor Fuxi has the blessings of the heavens, void and humane rules.

At this time, the two Yuanshi sages were watching the battle, and they were also discussing the matter of re-alignment.

The previous three Yuanshi Saints had reached a covenant. If a new Yuanshi Saint returns, all the saints will unite to fight against these medieval saints.

Now it is not one saint who has returned, but two saints.

One of them is the ancient righteous god, the mother of the earth, Nuwa Empress.

This is not the worst result for the two Yuanshi sages.

At least this Empress Nuwa might be able to win her over.

If the four saints can form an alliance again, maybe they can follow the gourd painting in the future and seal all the other medieval saints.

Even if it can't be sealed, at least it can occupy the void of the heavens to the greatest extent, so as to speed up the practice.

At this time, in the eyes of the two saints, the Xuanyin saint in front of him might not be able to turn over.

Empress Nuwa is very strong in Taoism, and there is Fuxi Sacred Emperor entangled with Xuanyin Saint, I am afraid that she will be sealed by Empress Nuwa in a short time.

The Yuanshi sage is almost indelible.

It can only be wiped out unless it encounters a tyrannical existence whose Taoism spans at least two great realms.

Accompanied by the huge divine tomb soaring into the sky, the majestic divine light enveloped the boundless source of chaos, and instantly enveloped the Xuanyin sage.

Saint Xuanyin sensed the predicament, the sage's fruit in the center of his eyebrows kept beating and expanding, and his whole body suddenly turned into a magnificent Hongmeng holy knife, and the violent light of the knife immediately broke free from the cover of the map of mountains, rivers and land.

But I saw Empress Nuwa opening her hands, layers of majestic divine power came down again, her jade palm exuded the divine brilliance of good fortune, smashed the Xuanyin knife light with one blow, and knocked it back into the map of Shanhe Sheji.

The rhythm has been completely controlled by this ancient saint. Even without Holy Emperor Fuxi, Saint Xuanyin cannot escape the suppression.

The Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map took advantage of the situation and completely enveloped the Xuanyin Saint.

Saint Xuanyin, this prominent saint among the sects, suffered doom in a short period of time.

It seems that since the Lingkong Mother Goddess was suppressed by the Earth Emperor Saint, something very bad has started.

At this time, the real body of Saint Nuwa and Saint Emperor Fuxi manifested, and they also saw Saint Jade Emperor and Saint Jellyfish manifested in the distance.

The Holy Emperor Fuxi immediately took the lead to re-introduce the two saints to Empress Nuwa, and took advantage of the opportunity to invite the two saints to the Heavenly Realm of the Three Emperors to renegotiate the covenant.

After all, Empress Nuwa is somewhat different from other Yuanshi sages.

Nor can he just sit back and watch the two saints do other things.

Of course, he also believed that these two saints did not dare to provoke Saint Nuwa.

It's just that even if it is a covenant, three people become four people, which means that the cake will be divided thinly, which will bring about a series of problems. In addition, among the four saints, who will take the lead.

In fact, there is another problem brought about by the sage orthodoxy.

However, even if the Earth Emperor Saint did not participate in the covenant, they could not lose each other's share.

This is the default rule of this small group.


Fairy Court Heaven.

Zhang Jian saw the battle of chaos in his eyes.

The suppression of Xuanyin Saint and the formation of a new alliance will inevitably make the heavens and voids form a general trend.

The return path of other saints may become very dangerous.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Jian.

He ordered the gods in front of the palace to sweep the place, but they were waiting for distinguished guests to come.

He knew that the Empress Nuwa would definitely come to the door.

Sure enough, not long after, a fairy god came to report from the Emperor's Dao Palace, and Empress Nuwa came to visit.

 At the end of the month, take advantage of the trend to ask for a wave of monthly tickets~·The finale at the beginning of the month, this may be the only chance for you veterans to vote for it~~ Don’t miss it
(End of this chapter)

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