Chapter 379 Two Emperors
The Emperor of the Divine Dao is originally a great god, if the patriarch helps plan in advance, maybe he can find some special good position.

The royal seal of Sheji Shinto already has a great gold content.

Not to mention the Heavenly Edict.

Having obtained Zhang Jian's approval, True Monarch Slaying Demons rushed to the Patriarch Hall.

Zhang Jian walked around the sect first.

Taoist Cassia's Ascension Ceremony will be two days later.

But the monks from various sects who came to watch the ceremony had already arrived ahead of schedule one after another, and were placed in many palaces at the foot of the sacred mountain.

At this time, the surroundings of these palaces have become lively, and high-level trading workshops have been organized around them. Many Zongmen Primordial Spirits take advantage of the opportunity to trade various resources they need.

With the endorsement of Tongshan Taoism, the masters of the Taoism of each immortal sect can be trusted.

Followed by the magic weapon meeting, treasure pill meeting, etc., very lively.

Zhang Jian's properties of magic tools and pills are limited, but he has a lot of interest in various ancient books and even classics outside the world, that is, falling into the real body.

But Zhang Jian left soon. There are too many real souls in these places, and basically there is nothing to miss.

As for the ancient books and secret methods sold, either the asking price was too high, or the value was limited, which did not meet Zhang Jian's expectations.

Zhang Jian left Yukong directly.

It's just that when passing by a place, Zhang Jian's footsteps suddenly froze, and he looked at a place in the void, with some surprise in his eyes.

In an instant, he vaguely felt a strange omen.

It's not a sign of danger.

Instead, he sensed several tyrannical imperial auras coming from the sky in the distance, reaching directly to the Taoist gate of Tongshan Mountain.

"A strong man from the family of the Holy King has arrived?"

As soon as Zhang Jian thought about it, his huge primordial spirit faintly sensed it, and he saw clouds and thunder surging deep in the sky, and an extremely luxurious chariot came through the sky, surrounded by five dragons.

Those were five flood dragons, each of which exuded a majestic aura of primordial spirit, and the power of the forbidden law circulated on the chariot.

"Five dragon chariots, are the people from the Si family here?"

Zhang Jian's incomparably sensitive substantive soul heard a disciple in the distance, and the elder's voice was surprised.

The Si family, this is one of the famous families of the holy kings in this world, and ranks in the top among the eight great families of the holy kings.

The Si family also has an unusual relationship with Tongshan orthodoxy.

Even Zhang Jian knew about this matter. The ancestor of the Si family was once the heir of King Xia Yu, the patriarch of Tongshan Taoism.

There are also many descendants of the Si family in the Tongshan orthodoxy.


Inside the Patriarch's Hall, Demon Slayer Zhenjun lit a stick of incense, and immediately spread the news that Zhang Jian was pregnant with the emperor's status.

After a while, I saw that the Patriarch Hall suddenly became lively, and strands of magnificent spiritual consciousness suddenly emerged from the void, shining golden light.

Among the many patriarchs, the first to manifest is the second-generation patriarch of the lineage of Slaying Demons, the Patriarch of Dividing Law.

On the golden body, there is a golden light, a Taoist dressed in white, with a long sword on his back, and a white beard and hair flowing out, with hearty laughter.

"Slaying Demon, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I never thought that you gave me a surprise!"

But I saw several magnificent primordial spirits shaking in the void, and the brilliance of the other eight golden bodies flowed, and in a moment, a middle-aged man in purple robes appeared in an instant with countless thunder lights flowing around him.

That is the second-generation patriarch Zidian patriarch.

Then came another handsome young man in a green robe, who appeared almost at the same time as Zidian Patriarch.

Seeing this blue-robed figure, Zidian Patriarch's face became solemn, and he clasped his fists and said.

"Sixth Senior Brother!"

"Master Qing Yuan!"

True Monarch Demon Slayer also hurriedly saluted.

This Taoist is obviously the second-generation patriarch Qingyuan Patriarch.

It is rumored that this ancestor has been wandering outside the world, but this time he returned in real body.

Taoist Qingyuan just smiled slightly, then looked at Zhenjun Zhanmo and said:
"Has this been confirmed?"

True Monarch Demon Slayer hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "This disciple has no experience, and still needs to be confirmed by the sect's secret method!"

Taoist Qingyuan waved his hand and said, "Then call him over!"

Seeing this, the other patriarchs all had solemn faces, with a look of anticipation in their eyes.

Everyone is traveling in the galaxy, they are all well-informed people.

It is not uncommon for divine emperors to be in the void outside the realm. In some powerful worlds, there are also immortals who, by chance, can obtain the status of emperor.

This is much more precious than an ordinary celestial being.

When their master Xia Yuwang Patriarch was in power, he also obtained the status of emperor. The status of emperor was called Shui Guandijun, one of the three yuan emperors, and he was in charge of the source of water between heaven and earth.

This played a very crucial role in King Xia Yu's certification of the Daoist Fruit Status.

Today, the status of Shuiguandijun is still in the hands of Tongshan Dao Tongtong, and it has been passed on to their third senior brother Tianhe Zhenren.

It is also with the help of the personality of the water official emperor that many disciples of the Tongshan Taoist lineage firmly control one, so that many ascended celestial beings of the Tongshan Taoist lineage can grow up in a short period of time.

Now, if the Tongshan Taoism can give birth to a second Shinto emperor, it would be a good idea to plan one or two, and it might not be possible to follow the gourd to make the influence of the Tongshan Taoism in the heavens even greater.

At this time, many patriarchs did not speak, but only communicated slightly, and there was a smile in their eyes.

Dafa Dafa's eyes fell on Zhenjun Moslayer, with a questioning look in his eyes.

True Monarch Demon Slayer shrugged and said at the same time through a sound transmission.

"Master, don't look at me, I don't know how Ayu achieved the status of emperor..."

The difficulty of achieving such a top-grade god like Dijun is far higher than that of other great gods. If it is not for success in Taoism and inheritance, it will be difficult to see a few steps.

Otherwise, it is to obtain the innate source, which is almost as difficult as picking up the innate spirit treasure.

Otherwise, you can only wait for the Tiangong canonization.

It's just that there are a lot of tyrannical immortals in Tiangong, if you want to break out from so many immortals, you need not only strong strength, but also a deep background, the support of all immortals, etc.!

too difficult.

Even with the background of Tongshan orthodoxy, it has not been possible to get a second emperor status since ancient times.

Outside the patriarch hall, at this time, a burst of emperor's energy is seen coming like a long rainbow, and it arrives in the blink of an eye, and the faces of the incarnations of the primordial spirits of the patriarchs change.

They are all extremely powerful people, so magnificent, pure imperial aura, they just glanced at them, and they were vaguely sure.

The news from the mouth of True Monarch Demon Slayer is probably true.

"However, it is still necessary to measure one or two, and it is better not to have an oolong!"

Taoist Qingyuan thought to himself.

The determination of the emperor's personality is relatively simple. It only needs a little magic power from the real Tianhe, who is the water official and emperor, to guide Zhang Jian to manifest his own natal personality.

However, wild Shinto emperors are different from established Tiangong Shinto emperors.

After surveying and mapping, it is necessary to accurately survey and map the authority and the stage of authority control in order to formulate a series of growth plans.

For this point, the professionalism of Tongshan Taoism is higher than that of many Xianzong Taoisms.

(End of this chapter)

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