Chapter 697 Dao Industry (4K)

Zhang Jian himself will certainly not stay in the Heavenly Spirit Realm forever.

And without his protection, how could the Ancestral God of Kyushu be the opponent of other gods and Taoists in the heaven.

Zhang Jian thought for a while, then said.

"Alright, this deity is the elder of the human race in the Three Emperors' Heaven Realm, and he also has some special authority in his hands. After you enter the Three Emperors' Heaven Realm, you can enter the place where the human race inherits to retreat and practice, which will be of great help to your future Taoism!"

"In addition, Heluo Taoist Lord can also follow you to the Heavenly Realm of the Three Emperors, which is a good place to recuperate!"

When the Ancestral God of Kyushu heard the words, there was some joy in his eyes.


On the other side, after the consolidation of the newly established Heavenly Court, Emperor Ziwei, as the Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, announced that he would teach Yuanshi Shinto inside and outside the Heavenly Spiritual Realm, and at the same time reshape the orthodoxy for the Celestial Spiritual Realm.

Emperor Ziwei obviously intends to completely win the luck of the next world, and to indulge in the addiction of the ancestors of the gods and Taoists in the heaven!
It is one of the six emperors of heaven, and it is an existence that has made great achievements in the divine way, so it is also qualified to be the ancestor of the divine way.

Zhang Jian, as the master of the earth and the underworld, also received the invitation.

Zhang Jian thought for a while, and was ready to listen to His Majesty Ziwei's sermon.

Whether public or private, he felt that he should join in the excitement.

Firstly, as the master of the earth and the nether world, he gave Emperor Ziwei a boost, and there was a relationship between people here and there.

The second is to learn from experience and take a look at the style of Taoist ancestors in this world.

After learning it, you will naturally be able to draw from the gourd in the future.


3000 years later.

The weather in the heavenly spirit world is initially determined.

Nanming Shenzhou, the Emperor's Dao Palace, this day a ray of light flew out from the Emperor's Dao Palace, and in a moment it turned into a black-yellow flying lin gold and flew across the sky, heading towards the depths of the Milky Way.

It was a gift prepared by the Nanming Shenzhou human race for the 5000th anniversary of the birth of the Emperor Daoist.

It was built by gathering many skilled craftsmen from Nanming Shenzhou.

Among them, many immortals and gods of the human race joined hands to thank the Emperor's Dao Palace for protecting the human race.

At this time, a group of more than ten figures are like streamer switches, and their speed is extremely fast.

Zhang Jian sits on the Xuanhuang Feilin Jinchao, and beside the Jinchao there are many immortals and gods accompanying him, and at the head are two gods, a man and a woman.

The male god is the ancestor god of Kyushu, and the female fairy is Heluo Daojun.

That Heluo Taoist Lord has a clear face and is dressed in emerald green clothes, but there is a bright brilliance in his smart eyes.

After thousands of years of reincarnation, she gradually returned to the Dao of Longevity, but she just wanted to restore the Daojun's morality. I am afraid that she will not have more than 10 years of hard work, and it may be difficult to recover

After she came back, Zhang Jian accepted her as a god, and just happened to take everyone to Ziwei Fairy Palace to participate in the grand event.

The speed of Xuanhuang Feilin and Jin Zhuo was extremely fast, and soon after, huge stars and shadows appeared in the sky, and the stars appeared in front of the eyes of the fairies like huge pearl islands on the sky.

The location of the Immortal Palace in the Heavenly Spirit World is different from that of the Shenchao Alliance, but it stands on the sky. Emperor Ziwei personally casts a spell to connect the 360 ​​five ancient main stars above the void of the sky, as well as one hundred and eight thousand evil stars. The light of the stars in the sky is brought in and a small number of stars bred in this world itself are built into a magnificent star space.

Tianling Heavenly Court is built in the space of stars.

Xuanhuang Feilin and Jin Lu had already entered the outskirts of the star space at this time.

If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals.

The name of the six heavenly emperors in the heaven moved the sky, and Emperor Ziwei's preaching also attracted many gods from the outer reaches of the heavenly spirit dimension, who arrived early.

Above the void, all the immortals and gods above Jin Lu can see above the starlight, there are majestic and majestic streams of light falling from the void.

Those are all immortal gods who came through the gate of the stars outside the sky.

Their auras are obviously different from those of the native gods in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and they obviously haven't adapted to the rules of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

It's just that they didn't know that they came here for the name of Emperor Ziwei, but for the benefit of the heavenly spirit world.

But it is certain that most of the fairy gods who dare to enter the heavenly spirit world and appear in front of Ziwei Tiandi are the fairy gods of the heavenly court itself, or they are related to the Tianting Doubu, or they come from a "famous family" and heresy The fairy god in the middle of the night obviously didn't dare to show up.

In this dimension war in the Heavenly Spirit World, heretics stood on the side of the ancestor of the Heavenly Spirit World, causing the Heavenly Court Fighting Department to lose a lot of manpower, but they severely offended Emperor Ziwei's mansion, and of course died in Emperor Ziwei's mansion. There are also quite a few heretic powerhouses in Xiaoxiangu's hands, and the two sides have already formed a deadly feud, so they dare not rush over easily.

After penetrating through a large expanse of barren stars, the distance became brighter and brighter after a short while, with immeasurable light appearing in front of the large expanse of star sea, and majestic fairy towers emerged in the expanse of star sea.

That is where the Celestial Palace of the Heavenly Spirit Realm is located.

Countless silver-white starlight fell from the sky, just like tens of thousands of mercury-colored starlight orbs fell from the void, falling into this void law world, turning the void into a silver-white sea of ​​clouds.

Intense star energy surrounds this place like a river of stars, and it will last for a long time.

There is also an innate dao rhyme of the first opening of heaven and earth permeating it.

However, Emperor Ziwei has opened up the star space for less than ten thousand years, and the innate good fortune inside will not be easily dissipated.

Immediately after Zhang Jian and others arrived, several Xingjun came out of the Immortal Palace to welcome them.

The leader is none other than Tianliang Xingjun.

All are familiar faces.

Behind him are Zhu Yuan, Lord of the Big Dipper, and Fu Yuan, Lord of the Southern Dipper.

Some time ago, the Big Dipper Lord Zhu Yuan also visited the Emperor's Dao Palace in Nanming Shenzhou to ask for the god of Jiuyou Difu, and the two parties had a very happy conversation.

Tianliang Xingjun smiled at this time.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Earth is here, and the fairy palace is full of light. His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven has already prepared a table for His Majesty the Emperor of the Earth. Please follow me into the Zhongji Hall. His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven will be in the Zhongji Hall for the gods. Avenue!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jian nodded slightly.

Immediately, a group of people passed through many fairy gates and headed towards Zhongji Hall.

That is one of the main halls of the Immortal Palace, but it doesn't look gorgeous, but it is simple and solemn.

Asgard is majestic.

Zhang Jian is the ancestor god of Kyushu stepping into it, while other immortal gods, including Heluo Daojun, can only enter the side hall at this time to participate in the audience.

They are not yet qualified to enter the main hall, and they can enter the side hall to listen because of Zhang Jian's identity.

In the main hall, when Zhang Jian entered, he noticed that no other foreign gods were introduced into the Zhongji Hall.

Next to Tianliang Xingjun saw this and said.

"Emperor, this is to ensure the interests of our gods in heaven, so the emperor separates the gods and enters the arena one by one to ensure order!"

Zhang Jian nodded slightly.

From a distance, Zhang Jian could see another platform standing high in front of Zhongji Hall, and a cloud platform at the bottom, which seemed to be floating on the three-dimensional sea of ​​stars.

Each cloud platform is supported by a star.

Looking carefully at this Fang Zhongji Hall, it looks like a starry sky formed by many stars.

There are twelve gimbals in the first row at the forefront.

At this time, the eight positions in front of the twelve cloud platforms have already sat down the gods.

There are men and women in these gods, and they either sit cross-legged, or stand on top of the cloud platform in strange postures, but each one is magnificent, and Zhang Jian feels as if he is walking on thin ice when he senses it carefully.

Their divine power machine is too powerful.

Slightly fluctuating in his heart, Zhang Jian's figure turned into a streamer and landed on the ninth position, while the ancestor god of Kyushu behind him was left on the side of Zhongji Hall, waiting for the second batch of immortal gods to take their seats.

After Zhang Jian took his seat, he passed by the eight gods in front of him and bowed slightly.

"Junior Zhang Jian has met all seniors!"

He bowed slightly, and saw that most of the eight gods opened their eyes and nodded slightly, but a few of them still went their own way, as if they didn't hear his greeting, and Zhang Jian didn't care when he saw it.

He set his eyes on the eight gods, and he noticed that the seats of the eight gods also had other mysteries.

The head of the eight gods is a female fairy. She is dressed in a white dress, with two coiled clouds in a bun, white cranes and red tassels, a silk sash tied around her waist, and hemp shoes under her feet. She is unparalleled in beauty, and there is a trace of inviolable gentleness and sacredness between her brows and eyes.

Zhang Jian knew that it was probably Fairy Yunxiao who was the head of the three fairies under Emperor Ziwei's command.

This Fairy Yunxiao is very famous.

Zhang Jian has also heard about it, but he doesn't know if this fairy Sanxiao is the same person as the fairy Sanxiao under the knee of the Lingbao Tianzun in the myth.

After all, no one dares to spread the origin of this kind of existence, so as not to offend Dao Zun.

And Fairy Yunxiao's strikers were two fairy gods surrounded by strong starlight from the other side. Those two fairy gods must be from the lineage of the ancient Xingjun, and they were extremely tyrannical.

The other side is a special realm.

It can reverse the attribute of its own ancient main starlight and transform it into its own unique starlight, which is called the other shore starlight.

After the ancient demon court, among the ancient stars, there are very few star kings who can do this.

But to be able to do this, most of them have already stepped into the realm of the other side.

Zhang Jian has also heard the names of these two stars over the years.

They are the first generation Jiuyaoxing Lord and Tianluxing Lord.

One of the two great gods is named Jiuyao Taoist, and the other is Tianlu Taoist.

After the two Taoist priests are Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Bixiao among the three fairies.

That Fairy Qiong Xiao was fine, she opened her eyes slightly, that Fairy Bi Xiao had a lot of opinions on him, she kept her eyes closed all the time, with a cold expression.

Zhang Jian didn't care either.

Behind the two fairies are one woman and two men, two people with extremely strong aura.

The female fairy thought it was some Taoist priest from heaven who came in person.

The two male gods are full of strong innate divine energy, and possess the ancestor's personality. They are probably the remaining Taoist-level ancestors in the heavenly spirit world.

At this time, the two ancestors were looking at him with complicated expressions.

Zhang Jian reckoned that these two ancestors probably wanted a 'sword man' in their hearts.

Without him, the Heavenly Spirit Realm would not be so easy to fall.

I'm afraid that the two ancestors have already set their sights on him, including his underground imperial palace.

However, Zhang Jian felt that these ancestors should thank him. If he hadn't cooperated with the inside and outside to guide Emperor Ziwei to come, the Heavenly Spirit Realm might have to fight the Heavenly Court to the end.

With the potential of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it is doomed not to be able to compete with the Heavenly Court.

After all, the Heavenly Court governs the void of the heavens, and the war potential of such a behemoth cannot be compared with that of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Heavenly Court just wants to take down the Heavenly Spirit Realm at the lowest cost.

If they continue to fight desperately, the worst result is that the Heavenly Court captures a dilapidated Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the local creatures in the Heavenly Spirit Realm will be killed or injured.

To some extent, he still saved most of the native creatures in the heavenly spirit world.

Zhang Jian watched his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose.

He felt that it was better not to talk to these two angry ancestors first.

After all, some people may not be able to appreciate his 'hard work'!
After Zhang Jian took his seat, a moment later Tianliang Xingjun attracted two great supernatural beings with strong celestial light to take their seats.

Those were immortal gods that Zhang Jian was not familiar with.

In the end, Tianliang Xingjun sat on the last seat in the first row.

After the immortals and gods in the first row are seated, the Zhongji Hall will be released one after another!

The ancestor gods of Kyushu waiting in the Zhongji Hall took advantage of the opportunity to enter the [-] positions in the second row, followed by the star kings of the heavenly court, and the ancestors of the heavenly spirit world, and some came from the heavenly court, or other people The powerhouses in the dimension time and space took their seats one after another.

The light of the gods is magnificent and vast.

After the subsequent [-] positions are filled, the remaining [-] positions are next.

I saw that the gates of the Zhongji Hall evolved into majestic heavenly gates, and the Zhongji Hall was even more like a universe in the middle of the sky. The ocean-like streamers poured in from the gates, and began to compete for the positions in the hall.

All the immortals rely on their own abilities.

It's just that many immortals still restrained themselves, so as not to offend Emperor Ziwei and lose the opportunity to listen to Yuanshi.

Yuanshi Avenue has been one of the orthodox avenues of heaven and earth since the birth of Zhutian Void. It can directly lead to the realm of Yuanshi. All the immortals and gods, even the Taoist priests who have passed the other shore, are not willing to miss it easily.

After all, existences at the level of Liuyutiandi don't often preach.

After the three thousand cloud platforms were full, the gate of the Zhongji Hall was silently closed, and the other immortals looked helpless when they saw this, so they could only enter the side hall to fight for a seat to observe.

At this time, above the Ziwei Taoist platform in the center, a majestic purple starlight fell from the sky.

In the purple majestic starlight, a majestic and majestic majestic emperor stood on the Taoist platform like a majestic emperor. At this time, his whole body was covered with a majestic and vast dao rhyme, as if submerging the heaven and earth, boundless heaven and earth.

A majestic, faint voice came.

"Since you are all here, I will release the mystery of Dao for you!"

"The gods in this world are barren, and the innate is respected. However, the innate cannot be eternal after all. Only the heavenly gods are immortal. They can span the innate, the acquired, and even the end of the law. Today, I will open the river of innateness for all the manifestations of the heaven and spirit world. , Let’s talk about my divine way of heaven, and the mystery of Yuanshi!”

After the words fell, all the gods immediately showed joy on their faces.

Even the gods above the first row were moved.

Most of them have been in contact with Tianting Shendao, so naturally they will not be rare.

But Yuanshi Xuanmiao is what all the immortals can't dream of!
(End of this chapter)

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