Chapter 771 Demon King
That is the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Xiantian Four Symbols God Needle.

Bai Ze demon saint instinctively felt the great danger, the demon emperor's real body exuded a strong white glow, and countless white divine lights manifested into giant tails covering the whole body, like a lotus flower blooming.

At the same time, an innate spiritual light flowed out from the center of the brow, and instantly condensed into a magnificent crimson iron-blooded light.

A red Lie Lie Long Banner galloped out of it.

It was a peculiar congenital spiritual treasure, full of the concept of [war] in a different-dimensional universe, and the Iron-Blooded King Banner was conceived.

It is also a top-grade innate spirit treasure.

But in an instant, the blood-red iron-blooded divine light was pierced by the four-color divine light in an instant.

To break the face.

The divine light pierced the sky, piercing through the protective divine light condensed around Bai Ze's body.

But at this time, there are thousands of white awns emanating from Bai Ze's body, and countless white awns are wandering in the void, converging into a magnificent Dao map and manifesting from it. move.

This is his treasure of enlightenment.

Looking carefully, there are hundreds of millions of beasts, myths and civilizations of countless beasts manifested in the white light.

This treasure is exceptionally magnificent and powerful.

This spirit treasure is not innate, but its power far exceeds the scope of the top-grade acquired spirit treasure, and it is extremely powerful.

"Picture of Bai Ze's ghosts? Or is it a picture of the Demon Emperor?"

In the depths of the void, Zhang Jian looked at this scene with a icy look in his eyes.

When Bai Ze manifested the real body of the Demon Emperor before, he had guessed, but now he confirmed his guess.

After the fall of the two unrivaled overlords of the ancient demon court, I am afraid that the demon sage Bai Ze replaced the role of the demon emperor, or took advantage of this opportunity to condense his own supreme foundation and completely integrate the two demon beasts into his own roots Among them, that's why it has such amazing good fortune.

It's just that Zhang Jian could tell that the demon saint Bai Ze had never been recognized by the demons and became the real demon king, the king of all beasts, so his foundation was not solid.


Bai Ze demon sage manifested the enlightenment weapon Demon Emperor Atlas, and suddenly let out a long roar, and countless layers of white light emerged from all directions towards the void, violently impacting the restored mountains, rivers and society, the universe and the universe.

This time, it was no longer pure gossip about the emperor.

It's Zhang Jian's Map of Mountains, Rivers and Sheji.

Standing above the endless void, Zhang Jian raised his palm to face the direction of Bai Ze Yaosheng!
At this moment, Bai Ze Yaosheng suddenly felt a terrifying evil thought in the depths of the boundless space-time dimension around him.

This evil thought even made his heart beat like a drum.

In the depths of Dao Heart, an indescribable shadow is uncontrollably produced.

There was a strong divine light in the depths of his eyes, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. Almost without hesitation, the Demon Emperor's catalog on the top of his head sank and merged into the Demon Emperor's real body, forming a hundred white lights. The giant tails are all in one at this moment!

"The real body of the demon emperor, the end of the sky demon!"

The qi all over his body soared layer by layer, breaking through a certain terrifying boundary in an instant, turning into a blazing white light and rushing towards the void, where the immeasurable void collapsed, and the heavens, time and space were under the impact of this qi, It was as if the immeasurable vitality was forcibly plundered and turned into a magic knife, cutting off the vitality of the world and the common people, hundreds of millions of time and space.

The giant palm pressed down at the same time.

The two had an astonishing collision in the void, Bai Ze Yaosheng could only feel an unparalleled power stretching down from the void, like billions of heaven and earth resonating, the energy of heaven and earth superimposed and magnified, and the magnificent sky demon master instantly collapsed, The layers of white demon emperor's dao patterns pervading around the demon emperor's real body instantly pierced through, even the iron and blood banner, the demon emperor's catalog, and even several defensive spells collapsed in an instant, and the upper body burst suddenly in the high-frequency resonance into powder.

On the other side, Zhang Jian also noticed that a terrifying artistic conception of the Heavenly Demon's Doom actually penetrated the map of mountains, rivers, and land, and swept towards him.

But in an instant, it was mostly blocked by the 33 major consummation bright clouds that emerged from his body.

At the same time, the two rare treasures in his body radiated light, and the power of infinite light washed away, instantly suppressing and burning the pure and cold will of the sky demon.

Those were the strange treasure Yuanshi Jade Bead, and the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Nine Turn Haoran Golden Lamp.

While at the same place, Bai Ze Demon Emperor's real body exuded a strong white aura, and quickly recovered his real body, but in an instant, countless white auras rebuilt his immortal Demon Emperor's real body.

It's just that there are two emerald green rays of light faintly emerging from the depths of the eyes, and the phantom of a majestic sacred tree is reflected in the light and shadow.

Bai Ze Yaosheng sensed the seal of the heavenly god tree that took root, and his face changed slightly.

In this space, he was unknowingly plotted against by the Daoist of Longevity.

That Celestial God Tree Seed contains a special kind of divine energy, and it seems to be a single body, endlessly alive. Even if he uses the secret method of the sky demon to continuously eat away at its vitality, it cannot pose a threat to him. Cannibalize his celestial demon roots.

Demon Saint Bai Ze knows very well that if this goes on, he has no chance of winning.

The unknown strong man was enough to make him cautious, and there was also a Daoist of longevity watching over him.

Most importantly, this place is the opponent's home field.

But Yao Sheng Bai Ze was still a little unwilling to let him give up the mission.

After thinking about it, he still made a decision.

In front of him, the iron-blooded king's banner with dim brilliance, and the demon emperor's catalog once again condensed into a shape, and the brilliance was blazing in front of him.

Boom! !

Above the sky, countless phantoms of mountains, rivers and mountains emerged, as if the origin of the endless earth had completely manifested at this moment, turning into phantoms of the vast universe and heaven and earth, all of which merged into a purple-yellow dragon-shaped phantom in the void Among them, galloping towards him.

But in an instant, several purple-blue rays of light emerged from it.

Like several terrifying rivers of thunder galloping from the depths of the void, hundreds of millions of thunder lights erupted from them in an instant, and the earth-shattering thunder light flowed, confronting the purple-yellow dragon shadow across the sky.

At this moment, within the map of Shanhe Sheji, it seemed as if it had evolved into a universe void filled with countless Thunder Dao rules.

Billions of voids collapsed.

Even the secret magic space formed by the map of mountains, rivers, and land was entangled by countless thunderbolts, revealing some clues.

Above the void, Zhang Jian felt the numb tingling of the will of the other shore deep in the center of his brows, but the huge will of the primordial spirit was directly integrated into the map of the mountains and rivers, and he was not afraid of the horror of the thunder, trying to lock the Bai Ze demon Where the holy body is.

The majestic primordial spirit's will is mighty and mighty, bursting with immeasurable divine light, prompting Shanhe Shejitu to directly engulf the sea of ​​thunder and thunder.

It's just that Zhang Jian's majestic will on the other side illuminates the void, but he senses that a qi mechanism has taken the opportunity to tear the time-space blockade of the outer universe map, and escapes through the air in an instant.

His face was icy cold, his figure disappeared in an instant, and he immediately chased after him.

However, in the depths of the void, another three Taoists manifested from the sky, forming an innate three-talent formation, condensing into a Dao Totem and bombarding Zhang Jian.

"The incarnation of the three corpses?"

Zhang Jian's face changed slightly, but he saw that the unparalleled power of the earth was condensed from the depths of his palms, and when he pushed his palms forcefully, the invisible power was like overwhelming mountains and seas, as if the power of the dimensions of the heavens and the universe converged on his real body of the earth emperor. The innate three-talent formation that can instantly penetrate the void and condense into shape.

The blood and qi all over the body of the three figures exploded majesticly, one of the figures was hit by him in the front, the real body exploded, almost turned into mud and crushed, but it turned into three streamers in an instant It disappeared, apparently summoned by the demon saint Bai Ze.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jian didn't pursue him anymore.

Although Bai Ze hadn't been severely injured, the incarnation of the three corpses was enough to cause him pain for a long time.

After leaving the Realm of Longevity, the chances of catching up with such a strong monster are not high in the vast dimension of the heavens.

What is more critical is the change of the original space.

As far as Zhang Jian could see, this original space was surrounded by countless destructive lightning, and the seal of the ancestor of the heart below was also affected to some extent.

Just now, not only the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map was violently attacked, but also the Heavenly Sacred Tree was surrounded by countless lightning and thunder seas.

The Taoist Master Changsheng's real body manifested from the void, and his body was also covered with a layer of intense and destructive thunder light, but in an instant, he was absorbed layer by layer by the heavenly god tree and refined at an extremely fast speed.

Daoist Changsheng sighed slightly.

"This guy is cunning, he even prepared the Chaos Forbidden Lightning Talisman!"

Zhang Jian had heard of the power of the Chaos Forbidden Lightning Talisman.

It is a kind of super-limited supernatural power condensed by a supreme powerhouse whose root is thunder in the depths of the sky.

The founder is Lei Zu of a universe of different dimensions. His Taoism is amazing, and his creation is naturally very powerful.

Zhang Jian felt a little regretful in his heart, but he quickly suppressed the regret.

An ancient demon saint like Bai Ze has countless methods, and it is very difficult to kill him.

This requires targeted layout!

Unless one day he can set foot on the body of a third-rank Taoist.


At this time, there was a strange whistling sound from the depths of the void, but from the seal below, countless strange purple awns bloomed from it, like billions of magic needles from the universe erupting from it, penetrating the void, and there was a ray of purple light in the purple light. It sucks and swallows the divine energy of the common people.

It seems that with the departure of the demon saint Bai Ze, feeling the departure of that special secret treasure, it fell into a rampage.

Seeing this, Daoist Changsheng just slightly raised his hand, and a ray of divine light fell into the seal below, but he saw countless innate yin and yang divine lights brushing inside, and layers of innate yin and yang air flows out, forming an innate The Yin-Yang Dao Diagram brushes down countless purple lights, splits them into Yin-Yang, and re-envelops the terrifying evil god emperor.

Zhang Jian's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he could tell that it was a peculiar innate formation, and inside it was a tyrannical innate spirit treasure of yin and yang attributes.

Daoist Changsheng looked at Zhang Jiandao.

"We must refine the Heart Ancestor as soon as possible, and kill this beast, otherwise the monster clan may not give up on it!"

Zhang Jian's eyes remained unchanged.

He glanced at Daoist Changsheng.

Most of the power of the good corpse of the Changsheng Taoist lies in the heart ancestor. If the Xinzu can be solved, the Changsheng Taoist will probably become a big trouble in the real world of longevity.

But compared to Xinzu, the senses given to him by Daoist Changsheng are much more complicated.

But in any case, it is always right to continue to improve the Tao.

After one yuan meeting, his supreme power state is complete, and he can automatically enter the second-rank Taoist state.

Even if Dao Zun Changsheng recovered, he would not have any fear.

Daoist Changsheng said.

"During this period of time, I have also created a special refining method, which may be able to refine the Heart Ancestor Dao Fruit..."

(End of this chapter)

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