Ford Tianguan

Chapter 889 Yuanshi vs. Sakyamuni

"Not bad!" Huang Kui said arrogantly: He is so petty and afraid that everyone will take his place. "

"If you are willing to assist me and defeat him, from now on I will be the main body and he will be the clone, then I can spare your life."

Wutian Bodhisattva sneered and said: "If I say the word "I am willing", I am afraid that I will die immediately. How can I not know what you are capable of?"

"Don't tempt me anymore!"

Huang Kui was cunning and cruel, just to see what Wu Tian was thinking. He didn't expect to be seen through directly, but he wasn't embarrassed at all. He just said: "What about you?"

"I am greedy for life and afraid of death. If it is not necessary to pass away today, it would be best. If it is necessary to pass away, I just hope to die at the hands of the benefactor."

But he saw Huang Kui's true nature clearly.

"How do you know there is still a chance of survival? Hehe, I said that I can refine you into the 12th-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus. You are too smart, such a smart person. I don't trust you around me. Let's do this. In fact, there is a chance of survival. The chance of survival is that you become a weapon spirit and are branded by me. If you resist, the weapon spirit will not become a weapon."

Wu Tian didn't know the truth, but it seemed that this was indeed a glimmer of hope. He only said: "Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

For a moment, he was willing to accept the mark.

Huang Kui put his handprint between his eyebrows, and for a moment Wutian Bodhisattva seemed to have received the "Buddha's prophecy", with haloes of light blooming on his body, revealing his true nature like a demon and a Buddha.

External demon and internal Buddha.

When he was unprepared, the mark hit the core soul, and followed Zhou Tian's magic power to imprint it everywhere, on his internal organs, on the Dao Fruit, almost everywhere.

A domineering mark forcibly separated the devil and the Buddha, occupying the central position.

It's a talisman.

Yuanshi Fu Zhao.

Wutian opened his eyes with a complex expression: "You deceived me!"

"You don't have to turn into a weapon spirit, but you still retain your own consciousness. Isn't that good?"

"Congratulations. The Jade Emperor pardoned you. I forgot about you before, but now I remember you. You are free."

Huang Kui opened the deepest prison.

Wutian Bodhisattva looked in a daze, and the heavenly prison that had imprisoned him for countless years was opened.

But I was disillusioned for a while, immobile for a long time, and could never take this step.

"Is it really free?"

"Heaven and earth are big cages, it depends on what you think." Huang Kui said: "Whether you feel restrained in such a small place or in the big world outside, it is actually just a matter of thought."

"Although I have set up a mental prison for you, I have given you relative freedom after all."

Wutian finally walked out of Prison No. 999.

There is no ecstasy, as Huang Kui said, there are no shackles on the body, but there are shackles on the heart.

After walking out of the Heavenly Prison, you will find the Xuanwei Heavenly Palace, which is also the heavenly realm. The gods and generals also recognized this old demon and were very vigilant for a moment.

It can be seen that Emperor Kui Mo did not sound the alarm.

"According to the Jade Emperor's decree, Wu Tian is pardoned and there is no need to suppress him any more."

Only then did the gods realize: "The little god has received the decree."

There was no doubt about him.

Wu Tian put his hands and fingers together and felt a sense of uprightness for the first time in a long time. It was like the days when he was not possessed by demons and could walk freely in the Lingshan Arhat Hall, discuss Dharma with other great monks as he pleased, listen to Bodhisattva's lectures, and listen to the Buddha's Dharma lectures.

For a moment, there was no hatred in my heart.

"Yeah, it's been so long."

“Heaven and earth were broken and opened again.”

"What else can't I let go of?" Wu Tian was seen wearing black clothes with three thousand feet of black hair.

In this step-by-step movement, the three thousand trouble threads fall off one by one and burn themselves.

Then the black clothes slowly turned into moon-white monk clothes.

Huang Kui was puzzled by this: "Why have you gone astray? Why are you trying to clear yourself? Whitening is three times weaker, and blackening is three times stronger! What I want is the darkened version of you!"

The thought of a demon or a Buddha is nothing more than obsession or delusion.

Wu Tian originally had the fundamental Buddha nature and was extremely talented. However, after entering the Buddhist sect, he was disillusioned by some Buddhist chaos.

What you see is neither real nor empty.

When these demonic thoughts are separated, the "magic lotus" rooted in his heart will no longer be able to take root.

After flying out, he was about to rush towards Huang Kui.

Huang Kui captured it with a magic light: "Is this the twelfth-grade black lotus?"

"Yes and no."

"The lotus platform is the Buddha." Wutian said: "In fact, there is no such thing as the theory of innate black lotus. This is the evil thoughts and delusions of countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in Lingshan."

"What evil swordsman?"

Huang Kui shrank his hand.

"How ridiculous it is to think about it now." Wutian sighed.

"Don't die!" Huang Kui was afraid that he would reach Nirvana and pass away after his great enlightenment.

Wutian Bodhisattva shook his head: "I have attained enlightenment, so how can I be willing to die? Although the ancient universe has been shattered, the sins I caused will not disappear with the shattering of the universe. I still have to pay my debts for it."

"Can you also clear your name?" Huang Kui was speechless.

I saw that the black lotus was finally refined by Huang Kui and became a lotus platform.

It is a twelfth-grade black lotus. Whether it is a lotus of innate destruction remains to be seen.

After all, Huang Kui used the White Lotus to purify the world to gain the power of the Black Lotus. It is unlikely that Buddhists also used the Golden Lotus to create the magic Black Lotus.

However, as long as Huang Tian practices the path of demon destruction, this black lotus will either be an innately destroyed black lotus or an innately destroyed black lotus.

"The donor hasn't said anything about inviting the poor monk to come out of seclusion. What's the matter?"

Looking at the gleaming white, almost holy Wutian Bodhisattva, Huang Kui was speechless now.

He also thought secretly: Buddhism is really evil. He has the true meaning of Buddhism left by the ancient Buddhas. He doesn't want to directly pick the fruit and become the master of Buddhism.

However, the seal of Yuanshi has been planted. Huang Kui thought about it for a while, and then a very disrespectful thought came to his mind: "How about you two fight, who is more powerful, Yuanshi, or Sakyamuni?"

This is a sharp question that provokes a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

"I want to invite you to take a trip into the abyss and ruins to explore the taboos. Now you have become like this. In the abyss, you are just like the sun." Huang Kui rubbed his chin: "But it doesn't matter, after all you I just said, if I don’t go to hell, whoever does, the abyss is much scarier than hell, so you can go down with me.”

Instead, he sealed the magic lotus and did not dare to refine it rashly.

When Huangtian Cave looked at the Three Realms, he naturally saw the changes in Wutian.

Like Huang Kui, he was also speechless. Besides being speechless, he was also a little worried.

"Is it also popular in Buddhism to make mistakes first and then promote? Is this guy going to become the Sakyamuni in this calamity?"

However, the Yuanshi Seal Technique has been planted, and Huang Tian can control him at all times.

Thoughts are like the yellow sky.

"If you two fight, I want to see a river of blood!"

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