Ford Tianguan

Chapter 795 The Boundless Oath to Cross the Dharma Realm of All Living Beings

With the eyes of sacred reverence from all the netherworld, and words of praise: "The Bodhisattva really cares about all living beings!" He Yin walked out of the dark netherworld and entered the Yang world.

  Having achieved enlightenment through meritorious deeds, he was very interested in the thirty-three-day exquisite pagoda given by Emperor Wa in Huang Tian's hand, and believed that if he wanted to achieve the "real" Taiyi, he would need this object as a Taoist reference.

  But when they arrived at Huang Tian's place, Huang Tian was meeting someone from Taiyue Divine Court, who was none other than Crown Prince Feipeng.

  Prince Feipeng came here to borrow soldiers and horses, grain and grass, and void warships.

  Huang Tian did not fully agree to this: "Taiyue Divine Court is sending troops. I have the ability to help some, but if you borrow everything, do you think you are treating me as a fool?"

  But he said: "I helped his father open the sky, and I helped your father resurrect. Why does he want to make great achievements and don't want to rely on himself, so why does he need my help?"

  Prince Feipeng was a little speechless and only said: "Our main purpose is to encircle and suppress the demonic forces represented by Emperor Taiyuan who are unwilling to convert to the heaven. It is also to prepare for the subjugation of Poluo Continent. If the Middle Thousand World can be promoted to the Great Thousand World, it will naturally be There will be benefits from Prince Shotoku.”

  Huang Tian waved his hand: "You already have two void battleships, one for you and one for him."

  "But it is difficult to deal with the Sky Demon Void Battleship. His Void Battleship is powered by the Infinite Demon. Only the power of the sun and the power of thunder can restrain the Void Battleship."

  Huang Tiandao: "The Sky Demon Void Battleship belongs to me. In addition, I will send Yin Yin as a supervisor to save the demons and save the suffering beings in that world."

  Feipeng thought about it and realized that they didn't have any magic talents who could control the Sky Demon Void Battleship, so he nodded and agreed.

  On the other side, the Bodhisattva Jingyin said directly:?
  I just escaped from the netherworld, and you want me to go on a business trip?
  After Fei Peng left, Huang Tiancai said, "You happened to be there to help those in need. The world over there is already terrible. The devil is really unworthy of human beings!"

  Jie Ying Bodhisattva said: "I came here to understand the great way of merit and virtue, and to carry forward the method of merit and enlightenment in the future."

  Huang Tian gave him the Exquisite Pagoda of Merit and Virtue, but said: "This thing is what Emperor Wa will use to protect my soul in the future. If you want to understand, do you want to abandon this body and return to mine?"

  Jie Yin looked at the Exquisite Pagoda of Merit and Virtue again and again, and he already had an understanding in his heart. He knew the direction without looking too much.

  "Are you willing? Who can do a good job for you?"

  Jie Yin said: "That's fine, I just feel like there are two myths mixed in me, one is Ksitigarbha and the other is Jie Yin, but I cut the Ksitigarbha's body into that world and specialize in Jie Yin Dao."

  "Have you also learned how to separate clones?" Huang Tian said with a smile.

  "Didn't Bibo also have many clones? Bibo Dragon King, Jellyfish Queen, and Dragon Horse have all become various righteous gods in the world. I separated the body of the Eight-Suffering Bodhisattva in the netherworld and was freed. You have to take it again." I was sent to that world, how could I escape? The only way is to separate and hide, leaving only the connecting body."

  Huang Tian nodded slightly: "There are several Bodhisattva seeds at Huang Hao's place in Yujing Mountain in Nanling Continent. You may be able to see them and take them to that place to experience the Thousand Worlds."

  "Huang Hao's Buddhist teachings are only superficial, and it is indeed difficult to teach them." Jieyin immediately said: "I want to go to Tianlao to discuss Buddhism with Wutian Bodhisattva."

  Huang Tian was surprised and said: "You are not the Infinite Orb Weapon Spirit. It is better to be immune to Huang Kui. He is also a Buddha and a demon who specializes in blocking the Buddha. How can you guarantee that your true nature will not be stained if you go to see him?"

  "It's better not to go." Huang Tian directly dissuaded him.

  "It doesn't matter." He said: "I only talk about Buddha, not about demons. He lived in the past and never destroyed the universe, so he must have had the truth of Buddhism in him. He just made a wrong thought and became a demon. If I can save a demon and become a Buddha, I can For Buddha.”

  Huang Tian clicked his tongue and said: "The Bodhisattvas in the ancient and eternal universe were of the Taiyi series. The Sanshu Bodhisattvas were Taiyi Sanshu. The great Bodhisattvas of the Ten Grounds Bodhisattvas were all of the True stream. Although he was born as an Arhat, he Comparable to Sanshu Bodhisattva, who later became a demon, I am afraid he is no less than Taiyi Zhenliu. At his peak, he was even more able to force the Tathagata to enter nirvana. He occupied the three realms for thirty-three years. If the gods accompanied him in acting, they were also for the sake of it. To create a new Heavenly Emperor, I am afraid that the realm of Daluo is not so easy to achieve, so how do you save him?"

  However, he still did not attack him, and only said: "You are holding this merit tower. Since it can protect my soul, it can definitely protect your soul. He was suppressed by Tianlao, and there are nine-color thunder." The emperor is suppressing the Lei Mansion, and even if I think about it, I can’t contaminate you with the devil from a distance.”

  Jie Yin took the Linglong Pagoda and headed towards the Nine Layers of Tiangang.

  Just passing through the Desire Realm, the six heavens of the Desire Realm and the endless heavenly people gave way one after another. Seeing the golden light of merit and virtue, the masters of all realms did not dare to stop them. Only the old demon from the ten directions, who is now the Great Demon King of the Blue Sky, will He blocked it.

  The old demon from all directions said: "My teacher already knows that you are going to find him to discuss Buddhism, so he asked me to stop you here."

  Isn't he trapped in a prison? How do you know I'm coming to find him?
  The Bodhisattva Jieyin immediately gave birth to the eight-faced Buddha land behind his head, and with the help of the exquisite merit pagoda, he opened up the thirty-third heaven of the Buddha world.

  There are countless heavenly beings chanting and praying, trying to save the old demons from the ten directions into Buddhism.

  But although the old demon of Shifang was indeed subdued by Wutian Bodhisattva with just one look, not everyone is Wutian, who masters the supreme demonic truth and confuses all living beings. The old demon of Shifang is still a super-grade combat power in Jiuzhou. The feared and difficult devil, ordinary Taiyi Sanshu, would not want to provoke him.

  The Bodhisattva Jie Yin boundlessly vowed to save all sentient beings from the Dharma Realm. Eight of them were born, and eight of them refused to cross over to the world of self-grasping, concentration, delusion, and demons.

  The Buddha is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall.

  Calling for help cannot cross the realm of desire.

  This means that the Bodhisattva Jieyin suddenly becomes enlightened. The Buddha is fully enlightened, but few have attained enlightenment. Although all sentient beings may become Buddhas, few have attained enlightenment. Most of them are still deceived by the world of desire, making it difficult to obtain true enlightenment. Concentration, great concentration, that is, without concentration, it will be difficult to be still, and if you cannot detect emptiness, you will not be able to hear the Buddha's truth and increase your wisdom.

  At that moment, golden lotuses will appear in the realm of desire, and there will be one flower and one world. These flower worlds float with the ups and downs of the desire world, but compared to the illusion of the desire world, these flower worlds are much more real.

  There is a Buddhist inheritance left by Jie Yin inside. If there is a person who pinches a flower and smiles, he should accept the inheritance and be liberated from the confusion of the desire world.

  After doing this method, a golden boat phantom emerged from the void without a name, directly carrying Jie Yin across the desire world, and entered the real heavenly realm, that is, Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

  Seeing that he did not stop him, but instead left a few golden lotuses behind, Old Demon Shifang, the Great Demon King of Qingtian, doubted his level of magic for the first time.

  He is the master of the demonic path of the ten directions and the god of ancient demons. Even the Universal Illumination Bodhisattva and the Azure Dragon Master were blocked by him.

  How come this Guiding Bodhisattva is so profound in Buddhism and understands that one is one and two is two, how can he directly bypass the obstacles in the desire realm?

  The Colorless Heavenly Demon King, who was transformed by the demonic thoughts of the Nine-Colored Thunder Emperor, has a strength infinitely close to that of Taiyi Sanshu. However, he shook his head, collected these golden flowers one after another, and concentrated them into the colorless world. Only In this realm, the demons can be prevented from jumping directly into the world of flowers and the Buddha's Kingdom of Desire Realm can be created.

  If the desires of living beings are linked to the Buddha, it is the Bodhisattva way of worshiping all the desires of living beings, but it is not easy to deal with.

  As the Lord of the Realm of Desire, the Demon Prince secretly sneered: This old demon has lagged behind the times and is still living in a dream. Don't you think that every era has its own protagonist, and in the end it is the newcomers who win over the descendants? Your Demonic Way of the Ten Directions , did not shine in the days of the Third Heavenly Emperor, and naturally does not have much energy now.

  That Bodhisattva is the incarnation of Prince Huang Tian Shengde. In this calamity, he is very likely to be the protagonist. Even I want to take refuge in you and hug you, but you don't know the destiny.

  However, the Demonic Prince would not say such words directly.

  The last time the world of desire was successfully opened, Huang Kui approached him and Taoist Shen again, planning to go into the abyss again. However, after Taoist Shen took out the heart of the reincarnated body of the northern god, he used the heart to cast a witchcraft , and even the Six Soul Sacrifice Banner, there is still some heat left before it can truly have the power to inhabit Taiyi Sanshu.

  This time the three of them plan to try to hunt the top ranked demons among the seventy-two demons of hell, even the Taiyi Sanshu level demons.

  After all, Huang Kui has the God-killing Spear that can hurt Taiyi Sanshu, plus the six soul flags that control Taiyi Sanshu's soul, and the special nature of the abyss, it is not impossible to succeed.

  Even if you can't hunt down Taiyi's scattered abyss demon kings, it's enough to hunt a few more of them to exploit the world within them.

  This time, not only will the Holy Mother White Lotus provide them with logistics, but there will also be a "Edict of Dongyuan Emperor" that can temporarily summon the shadow of Emperor Dongyuan to prepare for their escape. This is already very comprehensive.

  However, when he saw the monk being led into the heavenly prison, he suddenly wondered: "Huang Tian, ​​the bald donkey, didn't pay his debts of merit and virtue in hell, how come he got out?"

  "The debt of merit has been paid off, so I can naturally go out and walk around."

  Huang Kui sighed: "Why are you so stupid? You want me to pay you back a few cents every year. How leisurely it is. Now that you are out, that skinner will definitely ask you to go out and work."

  Jie Yin's expression froze: "That's true, I will save Emperor Taiyuan."

  "I fought Taiyuan before." Huang Kui clicked his tongue: "It's difficult for you to convert him, but after beating him half to death, it will be much easier to convert him again. But with your monk's skills, how can you fight him?"

  "Maybe." Jie Yinbuhe Huang Kuiduo said, heading towards Wutian Bodhisattva.

  Wutian Bodhisattva saw that Jieyin was also Huang Tian's clone, and was quite speechless. He had obviously asked Shifang to stop him, so why did he still come? You gathered some wool, and he gathered some wool, but he didn't give any benefit at all, and he didn't say anything. Release me from prison.

  Then he said: "Prince Huangtian Shengde also came to see me once last time. Why does every incarnation have to come here to learn from me?"

  "I heard that the Bodhisattva once served as a Buddha, but later his realm regressed and he became a Bodhisattva, so I came here to seek the truth of Buddhism." Jieyin said.

  I saw that Jie Yin had the aura of two Buddhas, one Amitabha and one Ksitigarbha Buddha. However, these were not the original auras, but the acquired ones.

  But he secretly said: "If he is really Amitabha Buddha in this calamity, am I not the ancient Buddhist master?"

  However, Wutian's first point still came out of the heavenly prison and said: "My Buddhism is wrong. If you understand it, you will become a demon."

  "But it doesn't matter." Jingyin Bodhisattva sat down directly, holding a pagoda, sitting on a lotus platform, with pure light behind his head, light of merit, light of universal salvation, light of precious sun, light of precious moon, light of precious stars, light of wisdom...

  Layers upon layers provide supreme protection.

  But it was like facing a formidable enemy.

  But Wutian smiled: "Since you seek scriptures from me, you should seek them with the courtesy of a teacher. Why do you treat me like an enemy and a heretic, pretending to be a demon? Since you don't agree with me from the bottom of your heart, why should you listen to my lectures? Lecture the Dharma? Don’t you have to figure out and argue with every word I say? If you have a competitive, comparative, and discriminating mind, how can you gain my wisdom?"

  But a relic flew out from between his eyebrows.

  This relic is pure black, it is a "black bone relic", it is not a glazed relic, nor is it a gold relic. It has many colors, but it is a relic with infinite demonic meaning, but the core inside is indeed the supreme Buddha Dharma. .

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