Ford Tianguan

Chapter 737 New System in Underworld

Chapter 737 New System in Underworld
But I saw the Earth Mother Empress, occupying a high place, exerting her authority, and showing the true Taoism.

I only saw that it had a human body and the tail of a dragon and a snake, and it turned out to be a "wa", but it was very different from ordinary wa.

I saw snakes hanging from both ears, one black and one white, representing the yin and yang of life and death.

There are six hands, each holding a portal, representing the six paths of reincarnation.

The eyes are kind, but the whole body has a sinister and terrifying aura, with boundless darkness and deathly silence.

One should hold the monster of perdition, rest, death, the sacred, the demon, dormant at its feet.

There is also an "end" brewing in it.

In addition to reincarnation, the Earth Mother also controls the earth, mountains, human land gods, the city god system, and even "luck".

It was rumored that the Mother Earth Queen also started out as a demon god. Now that she has a look, it turns out that she has some origins.

But except death, destination, eternal silence.

The Earth Mother also has a biological side. She is in charge of agricultural harvests, the fertility of the earth, the reproduction of all things, and the vitality of vegetation.

A living creature, relying on the earth and becoming pure, cannot escape from it.

Under the Mother Earth's Great Way, there are twelve earthly branches, each riding a rat, a dragon, a tiger, a pig, a dog, an ox or a sheep.

Of these twelve earth mothers, four are demon mothers, either revered by hungry ghosts or born in the dark night. They all have a terrifying appearance, with green faces and fangs, wrapped in karma fire, tearing out the intestines and trampling on corpses. They are very majestic.

There are also four earth mothers, who are compassionate and considerate of the common people. They lower their eyebrows with kind eyes and give out herbs to drive away evil spirits and diseases.

The last four earth mothers have the appearance of suffering and suffering, or the appearance of death, death, corpse, or the appearance of the female door wide open and the birth of a baby, which are the "suffering signs" of all sentient beings.

Twelve Taoist figures surround the central Earth Mother, chanting secret mantras.

The original netherworld pattern was transformed into something in the hands of the Earth Mother.

As soon as he entered the palace, all the ghosts entered the netherworld in his palm and left.

The five ghost emperors all held the five ghost courts above their heads, and a pair of hands grew under their armpits to display their magical powers.

This great earthquake caused the laws of the land of Jiuzhou to tremble, but it soon subsided. In the netherworld, the ghosts were trembling and did not dare to cry.

After seeing the entire Netherworld and surrounding mountains and shadows, after all the arrangements were made, Fengdu turned its back on the original emperor to preach about heaven and earth and spread the word to the three realms: "Today, I, Fengdu, turn my back on the original emperor, and set a boundary in the Netherworld of Nine Continents for a total of six days. This is for Luo Feng Tian, ​​Jue Yin Tian, ​​Tai Sha Tian, ​​Resistance Tian, ​​Zhao Gui Tian, ​​Qi Fei Tian! Divide the chaos of the netherworld, isolate the evil sacrifices of humans and ghosts, determine the prisons and redress the injustice, determine the punishment laws of the netherworld and ghosts, and accumulate the yin merits and virtues. Make it so that good and evil are rewarded, past karma is clear, cause and effect are entangled, and it is so severe!"

Immediately, the ghost emperors from the five directions announced together: "The purpose of establishing these six days is to sort out the underworld, transform the underworld, make the heaven and earth light, reduce grievances and evil, control ghosts, demons, and underworld gods. If there is no god who responds to the underworld, According to the imperial edict, one must not enter or leave the world of the Yang world. One should respond to the ghosts of the Yin world. They must not frighten strangers, cry or frighten babies, or threaten or trick strangers into setting up sacrifices or worshiping them.”

The Mother Earth Mother immediately said: "Old ghosts from the underworld are coming one after another, each living in his own heaven. Do not cause chaos. If there is chaos, behead it, and behead it and it will be destroyed!"

The voice is decisive and chilling!
But I saw the Yin Emperor in Fengdu uniting with the five emperors to open the Netherworld on top of the Yin Mountain.

The Yin Mountain is the projection of the Three Realms Mountain in the netherworld. The name "Three Realms" has a vast image, which means protecting the Jiuzhou Underworld. Therefore, it is turned into a surrounding mountain, like a wall. Outside the wall, there are other realms of the underworld, or It is the former Jingbi World Netherland, or something else, but to invade the Nine Continents Netherland, you must cross the Yin Mountain.

The Netherworld is vast and unknown, and it is a realm of illusion after all, but opening up the realm of heaven is not easy at all. Even if Fengdu betrays the Emperor, it cannot be derived out of thin air.

It is to open up the "cave sky" in the Three Realms Mountain, and then pull the cave sky into the underworld, and expand and expand in the underworld.

I saw him holding a mountain whip and waving it in the air, and there was a sound of "Zha!". Immediately, the space opened and the cave in the Three Realms sank.

Emperor Fengdu sighed secretly in his heart: "The Kingdom of Dongtian Divine Kingdom in the past has been transformed into the Netherworld. From now on, there will be no mountain gods of the Three Realms anymore, only I, Emperor Fengdu!"

When the cave sky fell into the Netherworld, it began to expand, turning from reality to emptiness, until it was completely incorporated into the Yinshan Mountain. It absorbed the Netherworld energy of the Yinshan Mountain's Netherworld veins, and then cut it off with a whip, cutting off the connection with the Yang world.

The gap between the Nether World and the Yang World was like a break in the sky, and suddenly the water of the yellow spring and the blue river poured down.

However, no one has repaired it. This is the "water transport" of the Jiuzhou Yang world, which poured into the Netherworld. It was also the last time Taiwei destroyed the world, and the water of the Yellow Spring was left behind. Now it falls from the sky, flows from the heaven, and goes to various places in the Netherworld.

Fengming walked out from the Earth Mother Empress. She was recommended by Huang Tian and became the maid of the Earth Mother Empress. She was responsible for the water of the netherworld. Now seeing this situation, she knew that it was the opportunity of her own path, so she said: "This water comes from Coming from the Yang world, it connects the two realms of Yin and Yang. From now on, wherever there are rivers, they will all lead to this river in the underworld, with thousands of branches, leading to the souls of the dead."

Rivers are "images" in mythology. One side is the Yang world, and the other side is the Yin world. After crossing the "Naihe Bridge", there is no turning back.

Fengming's own innate Yin spring was integrated into this spring, and he was immediately revered as the "Huangquan Daomu", which was the innate sacred water that gave birth to the Huangquan water.

Since then, the water in the Yang world has become more and more ruthless. The water acts as a "mysterious yin", swallowing up human lives and making it difficult to sink.

The Great Emperor of the Underworld opened up this world, and the Earth Mother arranged the original layout in the Nether Palace.

"This Luo Fengtian is the place of ghosts and gods in the underworld, and the place of demons. It is also judged by reincarnation, and the divine weapon of reincarnation is established!"

I saw a samsara disk falling in Luo Feng's sky, turning into a group of black holes with empty bridges connecting them from these black holes.

The top is "the way of heaven and humanity".

What is the way of heaven and humanity, that is, one is born in the heavenly palace, in the cave sky, is born with magic power, has longevity, can become an immortal or a god, and is one step ahead of others.

The second path is the "way of transformation and rebirth". What is transformation and rebirth? It means that it is not born in the womb, but is born from eggs. It is the birth of the spirits of heaven and earth. Either in the clouds, they become cloud spirits, or in the wind, they become wind monsters. All kinds of things pop out from the stone, which are metamorphosis. Those who are transformed can be born gods, can practice the immortal way, have luck in their body, and can easily accumulate merits. Compared with the way of heaven and humanity, there are few If you find a comfortable environment, you may be captured, enslaved, or killed.

The third way is the way of humanity. The way of humanity is originally the way of all sentient and intelligent beings. Here it is the way of all kinds of "civilizations", including non-human civilizations. For example, the civilization of the Demon Dynasty in Tianyao Continent, among which the monsters Childbirth is no longer about giving birth to a "beast form", but maintaining a certain human form after birth. When you grow up a little, you can change into a beast form and a human form. Another example is the sea country established by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. This is also considered humane.

The fourth path is the path of animals. There is no civilized education. Some tigers and wolves in the forest, or chickens and dogs in the pen, are ignorant and have no wisdom. If it is not a chance, it is difficult to awaken. Even if you are enlightened and turn into a little demon, you still need to After decades and hundreds of years of study, I finally got the human form. It took a hundred more years of hard work than the previous one, and there was also the difficulty of eating while cooking.

The fifth path is the path of grass and trees. Don’t say that grass and trees are heartless, but trees and plants are also conscious. Otherwise, why are there so many spiritual practices of grass and trees in Jiuzhou? It’s just that grass and trees reach the path, which is worse than the animal path. They cannot move. , as food for animals, there are also insect bites, droughts, floods, and various disasters. Compared with the practice of animals, it takes hundreds of years to cultivate into the human form.

The sixth path is the Netherworld Path.The first five realms also have the interest of life. This realm is born with death. It is a variety of native things in the netherworld, namely hungry ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and beasts. They are confused, unaware of suffering, and will never be able to sink. There is no escape.

The six paths are established, reincarnation is restored, and the core order of the entire Netherworld is like the foundation of a big tree, deeply rooted in the Netherworld.

"The ten palaces of Yama are commanded! Together they are in charge of reincarnation, and they are responsible for judging the soul's rebirth in the six realms!"

Mother Earth Mother shouted.

Immediately, there were ten ghost kings, including King Yama, and even the ten ghost kings who had been appointed by the Earth Mother. They were ordered by the Earth Mother, and each of them was majestic and built a main hall to guard the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"He is appointed as the leader of the Netherworld and is responsible for the education of ghosts in the Netherworld!"

"I decree that the Empress of the Underworld is the Princess of the Wheel, and she names the Empress of the Earth, who is of the highest rank, and is the master who will deal with the matter of the wandering ghosts without an owner!"

"The sophora yin is the White Lotus Daomu, and the Lord responds to the souls of infants and children who died in infancy."

...I saw piles of underworld buildings erected, large formations arranged one after another, and orders issued, and the entire netherworld pattern changed drastically.

"Under the six heavens of Luo Feng, there is hell, and there is purgatory, which is responsible for the calamity of refining souls. Those souls that are guilty and riddled with karmic sins will suffer from the refining fire of karma!"

"There is an endless hell. Those who have committed extremely heinous crimes and will not be forgiven will enter this endless hell. There will be endless punishment and the karma will be eliminated in the cycle!"

"There are big hells and small hells. There are eighteen levels of netherworld underground to punish sins. Among them, in the small hell, one day in the upper world and one year in the prison. In the big hell, one day in the small hell and one year in the big hell!"

But I saw the gloomy ghost law interspersed for six days, spreading across the underworld, and snaring the entire land. I was so frightened that countless evil ghosts fled: "Run away! I can't stay in the underworld!"

However, Shen Taoist appeared on the stage. He looked like he was wearing mourning clothes and his face was ashen. He was holding a banner with six corners. He waved it slightly and bowed: "The soul has returned! It will be divided into six heavens and the world will be established. As for the day when a generation of emperors will rule the world." Where are the ghosts? Give your real name to be included in the underworld, and live in the heavenly realm. Don't worry about it!"

The ancient heavenly ghosts hiding in the depths of the netherworld are marked by soul flags one after another. They are extremely powerful. They are the souls formed after the death of the first batch of innate creatures after the creation of the world. They have profound Taoism and follow the general rules. They are called heavenly ghosts, but in fact they are Gods of authority are not ordinary ghosts and gods who rely on incense to exist.

These days the ghosts don't want to be subdued and are running away one after another.

It happened that Huang Kui appeared at this time, and the eight heavenly prison guards around him separated thousands of chains and shackles!

Imprison these ghosts.

Most of the many obscene sacrifices in the Yang world were made to them. They were also worshiped in various witch villages and caves in the Wilderness Continent that offered blood and food.

Disrespecting the teachings of heaven, only eating blood, not distinguishing between good and evil, disrespecting heaven, and you will be settled one by one at this time.

Only a small number of them bowed down and did not dare to resist.

These heavenly ghosts are almost as powerful as the indescribable demon gods in the chaos, vaguely at the super level, and as weak as the Yang God.

But Huang Kui just smiled, and Yuanshi's evil intention was revealed: "Don't struggle to resist. The inclusion of you is to incorporate you into the demon system. If you confess your past crimes, you will be lenient. If you resist, you may lose your life!"

The underworld is part of the demon god system. During the third generation of heavenly emperors, the demon gods, demon gods, and shaman gods had their own duties before they were separated.

Nowadays, the Heavenly Court has eliminated the "Demons that block the path" and has specially opened up a "Demon Realm", allowing them to live in it without any legal "Demon System".

Now Huang Kui is the prison god, but he is also a "demon god" in the establishment. His subordinates need to capture the "heavy criminals" of the jailers, as well as the demon soldiers and demon generals. These ghosts happen to be engaged in this "mean business", so as to get rid of their crimes and make meritorious deeds.

Those ghosts cursed one after another: "I believe you, you ghost. The Demon God Ministry has been disbanded for many years. Who are you who dare to say such big words?"

Another said: "We are used to being free and at ease, and we will not be affected by cholera in the world, nor will we cause trouble in the underworld, so why should we be arrested?"

However, what greeted them was the two great combinations of Liuhun Banner and Huang Kui: "Don't drink without toasting, you'll have to drink as a penalty!"

The six-soul flag swayed slightly and attracted several heavenly ghosts. With a slight flicker, it was refined and clean, and then it turned out to help the evil spirits, and instead hunted down other heavenly ghosts: "Friend! Please follow me into the banner!" "

The Earth Mother couldn't bear to watch such a devilish mess, it was like a villain offering a soul refining flag, so with a snap of his fingers, he knocked the two of them back and said, "I'll give you more." Some choices, these hells need demons to be the lords of hell. If you heavenly ghosts are willing to be the lords of hell, you can go to hell and die when your name is full, or you can enter this six-day residence, or you can enter the heavenly prison as a jailer. If the prison warden doesn’t want to, he will die.”

Those heavenly ghosts were frightened by the Earth Mother, and they all chose to enter hell and become the lord of hell. Like the abyss lord in the abyss, they integrated their own laws into hell to make it operate normally and have various powers.

It's just that the number of large and small hells is limited, and they were quickly robbed by the powerful heavenly ghosts. The weak heavenly ghosts can only enter Luo Feng's six days and accept control. Only a few choose to follow Huang Kui and become the devils of the heavenly prison.

The Taoist Shen was still unsatisfied, so he began to summon souls for the second time. The one he summoned was the second-generation Heavenly Emperor. As for the ghosts and strange ghosts from the third-generation Heavenly Emperor.

Although these spirit ghosts and strange ghosts are not as old as the heavenly ghosts, they can still be regarded as "earth ghosts". The powerful ones among them are also at the level of gods, and the weak ones are comparable to the golden elixir.

Seeing the fate of the heavenly ghosts, they dared not act recklessly. They only asked: "Mother of the Earth is merciful, can she have a place to accommodate us?"

"The hell masters are full. It depends on each hell whether it needs a warden or a prisoner. Only they can take it in!"

These ghosts and ghosts are much more numerous than the heavenly ghosts, and each of them has extraordinary abilities. If he practices by himself, occupies a cave in the underworld, and gathers thousands of ghost soldiers, he can be regarded as a ghost king.

However, they are not as good as ghosts in nature. It is not enough to be a demon god, and they can only serve as ministers and generals.

Waiting for the third batch of souls to be summoned are the souls of the three generations of Heavenly Emperors and even the present one.

This time they didn't even offer any conditions, they were all humans and ghosts, filling the heaven.

Shen Taoist continued to summon souls, and not just one, but souls from an era. It was already too much, so he secretly said: "If I refine a demon flag and can refine so many ghosts, I should become a demon Taiyi." What."

The souls were in their respective places, and the Earth Mother began to preach the new rules of the underworld. Just like the "rules of heaven" in heaven, the underworld also has "rules of the earth."

The new rules and principles are reflected in the Netherworld, forming shining golden words, so that every ghost can sense what can and cannot be done.

The establishment of a new underworld means that the power of the underworld is completely centralized and no longer dispersed. The original chaos of the entire underworld has now become orderly.

Between heaven and earth, the golden light of merit fell in a trance, landing on the entire netherworld.

The Earth Mother Empress had no need for this. With a slight wave of her hand, she gave her share to the Great Emperor Fengdu, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, and Yama of the Ten Palaces.

But he saw that Fengdu was betraying the great emperor, and his merits were flowing around him. He vaguely wanted to achieve Taiyi's enlightenment, but he was soon suppressed by him. Now that he has achieved enlightenment, he is the "hedao fruition status", which means that the great emperor Fengdu's fruition status is in heaven and earth. In the meantime, you will achieve super level, and this status is public.

Emperor Fengdu was elected every 3000 years. After 3000 years, his position no longer belonged to him, so he endured it for the rest of his life.

The Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions assisted in opening up the Six Heavens, and they also had merits. Their status was promoted by half a rank, and they were finally on par with the Yue Ling King of the Five Directions. Not only that, they also had the function of "God of Wealth" and achieved five achievements. Fang is the "God of Wealth", who governs yin luck and yin wealth, and protects the five major treasury, which is the money bag of the underworld.

The Ten Palaces of Yama have never been promoted. The former King of Yama in the ancient universe has since been completely integrated into Jiuzhou and has become an official resident of Jiuzhou. His own status is also bound to the underworld and no longer belongs to him.

Such changes in the underworld not only affect the netherworld, but the atmosphere of the entire three realms is also changing, and the energy of heaven and earth has become more lively and fresh.

The efficiency of the great circulation of heaven and earth is nearly one-fifth higher than before, just like a blocked pipe has been opened.

The burden on the world is reduced, and the source of energy required for its operation is reduced by nearly [-]%. The entire world has a bright and light feeling.

If Jiuzhou is a human body, heaven is the brain and five senses, and the Yang world is the trunk and limbs, then the Netherworld is the digestive system, the intestines, and the excretion port.

Now I feel like a patient who has been suffering from gastrointestinal discomfort has finally recovered and is no longer constipated or suffering from diarrhea.

Huang Tian sensed the changes in the netherworld and said slightly: "Those five ghost emperors are only thinking about enlightenment. I was deceiving them for a while. Although they were promoted to half a level, they did not attain enlightenment. However, I did not say that they would definitely attain enlightenment. I just If there’s a chance… it’s none of my business.”

As for the changes in the underworld, Huang Tian's reference is that the Earth Mother has the supreme status in the underworld, and there is no other Taiyi in the underworld, so she can be so successful. But as for the heaven, if they want to concentrate their power and take away the rights of the five emperors, they will At the very least, one must have the power of the Earth Mother Empress to achieve the Taiyi True Style.

In this way, and Emperor Ziwei said that the Five Emperors are indispensable to Heaven, even if the Five Emperors are removed, new Five Emperors must be erected, and Jiuzhou obviously has no new Five Emperors that can replace the old Five Emperors for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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