Ford Tianguan

Chapter 729: The original shady emperor in Fengdu

Chapter 729: The original shady emperor in Fengdu
The entire Three Realms Mountain was enveloped in an evil and tragic atmosphere.

The gods of Jiuzhou looked at Old Dan over there and at the Three Realms Mountain.

"This Beihai Fainting God was originally a minister of the Third Heavenly Emperor. Because of his bad ideas, the Great Emperor Ji Qing changed his mind and almost destroyed Jiuzhou during the Third Heavenly Emperor's time. Now that he is born, why is he still jumping up and down?"

"Then you don't know, this person has already taken refuge in the Heavenly Court Prince Shotoku. Not only him, Baicao Yao Wang Ginseng, the Heavenly Demon Prince who used to work in Heavenly Demon Logistics, and even the largest immortal sect in Jiuzhou, Taihua Mountain, are all I have taken refuge in this prince, who is based overseas and has become the largest force overseas, almost becoming the next Emperor of Heaven."

"Oh? Is it the Prince Shotoku who suddenly gave birth to an emperor's grandson when he had no Taoist companions recently? I heard that he looks like a male and female. Although he has a male appearance, he has practiced the Taoist appearance of "Wuji Old Mother", so I have given birth to a divine grandson who is destined to be born. This grandson has a vast origin, and the people in heaven who have some information about it are keeping it secret?"

"Huh? Mother Wuji?" There were many gods who were familiar with Huang Tian, ​​among them was Ao Qing, who was managing floods. He thought slightly: "I have only been in the lower world for a long time, and brother Huang Tianxian has given birth to a child. It's really strange. Brother Huang Tianxian actually gave birth to a child." Can you give birth to children? I’ve never heard of him saying that before.”

Huang Tian has many eyes and ears in the three realms, but the people below are all talking secretly. Who will really tell Huang Tian that the rumor has been so outrageous? Even this outrageous hype, as well as the literary god editors under Huang Tian, ​​they have always It's an exaggeration. The news of Huang Tian's birth had already spread throughout the three realms.

However, Huang Tian didn't pay attention to this and came to Lingxiao Palace.

The Lingxiao Palace in Jiuzhou is the Lingxiao Palace of the ancient immortal universe. It is a part of the heaven intercepted by the Creator God. The Lingxiao Palace is the place where the Great Heavenly Lord handles the government affairs of the three realms and meets with the gods and immortals.

The Lingxiao Palace is full of light, encompassing the scene of the universe. It is surrounded by four elephants and stars. There are one hundred and eight flower table pillars at the door, all reaching the sky and the earth. Golden dragons are entrenched on the flower tables. These golden dragons are all pure-blooded golden dragons, and their aura It seems that they are all at the level of gods.

There are bells on the left side of the hall and drums on the right side of the hall. These are the bells and drums of the imperial dynasty. They were struck by the Emperor of Heaven when he went to court. Then the gods of the three realms, in an orderly manner, went to heaven to report their duties. Among the common people, the door god and the kitchen god, At this time, you can also follow the incense and spiral into a ladder to heaven.

Every year, grassroots representatives, advanced land leaders from various places, advanced city gods, and such people also have the opportunity to meet the emperor.

Therefore, there is a poem that proves: When the golden bell strikes, the three cao gods enter Danqi; when the heavenly drum beats, the king of all saints pays homage to the Jade Emperor.

There is a mirror in the main hall, which is illuminated by the bright sun. It is selfless, which is the heart of heaven.

On the top of the Lingxiao Hall, there is a gourd top, which emits the strange light of the universe. There are thousands of ribbons, arranged in brocade, in various colors.

If you look carefully, you will see that they are heavenly rules and regulations one after another, golden rules, and the laws governing the operation of heaven.

There are spiritual officials guarding the door. These spiritual officials are all gods of war. They all praise their majesty and are domineering and majestic. They wear golden lion armor, louvered scale skirts, and hold divine weapons. They are as powerful as the pillars of the sky, as powerful as famous mountains, and their eyebrows are not angry. It is also frightening.

There are four spirit officers, namely Wang Lingguan, Ma Lingguan, Zhao Lingguan and Wen Lingguan.

The four great spiritual officers are the first among all the spiritual officers in heaven. Wang Lingguan controls five hundred spiritual officers, Ma Lingguan controls eight hundred spiritual officers, Zhao Lingguan controls one thousand two hundred spiritual officers, and Wen Lingguan controls three thousand spiritual officers.

But in terms of strength, Wang Lingguan is the highest. The five hundred spirit officials under his command are also the representatives of the most powerful martial gods in heaven. They specialize in eliminating evil gods and cutting down mountains and destroying temples.

The four great spiritual officials guarding the treasure hall, but when they saw Huang Tian, ​​they also said respectfully: "I have seen Prince Shotoku."

Huang Tian hummed and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The four great spiritual officials said in succession: "No hard work, guarding the Lingxiao Palace is our duty."

Entering the Lingxiao Palace, you can see that the inner walls are covered with golden light and glazed glass, which is bright and bright.

On the high hall, there is a throne, guarded by nine dragons, and on both sides are the concubines holding fans, and the fan feathers are all phoenixes.

This is not the time of the great court meeting, but the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei, who is here to temporarily handle daily government affairs on behalf of the Emperor of Heaven. These government affairs are all handled by the "Tongming Hall" first, and the Tongming Hall is where the "Tianxiang Mansion" is located. Those who have ascended through the ages, and those who have meritorious enough to be called "Celestial Masters", have entered it to practice and become the prime ministers and teachers of the Heavenly Emperor.

However, after the five emperors came to power respectively, the Tianxiang Mansion became weak.

Later, Emperor Wa and Emperor Ziwei became the Emperor of Heaven, and the Tianxiang Mansion was established again. Even when Lao Dan ascended to the heavenly realm, he was also the third-grade Celestial Master in the Tianxiang Mansion, which can be regarded as reaching the center of the heaven.

Emperor Ziwei saw Huang Tian coming and said, "Prince Saint, when I heard that you gave birth to a grandson, when will you bring him to my Ziwei Star Palace to have a look?"

Huang Tian listened to the teasing and said secretly, he came after all.

However, Empress Wa had said that Emperor Ziwei should not be allowed to know that the good saint grandson was the creator god of the world, so Huang Tian did not explain much.

He only said: "Emperor, I came to the Lingxiao Palace this time because I want to use the great treasure of the Emperor of Heaven to confer ghosts and gods on the mountain gods of the three realms."

"The mountain gods of the Three Realms fought resolutely to die in the battle between the realms. They transformed the heaven and the earth, moved the mountains to drive away the mountains, and resisted the invasion of the two realms. It was really heroic. Such sacrifices were not given to anyone after the war, both public and private. , are all inappropriate."

"Now I order people to summon their souls in the Three Realms Mountain, gather their remaining souls, and just wait for the canonization before they can return."

Emperor Ziwei heard this and said with a solemn expression: "You made the decision without permission to resurrect a person with great supernatural powers. Can you be sure that it is him who is resurrected, and not the obsession in the corpse or the resentment in the soul? Or is it an incredible, indescribable existence? Resurrection? Even in the Age of Gods, when they come back according to their own designs, don’t try to encourage them to grow.”

Huang Tian turned his head away: "When the Holy Spirit of the Three Realms Mountain was transformed in front of me and handed me the talisman, it meant that I was the back-up man for her resurrection. For me, she was kind to me. I came from the place behind the Three Realms Mountain. Born in the world, receiving his protection, being a public servant, understanding the great love and giving up the small personal love, he must be sealed and rewarded.”

Emperor Ziwei was also told that he had no objection: "As the Holy Virtue Prince of Heaven, you also have the authority to wield weapons by yourself. The list of gods in Heaven is here. You only need to deplete the merits and energy of Heaven, and mix it with the laws of heaven and earth, and you can be conferred."

After saying that, he motioned Huang Tian to come forward and displayed the list of gods. It was seen that the list was not complete. The purple and gold lines and the names of the gods floated and loomed. It was clearly a picture, but the inside revealed a sense of boundless space. The names turned into tablets. , in which ups and downs, incense, merit, and luck are intertwined with each other, making the five colors of white, pure red, red, golden, green, and purple.

The great treasure of the Emperor of Heaven is a square seal with nine dragons on it, tied with five-color ropes, and falls on the purple gold clay of eight treasures.

I don't see the specific words, but I just feel that it is extremely powerful and cannot be driven unless it is the Emperor of Heaven or the angel with the palm seal that the Emperor of Heaven has promised.

Emperor Ziwei looked at Huang Tian with a smile. He saw him walking up a few steps, looked at the list of gods, and then touched it with his hand. The Wuji Dao Fruit blended with the list, and he suddenly felt something.

Following Huang Tian's thoughts, a half-empty black demon god appeared in the center of the list.

"The original Yin Emperor in Fengdu was ordered by the seventh-grade emperor."

Huang Tian was surprised, why were emperors divided among themselves?
What does the seventh-grade emperor mean?
But the next moment, this talisman fell on the "Golden Jade Phoenix Seal and Dragon Pattern Edict", filling it with the luck, merit, and incense in the heaven.

Even Huang Tian himself released three-thirds of Qi from the top of his head and filled it.

Emperor Ziwei's expression changed slightly, and he thought to himself: For the first time, he was able to obtain such cooperation from the God List. Even if it hurts his luck, it would only cost three points. If I want to become a god, I have to pay at least [-]% of my own contribution, which is ten times that... Does this correspond to the Qi of the Mountain God of the Three Realms himself, or does he have this kind of privilege?
Then Huang Tian touched the great treasure of the Emperor of Heaven, which was a symbol of heaven's power. Huang Tian thought he could pick it up easily, but he couldn't shake it no matter what.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Ziwei felt a little relieved and said: "This seal needs to be moved by someone with the emperor's status. If you don't prove the emperor, you can't move this seal. However, you are the Holy Virtue Prince of Heaven, so you may be able to communicate this talisman."

When Huang Tian heard about it, he tried it, but secretly said in his heart: "When Emperor Ziwei is away, ask my cheap son to try it. If he can move it, then print a few more edicts and I will keep them with me. It can be used easily when needed.”

Here are a few pictures, Huang Tian has probably several hundred pictures here.

However, if you print too much, it will also deplete the heavenly energy and your own energy. Huang Tian also knows this, and he must live within his means and cannot think about it all.

After communicating with the Holy Prince's Fu Zhao, the Emperor's Seal was indeed lighter, but it felt like moving a mountain when he held it. Huang Tian suddenly had the power of fate to take action, and he had an idea: "I am not simply a god, I influence it." It is the Qi of the Nine Provinces that affects all sentient beings in the Nine Provinces. My heart is transformed into the heart of heaven, and my will is transformed into the will of heaven."

This power that affects the fate of hundreds of millions of people is tied to this seal, this treasure.

"Do you have a clear conscience?"

A silent question sounded in my heart like thunder.

Huang Tian's heart was shocked, as if he was being tortured by heaven and earth.

But soon Huang Tian responded in his heart: "Although he has selfish motives, he has done something good for heaven and earth. It is a win-win situation and there is nothing to be ashamed of."

The treasure seal then became as heavy as a normal jade seal and was printed on the edict, and the edict became effective.

Emperor Ziwei smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Huang Tian said meaningfully: "I am sincerely frightened."

Emperor Ziwei nodded and said: "Yes, what virtues and abilities do you and I have? We can control the lives of hundreds of millions of living beings, and we can confidently lead the world of Jiuzhou to a better and more prosperous place. Every decision, the merits and demerits at that time, will be the same for the future." The later attacks are different."

"You consecrate such a ghost emperor to rule over the five directions of ghost emperors and the ten palaces of Yama. This affects the fate of all sentient beings in Jiuzhou and determines his life, his death, and his reincarnation."

Huang Tian said slightly: "If there is any fault, the fault is mine; if there is a crime, the fault is also mine."

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.Those who are gods not only have their authority but also their responsibilities. Those who use their authority without responsibility are evil gods.

Emperor Ziwei nodded, then took out his own seal and stamped it: "I am in charge of the position of Emperor of Heaven, so this edict must have my seal. It is a double insurance. It is only sealed by you. It needs to be stamped again." You print.”

Huang Tian nodded slightly and took out the "Huang Tian's Treasure", which had not appeared for a long time but was the first divine weapon he had made.

This treasure is already extraordinary. It is imbued with the aura of Huangtian's authority and has already been reborn. Its color is warm and moist, its charm is innate, its authority is upright, and its light is five virtues.

I saw a slight change on it. The seal changed from "Huangtian's treasure" to "Prince's treasure". There are three seals on the treasure seal.

"To enthrone the God of the Netherworld, you need to get the "treasure of deep earth" from the Earth Mother. Go quickly. Don't find these procedures troublesome. Power must be tied to itself. Otherwise, it will be an abuse of power, and it is the devil within the devil.

Huang Tian nodded, sincerely thanked Emperor Ziwei, and then left for Jiuyou.

Outside the Earth Mother's Palace, in the reed shed, the golden body of Jie Yin has been chewed dry, but the ghosts who have eaten its blood have turned into monks themselves, those who have eaten the meat have become garlands, and those who have sucked the essence can become monks. The goddess...

These garams, monks, and goddesses all turned around to support and guide them, and they were able to save the hungry ghosts. They used skin as a valve, bones as pulp, and sentient beings to ferry themselves across. They made pieces of wooden planks on the Pudu gold boat. When the ship nails fit together, the small raft becomes a small boat, the small boat becomes a awning boat, the awning boat becomes a lucky boat, the lucky boat becomes a treasure boat, and the treasure boat becomes a warship...

When Huang Tian saw it, he felt that the Pudu ship had turned into the legendary "Noah's Ark".

The meaning of guiding and guiding all sentient beings to become Buddhas was confirmed at this moment.

Although he turned into withered bones, his aura became more and more powerful. Although he had a big wish and a big vow to start a business, and he owed Jiuzhou an unknown amount of "merits and virtues", almost half of it had been repaid at this time.

Huang Tian did not interfere with the introduction and entered the Palace of the Earth Mother. The Earth Mother was catching King Yama drawing pictures. As Party A, the Earth Mother hoped that he could design the underworld to be "warmer", that is, less gloomy, so that most of Jiuzhou After a living being dies, it is not even noticeable that it is dead. It is like "going home". You can see your relatives and elders who have not yet been reincarnated, and live harmoniously together in the underworld, waiting for the natural life span to end and die in the underworld. Decomposed into spiritual light, reincorporated into reincarnation.

Rather than the current small workshop model of refining destiny in the underworld, this method is indeed somewhat magical. Now that there is an opportunity to complete the underworld of reincarnation, the Earth Mother naturally wants to be more perfect.

King Yama was in a state of suffering. The underworld was always known for its horrors. How could it be "warm"? However, since Party A was the mother of the earth, he could only try his best to come up with a reasonable plan.

So he couldn't help but think: "If I had known better, it would be better to be imprisoned in the heavenly prison. I don't know what kind of treatment my father-in-law received from the empress of heaven." It wasn't until Huang Tian arrived that the empress of earth sent King Yama: " I am not satisfied with these designs. I hope you will be more careful and stop fooling me with these bullshit, otherwise the 72 punishments of hell will help you refresh your mind."

Yama went out with a grimace.

Huang Tian smiled and said, "My dear, what are you worrying about?"

"Why are you running around when you are not taking care of the child in the Emperor Huang Zengtian? If something happens to that child when he was will be in misery."

"It has been taken care of." Huang Tian took out the edict and explained the purpose of his visit: "Empress, I intend to confer the Mountain God of the Three Realms as the original Yin Emperor of Fengdu in the Three Realms. He is the supreme ghost god and demon god in the netherworld, and controls the ghost emperors of the five directions. Ten Halls of Yama.”

The Earth Mother glanced at her slightly and said, "You are a good boy. You want to seize power from me. The Ghost Emperors of the Five Directions have worked hard for many years and have not offended you. Why do you want to seize their power?"

Huang Tiandao: "If Jiuzhou wants to develop, it must centralize power. The Five Directions and Five Virtues God, I will also have to centralize power in the future. The human continents also need the Supreme Humanity."

"Mother, you are in the Netherworld, and you can also see the chaos in the Netherworld. In fact, it is even worse than in the heaven. The Mountain God of the Three Realms knows the roots and has great merits. He is the Taoist of Jiuzhou. He is not the kind of Taoist Taoist that Sun Star Lord can achieve for himself. Sun Star Jun all If you can come back, why can't this one?"

"Furthermore, this great emperor is also the right-hand man of the empress. He naturally has the ability to control the laws of the underworld. His essence is a demon god, not a god of the underworld. He controls the merits and demerits of all ghosts and gods. His essence is to monitor the gods, not to interfere with the operation of the underworld, and not to follow the operation of the underworld. The five ghost emperors seized power."

"It sounds reasonable. In the ancient immortal universe, there was indeed the Fengdu Emperor. However, I will add a restriction. This emperor will be elected every 3000 years. He will be circulated to avoid having too much power, becoming deeply entrenched, and causing disaster."

Huang Tian nodded: "3000 years is enough. It's a long time."

So the Earth Mother Empress stamped a seal on the edict, saying: "Resurrecting a super-grade god king is no small matter. With this edict and the Three Realm Mountain Talisman Edict, it may not be safe. This kind of resurrection is often accompanied by weird things. Punishment is to disrupt the order of yin and yang, the laws of heaven and earth."

"Although you have a legitimate reason, and you used the golden lotus incarnation to guide the monks to help resist some of the backlash... but it is not a trivial matter after all."

Huang Tian nodded: "Thank you, Madam, for reminding me, but I believe this can be done. If there is a disaster, I can withstand it myself."

The Mother Earth Mother showed a pleased expression, as if her child had grown up and could now be on her own.

So he smiled and said: "Okay, now that you have made up your mind, be brave and do what you think is right."

Huang Tian took the imperial edict stamped with four large seals and came to the top of the Three Realms Mountain.

After Shen Daoist finished recruiting the souls, he felt the coldness all over his body. After the three souls and seven souls of the gods of the Three Realms Mountains transformed into heaven and earth, they produced various mutations and became phoenixes, roe deer owls, faceless shadow corpse dogs, jackals, black fire sparrows, etc. Something like that.

If it weren't for the six soul flags, I'm afraid that in a moment, they would start fighting among themselves and devouring each other, just like raising a poisonous worm. I don't know what kind of existence they would become.

Seeing Huang Tian, ​​Shen Taoist said quickly: "Replying to my lord, I have fulfilled my mission and finally reunited the three souls and seven souls of the Mountain God of the Three Realms that were scattered. However, they are mutually exclusive and it is difficult to merge into one and transform into the soul again."

Huang Tian nodded: "Thank you for your hard work on this matter. I have already recorded the credit for this."

This is what Shen Taoist was waiting for: "It's not hard at all."

Looking at the souls that dispersed and mutated, Huang Tian began to purify them.

"The world is ups and downs, coming and going on its own, don't worry about it."

Immediately, the white light was like ripples, refining these souls, and all the evil aspects dissipated, turning into the original form of the broken soul.

Like a white jade pottery figurine, smashed into several pieces.

Immediately, the Wuji Dao Fruit was circulated to mediate creation.

Previously, even the sky could be repaired, but there was no reason why the soul could not be repaired.

Only the fragments of three souls and seven souls were glued together by Wuji's magic power, and finally formed a soul full of cracks. The soul was sluggish, not agile, and clearly had no consciousness.

So Huang Tian placed the Talisman of the Three Realms Mountains into the body of Yuanshen. The Talisman concealed the sacred authority of the Three Realms Mountains and even deeper consciousness, which could be regarded as a back-up for his resurrection and return.

The soul gradually became more intelligent, and the Three Realms Mountains also connected with it. However, this connection broke Huang Tian's magic power, and it seemed to be shattered again.

Huang Tian quickly cast the "Seven Chapters of Secret Curse" to bless him.

About a moment later, the breeze blew, and an eye appeared above the Three Realms Mountain. This was the Eye of Heaven.

It looked at all this with an expressionless face, and at the same time, the calamity clouds were gathering. This kind of forced soul summoning and resurrection just did not comply with the laws of heaven and earth, and did not comply with the process.

But the next moment, Huang Tian threw out an edict, which read: "Confer the title of Long Bo, the giant Long Bo Weiwei, as the original Yin Emperor of Fengdu!"

Even if there is a powerful force from heaven, merit, luck, and incense will drop down to the soul that is full of cracks.

The Eye of Heavenly Tribulation looked at the edict with ambivalence, whether to block it or not.

At this time, Huang Tian stood up and said, "Why don't you give me some face?"

Jiuzhou Tiandao Will glanced at Huang Tian, ​​and after hearing these words, he suddenly became angry. Will I give you face?Don’t you know that I, the Eye of Heaven’s Tribulation, is for the common good and never bends the law for personal gain?

But soon, the Nine-Colored Thunder Emperor, who was in charge of the Tribulation Thunder, took back the Eye of Tribulation and calmed down the alien power, thus giving Huang Tian such a face.

Huang Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

But there is infinite black energy emerging from unknown places, which is very strange and indescribable.

Shen Daoren said: "This is the law of heaven and earth in the world of demons being exerted outwards. When people die, they become ghosts, and when ghosts die, they become demons. This world is so strange that it is indescribable. Whenever there are souls who want to be resurrected, they need to get out of the demon state." Realm, but my six soul flags can absorb this Qi."

Immediately, the soul flag trembled, expelling the black energy.

The cracks in the soul gradually healed, and the sacred wisdom of the Three Realms Mountain finally returned, but the body shape became more and more unchangeable.

The devil's magnanimity began to show, his demonic will was overwhelming, and he was extremely ferocious. The original Yin Emperor's mission in Fengdu covered the Three Realms Mountain Talisman and turned him into the body of the Ghost Emperor.

The infinite demon energy, yin energy, evil energy, and other energy between heaven and earth gathered on his body and turned into a black black dragon emperor's clothes, twelve crowns, and even a throne.

The projection of the Three Realms Mountain in the underworld turned into a giant mountain of infinite height. This mountain spread and grew, and eventually surrounded the entire underworld, like an iron fence.

The underworld is vast and stretches infinitely, so this mountain is also vast and stretches endlessly.

Suddenly, it rained, ghosts cried, and all the ghosts and gods came to the north one after another.

The three realms responded to the city god, and the land resonated with the priests one after another: "Worship the Holy Netherworld, and the original Fengdu betrays the great emperor!"

Although the Five Directions Ghost Emperor is also a ghost emperor, his status is not as good as that of the Five Directions Zhenyue Spirit King. At this time, he looks at the edict that seals the sky with a complex expression. The Heavenly Emperor Seal on it, the Ziwei Great Emperor Seal, The Earth Mother Seal and even the Prince Seal all indicate that Netherworld has welcomed his true manager.

On the Yin Mountain, endless palaces were born, and the Yin soil collapsed and turned into bone trees and soul flowers.

The laws of the Netherworld were communicated into the body of the original back-yin emperor of Fengdu, and in an instant, three thousand laws and regulations were written into the Netherworld.

The Three Realms Mountain is sacred. Long Bo looked at Huang Tian with complex eyes: "How long has it been?"

"Less than 30 years."

"?" Long Boweiwei was surprised. She saw that Huang Tian had achieved a super level, the pattern of Jiuzhou had changed, the laws of heaven and earth were greatly different, and the world war in the world of Jingbi and Taiwei had ended. She thought that the vicissitudes of life had passed, and she finally I didn't expect that it would be less than 30 years before I came back from resurrection.

"That's fine." Long Bo nodded majestically, and then looked at himself: "Although the physical body is gone, the Three Realms Mountain is my body, and I can refine it sooner or later. The Ghost Emperor and Demon God are also very good. Thank you, Prince."

Huang Tian shook his head: "There is no need to thank me. You have already done meritorious service to heaven and earth. As long as you ensure that the Netherworld's justice is fair and strict in the future, you will naturally be blessed by heaven and earth."

He added: "The term of office lasts for 3000 years. After 3000 years, when it ends successfully, you can take off your shackles and return to your original state."

Long Bowei nodded: "I don't have to."

Then he said to Taoist Shen: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for summoning the soul."

Shen Taoist sighed: "Back then, you and I were ministers under the three generations of Emperors of Heaven. We could talk about whether to help or not, and whether to thank you or not. If you want to thank me, just thank His Highness the Crown Prince."

Huang Tian waved his hand: "I don't need to thank you. If anything happens, I will find you."

Long Bowei nodded, then faced Shanyin and opened his hands.

He saw the innate spiritual treasure driving the mountain whip flying from an unknown place and landed in his hand, changing the color from yellow to dark black.

"For the first time in this position, I need to go to Netherworld Yin Mountain to plan Fengdu. Please forgive me, Prince."

"It's okay, you can go and do your work." Huang Tian knew that the Earth Mother Empress was planning Netherworld, and also knew that Long Bowei needed time to rectify Netherworld and get his own power. He was even ready for a war, otherwise he wouldn't be able to Will first recruit back the mountain whip.

Long Bowei looked at the Three Realms Mountain Ten Thousand Gods Dharma Restriction slightly, and thought together: "Nine continents are one, and they have become the world of earthly immortals. What are you isolating from the Ten Thousand Gods Dharma Restriction?"

So Weiwei integrated the laws and prohibitions of the gods into the rules of Jiuzhou Heaven and Earth: "That is, Jiuzhou Heaven and Earth declares: From now on, there will be law and prohibitions in the dark world. If it is not the right way, the souls of the dead will not be able to return to the world, and the living will not be allowed to enter." In the Netherworld, the order of yin and yang is so strict!"

In an instant, another netherworld membrane appeared in the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, isolating the earth and the netherworld. Once a soul of the dead wants to sneak across, it will be punished by the thunderbolt of the law.

The monks and gods in the earth realm cannot enter the netherworld at will. They must go through the ghost gate and enter the netherworld through the city god. There are some caves and blessed places that have passages to the netherworld, but they are closed because they are not the "right way".

Previously, the Nine-Colored Thunder Emperor set up the Nine Layers of Heavenly Gang and Great Qi to create a barrier between heaven and man. Immortals and gods could not descend to the realm without purpose, and the earth could not ascend to heaven without purpose. Now Fengdu Yin Emperor has set up a barrier between the earth and the netherworld.

In this way, the three realms are in order, and the laws of heaven and earth are becoming more and more strict. It may seem rigid but is actually orderly. It is a scene of harmonious atmosphere in heaven and earth. It also increases revenue and reduces expenditure, and the utilization rate of the cycle of heaven and earth becomes higher.

It can obviously be sensed that the operation efficiency of the underworld will be higher, and there will be no need to tie up the human hands on the matter of innocent souls escaping to the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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