Ford Tianguan

Chapter 554 Comprehending the Promise

Although it is possible to succeed, but 12 kinds of results are calculated, and only [-] kinds of possible results will prove the two kinds of Dao fruits of opening the sky and opening the earth.

In addition, there are 48 possibilities, and the proof of the two fruits of destiny and earth is also the sublimation of destiny and divinity.

Although it is not orthodox, it can be regarded as a part of the nine heavens and the six earths. In the future, destiny will be used as the guideline to command all beings in the three realms, and it is not the rule of inaction after the creation of the world.

There are also 72 possibilities, Huang Tian's certification of the way of the third-grade mountain god is to integrate the chaotic primordial body into the cave sky of the mountain, and promote the origin of the mountain.

There are 81 possibilities. Huang Tian achieved the "Way of Immortal Artifact" and opened up the world in the chaotic bead, but he was trapped in the bead, and Huang Kui, Bibo Daxian, and Haotian Fuxi were not free.

There are [-] possibilities, Huang Tian proves the way of the king of the realm, and the chaotic primordial womb opens up the world, but Huang Tian then transforms into the Dao, the earth, the Great Immortal Bibo transforms into the sea, Haotian Fuxi transforms into the Haotian Yuan Qi Sea, and Huang Kui transforms into the Nether Hell , the five-party and five-element flags are transformed into the five-direction sacred mountain, and the congenital river map is transformed into a sky full of stars... Finally, the body and spirit are united, bound in a cocoon, taking the world as the body, and thinking as the way of heaven.

The remaining possibilities are failures in proving the Dao, or even death and Dao disappearing.

First of all, exclude the gods of Qi Dao and the king of the realm, this is the way of freedom.

The second three ways, the way of the sacred mountain, can be regarded as the foundation of one's own family, but at most it is like the Lingwang of Zhenyue, who cannot take shortcuts by cornering and overtaking.

Huang Tian is now the prince, if he still follows the way of the sacred mountain, then he is too unruly.

Therefore, Huang Tian first considered to prove the two ways of opening up the heavens and opening up the earth, and secondly, to prove the two ways of destiny and earth luck. It can be done both ways, or it can be proved only to open up the sky, but it is not good to only prove the fate of heaven and earth.

However, Huang Tian was afraid of attracting the Demon God of Destiny, that Chaos Demon God of Fate, with treacherous means, hard to guard against, might have been weaving his own destiny very early on.

Of the [-] deductions, only twelve were successful in opening up the world, which is a one-in-three-hundredth chance.

One three hundredth is not low, but it is not high either.

But give it a go.

Seeing that Huang Kui's body and mind merged into the Wuji Orb, he himself was the spirit transformed by the second soul, so he merged into the Chaos Orb, and began to preside over the refining of the Chaos Primordial Embryo.

The primordial embryo of chaos was originally huge in size, but after being refined by a person with great supernatural powers, it was about the size of a chicken and about the size of a bead.

At this time, it was refined by the Promise Bead. The heel of this bead was the Earth Spirit Bead. Later, Huang Tian fed many other kinds of beads, and it became a Chaos Bead. Continental changes have three shapes in one body.

Later, Huang Kui became Yuanshi Orb, and combined with Yuanshi Orb, the two became one, raising the upper limit of this orb, and it was also Huang Tian's tool for proving the Tao.

Therefore, it is called "Wuji Orb" in terms of Wuji Daoguo, "Yuanshi Orb" in terms of its original appearance, and "Chaos Orb" in terms of what Huang Tianchu wanted.

However, Wuji is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is also the chaos. The three are actually talking about the same thing.

Since it is the same thing, it naturally merges with each other, and the same is true for this chaotic embryo.

Previously, the Yuanshi Orb had one innate Taoism, which became two after being fused with the Chaos Orb. Now that this chaotic embryo was swallowed, after the embryonic form of Zhongqian World, the third innate Taoism began to evolve.

One life two, two beget three, three beget all things.

The three innate prohibitions have already provided the Chaos Orb with the necessary conditions to open up the world inside the Orb.

Huang Tian didn't start preparing to open the sky, but comprehended the three innate prohibitions in this bead.

Innate Taoism is the innate way of prohibition, and each prohibition is formed by congenital runes gathered into an array.

Huang Tian once comprehended the innate prohibition of the white lotus in the world, and then comprehended the spells of the white lotus series, and even derived a large number of spells of the lotus series of various colors from this.

As for the later part, Huang Tian also comprehended the innate law and prohibition inside the soil spirit bead that had acquired the breath soil, and thus comprehended the way of the innate god mountain.

As for the follow-up, Bibo Great Immortal comprehended part of Xiantian River's picture and text road, so he comprehended the way of water and five virtues.

Therefore, the so-called tool for proving the way is first a tool to verify whether there are mistakes or omissions in one's own cultivation, and to complement each other.

Just like those who practice inner alchemy, they will refine outer alchemy to simulate the situation of alchemy.

Huang Tian wanted to open up the world in this bead first, and then open up the world in the kingdom of God behind his head, and finally the heaven and earth in the bead, the kingdom of God in the back of his head, the holy mountain and cave, and the three phases merged into one.

But Huang Tian is different from ordinary Yang Gods who prove to be Heavenly Gods. He is an innate Yang God. To prove Heavenly Gods, he also needs to assist with a lot of myths and legends, and continue to improve his own footsteps.

Fortunately, Huang Tian is now the ruler of the three middle thousand worlds, and he has also been named the prince. He has set up a model in the heavenly court, and it has been sung by all the worlds. These myths and legends are not rare.

Even after the creation of the world is successful, Huang Tian will still have the legend of the creation of the world. This legend is also the ultimate legend, which is what every god pursues, and it is also necessary for the establishment of a god system. One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and Huang Tian obtains this myth , Many of my own gods also have innate myths, waiting to find the innate aura in the future, and naturally, they can be transformed into innate gods.

The first of the three innate Taoist prohibitions was created by Yuanshi, but it is very dark. The core inside is destruction, which means "Yuanshi Heavenly Demon", and is also the influence of Huang Kui's body as a demon. Only Huang Kui himself comprehended it. More, from which I comprehended nine ways of destroying the world.

Putting aside Huang Tian's consideration for the time being, the second innate Taoism was formed after the fusion of Chaos Orbs.

Huang Tian's Chaos Orb is essentially an Earth Spirit Orb, but later it devoured Yang Orbs, Yin Orbs, Xiantian Breathing Soil, Nine Water Elites, and later refined Jiuzhou's innate source of wonderful energy, the innate magic treasure water spirit bred by Tongtian River The essence of the bead is that the other five elements are bred with soil, combined with yin and yang.

But after merging with Yuanshi Orb to achieve the second innate Taoism, it becomes the "evolution" inside.

Chaos evolves into yin and yang, and yin and yang combine with the five elements...

Waiting for the chaotic primordial fetus to be swallowed by this bead, and the chaotic primordial is the embryonic form of the middle thousand world, full of vitality, good fortune, and full of the meaning of pioneering, but everything has not yet begun, and it needs to be guided by people to complete.

This forms a reverse "bad, live, empty", from destruction, to derivation, and then to birth.

It's completely the other way around.

in turn……

Huang Tian recalled that Xuan Yuanzi once said that the Yuanshi Orb contained the way of Infinity.

Now that he has comprehended these Taoist prohibitions, Huang Tian has some ideas.

The previous Wujia minds and spirits were combined into an array and changed in order to have different effects. In this chaotic bead, there should be four kinds of prohibitions, which are formation, residence, destruction, and emptiness.

Deduce the birth of the world, the evolution of the world, the collapse of the world, and the state of "nothing", and when the world is born, it is something out of nothing.

Therefore, it should be that the Wuji of Wuji is no longer created out of nothing, and existence is a state of chaos. The so-called chaos is like a chicken, and the achievement is created by the chicken, and finally destroyed, returning to nothing.

Divided into categories, that is, there is nothing and there is.

Divided into subcategories, they are the four major states of becoming, living, bad, and empty.

I saw that Huang Tian rearranged the three innate ways of prohibition, combined with the "Internal Purpose of the Jade Texts of the Heavens", Wanbao Daojun practiced treasure techniques, comprehended it, innate characters, arranged the secrets of the prohibition.

Yuanshi Orb's original demonic energy was deep, and the meaning of destruction was concealed by the other two prohibitions, so it appeared to be full of vitality, with infinite principles derived from it.

So what about the fourth ban?

Is this the reason why I may eventually become a "Qi God"?I'm the one?

Dao transforms the world and achieves the success of all things?

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