Seeking Immortals

Chapter 13 War in Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 13 War in Northern Xinjiang
The death of Concubine Li was a relief to Li Qing.

Li Qing guessed that the death of Concubine Li might have something to do with Wei Yang.

After all, as soon as Wei Yang broke through the third-rate master, Concubine Li committed suicide, which is always a bit strange, Li Qing didn't think that Concubine Li would commit suicide.

But it is not important.

They are all passing through life.

What is the secret of Concubine Li, what kind of opportunity Wei Yang learned from Bailian, and what kind of means he used, will all become dust in history.

Half a year later, the news about Emperor Taikang's recovery from his injuries intensified. Li Qing no longer went to the Liyuan to watch the maids dance and rehearse, and stayed in the cold palace every day to practice chess.

Another half year later, the Dagan Kingdom, which has been peaceful for many years, ushered in a war. The northern grassland Khanate's cavalry invaded, smashed twelve border cities, and captured countless people of the Dagan Kingdom.

The queen mother dispatched the army to fight the battle and failed, and recruited a large number of civil officials to blame. Some civil officials asked Emperor Taikang to take care of government affairs.

The civil servant was immediately searched by Jin Yiwei and ransacked his home.

The empress dowager's suppression of dissidents did not stabilize the court, but instead aroused more civil servants to resist.

At every court meeting, there must be a book that invites Emperor Taikang to manage the government, and a resolute civil servant will die on the pillar of the Jinluan Hall after admonishing him to death.

The queen mother can no longer use Jinyiwei with a high-pressure policy, so she can only keep the papers.

In the 29th year of Taikang, the cavalry of the Khanate invaded the northern border of the Dagan Kingdom again, and Suzhou fell. The queen mother planned to seek peace in response to the defeat.

However, the eldest son of the emperor, King Wu, who had just turned 20 years old, took the initiative to ask for a fight.

Both the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty supported King Wu, and the Queen Mother was forced to agree. King Wu led [-] troops to conquer Suzhou.

On the day when King Wu set off for an expedition, Concubine Qi watched him off at the gate of the cold palace, crying into tears.

Wei Yang comforted: "Your Majesty, don't worry, His Royal Highness King Wu is guarded by a master guard, no matter what the battle is, His Highness is not in danger of life, and as long as His Royal Highness King Wu returns from victory, Your Majesty can also leave the cold palace."


Time flickers.

30 years of Taikang.

Leng Gong.

"The emperor has a decree that Concubine Chu will lose her virtue and be demoted to the fourth rank of Ronghua, and thrown into the cold palace."

Following an imperial decree, Li Qing's old acquaintance Concubine Chu was thrown into limbo.

This is the third time Concubine Chu entered the cold palace.

Concubine Chu kicked Li Qing's butt, causing Li Qing to lie down for a month, Li Qing still remembers it.

More than 20 years later, Concubine Chu has become a woman in her forties, and she no longer has the beauty and momentum of the past.

"Your Majesty, the concubine was wronged. The concubine didn't curse Concubine Zhong, and the concubine didn't!" Concubine Chu, who entered the palace for the third time, roared heart-piercingly, with snot and tears.

Duty room.

"Xiao Lizi, how should I put it, judging from the recent situation, the Empress Dowager may not be able to suppress the Holy Majesty, and the day when the Majesty will make an appointment must not be far away. There is absolutely no possibility of Empress Chu going out of the cold palace again. Should we starve her for a few days first. "Zhang Yong showed a ruthless look.

Eunuchs always hold grudges, and they also like to help eunuchs around them to hold grudges.

It is never too late for the eunuch to take revenge.

Li Qing didn't forget that kick, and neither did Zhang Yong!
Zhang Bai also said: "His Royal Highness King Wu has been going to Suzhou for a year. At the beginning, he was inexperienced and suffered a few defeats. Recently, it has been rumored that the more he fights, the better he will be. In two years, King Wu will definitely defeat the Khanate cavalry. When King Wu returns with victory , or you can rely on sanctification, and the mother will not be able to listen behind the curtain..."

"Don't talk about state affairs, be cautious in your words and deeds!" Li Qing directly interrupted Zhang Bai's words, and he finally lived like a king.

"Just give her cold leftovers, and it's okay to be hungry for a few days." Li Qing added.

Emperor Taikang has really been having fun recently, and he is no longer a Dou. He seems to have regained the passion he had when he was fighting for power with the Empress Dowager, and now he is fighting fiercely with the Empress Dowager.

After many years, the cold palace was overcrowded again.

However, from Li Qing's point of view, Emperor Taikang still had no chance of winning if King Wu did not return.

Above the imperial court, the old man of the Lu family is the Prime Minister of the country, and the three sons of Lu Xiang, one son is the commander of the Imperial Forest Army and controls the safety of the palace;

Lu Xiang is a staunch supporter of the Empress Dowager, and if Lu Xiang does not fall, it is difficult for Emperor Taikang to do anything.

Lu Xiang also has a daughter, Concubine Lu, who helps the Queen Mother to control the situation in the harem, and Concubine Lu is the supporter of King Wu.

Although King Wu valued his mother-in-law Concubine Qi more, he would not completely ignore Concubine Lu's upbringing.

The Lu clan originated from the mother clan of the empress dowager in the past, and it can be said that the roots are deep.

Deliver lunch at noon.

Li Qing brought good wine and meat to Ding Jia's room.

"Greetings to Mistress Min."

"It's Little Li, come in."

A lazy voice came from the wing room, Concubine Min was leaning against the bed in disheveled clothes, doing embroidery.

Lazy posture, unique style.

Concubine Leng Gong didn't have too many taboos when facing eunuchs, and it was not uncommon for her to show her breasts occasionally.

Concubine Min was the concubine Li Qing saw dancing in the Liyuan three years ago. She was affected by the power struggle and was thrown into limbo by the Queen Mother.

this night.

After Li Qing practiced Roushui Qiduanjin, he couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

There are three brocade appearances in the Roushui Seven-Duan Brocade, and Li Qing has mastered the eight orthodox scriptures and cultivated to the third brocade appearance.

The inability to fall asleep is not due to exercises, but the disheveled figure of Concubine Min at noon keeps flashing in his mind.

He's just a eunuch, and he's useless, so he's always dreaming about something.

While Li Qing was suffering from insomnia, there was a slight noise from the bed next door, and a figure quietly got up and slipped out of the bedroom.

It's Wei Yang.

"In the middle of the night, what is Wei Yang doing secretly?" Li Qing couldn't help being curious.

Wei Yang had already mastered the six disciplines a year ago and was promoted to a second-rate master. At that time, Wei Yang was only 23 years old.

The 23-year-old second-rate master was invited by the Martial Supervisor, but Wei Yang refused, and instead chose to stay in the cold palace to serve Concubine Qi.

Wei Yang wanted to be transferred out of the cold palace, but he never wanted to be transferred out of the cold palace by himself.

Since the death of Concubine Li, Wei Yang's cultivation speed is astonishing. Li Qing no longer knows how many disciplines Wei Yang has mastered. The only difference is that Wei Yang seems to be aging very quickly because of the exercises.

Only 24 years old, Wei Yang has a 35-year-old face.

"Is this kid going to do evil exercises in the middle of the night?"

Li Qing didn't have the urge to follow Wei Yang, and kept dozing, breathing steadily.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wei Yang returned to the bedroom and fell into a sound sleep, as if he had never been out.

Li Qing fell asleep slowly, not thinking about it.

Early the next morning, when the eunuch Gong Yue was helping his concubine pour Yexiang, he suddenly discovered that Concubine Chu, who had just been thrown into the cold palace yesterday, had hanged herself last night.

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this, and immediately, together with Gong Yue, sent the body of Concubine Chu to the Jingle Room.

Unless the concubine's background is extremely strong and the concubine of the Leng Palace dies, the eunuch in charge of the Leng Palace generally does not do much investigation.

The eunuch who was in charge of the cold palace was Gu Zhangshi, who had died of old age long ago. Now it is Gu Zhangshi's godson, and Xiao Gu is in charge of power.

Xiao Gu did not inquire about Concubine Chu's death.

Concubine Chu's death did not cause any disturbance.

Others didn't know the inside story, but Li Qing knew the inside story. Concubine Chu didn't commit suicide, but died at the hands of Wei Yang!

To be honest, Li Qing liked Wei Yang a little bit, this kid did something he dared not do!

Another two years passed, Li Qing was 43 years old, and Zhang Yong was 50 years old.

Eunuchs in the palace can apply to leave the palace at the age of 50, and most eunuchs will choose to stay in the palace.

this day.

"Xiao Lizi, I'm still in good health. It's fine to stay in the palace for another five years, but I plan to go out of the palace and take care of the brine shop for that boy Wangtou." Zhang Yong proposed his own plan.

It has been seven years since Wang Li died, and the stew shop business can no longer continue. There were originally seven stew shops, but only one remained.

Because the brine store's business is not good, Li Qing hasn't received any dividends in the past two years, but the letters from Wang Li's family have never stopped.

"No problem. Be careful in everything. I don't want to hear the news of your sudden death one day." Li Qing nodded.

"Haha." Zhang Yong laughed loudly, then sighed regretfully: "Unfortunately, I still have a big revenge that I have yet to avenge, so I am not reconciled to leaving the palace like this, just wait for another two years, maybe I have a chance to take revenge."

Zhang Yong's great enmity is the experience of licking the incense barrel for more than 20 years and the twelve blood whips of Concubine Lu Gui.

"Relax, someone will avenge your revenge." Li Qing patted Zhang Yong on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Wei Yang on the side showed a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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