The Lord of billions of living beings, the Holy Emperor of Humanity who controls the authority of all living beings, possesses immeasurable luck and boundless divine power, which can also push him to take that step.

Although after proving Hunyuan in this way, he may have to bear countless causes and troubles brought about by the human saint emperor's personality in the future.

But that is already after the proof of Yuanshi Daoguo.

Seeing His Majesty the Holy Emperor Fuxi hesitated, Zhang Jian glanced at the Holy Emperor Fuxi and said.

"Your Majesty is concerned about the eyes of the powerful human races of the Three Emperors and Five Elders? But your Majesty is for the entire human race, and even the creatures of the heavens and the void!"

Upon seeing this, Holy Emperor Fuxi glanced at Zhang Jian and shook his head.

"Don't mention this matter again!"

He didn't even want to refuse directly.

Zhang Jian glanced at Fuxi Shenghuang with some doubts, and had some guesses in his heart.

Seeing such a great opportunity in front of him, Fuxi Shenghuang directly refused, which made Zhang Jian admire him, but he also had some thoughts.

Fuxi's expression was calm, but there was no wavering or wavering in the depths of his heart.

He has his own Dao heart and will never be moved by external things.

Even knowing the position of the Demon Emperor can help him take this step ahead of time, but if his heart is shaken because of this, even if he takes that step, it is very likely that he will collapse halfway because of it.

Since Sacred Emperor Fuxi disagreed, Zhang Jian could only let Sacred Emperor Fuxi cooperate immediately. He manipulated the sacrificial fire to form a net into Fuxi's body to help him refine the long river of evil spirit.

The divine light of the Spiritual Sky River is of extremely high quality, and even beings as tyrannical as Holy Emperor Fuxi cannot withstand its terrifying corrosive power, which shows how powerful it is.


Above the Taixu Heaven Realm, the stars are shining brightly. The ancient stars are projected from the sky, forming layers of magnificent star arrays. It seems that there are thousands of star arrays hanging upside down above the sky. They can still Cooperate with each other and work together.

This is the true essence of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

It is actually the same as the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, with successive formations and formations within formations.

It’s just that the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is a hodgepodge.

And the Zhoutian star formation has a clear banner, and the eyes of the formation are magnificent ancient stars, ancient stars, or congenital stars, or even artificial stars and so on.

They are extremely complicated and formed many gods such as the world-destroying roulette, the star-fixing needle, the world-cracking cone, the catastrophe-crossing lotus, the world-purifying bottle, the reincarnation mill, the star banners, the Zhoutian disk, the Dingyuan divine thunder, the Jiuyou cracking sky sword, etc. weapon of war.

Moreover, these magic tools can be combined multiple times to form more powerful and consistent magic tools.

The final composition is the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Mill formed by the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation, which is enough to obliterate all things.

There are also some research results of the heavenly star gods in the ancient and modern times.

Now it is all used on the Mother Goddess of the Spiritual Space, making this tyrannical demon god exhausted.

All of a sudden, there were streaks of majestic Yuanshi divine light that shattered billions of star seas, but they were still unable to destroy the Zhoutian star formation.

The Mother Goddess of Ling Kong destroyed a huge star array with her hand raised, and immediately several star killing arrays moved across the sky, or the stars changed in the void, forming huge star abysses to confuse her.

At the outskirts of Taixu Heaven Realm, many ancient gods saw this scene, and their expressions were slightly relieved.

"As expected of the top three innate ancient formations in the sky, this formation can indeed suppress the Yuanshi sage!"

"It seems that the situation is still under control!"

At this time, the ancient immortals and the ancient gods looked at this scene with a slightly relaxed expression.

At least for now, it seems that there is no problem with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation.

Immortal Zhenyuan was standing together with Xuanyuan Shenghuang and Nonghuang Yandi. Next to him, Nonghuang and Xuanyuan Shenghuang had blood stains on their bodies and were recovering from their injuries.

He glanced at the depths of the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation, and he had some guesses in his heart.

Like some other ancient immortals and ancient gods, he is still optimistic about this battle.

Although this chaotic saint has very strange methods, he is not the original saint who was born in the void of the heavens. He himself was rejected by the void of the heavens and could not fully perform his Taoism.

When his real body came, he was detected by the gods in advance, and he was hit by the seal formed by the joint efforts of Fuxi Shenghuang, Jade Emperor Datianzun, and Empress Houtu.

In this state, how many percent of his remaining Taoism can he have?

It may not be easy to deal with such a wild and strange formation that can compete with the Yuanshi sage.

When all the Taoism has been reduced, it will be the time when she, the original saint, will be in trouble.

The heavens are empty, and no sage of Yuanshi has ever fallen.

But slaughtering the real body, suppressing it, and being unable to turn over forever is not impossible!

This is not Tu Sheng.

Of course, the premise is to control this Chaos Demon God and not let it escape.

When the gods fight in groups, it is natural that the gods have the upper hand.

If he is allowed to escape, after recovering his Taoism, all the gods will not be able to escape if they retaliate one by one.

At the same time, Great Immortal Zhenyuan noticed that Jade Emperor Tianzun, Yaochi Golden Mother, and some experts from the Three Religions who had just disappeared had reappeared.

It looks like they're all set.

At this time, he heard that Yaochi Golden Mother said to the gods.

"Thanks to the three emperors of the human race for stepping forward and buying us some time!"

"Today, we must let this saint with wings escape!"

Zhen Yuanzi's eyes fluctuated slightly.

At this time, next to Zhen Yuanzi, a tall and graceful figure dressed in luxurious clothes said to the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor.

"Brother, if we can suppress this Chaos Demon God, do you think God's great luck can push us to take that step..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. As far as he could see, he could see the eyes of many ancient immortals and gods in the field, and their faces changed a little.

Apparently they were all moved.

The ancestor of the earth immortal felt a little ironic deep in his heart. When did a Yuanshi sage become a lamb to be eaten.

However, Zhen Yuanzi also had some changes in his heart.

As an immortal god who attained enlightenment in ancient times, he has seen the rise of too many immortal gods and waited for too many years. He is waiting for an opportunity.


Within the Zhoutian Starry Formation, star charts appeared in front of Emperor Ziwei. However, the naked eye could see that the star charts were quickly becoming darker. Sounds emerged from the Ziwei fixed astrolabe in front of him.

The voice was quick but pleasant.

"The Big Dipper Starfield is damaged, urgent repair is requested, and at the same time, the Dizi No. [-] Star Abyss will be opened to trap the enemy!"

"The Southern Dipper Starfield is damaged, urgent repair is requested, please avoid using it!"

"The tenth level of the Qinglong Starfield in the Four Elephant Starfield is damaged. Please pay attention. In order to avoid further damage to this starfield, it is recommended to repair it immediately!"

"The operation of the center of the Sanyuan star field has stopped, and the star channel is damaged. Please pay attention to maintenance, and at the same time open the ten star abysses around Ziwei to confuse the enemy's perception..."


Emperor Ziwei glanced at the various changes on the star map indifferently, and immediately dispatched batches of starry sky avatars to become 'worker ants' to repair the damaged starry sky area through the mystery of the mysterious starry sky map.

But Emperor Ziwei knew that this was just a drop in the bucket.

After all, this is just a neutral area.

Although the neutral area is illuminated by the light of Zhou Tianxing, it is not as good as the core area ruled by the heaven.

The brilliance of Zhou Tian's stars shines, and if the distance is too far, it will become a fatal weakness.

The ability to use the formation to such an extent is entirely because the mysterious starry sky map magnifies the power of the stars in the sky.

Although this Yuanshi sage is not familiar with the void of the heavens, he may not be able to discover it in a short time, but after a long time, he will definitely be able to see the changes in it.

However, upon noticing that the Jade Emperor, the Golden Mother of Yaochi and others reappeared, Emperor Ziwei knew that the first goal had been achieved.

After enough delay, Emperor Ziwei considered the second strategic goal.

That is to try to injure this Chaos Demon God as hard as possible, and create opportunities for the next round of battles between the Jade Emperor, the Golden Mother of Yaochi and others.

After realizing that most of the celestial star map on the sky star map was slightly damaged, Emperor Ziwei's expression froze suddenly, and phantoms of ancient stars suddenly appeared in the starlight above the sky, and suddenly appeared in his eyes. Under the control, these ancient stars rotated instantly and gathered on the top of his head, turning into a magnificent starry sky mill that filled the void of the sky.

It seems that in the depths of the vortex of the galaxy formed by the millstone, the Taixu Heaven Realm turned into ashes.

The majestic divine energy erupted, and the space-time law domain formed by the entire Taixu Heaven Realm turned into nothingness in an instant.

There was a loud noise in the sky, and in an instant, a majestic air force burst out from the depths of Zhou Tianxing's millstone, and the vast sky blue divine energy burst out, mighty and mighty, but I saw Lingkong Mother God wearing a blue armor Flowing out from it, the whole body was surrounded by azure-colored divine flames, and a platinum spear was condensed in his hand, and the vast and incomparable chaotic divine power exuded from the spear.

There is also an unparalleled edge blooming from it, with a part of the chaotic concept of [Gengjin] and [Immortal].

When she broke through the big millstone of Zhou Tian Xing Dou, the aura in her whole body didn't seem to drop at all.

Behind him is a sky-blue Yuanshi Treasure Wheel, which is faintly blooming with immeasurable Yuanshi divine energy.

This scene is shocking.

Zhou Tian's Star Dou formation still failed to injure the Mother Goddess of the Spiritual Space, but her aura became more and more high.

At this time, the depths of her eyes were still as indifferent as the way of heaven, but she just looked at the Zhou Tian star formation that was gradually opening above the sky, and her cold voice floated.

"You group of ants have angered me!"

The bright white-gold spear in her hand exuded a strong light, and the layers of starry sky were torn apart by the sharp edge. The entire formation seemed to be torn into dozens of pieces by a terrifying being with brute force.

The majestic sharpness approached Emperor Ziwei.

Under this level of divine power, Emperor Ziwei, whose real body was exposed, only felt the hairs all over his body stand upside down, and the terrifying sharpness penetrated directly into the depths of his heart, and even made him feel unable to move.

At this moment, a gentle yet majestic voice came from the void.

"Ziwei, back off!"

At the same time, one after another blue divine light swept across the sky above the sky, and the innate green lotuses floated on the sky, but they were cut off by the terrifying platinum sharp edge in an instant, and the sharp edge went straight in front of him, but in the end they were still caught by a golden light. The giant tower blocks it.

Boom! !

It was as if shocking loud noises resounded through the void one after another.

But he saw the real body of the Jade Emperor Tianzun floating in front of Emperor Ziwei. He was holding a magnificent tower with golden light flowing in one hand, and a cyan light fell from the other palm. It was an innate treasure flag.

But he saw several pierced holes in the streamer of the Xiantian Treasure Flag.

That is the top-level congenital spiritual treasure Qinglian treasure color flag.

This is not the Qinglian Baose flag of the Western Pure Land World, but the Qinglian Baose flag offered by Zhang Jian.

As for the shimmering golden pagoda, it is naturally the most precious Haotian pagoda in the hands of Jade Emperor Tianzun.

This is the top-level innate spirit treasure famous in the sky.

The Jade Emperor Tianzun's eyes fell on the platinum spear in the hands of the Lingkong Mother Goddess.

That is a treasure of chaos.

Moreover, it is a purely offensive chaos treasure, which is already very rare.

Not to mention that it is actually in the hands of the Mother Goddess.

And the azure divine armor on the Mother Goddess Ling Kong's defense ability is so tyrannical!

Forcibly received a blow from Zhou Tianxing's big millstone, but there was no damage?
Such a situation is not surprising.

It's just that the Mother Goddess of Ling Kong looked around, but there was some thoughtful expression in the depths of her eyes, and she saw that in the collapsed Taixu Heaven Realm, at this time, a boundless river of stars emerged, and above the sky was an endless sea of ​​vitality, like an infinite Endless.

That vitality is not ordinary vitality. Every ray of vitality contains traces of Miluo Heaven and Earth, the initial power of all things. It seems to be able to differentiate the divine energy of any attribute and repel the power of non-identical vitality.

The Mother Goddess of Lingkong falls into it, which is an odd number among them, and belongs to the object of suppression.

This is obviously another extremely powerful formation.

Mother Goddess Lingkong guessed right.

That is the 33-day Miluo formation!

Heaven gathered the wisdom of the gods to open up the supreme killing array.

This formation is known as one of the most powerful formations in the ancient times, comparable to the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation in the ancient heaven.

It is based on the 33-day artifact and cooperates with the Haotian tower in the center.

It also claims to be able to suppress the Yuanshi sage.

This is a slogan, but it also shows how powerful this formation is.

"33 Heavenly Emperor, listen to my orders, destroy the holy alien race, and eradicate the culprit of the calamity!"

Jade Emperor Tianzun had a calm face.

In the depths of the void, one after another divine light emerged within the space on the 33rd floor of the Haotian Divine Tower. Phantoms of artifacts that suppressed the sky could be faintly seen inside. emerge.

Their skills may not be strong, but in cooperation with the killing formation, it seems that each node has been levered, and finally reached an astonishing level through the Haotian God Tower, and finally fell into the body of the Jade Emperor Tianzun.

I saw the heavens and the sky, the infinite universe and the heavens and the earth floating behind him, and instantly submerged into the depths of his personality as the emperor of heaven. How scary.

In the depths of his palm, a golden divine seal manifested, and the divine seal circulated.

On top of this innate divine seal, the innate supreme treasure divine power actually emerged.

That is the Seal of the Emperor of Heaven!

The faces of the gods changed a little when they saw the seal of the Emperor of Heaven.

In their impression, this Heavenly Emperor Seal is just a top-level innate spiritual treasure!

Zhang Jian also saw the divine seal, and his expression changed a little.

He knew that this was probably due to him.

In an instant, under the control of the Jade Emperor Tianzun, the emperor's seal turned into a golden light and bombarded towards the mother goddess of the sky.

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