Chapter 285 The Holy King’s Law (4k)

"What happened?"

Zhang Jian frowned slightly.

Taoist Jingming should even tell the whole story of the imperial city from afar.

In the end, it also includes the solution that he himself imagined.

"Mr. Zhang, there should be formations and means to suppress the backlash of dragon veins in your family. Please, Mr. Zhang, spare no effort to rescue His Majesty!"

Taoist Jingming looked sincere!
Hearing this, Zhang Jian glanced at Taoist Jingming twice, and his expression was a little thoughtful.

He had guessed before that in the imperial city, an accident might have happened to Emperor Jingwu, but he didn't expect that it was the backlash of the former Shu dragon that affected Emperor Jingwu.

As for the method of suppressing the backlash of dragon veins, Tongshan Taoism does have it.

He has practiced himself.

Whether it is "The Secret Record of the King's Ding Swaying Demons" or his natal magic weapon Qianyuan Jinding can suppress the dragon's veins, it belongs to the magic weapon of the country.

The Qianyuan Jinding is currently conceived in the dragon veins of Zhufeng Mountain and cannot be embezzled.

However, the five types of Wang Ding visualized by Wang Ding's secret record of destroying demons have the mystery of suppressing dragon veins.

If necessary, it is possible to use this as a basis to borrow part of the power of the Tongshan Zhenzong's treasure, the Sheji Wangding Ding, and cooperate with the auxiliary secret method to suppress the dragon's veins.

After all, the profession has a specialization.

Zhang Jian glanced at Taoist Jingming. Since Taoist Jingming wanted to ask the immortal cultivators of the Tongshan Taoist lineage to help him, he naturally wanted to meet the other party's request.

He can act as a 'middleman' and introduce several elders of the sect to come forward, maybe someone wants to do this 'business'.

Zhang Jian immediately said: "Since the national teacher asked, I will give it a try, but I don't know if the elders of the sect are willing...!"

"But try your best!"

Hearing this, Taoist Jingming had a solemn face.

Zhang Jian nodded, saying that Taoist Jingming would give an accurate answer within three days.

After sending Taoist Jingming away, Zhang Jian glanced in the direction of the imperial city, his eyes filled with waves.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Emperor Jingwu to have an accident.

Although he has great influence in the court today, he is still fledgling. If Emperor Jingwu falls, the whole court may be caught in a storm.

This is not good for his development.

But to be honest, Zhang Xue's climate has become a reality now, the military also has An Ruming, the chief general of the Shence Army, and the influence of the Qi family. If there is an accident in the court, relying on the current resources of the Zhang family, and It is not difficult to occupy a place with strength.

But this is not the best way.

For Zhang Jian, the best way is to go through the normal road of conferring marquis first, set foot on the center of the court step by step, enshrine the marquis and pay homage to the minister, and finally control the Daqian court. He can clean up the old mountains and rivers in a short time.

Of course, at that time, it would be best for him to have already proved the Daoist Yuanshen, so that he could suppress many strong people inside and outside the Daqian and successfully complete the process of replacing them.

And now is not the time!
Even if someone tries to rebel, he will help the Daqian court to suppress the opponent.

Between the thoughts, Zhang Jian suddenly made up his mind.

Emperor Jingwu can't die, at least he has to support it for a few more years.


After Zhang Jian sent Taoist Jingming away, he first had dinner with Qi Yuhua, Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Changan. He noticed Qi Yuhua's worried expression.

At this time, Qi Yuhua's belly was already very big, and she was seven or eight months pregnant, which seemed to be a bit difficult.

Seeing her expression, Zhang Jian pretended to ask casually. "My lady, has the Queen sent someone to look for you recently?"

Qi Yuhua couldn't hide it, said.

"Husband, Yuzhuluan came here yesterday, she was a little worried and even cried!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jian nodded.

After marrying into the royal family, Qi Yuzhu's mentality gradually tended to Emperor Jingwu after all, which is also expected.

In order to win over him and Qi Yuhua, Emperor Jingwu will definitely work hard on Qi's body.

Qi Yuzhu originally had some low self-esteem in her heart because of the fact that she was unmarried, but at this moment, Emperor Jingwu suddenly treated her sincerely, and she would inevitably be moved.

Even some of the thoughts that had been moved seemed to be let go.

After thinking about it, Qi Yuhua couldn't help but said: "Husband, if you think it's possible, can you save His Majesty?"

"Have you softened?"

Zhang Jian's eyes were full of waves.

Madam's diplomatic means actually still have some effect.

Qi Yuhua shook his head and said: "It's not soft-hearted, everyone can see that your majesty is a wise and wise king, he has been trying to lighten the burden of the common people, and wants to make the people's lives better!"

"Of course, if the husband is really in trouble, I will not force it. In any case, in the eyes of the concubine, the husband is the most important!"

Originally, Zhang Jian was still a little unhappy, but when he heard Qi Yuhua's last words, his mood instantly improved.

He just smiled and said: "Madam, don't worry, since you are a wise king, you will naturally be blessed by God!"


Inside the ancestral hall, Zhang Jian used the magic power of Baolu to summon the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth.

The Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth stands in the dark void, and Zhang Jian Yang God instantly tears the void, and after a while, following the traction of this Lingbao, his figure emerges in the depths of Shenshen Mountain.

After practicing space-like spells, Zhang Jian was more able to sense the mystery of the powerful spiritual treasure of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth.

The power is really great.

Lingbao is usually part of one's own strength. Zhang Jian possesses such a powerful divine fire as the Celestial Purification Fire, so he is more aware of the help of a Lingbao to himself.

Inside the Demon Slaying Peak, Taoist Tiexin was practicing in seclusion. With the help of the Taoist poem given by Zhang Jian, he used it to reconcile his own Taoism and complete his Taoism. When he learned that Zhang Jian had entered the mountain, he immediately left the seclusion to meet him.

Zhang Jian didn't have many contacts in the Tongshan Taoist lineage, and since he wanted to go to the mountain to ask for help, the first thing he thought of was Taoist Tiexin.

Taoist Tiexin is very popular in the sect, so maybe he can find a way.

But when Taoist Tiexin learned of Zhang Jian's intention, he shook his head and said.

"Martial nephew, I'm afraid no one is willing to do your job!"

Facing Zhang Jian's gaze, he sighed.

"It is true that the Dongshen Temple is worth a lot, and the benefits given will not be bad, but it is too risky to participate in the suppression of dragon veins!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jian nodded, this is not unexpected!
"However, nephew, let me help you and ask all the uncles, uncles, to see if they are willing to make a move?!"

Taoist Iron Heart is still very enthusiastic.

Zhang Jian knew it!

The size of the Daqian dragon and the dragon veins is so huge, if you rush into it, if you really can't hold it back, you will be backlashed by the dragon veins, not to mention the benefits, you may let yourself get involved.

Those who are good at water will drown in water, not to mention that the dragon's veins are not as simple as water. This thing is extremely fierce.

Of course, if it is to seek great benefits for oneself, it may be different!
"Then let's give it a try, Master Uncle, and see if there is any senior from the sect who is willing to take over this trouble?"

Zhang Jian bowed slightly.

Taoist Iron Heart nodded.

But Zhang Jian didn't wait much, Taoist Tie Xin gave specific information after half a day.

"Most of the masters and uncles have not replied, but a few second-generation ancestors said that they can give it a try, but the conditions offered..."

Seeing Taoist Tiexin's expression, Zhang Jian's eyes flicked, and he casually took the jade slips handed over by Taoist Tiexin, only glanced at Zhang Jian and shook his head.

These few jade slips are filled with all kinds of spiritual materials from heaven and earth, among which there are many precious innate spiritual materials, innate fetishes, as well as requirements for enshrining, as well as requirements for Daqian to open the dragon veins for their investigation, most of which are extremely strict .

There was even a second-generation patriarch who asked to intercept a small section of dragon vein essence after suppressing the backlash.

Zhang Jian just thought about it for a while, and knew that the Daqian royal family and Dongshen Temple would not agree.

I'm afraid he would rather change another emperor than agree to such a hemorrhage.

However, Zhang Jian also understands the conditions of these second-generation patriarchs.

After all, it's a huge risk.

"It seems that I can only do it myself!"

This thought flashed through Zhang Jian's mind.

Zhang Jian is not afraid of risks, first of all, the various methods he practices are designed to restrain dragon energy.

Even the Dao of Sheji is based on the Dao of Sheji, which is born to suppress the dragon veins.

The second is to carry the Chilongzhu, a Tianfu Qibao that can suppress luck.

Zhang Jian is willing to give it a try, and more importantly, to use this to find out the reality hidden in one or two dragon veins and prepare for the future
After thinking about it, Zhang Jian immediately imitated a vest of the 'Five Dragons' and filled in part of his own requirements.

Compared with other masters of the sect, he lowered his requirements by a notch, although the requirements were extremely high.

He asked for several kinds of innate spiritual materials and innate fetishes.

Most of these innate spiritual materials and innate fetishes are related to the practice of the dragon clan.

This is prepared for the white anger to transform the dragon.

Secondly, there are spiritual objects such as Aescin Heart Fruit, Millennium Dragon Pattern Wood, Mysterious Turtle Pill Pearl, Xiantian Gengjin Lingzhu, etc. Secondly, he also asked to open a part of the dragon vein area for investigation. In order to tell the extent of the backlash of the dragon veins.

Zhang Jian believes that as long as Taoist Jingming is sensible, he will choose whoever he chooses!

After all, there are the conditions of the previous patriarchs to pave the way, and after a comparison, the "cost-effectiveness" of choosing him is reflected!

"It's like a lion opening its mouth. This master of Tongshan Taoism is too dark to attack. Look at what this real person called Qingshuang wants? He even asked for two heaven and earth spiritual objects, and he still needs a pair of yin and yang attributes to accompany him." The innate spiritual things? If there are such treasures, it's their turn to take action?"

On the viewing platform, when Taoist Jingming brought back Zhang Jian's reply, several monks of the 'dong' generation were excited.

One by one dancing.

Daoist Huang He stood aside, and he clicked his tongue just after glancing at it.

The monks in the Tongshan orthodoxy will really take advantage of the fire.

He noticed that one of the old monsters called Zidian Patriarch asked for a piece of Dragon Blood Sky Gold, Thunder Dragon Yuan Pill, and a variety of thunder attribute spirits, such as Thunder Beast Skin, Five Elements Thunder God Sand, Innate Seven Orifices Lei Ling, including the right to read "Dong Nerve", the supreme inheritance of Dongshen Temple.

This Dragon Blood Sky Metal and Thunder Dragon Yuan Pill are rare items.

In particular, the Thunder Dragon Yuan Pill is the natal Yuan Pill of the ancient mythical beast Thunder Dragon, which is no less valuable than Lingbao.

There is also the skin of the thunder beast, and the innate seven-aperture thunder spirit is a rare spiritual creature of heaven and earth, and the cave gods are reluctant to use it.

Not to mention the right to read "Hole Nerve".

And the conditions of the three or four real souls above are almost unacceptable to everyone.

However, the condition of the fifth "superior" named Wulong Daoist seems to be negotiable.

For a moment, Taoist Dongzhen said to Taoist Jingming.

"Nephew, from my point of view, the requirements of this monk named Wulong Daoist are very reasonable!"

Taoist Dongjue shook his head upon hearing this. "Second Senior Brother, this five-dragon real person's requirements are not low. The seven-leaf dragon heart fruit and the thousand-year-old dragon-patterned wood are extremely precious treasures of genius, and the most precious are the congenital Gengjin Lingzhu and Xuangui Danzhu!
Xiantian Gengjin Lingzhu is a god of heaven and earth, conceived by Xiantian Gengjin spirit veins, rare in heaven and earth, and Xuangui Danzhu is even more difficult. Although Xuangui is not a divine beast, this thing is best at seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. How can we capture them? Danzhu? "

Taoist Jingming smiled slightly, and he said lightly: "My Dongshen Temple has been in operation for so many years, and there is still no shortage of spiritual objects in the world. Maybe there is no black tortoise pill, but there is a piece of spirit armor that has been shed by a black tortoise for thousands of years. It should have the same effect. of!"

Compared with other high-ranking Taoists in Tongshan with harsh conditions, this real person called "Five Dragons" is still more affordable.

The only more troublesome thing is to check the dragon veins.

That involves the secrets of the royal family.

Taoist Jingming made a preliminary decision after discussing with Master Huanghe, and finally Taoist Jingming went to Dongling again to seek the opinion of Master Tiangang.

In the end, it was a decision to invite this expert called "Five Dragons" to give it a try.

Although I have never heard of the reputation of this Taoist master named "Five Dragons", since Zhang Jian recommended it, Taoist Jingming can also trust him.


At this time, Zhang Jian is familiar with the mana after the fourth catastrophe of the Yin God.

After being promoted to the fourth catastrophe of the Yin God, all aspects of his body changed.

Not only the mana, but also his understanding of the laws of various spells has gradually improved, and some of the spells can be used more magically with a little comprehension.

Especially the two Primordial Immortal Techniques he mastered now, as well as many Yinshen-level spells.

He also needs to thoroughly comprehend through these techniques, integrate the true meaning of these avenues, consolidate them, turn them into power and integrate them into the map of mountains, rivers and communities, and become his own foundation.

The process of the fourth catastrophe of the Yin God requires a long time for other Yin God venerables to re-plan and integrate their natal spells into the realm of the primordial gods and immortals, and at the same time make final preparations to get rid of life and death.

For Zhang Jian, it just needs to be tidied up.

By sorting out the galaxy-like spells into categories and mastering them, one can elevate one's own Taoism to a realm that other Yinshen venerables can't match.

This is also a lot of accumulation.

The most mysterious thing is that his map of mountains, rivers, and land itself is all-inclusive, and the fusion of many spells will not make it bloated, but will only increase its background.

Because the essence of his map of mountains, rivers, and land is an odd matrix-style array of techniques.

And those found in the Dragon Palace Market, "Little Heavens' Lucky Cutting Method" and "Great Five Elements Magnetism Extinction Divine Light" are also in Zhang Jian's practice plan.

Especially for the new "vest" that he made himself, he is currently mainly comprehending the five-element method of "The Great Five Elements Magnetic Extinction Divine Light".

And after Taoist Jingming came to the door and agreed to the conditions, Zhang Jian also prepared to reply.

"Very good, in two days, the real 'Five Dragons' will arrive!"

Two days is enough time for him to prepare.

It's just that Taoist Jingming thought about it and asked.

"May I ask Mr. Zhang if he has ever known this "Five Dragons" real person. I have lived in the East for a long time, so I am not very familiar with this "Five Dragons" real person..."

Zhang Jian's eyes fluctuated and he said with a smile: "This real 'Five Dragons' is also a master of the third generation of Tongshan. He has been active in overseas places and has a great reputation. He is famous for his magnificent five elements. Longting, standing on top of the mountains and rivers, will definitely not go wrong!"

Taoist Jingming thought for a while and nodded, then said: "So that's the case. After those two days, I will wait for Senior Wulong's dharma to come and help my Majesty relieve this bad luck!"

Zhang Jian nodded slightly.

He is also quite looking forward to being able to investigate the Daqian dragon's veins openly and aboveboard.

I can't say that in this process, I can do something else.

(End of this chapter)

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