Ford Tianguan

Chapter 775: Buddhism’s Crooked Scriptures

This Mu Cha is also a good student and has the desire to change the family.

Seeing that his words were sincere, Bai Zhen and others discussed: "We don't understand the teachings of Buddhist scriptures. Master said that the junior brother wholeheartedly worships Buddhism, so I'm afraid he won't follow us. Unlike this true monk, who knows a little bit." through,"

"Ask him to come with me. We should first deceive our junior brother and go back, lest we get into trouble with him and he will blame us and not be close to us in the future."

Huang Hao gave the two of them a golden head, which was specially used to subdue horse faces, but they were unwilling to be such evil people.

So he nodded and said: "Okay, just follow us. We will ask for your help later. If it goes well, although we cannot make you a true disciple, we will also intercede for you and become a registered disciple, Bodhisattva It’s hard to say what the fruition status will be, so isn’t the Arhat status already within reach?”

Mucha was overjoyed after hearing this and said straight away: "I would like to listen to the instructions of the two senior brothers, and I will do it."

So the three of them summed up one or two, and asked Mu Cha to hold the Ming Dynasty mantra bracelet first. Mu Cha carefully took the bracelet, placed it religiously on the top of his chest, and recited the mantra sincerely. The six-character mantra was very short, but Possessing the power of supreme compassion.

After reciting Mu Cha several times, the Buddha essence in the body was aroused by the Great Ming Mantra, and a flame burned from the Muladhara chakra, that is, the perineum.

This flame is the clumsy fire, the fire of wisdom and light, the fire of compassion and universal salvation. Mucha was originally the reincarnation of the Netherworld Yaksha, and he had some poisonous energy from previous lives. At this time, he was all purified by this fire, and he suddenly felt peaceful and peaceful in his heart. The shackles of some hard-to-change characters and thoughts have been cut off, and they are no longer the constraints on the path of cultivation.

As a result, the breath is purified, the thoughts are bright, and the Dharma becomes more profound.

It took a while before she shed tears: "Today is the day I truly heard the Dharma. I am willing to die!"

"Don't rush to die yet." Bai Zhen said: "Don't forget our business. Once the business is done, you can die however you want."

Mucha smiled awkwardly, but followed him to the territory of Liang Kingdom.

In the Liang Kingdom, because there are Taoist temples stationed there, the weather is smooth and the people are healthy. Although the country has been in Zuo for 400 years, corruption is inevitable, and some Taoist temples are not allowed to be established in Nanlingzhou because they are too beautiful. Many of them are disobedient and want to be independent. Thoughts, but overall quite prosperous.

Especially in the royal capital.

Mu Cha, Bai Zhen and others came to save people, but they inevitably had to show their holiness in front of people, which happened to make Mu Cha shine in the limelight.

Mu Cha had developed magical powers and his physical body was extremely powerful. With Bai Zhen's illusion skills, he quickly established himself in the prosperous place of the royal city.

The monks from the Taoist temple in the royal city were not happy with this mischief. They wanted to drive Mu Cha away, but Yu Zhenzi beat him away with colorful locust stones.

After promoting it for three or four days, it became famous to the king of Liang Dynasty.

The king believed in Taoism and wanted to live forever. However, the three palaces and six courtyards were prosperous and extravagant, so his mind was not strong and he could not meditate. Even if he took some elixirs and spiritual things, his body was weak and he could not practice to a high level. .

Therefore, although he had foundation-building skills, he didn't have many skills. When he heard that a divine monk was here, he had an idea: "I don't know if Buddhism has any magic for immortality."

So he invited Mu Cha to the palace to explain Buddhism to the king.

Mu Cha wouldn't tell him the way to immortality. Instead, he just talked about karma, karma, and evil obstacles. They were all words about cultivating blessings in this life and attaining status in the next life.

Although the king listened impatiently, there was indeed reincarnation in this world, so he was very respectful. He could not be reborn in this life, but it would be good to be able to enjoy happiness in future generations.So he asked casually: "The queen and I gave birth to a son a few years ago. This son was not conceived until three years and six months ago. When he was born, he looked like a monster. He had the head of a horse and the body of a human. I have only one eye, and I have recently grown up, and I also have an extra horn. Is this also the evil force of karma?"

"The queen and I are very affectionate, but since the birth of the demon, we have become estranged from each other. What should we do?"

"Your Majesty, can I see the prince?"

The king thought that he was an eminent monk, so he asked people to bring the horse-faced prince.

Who knew that Mu Cha immediately stood up and said quickly: "Your Majesty, this prince is the reincarnation of Bodhisattva, not a demon! Bodhisattvas often come from wealthy families, but they don't love wealth. They have all kinds of wisdom and opinions, but they are troubled by it. In the end, After attaining great enlightenment, he became a Bodhisattva. This prince is clearly the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva under the seat of the Great Sun Supreme Tathagata."

That horse face, after hearing the name of the Great Sun Tathagata, felt inexplicably in his heart. He didn't know whether he was excited or uneasy.

But Mucha started talking in a colorful way.

When the king heard that his second son could become a Bodhisattva, and that the Bodhisattva was also immortal and could take his family into the Buddhist kingdom and become heavenly beings, the king suddenly felt complicated. He was jealous of him, but also begging for him, and even felt that he was late. .

Na Ma Mian originally respected the Buddha's Dharma in his heart, and when he heard that he was the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, he was overjoyed.

But there were still questions. At this moment, Mucha took out the Great Ming Mantra and said: "This is the thing from the Bodhisattva's previous life. It was given by the Great Sun Tathagata. Today is the time when the Great Sun Tathagata ordered me to cross the Bodhisattva's entrance again. "

The horse-faced man took the Buddhist beads, and immediately the beads radiated immeasurable light, burning the black horse into a white horse. The white horse changed its appearance to a human head, but it was a man and woman with the appearance of a man and a god. It looked better than the horse-faced one before. How many times.

Although Ma Mian said "to have equal hearts and equal wishes", regardless of beauty, ugliness, wealth, but after all, this appearance was his heartache. Now that he has become such a good-looking person, all the inferiority complex in the past has been wiped away. I believe it even more if I cross it.

But after a while, the horse face came back.

He was very disappointed.

Mu Cha said: "What was shown just now is the true appearance of the Bodhisattva. What is seen now is the external appearance. If the Bodhisattva wants to restore his true appearance, he needs to practice Buddhism intensively, slowly unravel the mystery of the womb, and restore the magic power of his previous life."

Ma Mian immediately said: "Please ask the Master to teach me!"

When Mu Cha saw him hooking up, he said: "Now there is a Yujing Patriarch on Yujing Mountain. He is a man of both Buddhism and Taoism. He once achieved Buddhahood in Daxue Mountain. Now it is he who asked me to ferry you over. This bracelet also belongs to him and you."

"The Patriarch has mercy!" Ma Mian said repeatedly: "I will go to Yujing Mountain to obtain the scriptures and meet the Patriarch."

Seeing this, Mu Cha smiled slightly and turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated under Bai Zhen's illusion.

This spell immediately surprised the king, queen, and even Ma Mian.

After a while, the king called Ma Mian to his side: "Since you have this opportunity, go and become a disciple. However, our country is originally supported by Taihua. Now that Buddhism comes here, there will be conflicts. If you succeed in learning in the future, you still hope If you can have some love, don't let the people in our country suffer from this Taoist dispute."

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