Ford Tianguan

Chapter 856 Jade Emperor Milo Zhongtian

The Demon of Destiny was also suppressed, and the list of gods was restored.

Empress Wa and Empress Dimu began to explore the power of the current list of gods.

After carefully sensing it for a while, there was something incredible: "This list now connects fate, cause and effect, merit, reincarnation, and several avenues. Therefore, you can fabricate the past and feet out of thin air, transfer the present merit, and make future vows. The combination of these three elements into one is enough to seal Tai Yi within the realm, or to create a karma position."

Huang Tian knew the function when he finished refining it.

"The Conferred Gods List now has two functions, namely, the condensation of innate karma and acquired karma, as well as the incense priesthood."

"The priesthood of condensing incense basically has no loss, even if it is a god level, because it is locked to the god of incense. In today's many worlds, in terms of incense, the loss of energy is only one hundred and one of the condensation of acquired karma."

"The acquired karma is the so-called true divine karma of authority, which includes the three elements of heaven, earth, and water. In this list, the fifth-grade karma starts and the first-grade karma stops."

"Although there is some consumption, it does not damage the fundamentals."

"The most expensive thing is the innate karma. If you don't use the basic innate Qi of Jiuzhou, you only use the floating Qi, the origin, to breed the innate gods."

"The lower innate gods can give birth to one in a hundred years, the middle innate gods can give birth to one in five hundred years, and the upper innate gods can give birth to one in three thousand years."

"If it is Taiyi's scattered number, the time consumed will not be counted. Only by using the fundamental Qi of Jiuzhou can we accelerate the concentration of the corresponding karma."

"The condensed karma can be naturally received by gods and monks in the lower realms, which is the so-called attainment. It can also be rewarded in the form of edicts from the three realms."

"Natural attainment cannot be taken back unless one dies."

"If you give a reward and order, you can take it back."

"Now inside the stele, there are twelve high-ranking innate karma positions. They are the corresponding Qi numbers bound to the twelve Hongmeng Zixiao True Spirit Tablets consumed to repair the stele, and the rest is gone."

"Twelve high-level innate gods, plus the Taiyi Edict you just condensed, is enough. At most, we can speed up the condensation of some middle, lower, and acquired karma positions." Earth Mother said: "Enough to hold a show It’s the Ceremony of Conferring Gods.”

"Together with your enthronement ceremony, I will draw up a list for you when the time comes. Giving them this position can help you gather just the right team."

Huang Tian nodded: "Of course I don't have to."

The next step is to move the "Taicheng Yutian" to the Lingxiao Palace, and turn this outer sky into the Jade Emperor Miluo Zhongtian in the world, towering over the heavens, and serving as Huang Tian's Jade Emperor's dojo.

This is not difficult to do, Huang Tian can do it alone.

Emperor Wa, the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law went their separate ways.

Xiong Yu still went down to the next world to continue his great cause of unifying the nine continents, becoming the common master of the world, and the Holy King of Humanity.

Now that Huang Tian and the emperors had reached an agreement, no one could stop him anymore.

Moreover, he has inherited the path and fruit of the Creator Father, and no one can stop him.

Destiny cannot be violated.

Whoever is destined is destined.

There is no objection to this.

The Taicheng Yutian is the eternal sky. Even if it is not, it is still half-eternal, with Kunlun suppressing it. But now that I think about it, there seem to be many eternal things in the abyss. As a suppression, is it possible that there is such a dojo deep in the abyss?

However, the Empress Wa had warned that the depths of the abyss were very dangerous, so Huang Kui, the Kui Demon Emperor, could only set up a Jiuzhou Abyss Office in the abyss to inquire about information and collect some information about the evil world. Huang Tian In addition to being a "chaos peacekeeper", you can also be a "chaos savior" and dispatch a rescue team in time to preside over the salvation.

This thought passed by in a flash, and Taiheng Yutian had been carried by Huang Tian to the Lingxiao Palace in Heaven, and the millet pearl emitted light.

The entire heaven began to mobilize its origin and manifest itself.

But I saw that the five trees in the five directions were the spiritual manifestations of the five top spiritual roots in Jiuzhou.

One is the building wood, the other is the hibiscus, the other is the taiyin osmanthus, the other is the innate peach, and the other is the star treasure tree.

And Huang Tian used his "Huang Tian Mountains" to capture millet pearls.

Sit in its boundaries.

In fact, the Huangtian Mountain Range has not been Huang Tian's natal sacred mountain for a long time, but as the original foundation and foothold, now that Huang Tian has been promoted to Taiyi, it also has some of the characteristics of Taiyi, and is the only one in the world.

There are countless spiritual roots on this mountain, some of which were obtained from the trade between the three islands, some of which were collected by Huang Tian himself (as tribute from others), and some of which were obtained by the White Lotus Virgin, Huaiyin, from mining in the abyss.

Nowadays, the innate spiritual roots of the Xiaoqian series are no longer worth mentioning. They are only used for ordinary greening, which cannot be counted. Every grass and flower, even if it is a mortal species, will be transformed into the innate spirit when it comes to this world and is affected by the yellow weather. , after all, Huang Tian is the authentic successor of Yuanshi.

Those in the thousand series can also be seen everywhere, not to mention ten thousand, but also eight thousand.

Only a thousand-level treasure can be regarded as somewhat precious.

Above the sacred mountain, there are layers of clouds, palaces and platforms, not to mention. Around 250,000 miles around the sacred mountain, there are city walls with four celestial gates and eight auxiliary gates, which are twelve gates. They are the capital city of the jade capital in the sky. .

The four directions lead to eight days in the east, eight days in the west, eight days in the south, and eight days in the north.

In this city, white jade is used as bricks, pearls are used as soil, seven treasures are used as sand, and all the noble things in the heaven and universe are only used for decoration.

This is not Huang Tian's aesthetic ideal, but only these can be worthy of the position of Jade Emperor.

In an instant, all kinds of heavenly beings were born in the city. Although they were not innate gods formed by innate Miaoqi, they could be considered as innate races formed by innate spiritual energy.

There are the gods of Miao Le, the gods of Nong Yun, the gods of Huan Xia, the gods of good deeds, and the gods of rescuers, all of whom have become attendants and immortals.

If these attendants Xian'e go to the lower world, they will also be banished to immortals.

Although it is so extravagant, it does not use the origin of Jiuzhou.

Huang Tian used the Hunyuan Seal to embed it into the Jade Emperor Mountain. This mountain has the ability to draw immeasurable Yuan Qi from the void.

Moreover, when so many innate spiritual roots are gathered together, they not only do not consume the original source of Jiuzhou, but also disperse to the heavens through the four heavenly gates, and the heavenly energy also falls into the human world, nothing more than through the sun, moon and stars. , cave heaven and blessed land, coupled with the movement of the world's fetal membrane, the transformation of the earth's spiritual veins, and the three-element cycle of heaven, earth, and water, endless life will only lead to more luck.

The little demons who originally followed Huang Tian are now considered to be ascended to heaven. Innate spiritual energy has been poured into their bodies and they have become demons and immortals. Although they have no way of doing things, they still have a long life. If they do not go to the mortal world, they will not be afraid of the three disasters. .

If you practice diligently, you may not be able to become a member of the Immortal Class, become a righteous god, or become an immortal.

"Not bad!"

Huang Tian looked at the heavily modified "Jade Emperor Miluo Zhongtian" and made a satisfied sound: "The enthronement ceremony will be held here, it must be able to hold the scene."

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