Chapter 58 Spirit Turtle
"What an auspicious one!"

Zhang Jian just took a look, and suddenly there was some surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Jian still clearly distinguishes the turtle from the soft-shelled turtle. One has a hard shell and the other has a soft shell.

Turtle is also known as bastard.

In front of him is a big tortoise that has always been rare, especially the white jade color, which is usually called auspicious in the folks. Whether it is a birthday gift or a gift to the court, it can be treated with courtesy.

And the white jade turtle in front of him was even more extraordinary, Zhang Jian could see wisps of moist inspiration flowing around it in Zhang Jian's eyes, it should be regarded as some kind of little monster.

At this moment, a child could be heard crying in the Ten Thousand Worlds Spiritual Awareness Ball deep in Zhang Jian's mind, and there was a lot of fear and worry in it.

"A white jade spirit turtle?"

At this time, many passers-by are bidding, and the price has soared from a few to dozens.

Zhang Jian glanced at the spirit turtle, thought for a while, and then said directly.

"Three hundred copper coins!"

He opened his mouth, and many passers-by around him immediately looked at him with dissatisfied expressions.

The old fisherman's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"This gentleman bid three hundred guan, is there any higher price, if there is no this big white turtle, it will belong to this gentleman!"

Although many passers-by were eager to compete, and many of them were servants from dignitaries' mansions who came to purchase ingredients, they still had no right to throw out such a large amount of copper coins.

At the moment, several people came forward and tried to reveal their backgrounds and discussed with Zhang Jian, but Zhang Jian directly refused.

At the same time, Zhang Jian took out the post from the Qi Mansion and handed it to the old fisherman, saying, "This is the famous thorn of the Qi family on Changling Street, with my name on it, you can go to the Qi Mansion to withdraw three hundred copper coins!"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can follow me directly to the surrounding banks to withdraw money!"

When the old fisherman heard that it was the Qi family on Changling Street, his face suddenly became serious, and he hurriedly said: "I can believe it, little old man Qi, the old general can still believe it!"

The stewards of a few big families next to him were still entangled. Hearing that it was the third-class Weiyuan General's mansion, the Qi family could only calm down and stop their entanglement. They could only watch this scene enviously.

Although limited by power and vision, they also knew that this white jade spirit turtle must be of great value, and if they could bring it back, they would definitely be greatly appreciated.

At this time, the old fisherman solemnly put away the luxurious and famous thorn, stepped forward and said earnestly: "Mr. Lang, do you need the little old man to help you pick it up and bring it back to Qi Mansion?"

Zhang Jian mentioned the hemp fiber fishing net and said with a smile: "That's not necessary, this thing looks so beautiful, if you eat it, it will be a waste, let it go!"

"God has the virtue of good life!"

The people around felt it was a pity when they heard the words, and the old fisherman also felt it was a pity, but since it was sold, it has nothing to do with him, he just smiled.

"It's still the compassionate heart of the gentleman, what a bodhisattva heart!"

The white jade spirit turtle in the net bag seemed to understand that he had saved his life, and immediately poked his head out slowly, looking at Zhang Jian with watery eyes, and Zhang Jian heard a babble of thanks in his ear.

Then he got up directly and went to the river embankment behind, tore the fiber net casually, and threw the white jade turtle into the surging white water.

Zhang Jian watched the white jade turtle fall into the water and disappear, and suddenly smiled.

In fact, with the current weight of the Zhang family, if the tortoise is kept and handed over to the sixth uncle Zhang Duan for presentation to the imperial court, it might not be possible to gain some benefits.

But this is too troublesome, and it is easy to attract coveting.

Zhang Jian simply released him directly, which can be regarded as fulfilling his own wish.

Ask for a clear idea.

Then Zhang Jian turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

It's just that after Zhang Jian left, exclamations suddenly erupted from the side of the river embankment, but violent waves suddenly erupted from the depths of the Baishui River.

Everyone said that without wind and waves, there must be evildoers.

The fish market and crowds by the embankment are quickly dispersing.

However, the sharp-eyed person was in the depths of the wide Baishui River, as if he saw a figure like a hill moving, which shocked people's hearts.

The matter spread quickly.

When Zhang Jian returned to Qi Mansion after disposing of the gold and silver ingots purchased by Hu Shan and others, he could hear the discussions of the surrounding people.

But not long after Zhang Jian returned to the small courtyard, Qi Yi and Taoist Tianxu came hand in hand, and the reason for the two was the fight that happened around the Qi residence last night.

Zhang Jian did not hide it either.

"This county guard actually bought so many strange people?"

Qi Yi immediately felt a headache when he heard this. These strange people are not very effective in a head-on confrontation, and may even be inferior to hundreds of soldiers charging together, nine-bead continuous crossbow, and even a round of cinnabar armor-piercing crossbow, but they are used for assassination. It is very fierce.

"Grandpa doesn't need to worry. Qi's mansion is the third-class Weiyuan general's mansion. With the protection of the imperial court, evil people dare not invade easily. As for the uncles who are all officials, just be careful, send more guards, and no problem!"

"That's the only way to do it for now!"

Qi Yi nodded.

Qi Yi sighed a little, now that the major families in the county are busy competing with the county guard for power and balancing each other, such days really make him feel the pressure.

Zhang Jian's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Taoist Tianxu, saying.

"How much does senior Tianxu know about the divine power in Fengyang County?"

Taoist Tianxu's expression changed when he heard the words: "Shen Dao?"

He looked at Zhang Jian with a surprised expression, and said for a moment: "The old Taoist only knows that there is a county town god in the county town, and that there used to be a Baishui priest in the Baishui River. The Shinto rules are strict, and they usually don't interfere with the world's operations at will, unless it involves A matter of Yin and Yang worlds!"

Zhang Jian nodded when he heard the words, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

"Senior Tianxu, do you know how to restrain the nature of the gods?"

Hearing this, Taoist Tianxu was taken aback, he looked at the young man in front of him in astonishment, and couldn't help saying.

"Brother Zhang, why do you ask this question?"

Zhang Jian shook his head and said, "It's just that I saw the power of the gods not long ago, and I felt something in my heart!"

Taoist Tianxu nodded when he heard the words, he was vaguely aware of the action of the city god before, he shook his head and said.

"It's related to the mysteries of the divine way, and the old way is not very clear, but there may be a few words in many ancient books in the Iron Immortal Temple!"

Taoist Tianxu had a look of shame in his eyes: "After all, the old Taoist is no match for the ancestors of Tiexian Temple, and his vision is limited!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jian said with a smile: "Senior Tianxu is too self-effacing, he has a specialization in art, and when it comes to understanding both medicine and medicine, Senior Tianxu is far superior to his predecessors, no one in Fengyang County knows Tianxu Senior Xu's accomplishments in these two realms!"

Hearing this, the old Taoist Tianxu blushed a little, but his expression was full of smiles. Everyone loves to hear good words, let alone compliments from a young hero whose cultivation is still ahead of him.

The old Taoist Tianxu blushed and said while patting his chest.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, the old Taoist will check it for you after you go back. If you really can't find it, I will ask a few old friends for you, maybe there will be an answer!"

"So, thank you Senior Tianxu, this matter is quite important to me!"

Zhang Jian smiled slightly.

He had a premonition that he might have to deal directly with that Dragon Lord in the future, so he naturally had to make some preparations, knowing how to restrain that Dragon Lord, so that he could act.

Qi Yi and the old Taoist Tianxu talked in detail for a while in the small courtyard, and left in a hurry when they got the news they wanted to know. Yuan Jia invited the Daoist Keqing to make an appraisal.

so as not to be deceived.


Zhang Jian was waiting in the courtyard for the feedback from the 'ancestor' after the ancestor worship in the morning.

Zhang Jian still has high expectations for this.

 The typo will be refined later

I just asked our editor with a nervous heart, and the follow-up is moving towards [-], and I can go to Sanjiang next week.
(End of this chapter)

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