Ford Tianguan

Chapter 817 The Secret of the First Demon God

When the three demons came to this house, several foxy evil demons came forward immediately. They had the head and body of a fox, but the whole body was red, with eyes, ears, mouth and nose. They were all female, pink, with moist water. Light.

"You gentlemen, are you travelers from other lands? Do you need to take a bath and rest? Can you take a rest in the hot spring house?"

"I have something important to do!" Shen Taoist snorted: "We are going to pay homage to the Lord. Don't get entangled, and be careful about your lives!"

Those charming and evil demons were immediately speechless. They were all members of the lower-class prostitutes. Now they were regular customers but had not yet taken the chance, so they went to the street to solicit strangers.

It is necessary to absorb the essence to support grandma’s practice.

Seeing that the three demons have extraordinary auras, they must be generous. If they can get one or two rewards, they will make a lot of money. It is impossible to say that they can complete the second transformation.

"The abyss in this abyss has some weird order than the last time it was ruled by Cain." Huang Kui looked at the Gluttonous Butcher, who had a pig-headed body and opened a meat stall with some human corpses hanging on it, and several bloated bodies. The female demon, who is all fat, is selecting, just like an ordinary aunt in the world is selecting pork.

The old demons from all directions have separated many Yin Demons to inquire for information: "If these three views are eliminated, this place will be considered a good governance, and it will be more like a serious demon realm than our Poro Continent."

The three demons went straight to the Abyss Lord's Mansion. This place was no different from the government office. Some greedy wolf demons were working as servants, the tiger demon was the general, and the dragon demon was the prefect.

The old devil from all directions arranged a large formation and trapped the government office alone.

As soon as Master Shen waved the six-soul flag, he captured the demonic souls.

Even the dragon demon was ignorant, his strength was about that of Yangshen, and it was at the level of a city god in Jiuzhou.

Taoist Shen searched the soul carefully and suddenly said: "This Xuanjun is actually a dragon demon, or a holy dragon demon."

Huang Kui thought: "Did you create a dynasty in the abyss?"

"That's right, he and the other seven brothers founded a dynasty together, so it was called the Dynasty of Eight Kings, and they ruled the world together."

"How come one turned into eight?" Huang Kui frowned secretly.

"These eight demons, combined with the power of the Eight Diagrams, can also merge into one, and the leader of them is this Xuanjun." Shen Taoist said slightly: "It seems that these eight demons are a bit like the Eight Immortals, or the Eight Demons Lianji The Eight Deranged Demons."

Huang Kui secretly said: I think it looks like The Adventures of Jackie Chan.

"This Dragon Demon Magistrate is one of Xuanjun's descendants, or a royal relative, so he was assigned to be the magistrate here."

After the information was found out, the three demons discussed: "This is troublesome. These eight demons are one. Whichever one is killed, the other seven demons will be affected. And when we go to the demon territory ruled by the eight demons, they are all adjacent to each other. Unless we surrender at the same time, Eight Demons, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve meritorious deeds, and it will be easy to alarm high-ranking demons."

"The seventy-two demon gods of the abyss, and a few others who are befriended by him, are all from a cultivating civilization. They are powerful after falling into the ruins plane of the abyss. They seem to be in the half-step emperor realm, similar to our Taiyi."

"What do you say?" Shen Daoren asked, "Are you still going to attack this?"

Huang Kui said: "Let's start, why not? I have obtained the true inheritance of Black Lotus Magic, so I don't have to kill them. I will control one of them first, and then I will kill them all one after another."

The old man Shifang nodded: "That's what I mean too. Although the eight demons seem to be too many in number, on average, it cannot be said that each demon is weaker. Therefore, it is my Shifang Demonic Way who wants to control these demons. It’s not difficult to grow a demon of different levels.”

The three demons discussed it and thought it could be done.

"Then let's do this, but don't forget our goals. The first is to protect the treasure with the eternal breath. The second is to annihilate the remains of the world and transform it into a dead egg of chaos. The third is to Successfully left the abyss and returned to the ruins, returning to Jiuzhou."

Immediately, several people planned to start with the "Kui Gang Demon", which was the easiest to attack. This demon caused earthquakes and depleted the earth's vitality. He was the demon king who represented "Gen" among the eight demons.

The abyss where the Kuigang Demon is located is a layer of barren plateaus and mountains. The demons that live there are also powerful bull demons, tiger demons, and bear demons. In addition, you can also see red-robed demons, yellow-robed demons, white-hatted demons, and all kinds of snow demons, wind demons, bone demons, and ghostly death demons floating on the deserted plateaus and high mountains.

The three of them didn't come here to enjoy the scenery. Although they were hurrying slowly to go to the abyss where Kuigang Demon Palace is located, it can be seen that this scene was still a little touching.

"If it wasn't in the abyss, this would be a place with luxuriant water and grass, and the earth element would be rich in origin."

"Of course it is thick. It is the origin of the earth of a thousand worlds, mixed with the debris planes of several middle thousand worlds, and continuously compressed by gravity." Huang Kui sensed the origin of destruction: "The environment is very suitable for my underground demon clan. Survive."

"I vaguely sensed a hint of gravity collapse. These worlds were formed after the core of the earth cooled, contracted and collapsed, and were attracted by the funnel-like space passage of the abyss." Huang Kuibukui is the earth-destroying demon god. From these landforms , then sensed these.

"The palace is underground." The old demon from all directions said slightly: "In the Bagua, Gen and Zhen are in conflict with each other, and Zhen Gua corresponds to Jiamu. The masculine power only needs to leak the breath of grass and trees to attract the attention of this demon. "

Huang Kui nodded and scattered some plant seeds on the ground to give birth to life.

Plants soon began to grow rapidly, but because there was no sunlight in the abyss, and there was only death energy and energy of destruction, they grew quickly and withered quickly. The energy in the seeds was exhausted and turned into charred wood.

The next moment, the earth began to tremble, coming closer from a distance, and it could be seen that the huge horn tips of two peaks on the earth were approaching here.

The earth dragon's shock was like a reflex, making the three demons feel that their feet were light and heavy.

Then a head emerged from the earth, furry, but with a firm rock appearance.

"Unfamiliar smell, are you strangers?"

Immediately, the huge bull-headed devil ten thousand feet tall appeared, looking exactly like the bull devil or the Rakshasa ghost king.

This is Kui Gang. "Do it!" The skin of the yellow-kui snake demon burst, and then the nine-headed dragon snake meandered, and a breath spurted out from the central dragon's mouth, turning into black lotus flowers.

The old demons of Shifang instantly formed a formation, established the demon world of Shifang, and pulled Kuigang in.

The six soul flags of Shen Taoist swayed.

Before Kuigang could figure out what was going on, he was already dizzy, his whole body was limp, and he couldn't move his magic power.

He is considered to have super strength, but unfortunately he encountered three old yins.

After the black lotus was planted, Kui Gang's earth demonic nature began to transform, and finally turned into a pure black, huge yak with a body shape like a mountain.

Huang Kui sat firmly under his butt.

Huang Kui absorbed information from the magic lotus and said immediately: "He is Shiva's mount!"

Shiva is the god of destruction in Hindu mythology.

But Huang Kui suddenly thought that in Indian mythology, Vishnu lay sleeping on the body of the great snake Ananta, floating on the sea of ​​chaos.

This Ananta is a huge hydra, and its image is still that of a cobra.

However, they are also called dragons, and even after being absorbed by the Buddha Land, they are called "Dragon Seed King Buddha".

"Okay, okay! You evil beast, you might as well be my mount!"

Huang Kui got interested and chanted the Black Lotus Mantra over and over again, taking away the emotion from Kui Gang's mind.

The spirit of Kui Gang and Huang Kui clashed, but a cow rushed into the Zifu Palace over and over again, but the black lotus flowers turned into bull nose rings, and the thick rope holding the bull nose ring tied it to On the pillars of the palace, whenever he exerted force, his nose would hurt.

After a while, Kui Gang was finally tamed.

This demon is proficient in flesh and blood combat, but his spirit level is average, so he can be subdued in this way. It can only be said that his temperament is not scheming, and he has always trampled on people to conquer them. Today, he fell into the hands of Huang Kui.

Seeing that Huang Kui had subdued the demon, Taoist Shen relaxed the six-soul banner and said, "This demon is quite polite. He actually asked us where we came from first."

Kui Gang snorted and was very dissatisfied.

But he carried Huang Kui on his back, broke through the earth, and entered his underground palace.

I only saw the underground palace, and everywhere there were a kind of kobold miners. They said they were kobolds, but they were actually lizardmen, and some goblin dwarves, all slaves of Kuigang.

A large number of special mineral deposits in the abyss are piled up separately. The most abundant of them is sulfur, followed by the abyss magic iron ore. The weapons of the demons are made of these magic iron ores.

After Kui Gang was subdued, these underground demon dwarves, demon goblins, and even demon black elves became slaves of Huang Kui himself.

"You really know how to enjoy it!" Huang Kui got off Kui Gang and ordered him to transform into his intelligent form, a slightly smaller bull-headed monster.

"Tell us about the other seven demons and what treasures they each possess."

"The eight of us brothers got a magic book called Taishang Eight Scenery Magic Skills, which corresponds to eight elemental powers and eight appearances. Gen represents young men, that is, my power comes from young men, and The power of mountains.”

"Young man, you can't use up all your awesome power, right?" Taoist Shen clicked his tongue when he heard about the "Tai Shang Eight Scenery Demonic Skills": "It seems that it is still a demonic skill from the Taishang Heavenly Demon lineage, but it has some correspondence with your Yuanshi Heavenly Demon lineage."

Huang Kuinai ordered him to hand over his magic skills, but it turned out to be gold paper with Gen Yue and some magic rituals painted on it.

The three demons looked at it, except for Huang Kui, who was the demon god of destruction of the earth. They realized that neither the old man of Shifang nor the Taoist Shen could enter the Taoism. They were clearly not qualified to practice this kind of demonic power.

"Then do you have any other treasures?"

"Yes, there is." Kuigang said: "The first demon god presides over the order of the abyss and distributes the eternal treasure to the top seventy-two demon gods. It is an artifact that anchors the abyss. Because we are eight brothers and sisters, we are A complete set is eight lamps.”

"Eight Scenery Palace Lantern?" Shen Taoist asked.

But he asked Kuigang to take out the lamp. Its appearance was just ordinary. It was made of bronze and had some talismans, but its aura was not very high. The flame was burning and the beans were big. Instead, it had an eternity meaning, which was similar to what Huang Tian had obtained before. The Eternal Fire is like a type.

Several people asked again: "Who is the number one demon god? What about the second-ranked Blood Moon Demon God?"

"Ranked number one?" Kuigang trembled all over, seeming a little scared.

He just said: "We all call him the Sword Demon God. We have never seen his true appearance, only his sword energy. If anyone is disobedient, we will kill him with one sword."

The three demons looked at each other.

"We, the lords of the abyss, have to pay tribute every few years. It is also called the pilgrimage of all demons. We are going to pay tribute to the number one demon god, the Blood Moon Demon God. We only pay tribute as a disciple."

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