Ford Tianguan

Chapter 748 Unlocking the shackles of all living beings

Chapter 748 Unlocking the shackles of all living beings
After Huang Tian and other gods of good fortune had done their best, the Ji God of the God of Agriculture finally spoke: "Farming in the lower realms is very difficult. Although there is a God of Agriculture in every county, and both land and water gods have agricultural authority, after all, Not professional."

The God of Ji is a great god with the same status as the "Mother of the Earth", but he has not achieved Taiyi. He is only super powerful, not that his power is not broad enough. Moreover, food is the most important thing for the people, and the power of "agriculture" he controls is even if it is not. It is Taiyi Zhenliu, and it should also be scattered.

However, the ecology of agriculture itself is fragile, and it is subject to celestial phenomena, geography, and human power. Moreover, agricultural authority is limited to grains, even vegetarian food, or raising livestock, even hunting, and the authority over mountains and forests does not apply. Fuck him.

Moreover, the Earth Mother is in charge of the land gods in the world, and the land is the "means of production". Agriculture itself relies on productive labor on the land. Therefore, the God of Sheji comes first and the God of Ji follows.

Fortunately, Ji Shen is a low-key and simple god who has always done practical things, and his main authority has been transferred to "genetic research".

"Since it coincides with the change in the atmosphere of heaven and earth, the water movement of the Upper Yuan rises. As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draw water. In the past, the movement of earth to rise was to dig food from the earth. Therefore, the earth and grains are the first to strengthen the belly, and the fire and valleys are the first to warm and nourish. The wood grain grows hair, the gold grain strengthens the bones, and the water grain promotes menstruation and diuresis.”

"If I want to change it now, I need to change the five elements, and the system will be messed up. Therefore, I don't plan to increase the proportion of water and grain, and I don't need to warm the abdomen."

"With the advancement of heaven and earth, there will be endless natural disasters in the future. Therefore, I want to start with eating to strengthen the people's bones and muscles, increase their wisdom, and develop the secrets of mortals. In the past, it required practice to enter the realm of foundation building. Now, maybe I can advance with the advancement of heaven and earth, my child. Birth is about building a foundation, opening up the bridge between heaven and earth, being able to understand things, and being able to observe ghosts and gods.”

"In this way, if the whole people are strong, there will be no need for you and the gods to expend efforts to protect the weak ordinary people."

"I have studied this matter for a long time. If the people need to be strong, they must eat spiritual grains and elixirs. In the spirit valleys of our world, they are all mortal grains sacrificed to the gods. They have supernatural powers. The elixirs mostly grow in the caves of the spiritual realm, or In the middle of nowhere.”

"Then can it be called Linggu, elixir, and spiritual fruit, and go into the homes of ordinary people?"

"My answer is yes." Ji Shen said: "We have a village with a village of land, and a county with a county god. The land can open up spiritual realm blessing fields, ranging from a few acres to a few miles."

"The spiritual realm in the county is even more vast, with a radius of tens to hundreds of miles."

"Not to mention the caves and heavens created by various gods and immortals."

"And the spiritual fields and spiritual soil in this area are completely surplus to support the whole people. In addition, there are many places in the Yang world where spiritual veins can move. There are also blessed fields in the netherworld, not to mention the heavens. There are so many heavens. Is it just for viewing?"

Huang Tian covered his mouth.

Worri!This God of Ji is so brave to say that.

When gods rule mortals, they rule by faith, and the various powers they possess are a kind of monopoly for mortals.

Now the God of Ji has proposed to open up the people's wisdom and strengthen their bodies, and he also has the foundation of strength as soon as he is born, but many Mao Gods, Wandering Gods, and even the village and land have this strength.

Furthermore, for all mortals to "cultivate" and live forever, the vitality of heaven and earth required must be huge. Although it is now released to the mortal world, less than [-]% of the vitality of heaven and earth circulates, and [-]% is in the netherworld, and [-]% is supported in the sea of ​​Haotian vitality. Taiyuan is in the universe, and the rest is in the heaven realm and the blessed land and cave heaven.

What Ji Shen needs is the heavenly realm, and the vitality in the cave heaven and blessed land participates in the circulation.

No one spoke for a while, because his own interests were really involved. This was not a small favor to a mortal, it might be "humanity against heaven".

After hearing this, the gods of the five directions looked at each other, and then the central god said: "As the saying goes, the people use force to disrupt the law. To do this, we need to first improve the authority and strength of the grassroots. Do we need the golden elixir realm, or the seventh-level god? , can he be responsible for a land? The Yang God should be the county god? The heavenly god should be the city god?"

"There is no need for these. Emperor Wa is in charge of creation and should know how to assign locks. According to the theories of other worlds, the human body contains various locks, including power locks, wisdom locks, and spiritual locks. It is just like the universe. It can be mined infinitely. It will take Empress Wa to adjust the laws of creation between heaven and earth, and it will not be difficult for the whole people to iterate in three and five hundred years."

Empress Wa thought for a moment and looked at Empress Di, who nodded slightly, indicating that she had agreed to the matter.

Then he said: "To directly untie the shackles of all living beings and to build the foundation, you have crossed two shackles. In addition, the world is now isolated from human beings, and the Netherworld is isolated from the Yang world. If you suddenly let go of the shackles, all things will inevitably flourish. Not only people are promoted in this way, but also vegetation, Beasts will be promoted, but it will lead to huge disasters of creation. Things such as vegetation encroaching on cities, cats and dogs hunting human beings are all possible."

"To solve it, you must first untie the shackles of Qi training. Ordinary people cannot practice. The first difficulty is that it is difficult to calm the mind and feel Qi. If you can feel Qi, you can collect Qi and practice. You are the so-called Qi practitioner."

"Unlocking this shackle is not completely untied. It is only half-untied. You still need to calm down and concentrate before you can push it open."

Empress Wa said: "Let's not implement it in Jiuzhou first." Then she looked at Huang Tian: "Overseas is the first place to practice Qi Luck, and all the ways are very prosperous, so we will start from overseas and try it for a while. If the effect is good, then comprehensively Release the shackles of creation.”

Huang Tian was repeatedly surprised: "But I have already popularized spiritual practice among the people overseas!"

Huang Tian's land is endless, so he counts on these monks to be his tenants.

Ji Shen nodded: "I raised this proposal after seeing the current situation overseas. I just didn't raise it at the meeting just now. I wanted to discuss it with all the saints first to avoid the news from spreading and being roasted on the fire."

Huang Tian couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, it's just a qi training yoke. It's nothing. Now that the heaven and earth are promoted, the quality of the heaven and earth's vitality is getting higher and higher. In the future, the whole people will definitely improve. This is the original self-improvement, just like normal people in the world. When When you reach the Middle Thousand World, you become an innate Taoist body, and your practice is as strong as a bamboo. When you reach the Small Thousand World, you are born divine."

"Although Jiuzhou has not reached the eternal universe, the nature of the world has been improved by half a level compared to the ordinary world, and the average quality will definitely improve."

"If you ask me, it would be better to completely release the shackles of Qi training overseas, and at the same time unlock half of the shackles of foundation building, while only half of the shackles of Qi training are released at home."

The many saints thought for a while and calculated an account. They felt that no matter how much they practiced Qi and built foundations, they were still leeks, and at most they were strong leeks. It would be fine to change the mode and continue to rule, but it would have a greater impact on the gods of incense and fire.

But the God of Incense and Fire is not considered high-end. The high-end ones are on the list of gods, the mid-range ones are on the Hongmeng Zixiao True Spirit List, and the low-end ones are not even qualified to be on the list. They have never been in the decision-making level.

After all, the world is a "natural god", and the "innate gods" have the right to speak.

"Recently, the Netherworld opened up the Luofeng Six Days, which filtered and purified the earth's vitality. The Netherworld atmosphere intercepted a lot of vitality. I plan to use it to stimulate the birth of spiritual veins, earth veins, and dragon veins." Earth Mother Empress said: "It's time to practice Qi cultivation. , the survivability will be greatly improved, and the influence of celestial phenomena will not be so great."

Emperor Wa nodded and looked at Emperor Zhenwu, Emperor Ziwei and other emperors: "What do you think?"

Emperor Yiwu said: "It is good to enhance the overall quality. In the last realm war, the monks recruited were all starting from foundation building, and the gods were basically at the top level. There were too many casualties. Although some of them were resurrected to become Zhongqian." Gods of the world, but ultimately it’s not enough.”

"There must be no boundary wars in the future. There must always be enough people to go to the battlefield." These words are cruel, but very convincing.

Emperor Zhenwu also spoke: "Shangyuan water transport is really difficult to eliminate. It is said to control floods, but it only controls small disasters. Major disasters are also powerless. It is a natural selection change of the laws of heaven and earth. Unless the gods are sent to reverse it at all times, Keep it as it is, but the cost is too high, so let’s just change it.”

Emperor Ziwei said: "I also agree. I am in charge of Tianxin. Nowadays, the voices in the lower world are getting more and more depressed. Some even curse the sky, thinking that the sky has no eyes and is merciless. To win such a realm war, not only is there not much The good thing is that disasters are everywhere, and many monks already believe that Shinto governs the world by doing nothing, and if it is cured, it will be the same as no cure, or even worse than no cure."

"No matter how high we stand, Shinto as a whole cannot be decoupled from humanity. We have to make the people feel that our gods have done practical things. At least life is getting better and better. Practice liberates production. Even qi-practicing monks are better than Mortals are much more powerful.”

"After all, Jiuzhou is people-oriented and Shinto is the rule. If people stop moving forward, it will have a huge impact on Shinto. Generally speaking, it still needs to develop."

Seeing that these emperors all agreed, Emperor Wa nodded and said: "Okay, then I will use my authority to untie the shackles of all living beings, should they all be affectionate? Without mercy, everything will change."

When he saw the Emperor Wa showing her Taoist appearance, she had the body of a snake and a tail, holding a "Qian Kun Mother Qi Cauldron". This cauldron has the ability to accommodate the heaven and earth, the acquired nature, and the innate. The whole body is engraved with the Taoist Talisman of Good Fortune, which makes it look extremely sacred.

The next moment, a "human-shaped" heavenly bar was caught by Emperor Wa. This was the "way of humanity", that is, the way for all sentient beings.

I saw that the body of humanity is shackles of runes, which are also the laws of the innate Tao.

Their eyes are shackles, so they cannot open their heavenly eyes to see ghosts and spirits.

There are shackles on his nose, so he cannot smell Wanqi and distinguish monsters.

These shackles are densely packed on the internal organs, limbs, mind, and soul.

But they saw that Emperor Wa put this "humanity" into the Qiankun Cauldron, and pulled some of the laws about the distribution of the origin of heaven and earth, and kneaded them together. After a while, the "new humanity" climbed out of the cauldron, and the shackles were still there, but Some places have slackened.

The human way was recruited into the reincarnation disk by the Earth Mother, and the principles were rubbed into the reincarnation disk, representing the reincarnation of heaven and earth, with a beginning and an end.

Waiting for the Earth Mother to complete her performance, she returned the "humanity" to the sea of ​​heavenly law.

After putting them back, the two Dao Fruits began to display again. Huang Tian watched curiously. There were not many opportunities to observe the Taiyi Dao Fruit carefully.

Although his eyes felt sore when he looked directly at him, and his soul was under great pressure, he had already withstood the overwhelming pressure of the Five Emperors last time, so this was nothing.

It turns out that in addition to playing with the human nature, the two empresses also need to use the Dao Fruit to influence the Nine Provinces Heavenly Dao and modify the subtle changes corresponding to the new human nature, so that the various anomalies that Heavenly Dao has to correct the human nature will not occur.

Huang Tian looked at the Creation Dao Fruit and the Reincarnation Dao Fruit, and felt that they seemed to be similar to the Wuji Dao Fruit, but upon closer inspection, they were both different.

Huang Tian's blatant spying attracted the attention of the two empresses, but he did not beat them. He just said, "You have to follow your own path now, not imitate. Just take a look."

Waiting for Tiandao to correct the deviation, Huang Tian only felt that the atmosphere between heaven and earth became more agile and active.

Emperor Ziwei said: "Then we will spread more of the three lights of the sun, moon and stars into the mortal world to nourish the growth and cultivation of all things."

The three lights of the sun, moon and stars combine to form the three-light divine water, which is what nourishes creation.

The gods of the five directions secretly said: It's just right. The replacement of old and new forces will inevitably lead to a chaotic world. Now that the new generation has been freed from their shackles, it is a good time to devote their minds to the lower world.

When the God of Ji saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said repeatedly: "The little God would like to thank you all for the sake of all the people in the world!"

Waiting for all the changes that should be made in the laws and regulations of heaven, Huang Tian did not stay in the Lingxiao Palace for a long time. He just invited Emperor Yiwu: "Emperor, we haven't seen you for a long time, why don't you come and sit with me, the great emperor Huang Zengtian?"

Emperor Yiwu nodded: "Thank you very much, the Holy Prince. I heard about the birth of the Holy Grandson a long time ago. This elder has never come to visit. It is a pity. I just have a closer look this time."

After saying that, he teased: "I brought a big gift specially!"

Huang Tian's eyes lit up when he heard "heavy courtesy", and he kept saying, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

So he ignored his glare and went straight back to Emperor Huang Zengtian.

When they arrived at the Prince's Palace, they ordered Xin Shiniang to call Lao Dan and Huang Di.

"Why did the emperor suddenly want to open up a heavenly realm and hand over the Taiyue Divine Court to Longchang?"

"It's not sudden." The emperor took a sip of the top-grade innate spiritual root enlightenment tea imported from the world of spiritual cultivation, and was slightly surprised: This little dwarf is eating so well now?I think I relied on the naughty boy to steal my own Taihua to offer immortal tea to drink and give as gifts.

Huang Tian is in charge of the trade in the Chaos World. Naturally, the food and drinks are the best. You don't have to buy them yourself. They are all given by others. They are not called gifts. They are supplied through special channels.

"When we first occupied Guangluzhou in the north, we should have opened the sky, but it was too small for five days to cover me, and I couldn't resist it. That's why there was no opening of the sky."

"Originally I wanted to directly occupy one of the five days of Taiwei, but I was dragged away by the gods of the five directions. Tsk tsk, you said that the Nine Colors Thunder Emperor has attained enlightenment, why don't you take back what you have lost? At least Taiwei Dongfang Cyan Heaven, we should get it back from the God of the East."

Huang Tian said: "He cut it off. Didn't he see that his wife was occupied by Lord Taiyin Star? Didn't he even fart?"

"This kind of person is too scary." Emperor Yiwu warned: "You have a close relationship with him, but you can't be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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