Ford Tianguan

Chapter 665

Taihua moved to another house, and many overseas water mansions and immortal mansions were a little scared: "If you don't stay in the vast land of Nanlingzhou, how can you have the nerve to compete for overseas immortal energy?"

Dongtian was taken away, but Shenshan was not taken away, but it was an advantage to Bihua Divine Concubine and the others. With the support of the Southern God, they now support some Yuanshen sects, but they are much more wanton and have real power.

Although Taihua moved the cave, it did not completely abandon its foundation. The personal inheritance left by some disciples in ancient times gradually became more and more prosperous. They established a cave practice on Taihua Mountain, which was not bad. They also wrote to invite seven people. Xian Zhen, who killed Dongtian, negotiated a deal and allowed them to recruit disciples in Nanling Continent and cultivate their dharma lineage.

After all, it was a business, an exchange of interests, nothing owed, and even several profits made.

Now that they are under Huang Tian's command, with Hua Yangzi as the leader, they all naturally listen to Huang Tian's words.

"I, Taihua, now have one hundred and eight true disciples. They are all top-grade golden elixirs, all cultivated from the seeds of heavenly immortals. However, it is extremely difficult to become immortals, or they may even become immortals."

"As for the inner sect disciples, there are eight hundred, and most of them are golden elixirs. However, they may not have been able to form elixirs for a hundred years, or they may not be high-grade golden elixirs. Even if they have achieved Yuan Shen, they have not been included in the true biography. Most of them have become elders. Deacon is the backbone of my Taihua."

"As for the outer disciples, they are all golden elixir seeds. They are selected from the Taihua Taoist Academy in the eight hundred vassal states once every ten years. There are three thousand in each class. Now there are about nine thousand in the mountain gate."

"As for the preparatory disciples of various Taoist academies, there are countless of them. Therefore, the immortal Tao inheritance of Nanlingzhou is mostly passed down by me, Taihua. All the immortal Tao families and small sects are always related to us."

Huang Tian listened to Hua Yangzi and said: "With such a nepotistic relationship, it has reached its peak. No wonder it is feared."

"Now that we are overseas, we actually have more choices. Taihua disciples, if they want to practice the Celestial Dao, they must build the foundation for ten years, the golden elixir at 30 years old, and the soul at [-] years old before they can teach the core Celestial Dao."

"Is there someone who is trying to grow the seedlings?" Huang Tiandao said: "Ordinary monks will build the foundation in their sixties, build the golden elixir at nearly three hundred years old, practice until they are thousands of years old before they can become spiritual, and it will take them thirty-five thousand years to become immortals."

"As long as there is a true genius, one can appear in basically every 500 years." Hua Yangzi said: "I am the genius that Taihua only encounters once in 500 years. Do you believe it?"

"Letter." Huang Tian nodded.

"The birth of an immortal in 500 years is already extremely prosperous. The number of qi is limited. I, Taihua, had so many people die during the catastrophe, and only then did these children of luck appear."

Hua Yangzi said: "Today's true disciple, I only plan to train Huang Hao, but Huang Hao is your clone, so he must first accept a disciple of my Taihua and train him as the leader, and then I will teach him He is the leader.”

Hua Yangzi has now also learned from Huang Hao the "Yuanshi Tianzun's Speech on Ascension to Immortality and Obtaining the Tao". He has always been a master and a disciple, but now he is a disciple.

Huang Tian nodded: "That's good. In fact, it's just a matter of lining up. It's best to return to the unified state of the three generations of emperors in ancient times. Now Buddhism has become convinced. The Azure Dragon Master has a good relationship with the Ming God King of Heaven. I doubt that Si The God of Destiny King is actually his clone, and he plays the same tricks as me. In short, only when you have me in you, and I have you in you, will Heaven be at ease."

Hua Yangzi smiled slightly: "I know, when things settle down here, I will also go to Buddhism to join the Bodhisattva Dangdang. Huang Hao seems to have been targeted by the old crow in the sky, and he also feels like going to Buddhism."

Huang Tian smiled and said, "I have already determined his route. He is the Immortal Lord of the Sun, the Great Sun Tathagata, who will shine all over the place. He will surrender and become the Sunlight Bodhisattva, accompanying him around. There will also be a Moonlight Bodhisattva, who is also from Taihuazhong. "

"Chang Mingzi?" Hua Yangzi remembered that this junior brother came and fought with Cili Daomu. He wanted to realize the sun, but he turned into the taiyin, abandoned the path of immortality, and completely transformed into a god.

"Yes, there are many people in Jiuzhou who practice the path of light. Isn't it the same with Master Ziguang? It's just that Master Ziguang turns light into clouds, which is the way of water and light. He is no longer attached to the essence of light."

"It is a good place for Chang Mingzi. The position given to him in the heaven is probably not high. Now the Taiyin Star Lord wants to prove the Taiyin Emperor. He has made the wives of the five emperors of Taiwei into the five wives of Chang'e. I don't know if he can prove it. .”

Huang Tian was surprised: "Both Emperor Bai and Emperor Qing are here, how come they got involved?"

"I don't know, but it is said that the way of Taiyin is to turn the yin in the yang into the yin in the yin. Even if they are sisters by then, the so-called Taiyin emperor must be a female emperor. The five emperors' wives will have children before they become men."

Huang Tian couldn't figure out the matter of yin within yang, yin within yin, but the mythical fusion brought about by the fusion of the two worlds would definitely lead to all kinds of outrageous things happening. Huang Tian was not surprised, but he wanted to study under the guidance of a master. Now he is also the moon god in the yang god series. The yang god is pure yang. Even the moon god is pure yang in yin. Therefore, the medicine maker is still a male jade rabbit, no longer the medicine maker fairy. So gentle.

Nowadays, female rabbits in the world, if they want to conceive and give birth to "Jade Rabbit blood", they must first pray to the Moon Palace to obtain the essence of the moon, and then make peace with the male rabbit, and then they can give birth to the noble "Jade Rabbit" among rabbits, also called "Moon Rabbit". He has the talent of searching for herbs and pounding medicines to make elixirs.

And the "Jade Rabbit" from Huang Tianchu is the most popular. Many immortal sects have hired "Rabbit Fairy". The male is called "Moon Fairy Boy" and the female is called "Moon Fairy". Every time a pair is hired, the rabbit will be born in the coming year. There is a big nest.

Huang Tian clicked his tongue and said, "Proving the Way is not that easy. According to the order of enlightenment, yin and yang are in harmony. The sun must be used to realize the way first, that is, using the sun to stimulate the lunar yin. Only by harmonizing the origin will there be more opportunities. I guess we will have to wait." "

Hua Yangzi shook his head: "I can't say for sure. Now that there is a surplus of Qi, many people have sensed the opportunity to attain enlightenment and are working hard to achieve enlightenment first, then nothing."

After annexing the Taiwei world, the origin of Jiuzhou has been raised to some levels. If the Taiyin and Sun also attain Taiyi, plus the Gods of the five directions, the origins of Yin, Yang and the five elements have all reached the Taiyi level. In terms of the foundation of the world's skeleton, it has already reached the level of Taiyi. The basis for promotion, but no one can say whether it will be promoted or not.But at another level, maybe there will be a super-grade god king between Tianshen and Taiyi, and then there might be another super-grade Taiyi between Daluo and Taiyi.

It is hard to say whether the universe is eternal or not, but within the Three Realms, among the Five Elements, and under Taiyi, there is no way to escape or jump out. The previous level is a super-grade God King.

With one more Taiyi, the laws of the world will be stricter, especially Hedao Taiyi.

"As for these true disciples today, if you ask them to sever the path to immortality, will they be willing?"

"They will make a choice. The Earthly Immortal Way, the Water Immortal Way, and the Divine Immortal Way are all good traditions, and they can last for a long time. After attaining them, they can also attain the status of Heavenly Immortals."

Huang Tian knew that this kind of achievement was like a junior college, but it could be promoted from a junior college to a junior college. Even a ghost immortal could eventually become a heavenly immortal. Although it was difficult for a ghost spirit to become a saint after a thousand tribulations, if one cultivated the ghost immortality first and then transformed into a divine immortal, at a certain point In the realm of Yangshen, for example, one can be reincarnated as a god, become a "relegated immortal", practice human immortality, and then become a heavenly immortal step by step.

Or you can first become a ghost immortal, then become a god (such as earth), and then you can become an "earth immortal", transforming into a Taoist fetus in the blessed land of caves, and then transforming into a Taoist fetus. After birth, you will be born with a golden elixir cultivation level and possess thousands of abilities. After a few years of life, you will be in harmony with the blessed land of cave heaven. Once you use the inner scene to accommodate the outer scene, you can become a free and happy immortal, without having to be stuck in one place. "Of course, it's all easy first and then difficult. Now we just need to set up a few examples." Hua Yangzi is quite proficient in these.

"Now there is Xiao Yan, who practices Fire Dao. I plan to send him to Penglai Tanggu. His soul is different, and he does not practice my Taihua fundamental method. Instead, he practices the ancient and incomplete Zhu Rong method. Then he will be a stepping stone for Huang Hao. "

"As for Ye Fan, it has been determined that he is the means for Emperor Ye Tian to return to Jiuzhou. He has calculated that now that Jiuzhou has made a choice, the election for Emperor of Heaven has reached the stage of the dragons manifesting themselves. If he does not appear again, he will not be able to drink the soup." Hua Yang Zi sneered and said: "There are still some flaws. I want to use my Taihua as a stepping stone to save the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, establish the Immortal Dynasty, and replace the gods with immortals. I originally wanted to seize the Hongmeng Zixiao True Spirit List. I knew it would be taken away by you. Later, the flaw was exposed, and now he has left the mountain gate."

"Interesting, it seems that you, Taihua, have indeed been looked down upon by others, and they all want to use it as a springboard."

"It can't be done now. After harvesting such a wave of heretical luck, a few of the remaining disciples should be able to become talents." Hua Yangzi said coldly: "Without the Southern God to check and balance, and with the help of you, the prince, , the fairy heaven will soon be erected."

"To establish the Immortal Heaven, we need Taiyi Sanshu to be in charge. Now that you are Taihua, I'm afraid there is no one who can prove the Tao. Even if Yuan Su comes back, it will be difficult."

Hua Yangzi said: "Then it must be erected. A few days ago, when we moved the cave, we offered incense to the ancestor. It means that Jiuzhou now has the opportunity to realize the Tao, and the ancestor has responded."

Patriarch Taihua was an immortal who followed the third generation of Heavenly Emperors. When the third generation of Heavenly Emperors lost virtue and abdicated, he passed down the Taoism to the second generation of disciples. He traveled around the chaos and did not respond to Taihua’s prayers and offerings all year round. This time I heard that there was an opportunity to attain enlightenment. The response was pretty quick.

But Hua Yangzi looked a little weird: "The Patriarch has left legacies in many worlds. They are all called Taihua, and their spiritual roots are exactly the same. They are all innate longevity peach spiritual roots. So I am also a little undecided. It is a good thing for this Patriarch to come back. It’s still a bad thing, without the third generation of Heavenly Emperors, no one can look down on this Patriarch, and now I can only place my hope on you.”

Part of Huang Tian's myth comes from the three generations of emperors of heaven, who can be called his uncle.

Huang Tian thought for a while: "There is no enlightened Taiyi, that is, a ninth-level heavenly immortal. There is no super level of immortality, but you can also separate yourself and practice other ways. The old nine-level heavenly immortals are not afraid of Sanshu Emperor, but Dao Lord Weiyi, there is nothing to say about Sanshu Daojun. After all, the immortal way is different from the divine way. It is difficult to merge with the divine way. There is only the path of transcendence. Once merged, it is actually converted to the divine way. In the final analysis, the immortal is one, both a divine emperor and an immortal. "

"That being said, I'm not afraid."

Hua Yangzi then breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. The Patriarch is still more than ten thousand thousand worlds away. It will take several decades before he can return to Jiuzhou. This period of time is enough for us to rectify."

"This opportunity for enlightenment was not given up by the Patriarch. Why don't you use it yourself?" Huang Tian was curious: "If Taihua's innate longevity peach spirit root is refined into the essence of the clone, it will be like Emperor Ziwei using the Star Treasure Tree to condense the heavens. The Star Formation can instantly break through to the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal."

"It's just for the sake of morality." Hua Yangzi said with a distant head: "I want to refine the treasure tree, will they agree? Master Qi Xi is older than me and more qualified to preach. I can only move out this patriarch. Really No, to be honest, I plan to cooperate with Taiwei Qingdi, he is a surrender from outside, and we are the best partners."

Huang Tian looked towards East Jizhou. A Taiyi Sanshu emperor had now been demoted to the throne and became the Spiritual King. Even the heavenly realm had been confiscated, leaving him with nothing. On the contrary, he had the possibility of establishing a successor.

"It's not impossible." Huang Tian said: "It's just the Penglai Three Islands. I haven't borrowed the Qi to prove the Tao yet. Even if your ancestor comes, I have to rely on it later. If it really doesn't work, I will first prove the Taiyi Sanshu. "

After planning the future development with Huayangzi, Huang Tian named them, took away some of Taihua's true disciples and Yuanshen elders, appointed various places, bestowed divine urns, took over the priesthood on his behalf, and ran the three places. The island is fully operational.

Compared with overseas casual cultivators who work alone, these disciples of the big sect obviously have relatively strong administrative experience and are well-organized in their management. They were quickly put into operation and the ports and terminals began to handle "treasure ships".

The treasure ship is a simplified version of the "Void Treasure Ship". The Void Treasure Ship requires Yuan Shen to control it. Gods and immortals are just suitable for it. This kind of ordinary treasure ship abandons the function of void navigation and only sails on the sea. It can be controlled by the Golden Core Realm. There is no blessed land inside, but it opens up a spiritual realm, which is an important blood component of the Three Immortals Island.

Originally, because Huang Tian had not fully staffed the "customs" and the management staff were insufficient, it had not been opened for a long time, leaving them to wait eagerly. Now that Taihua has all the staff, plus its own original team as supervisors, Naturally, we will try to open the market first and run it on a trial basis. If everything goes well, the market will be officially opened. Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Zhenwu, Emperor Yiwu, Daomu of the Four Seas, Dragon King of the Four Seas, and leaders of all sizes will be invited to watch the ceremony.

This can be regarded as Huang Tian's "political achievement".

The most shocking thing about the shipping throughput is actually the "Taiwei remnants". Taiwei merged and did not have such a large port, nor did it have trade with other worlds. It was the "gate" of the void, with ships from outside the world coming in and out, and from the ships. Among them, the immortals, gods, and remnants of Taiwei who flew out of other worlds were mostly numb, because before, quite a few of them were still in the tribal period, and now they have directly entered advanced civilization, and they really can't adapt.

Among them is the "Feather Man Qingsang" from Fangzhang Island. He has obtained a certificate from Fangzhang Island and can come and go freely. He also earned a lot of money by working part-time and bought a ticket to East Antarctica to follow the Qing Emperor. Your Majesty, when I saw this giant ship that could fly into the sky or float on the sea, I couldn't help but think: "If there were such ships during the great flood, there wouldn't be so many people starving to death."

With the ticket in her arms, Qingsang carefully boarded the boat. The boat was the "Fox Fairy", which belonged to the Hu family in East Antarctica. The Fox Fairy of this family had an old relationship with the Grand Manager of the Three Islands, and they practiced the method of bonding. There is a huge knot tree on the ship, and the ticket is the red rope number plate on the knot tree, which reads "A hundred years of cultivation can lead to the same boat crossing."

The captain's fox fairy is an extremely beautiful fairy named "Tian Xiang'er". It is said that she almost became the prince's wife. She once danced with the prince. When Qing Sang caught a glimpse of it from a distance, she felt that she was so beautiful that her soul was lost. Got hooked.

Tianxiang'er turned around and saw a good-looking Yuren boy, and smiled back. Just such a smile made Qingsang feel that it would be inappropriate to go to His Majesty the Qing Emperor and ask him to lead Yuren back to the glory of the past. So important.

The fox demon slave who checked the tickets laughed and said: "You are stupid, don't be in a daze, there are people behind you."

Only then did Qing Sang react, her face turned red as Mandrill's ass, and she walked forward quickly.

Although the Fox Fairy also carries cargo, it does more "love business." This ship is a remodeled "Flower Ship". Because it is the first time to go to sea, it needs to make a name for itself, so the tickets are discounted. Qing Qing Sang didn't know much about this. He only felt that the attendants on the ship were handsome men and charming women.

Soon he was caught by several fox fairies: "Ha, he is a feathered man. I heard that there are only a few feathered men, but they are all talented and handsome, so they are suitable to be male pets!"

"Slut! Don't ruin our family's reputation!"

The fox fairies touched everything with their hands, but did not go any further. With Qingsang's blushing face, she walked away with a smile.

Qingsang felt itchy in her heart.

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