Seeking Immortals

Chapter 18 Taikang's Bravery

Chapter 18 Taikang's Bravery
In the 39th year of Dakang, February [-]th, night.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The strong smell of herbs filled the entire palace, and there was a slight coughing sound from time to time on the emperor's couch.

Emperor Taikang rested on the soft silk pillow, and the two masters continued to deliver internal energy to Emperor Taikang to continue his life.

for a long time.

Wei Yang walked in from the outside, knelt down and saluted: "Your Majesty, the matter for the minister's funeral has been properly arranged."

Emperor Taikang nodded: "That Lenggong eunuch is not bad. What he learned seems to be Concubine Ming's Roushui Qiduanjin. Unfortunately, it is too indisputable. If he can assist Wu'er in the future, he must be a pillar of talent."

Emperor Taikang waved to the left and right, and the two young eunuchs brought two glasses of poisoned wine.

"Here are two cups of poisoned wine, one for Empress Qi and one for Queen Mother, do you dare to do it?" Emperor Taikang asked indifferently.

Giving poisoned wine to the queen and queen mother?
As soon as the holy words came out, the eunuchs in the palace were shocked.

However, Wei Yang took the poisoned wine steadily: "I will not fail the grace of God."

Holding the poisoned wine, Wei Yang led a group of martial arts eunuchs to the Palace of Compassion. The Empress Dowager had been seriously ill for four years, and Concubine Qi had been taking care of her in the Palace of Compassion since she was named Empress.

The old eunuch, who looked half-dead and half-prosperous, walked out from nowhere, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Emperor Taikang and sighed, "Why bother, Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager can't last for a few years, and killing her mother with her son is a great treason. And the prince In the future, if you know about Empress Qi, you will feel resentful toward the Holy One."

Emperor Taikang smiled: "I am a dying person, so it doesn't matter if I bear all the sins together. I have been working in the harem for a long time, and the prince will understand my intentions. I want to leave the prince with an unfettered country!"

"Hey." The old eunuch still sighed.

Emperor Taikang couldn't help asking: "Master Rongku, there are really immortals in this world. If there are immortals who can save my remnant body, I don't need to do sinful ways."

The old eunuch Rongku only said: "You can't say, you can't know, you can't be arrogant. I can't do my best in martial arts in my life, let alone the illusory way of immortality."

After hearing this, Emperor Taikang fell into silence.

The Hall of Mental Cultivation was also quiet.

That night, a meteor fell to the north of the capital, and Si Tianjian said: "A catastrophic star will fall from the sky, and the country will be in turmoil."

In the early morning, news came from the palace——

The Empress and Empress Dowager died suddenly in the Palace of Compassion and Peace last night.

When Emperor Taikang heard about it, he mourned unceasingly, mourned for being unfilial, vomited blood for three liters and fainted.

Concubine Min Shu acts on behalf of the Queen's order and urgently recruits the prince to return to the north.

At noon of the next day, Lu Xiang put on his armor and led all the officials into the palace to face the saint. In the afternoon of the same day, the news that Emperor Taikang would be buried within three days spread wildly in the capital.

The Imperial Forest Army took over the defense of the capital, and the capital was under martial law.

In the evening of the next day, Concubine Lu Gui died suddenly in Lenggong.

Then there was news that there were traitors in the imperial city. The Queen Mother, Empress, and Concubine Lu were all killed by traitors. Even Emperor Taikang was held hostage by traitors. The traitors wanted to use Taikang Emperor's death to establish a new emperor.


In the 39th year of Dakang, February [-]th, night.

child time.


There was a loud bang from the Meridian Gate of the palace, and the palace gate collapsed.

Then, uniform slogans sounded from all over the capital: "The traitor will kill the king tonight, Lu Xiang holds the secret edict of the emperor, and enters the palace to serve the king!"

"Lu Xiang holds the secret edict of the sage, and enters the palace to serve the king!"

A large number of troops rushed through the streets and went straight to the Meridian Gate.

The fighting began in an instant, all over the capital.

The Yulin Army, Jinyiwei, Dongchang, Bingmasi, City Guards, and Imperial Army all moved.

There are also a large number of martial arts masters who fly over the eaves and walls, practice the way of robbery, and secretly make profits.

from time to time.

There was also a slogan from the direction of the palace: "There is a decree from the sage, Xiang Lu conspired against him, and he will never rebel. The sage calls on all martial arts masters to enter the palace to serve the king, kill those who rebel against Lu, and make them kings with different surnames!"

"The sage has a decree, Xiang Lu conspired against him!"

When some martial arts masters heard it, they erupted with astonishing aura and flocked to the palace one after another.

On the top of Luobai Mountain outside the capital city, Li Qing was at the high point, looking leisurely at the burning capital city, and Zhang Yong was also on the side.

After Li Qing left the palace, he didn't stay in the capital, but brought Zhang Yong and Wang Li's son's family to live in seclusion in a village near Luobai Mountain.

Sister Wei Yang was buried in Luobai Mountain, and Li Qing has found the unnamed tomb.

"Xiao Lizi, can the Holy Majesty win tonight?" 57-year-old Zhang Yong already looked old.

"Look first."

Li Qing didn't answer, he was quite uneasy at the moment.

In this dark night, he sensed too many martial arts masters, and there are quite a few top masters with eight meridians.

But these top experts were easily shot and killed in front of the army formation.

When the two armies confront each other, the role of a single top player is limited.

This world is too dangerous, and Jue Ding, who only has two channels, still has to be put away.

Martial arts are superb, after all, they are mortal powers. Li Qing warned himself: If you don't belong to the innate, you will never enter the rivers and lakes!

Li Qing saw Wei Yang from a distance, Wei Yang's team was too conspicuous, about two hundred of them, all of them were dressed in purple and white hair, they rushed out from the Meridian Gate, directly pierced Lu Xiang's rebel army, and killed all the way to Lu Outside the Xiangfu.

However, a group of white-clothed and white-haired men rushed out of Lu Xiang's mansion, and instead killed Wei Yang and others.

White Lotus Sect!
That's a dead man of the White Lotus Sect, who also practiced the Twelve Golden Needle Pointing Method, and is helping Lu Xiang.

After the Bailian slain appeared, a large number of white lotus masters poured out from all over the place and rushed to the palace.

The situation started to turn one-sided.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "Tonight, Prime Minister Lu won."

"How could it be..." Zhang Yong was flustered. Being a eunuch, he naturally supported Emperor Taikang, "The Holy Majesty took the initiative to force Lu Xiang to rebel, how could he be defeated completely?"

"What I'm talking about is that Lu Xiang won tonight. It's not yet known who will win and who will lose in the end." Li Qing replied thoughtfully.

From an onlooker's perspective, watching the turmoil in the capital overnight, Li Qing has already realized, and gradually understands Emperor Taikang's true intentions.

As the saying goes, if you don't break, you can't stand, and if you break, you can stand.

The Taikang dynasty lasted 39 years, and Emperor Taikang had only been in power for seven years, and the entire court had already been corrupted by various forces.

Emperor Taikang wanted to take advantage of this night of rebellion to pull out all the dark forces and bring them to the light, and then catch them all to reduce the prince's burden.

Li Qing also guessed that Emperor Taikang wanted to pave the way for the prince and leave a clean imperial dynasty.

to be frank.

Li Qing had a little respect for Emperor Taikang at this moment.

Emperor Taikang had been cowardly all his life, but before he died, he finally showed courage.

Being brave once may create a different next dynasty.

"Is there a turning point for the Holy One?" Zhang Yong asked in surprise, "The Holy One is pretending to be sick? Or has he quietly dispatched troops from various places to surround the capital?"

"It must be! There is a Xiantian Grandmaster in the palace, as long as the Xiantian Grandmaster takes the Holy Majesty out of the imperial city ahead of time, and wait for the arrival of King Qin's army from all over the place, Prime Minister Lu will definitely be successful!" Zhang Yong was overjoyed.

"You're making Lu quite a fool."

"As you said, how could Xiang Lu rebel?"

Li Qing shook his head: "President Lu will turn his back on him, and the Holy One must have died."

"Then the turning point?" Zhang Yong asked.

"I don't know, the Holy Majesty is definitely holding back, just wait for the court meeting tomorrow, we heard the news..."

The fighting in the capital continued, and it was not until the third quarter of Yin time that it gradually calmed down.

The capital was stained with blood, and corpses were strewn all over the imperial road.


The bell of the court meeting rang, and the officials of the various mansions went out uneasy and went to the palace.

Li Qing didn't go to the city, and continued to stay in a small village outside the city. When the turmoil subsided, he had already entrusted the Huwei Escort Bureau in the capital with his silver to collect Wei Yang's body.

At that time, Huwei Escort will send Wei Yang's body.

At this time, the capital was in great chaos, it was too dangerous for Li Qing to go to the city to collect the corpses himself.

At noon, the final news finally came from the capital.

There are eunuchs from the East Factory and the head of Lu Xiang to preach to the Quartet:

"Lu Xiang conspired against him, and he will be punished at the moment of Chenshi!"

"Lu Xiang conspired against him, and he will be punished at the moment of Chenshi!"

(End of this chapter)

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