Ford Tianguan

Chapter 713 Prison God

At this time, Wutian Bodhisattva spoke from the darkness: "You have the breath of black lotus."

When Huang Kui debuted, he worked on the Black Lotus Curse for a while, but all the infected demon children and grandsons were wiped out. The Yuan Mo Palace said that he took it with him to conquer other worlds, but even the Taiwei World was defeated, and there were no see them.

Probably all of them should be dead.

Huang Kui not only practiced the Black Lotus Curse, but also refined a flesh-and-blood magic weapon called the Flesh Lotus Embryo, which was used to transform living beings and demons.

And coincidentally, the last person to play with Black Lotus like this was Wutian Bodhisattva.

Huang Kui was wary for a moment: "What do you want to do?"

"The day a person is born, he can foresee the day he will grow old and die. The moment a flower blooms, you can also see the moment it will decay. When the world was created, a seed of destruction was sown. You are like me. Come. Come, let me teach you the true meaning of Black Lotus."

Huang Kui ignored it and just shook his head: "If you don't listen, don't listen. This bastard is chanting sutras."

Lei Zun, who was in the prison next to him, was still trying to break out of his confinement, but the five thunders struck him, only activating Tianlao's self-protection measures.

All he could see were chains winding around like pythons. No matter how much magic he used, there would only be one mark on them.

King Yama mocked: "This is forged from the Ruyi Divine Iron that Taishang Laojun mixed at the beginning. Some were given to King Yu to make large or small stators for measuring the depth of rivers, lakes and seas. Some were taken to Tianlao to make stators. If you get this wish-fulfilling lock and get locked away, no matter what your magical power is, whether it becomes bigger or smaller, this chain will become one with you."

Lei Zun didn't give up yet, so he sacrificed another treasure, which was a thunder seal, a weapon of thunder power. He hit it with a bang against the chain. As a result, there was an abnormal sound in the corridor of the sky prison, and three people were seen. Five faceless beings with only the word "prison" on their bodies, come here to check them out.

I saw a shackle flying out, turning into a ray of yellow light, and shackled Lei Zun.

King Yama made a flattering voice: "Hello, Grandpa, the jailers!"

The jailer ignored the flattering King of Yama and only looked at Huang Kui, tilting his head as if he was recognizing something. After a moment, he discussed it again and opened the door where Huang Kui was imprisoned.

Huang Kui walked out in such a big way, but he heard the buzzing sounds of the jailers: "Prison God, why are you inside? Is it a secret investigation?"

Huang Kui followed the words and continued: "Yes, I didn't say hello or give notice at first, but I didn't expect that you would find me."

The jailer said: "We are all torture instruments refined by the prison god. No matter what, we have to recognize you!"

Lei Zun never expected that Huang Kui would become the prison god, so he immediately said: "Little friend, let's discuss, discuss, how about cooperation?"

Even King Yama was almost flattering: "My little brother is indeed unpredictable. He directly overcame the jailer and became the God of Prison. I wonder if you can release me out of love. You see, I have been locked up for so long. He has served all the jail time he deserves."

Huang Kui ignored them and only asked a few weapon spirit jailers to take him to the office of the Prison God to see if there was any so-called inheritance of the Heavenly Prison Prison God. After all, some of the cool stories in novels started with the Heavenly Prison Prisoners. Harvest the benefits of the imprisoned gods and demons.

"How did you recognize me?"

"The Prison God is a close disciple of the Great Heavenly Lord, and he practices the Yuanshi Demonic Art. If we can't even recognize the Yuanshi Demonic Art, then what are we doing here?"

"The Demon King of Yuanshi presides over the disciplines of the gods and gods in the world, conducts demon examinations and sifting through tribulations, and evaluates the steps of practice. He is also the guardian of all heavenly rules and prohibitions. If you violate the heavenly rules and regulations, you will be punished by heaven."

"Although the prison god may appear to be full of demons, that's just an appearance. After all, evil people need to be punished by the evil god."

Only then did Huang Kui realize that he had been transformed by Yuanshi Tianzun to such an extent that he could still play a role here.

I just secretly said, I came here to inherit the Taiyi Thunder Emperor, not the Heavenly Hell God inheritance, but there is no reason to go back empty-handed.

The jailer said: "Originally, we still had some jailers in the sky prison, but as time went by, most of them died of old age or went crazy, and were imprisoned."

"Then how many jailers like you are there?"

"Only eight left."

Le, there are more jailers than prisoners, and there are only three prisoners.

"The eight of us are treasures refined by the Prison God. We are one with the Heavenly Lao. We can absorb the energy of the Heavenly Lao so that we can live to this day. The rest who are not connected to the Heavenly Lao have all decayed."

Huang Tian understood that these eight were made of iron.

The eight instruments of torture are the "Ruyi Lock", which is the chain, and the "Vajra Shackle", "Evil Mirror", "Water and Fire Stick", "Fractal Saw", "Broken Limb", "Broken Bone Picking", "Liang Liang". Silver cut".

The Ruyi Lock, the Vajra, and the Evil Mirror are not direct instruments of torture. The Evil Mirror is the first of the eight punishments. It has the ability to judge sins and is equivalent to half a prison god. He also arrested Huang Kui just now. Later, he felt that something was wrong more and more, so he After secretly observing, he called on the weapon spirits of Ruyisuo and Vajra to look for Huang Kui.

The remaining five pieces are: the water and fire stick is used to beat boards, the fractal saw is used to saw people in pieces, the limb-breaking ax is an ax used to cut off limbs, the bone-breaking sword is used to remove the immortal bones and immortal roots, and the bright silver sword is used to perform the Thousand Swords The punishment of ten thousand cuts to pieces.

But when Huang Kui arrived, they all acted like henchmen: "Master, the God of Prison." Huang Kui said, "Since I am the God of Prison, how can I control the Heavenly Prison?"

"Prison God Master, you have forgotten that as long as you refine the "Justice" plaque, you can "Prison God Make a Decision"."

The upright and bright plaque was not in the prison, but outside the prison gate. Huang Kui tried to refine it and found that the plaque said "upright and bright" on the surface, but it was already full of resentment and hatred.

Fortunately, Huang Kui was a demon himself, so these resentments were quickly absorbed and cultivated, and the plaque was gradually refined, and the words "upright and bright" became bright again.

But Huang Kui said: "You have already come in, so you have to reform and become a new person. How can you still be upright?"

After refining this plaque, another entrance to the space immediately appeared. It was a single room, a place where documents were processed. "Tian Tiao" was hung on the wall, and the four words "Heaven's Law is Ruthless" were vaguely visible. .

There is a book on the table called "The Law of the Supreme Nv Qingtian" and a small letter. When opened, it contains a Haechi Seal, which is where the authority of the Prison God lies.

Huang Kui secretly said: "Since ancient times, people have considered those who are sentenced to prison to be absolutely fair, and even have the Haechi as a symbolic beast. But when facing themselves, they hope to be merciful outside the law and compassionate within the law, not so cold and cold. If I become this prison god, I will definitely not be able to do it honestly, but I will try my best."

The Great Seal of Authority of the God of Refining and Transformation does not rely on mana contamination, but the imprint of the soul. There are only countless cases in it. Huang Kui is not a law student, so he sentenced a few based on his feelings, but he was also successful.

Suddenly he thought: "Now that we are here, I can judge whatever I want. This is my right. No wonder no matter how I judge, it is right and feasible. Such a big right, if it is not restricted, it should be What should we do? No wonder the God of Hell is the God of Demons."

After Huang Kui understood it, he made a random sketch. Anyway, all the parties involved in the case were dead, except for four.

Those three old antiques, left over from the ancient universe, are hard to judge, but Lei Zun, who just came in, hey, he offended the abbot and still wants to leave?
Huang Kui looked at the various punishments and only saw the word "fractal" with the note "souls are scattered and bodies are torn apart".

Huang Kui inexplicably thought of the Five Elements Demon King. He seemed to have suffered a fractal disaster, and the various parts that were finally broken down were sealed and sacrificed.

So he summoned eight jailers: "If it's a fractal, can it kill the God of Thunder?"

"Master God of Prison, the punishment in heaven is fractal, which is the most severe. It can even be cut into pieces with a thousand swords and can be restored. It can also be sawed into several pieces and connected. Only fractal will make all the gods change their expressions when they hear it."

"The so-called fractal means that the form and spirit are divided. It is better than the destruction of form and spirit, but not much better. It requires peeling off the skin, removing the bones, dividing the five internal organs, and dismembering the limbs. As for the soul, the three souls are separated and the seven souls are extracted. "

The pain in it is such that people cannot survive, nor can they die immediately. The body and shape are divided, and the supernatural powers and magic will slowly dissipate and be absorbed by Tianlao. In addition to the sacrifice of Tianlao itself, it will also sacrifice us. These eight instruments of torture.

"Master, are you going to judge that Lei Gong fractal?"

Huang Tian nodded: "Is it possible?"

"As long as you don't eat the golden elixir refined by Grandpa Laojun like a jelly bean, drink the nectar of the Great God like a horse urine, eat the flat peach of the Queen Mother like a rotten peach, and then refine a vajra in the furnace. It’s not bad, but we can’t tell the difference. Master, please see what we can do!”

But he saw that Lei Zun was still trying to find a way out, but the shackles had stopped him, making it difficult for his magic power to circulate around his body. This surprised him. This treasure was not like an innate spiritual treasure, nor an acquired spiritual treasure, no. Knowing someone's enlightenment naturally contains the rules of the great road. The chains can capture people, and the shackles can imprison people's whole body magic power.

Before I could fully understand it, and still fantasizing about becoming the Taiyi Thunder Emperor, I felt a pen mark a cross on my body. I suddenly felt lifeless, the thread of fate was cut off, and I could no longer see the way forward.

Lei Zun was completely panicked: "That kid, what did you do? I am the God of Thunder in Heaven, how dare you? How dare you!"

But the next moment, a ray of light was seen emitted from the evil mirror, and then its soul left the body, but the soul still had the wishful chain and vajra shackles on it.

Then saws, axes, and boning knives sawed open the body and soul.

Lei Zun howled in pain.

"Squeak, squeak!"

This is the sound of the Yuan Shen being strong, but still being sawed out by the saw. The components of the Yuan Shen are clearly distinguished. There are three souls and three colors, seven souls and seven colors. Even the innate Yuan Shen is still being sawed into one piece. One piece.

King Yama listened without saying a word, and Bodhisattva Wutian recited the salvation mantra tightly. The most important monk never made a sound, but he still felt like he was taking in a cold breath.

Even one of Lei Zun's Dao Fruits was pried open. Even Huang Kui exclaimed it was magical when he saw this method.

That Lei Zun was sawn alive and divided into one hundred and eighty parts.

Three souls and seven souls were separated. Except for the human soul which was still conscious and was cursing there, the rest were in a daze.

Huang Kui directly destroyed the human soul, that is, the mark of this person's "I" between heaven and earth was eliminated.

In an instant, there were endless thunders running away, losing their "personality" and turning into the origin of thunder between heaven and earth, becoming a phenomenon and a rule between heaven and earth.Rather than judging as a "person".

Huang Kui shouted: "Big loss!"

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