Ford Tianguan

Chapter 875 Dao Lord Dayan

Chapter 875 Dao Lord Dayan

Huang Tian still left the matter to Changshou, because he had already seen that this Changshou was simply lazy and extremely talented.

It just couldn't be used normally, so Huang Tian first told Lao Dan that Lao Dan would direct him to work again, and that he should build this merit harvesting machine that could be spread throughout the world as soon as possible, and introduce new ones.


The worlds that have joined the Heavenly Court are now being moved. The world jump is no small move. It has attracted the attention of many Void Evil Gods and Chaos Demons along the way.

It also alarmed many monks who didn't like to communicate and just immersed themselves in hard work and enlightenment.

"Where are they moving to?" A "Dao Lord of Dayan" who has been in seclusion for three or four tribulations has finished repairing the Dao Fruit and left Chaos. He plans to find three or five friends to discuss the Dao together.

But seeing the three thousand worlds of chaos, it turned out to be a little strange. Immediately, Daoguo connected to time and space and received past information.

Only then was he surprised: "The Great World of Jiuzhou annexed the Taiwei World, the Jingbi World? It was also promoted from the Great Thousand World to half a level? It became the Central World of Chaos?"

Dayan Daojun is a Taoist who is very good at teaching his disciples. Three of his disciples have attained the Taiyi Daojun among the nine true traditions. They have opened up other worlds around his world. Therefore, one sect and four Daojuns are in the realm of chaos. Among them, it can be regarded as the only one.

But he saw that he had recruited three of his disciples who had already proved themselves to be Dao Lords, Dao Lord Cangming, Dao Lord Tianzhen, and Dao Lord Jianyuan.

I saw these three Dao Lords. They were happy at first and then melancholy when they saw that Dao Lord Dayan was reborn in seclusion and attracted himself and others.

Arriving at the seat of Daojun Dayan.

"Disciple pays homage to Master."

"Nothing, I have been in seclusion for three tribulations. Now I see that there are differences in the three thousand avenues, and the chaotic pattern has changed drastically. I wanted to visit one or two friends, but the world has moved, the original star map is useless, and the anchor coordinates cannot be found. It is deduced from this that an overlord has emerged from Chaos and is annexing the world with the intention of dominating the world, so I have summoned you to ask for the details."

Lord Cangming said: "The overlord is Jiuzhou. Speaking of it, it was originally one of the first great thousand worlds in the chaos. The creation gods are famous and the master knows about them. There are also reincarnation emperors and creation emperors to support them."

"As early as the third generation of the Emperor of Heaven, there was a desire to devour Chaos and fight everywhere, but it failed at that time. Yuan Qi was seriously injured and fell into decline for thirty or forty thousand years. A few thousand years ago, he had the intention of annexation again. First swallowing the Taiwei world, and then destroying the Jingbi world, there is an unknown person who has achieved the status of Emperor of Heaven and wants to advance to the universe, so he allied with the heavens."

The Taoist Lord of Tianzhen said: "In this world, more than ten Taoist Lords have achieved Taoism in just a few thousand years. I also heard that the list of gods from ancient times has been restored. Now they have the ability to confer Taiyi, so they are sought after by all circles. Now they follow the example of the previous ones." In the ancient heaven, the Taiyi allied themselves and divided the great worlds into heavenly realms, each named Heavenly Emperor, and they were all gods of the heaven."

Daojun Dayan heard this, but his breath was stagnant: "How many Taiyi alliances have we formed now?"

"The Taoist Lord Wanbao, the Master of Spiritual Cultivation, and the Taoist Lord Longevity have all joined."

"In addition, there are twelve Sanshu emperors."

"Including the twenty-odd emperors in heaven, I'm afraid there are more than forty Taiyi."

"Of course there are more than 40 statues, and there may be some who have created clones. They are actually the same statue, but they also have the power of Taiyi, so they should not be underestimated."

Daojun Jianyuan sighed: "The scary thing about this world is that no one dares to speak out against it. The notorious Fate Supreme was suppressed by him, and three Taiyi Zhenliu were suppressed and killed, and were forced to become Taoists. , was captured and humiliated."

"Now that Master is born, he may be able to lead us to resist."

Daojun Dayan pondered: "So, is it really possible for him to successfully open up an eternal universe?"

Cangming Daojun said: "According to Master Youjiang who once listened to the lecture, the Jiuzhou Heavenly Emperor said when he ascended the throne that he received the inheritance of Daluo Heavenly Lord, and when he ascended the throne, he conferred two titles on the spot. I respect Taiyi, one is Sanshu, and the other is within the realm.”

"The inheritance of Daluo Tianzun?" Daojun Dayan looked moved: "Is this true?"

"Is there an album of pictures of his Taoism?" "Taiyi is the only one. His pictures are hard to retain. He doesn't look at his face, but only his figure. There are some rumors that when he became Taoist, he pinched a bead the size of a millet in his hand."


Taoist Lord Dayan thought about it: "I'm afraid it's the Taoist tradition of Fuli Yuanshi Tianzun."

However, he polished off the remaining jade in his sleeve. This jade was left behind by the ancient universe and was called the "Dao Jade Certificate."

It is the treasure of Dao Lord Dayan's enlightenment, and it is also the opportunity of Da Luo. From this jade ultimatum, we can deduce the path, and we can strive to be the first step by step, prove Dao Lord, and even teach three disciples of Dao Lord.

Even in the ancient universe, this object was also a treasure of immortality.

"In their world, Shinto rules the world, which is different from our Immortal Taoism. Now, except for the old turtle Taoist Changshou, those who join their world are all Sanshu emperors or bald donkeys from Buddhism." Taoist Jianyuan said: "Master How about you lead us to build a fairy court and fight against its divine court?"

Daojun Dayan looked at Jianyuan and said: "How many people do you think can follow me if I pull up Xianting?"

"Master is good at teaching. Many Dao Lords have also inherited Master's affection. He has disciples and disciples all over the three thousand worlds. Even if they are not as good as Jiuzhou, they should be followed by as many hands as they can count."

"Then what?" Dayan Taoist Lord asked: "His list of gods has the ability to confer Taiyi. Can I enlighten a Taiyi Taoist at will?"

Daojun Jianyuan was speechless for a moment.

"What do you think, Master?"

"First make friends and observe for a while. If there is really a chance of promotion to the eternal universe, there is no harm in joining. There is no harm in it. Even if you don't join, you can't be hostile to it."

Immediately he said: "He has the Daluo inheritance. Don't I, your master, have it? Enlightenment is the key in the future. Why bother with useless disputes?"

Immediately he said: "Tianzhen, you are the reincarnation of the spirit of the formation and practice. It is a pity that you have not been able to prove the Tao with the formation, but your formation skills are not bad. Jiuzhou's Zhoutian Xingdou Formation ranks second among all the formations of chaos." First, you can go to Jiuzhou, firstly to represent goodwill, and secondly, to seek the energy of the formation."

Daojun Tianzhen was silent and said humbly: "Disciple knows."

"Jian Yuan, if you practice swordsmanship, you may be able to achieve the Qi of the Sword Immortal lineage. Unfortunately, you won't be able to prove it with the sword, so we will go together to visit Jiuzhou Sword Dao and seek Qi."

Jianyuan didn't want to go to Jiuzhou, but he couldn't disobey his master's order, so he had no choice but to nod.

Cangming Daojun asked: "Master, where am I?"

"You come with me to visit old friends and ask them for their opinions. Maybe we can go back to Jiuzhou together."

Cangming was curious: "Does Master also think they can advance to the universe?"

"It is impossible to rely on immortality or Buddhism to advance. You can only break through the chaos and walk alone."

"Those who can ascend to heaven and ascend to the universe, in the final analysis, are the only ones who can ascend to heaven."

"Even if he has selfish motives, in the chaotic world, Taiyi of the heavens is beneficial in the general direction."

(End of this chapter)

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