Ford Tianguan

Chapter 521

Chapter 521
Although in the art of refining weapons, Wanbao Daojun is the leader and the leader of weapon repairing, why is this treasure refining technique seen everywhere?
Does Jiuzhou have anything to do with Taoist Wanbao?Or is Wanbao Daojun betting on Jiuzhou?

Huang Tian took advantage of the altar to pray for blessings and consecrated blessings, so he already had a little understanding of this battleship.

Three thousand six hundred gods of good fortune of ninth rank and eighth rank, and a few gods of fortune of seventh rank and above, under Huang Tian's leadership, blessed the Void Battleship.

A device must have its spirit, and a machine must have its soul.

Huang Tian's first prayer essence: Attunement machine soul There was a sword fairy in ancient times, and now there is a ship fairy, it should be a ship god.

The hull of this void battleship actually also has a weapon soul, which is only spliced ​​by many spirit treasures. The weapon soul is hidden in the core, which is different from the spirit treasure of Prince Jinwu.

Huang Tian communicated with the soul of the instrument, holding hardware tools such as wrench and hammer head in his hand, and began to dance the sacrificial dance.

He tapped against the Void Battleship again, making a pleasant sound.

The rest of the gods of good fortune followed Huang Tian's rhythm and began to chant according to the content of Chapter 1 of "Seven Chapters of Huang Tian's Secret Curse" taught by Huang Tian.

In an instant, the entire cave was in a peaceful state, golden clouds appeared in the sky, and a huge rainbow bridge appeared from the bow to the stern of the Void Battleship.

Ship Soul Joy!

The hull trembled slightly, and the three cores inside began to operate, making roaring sounds.

The golden bell of the sun rings slightly, which has the power of clearing the heart and shaking the body.

Huang Tian sensed the emotions of the Void Battleship from the roar, he yearned for chaos, and didn't want to be confined in a small cave.

The appearance of its machine soul is probably a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, and the goal he yearns for is the stars and the sea.

At the same time, he was also communicating with Huang Tian, ​​telling his secrets.

Huang Tian listened to the machine soul, and only then did he realize that the core device of the Void Battleship cannot be refined by Jiuzhou, it is the core technology that can only be mastered by Daoist Wanbao, and he is the No. 57 core refined by Daoist Wanbao, which means that there are [-] Void Battleships in front of him...

Jiuzhou can produce all components except the core, so Wanbao Daojun and Jiuzhou have many cooperations.

And Taiyang Xingjun didn't get Wanbao Daojun to press the treasure. Wanbao Daojun was a businessman, referred to as a war arms dealer.

The Heavenly Court of Jiuzhou once used the sun star as a "steel-making factory", and sent the divine ore excavated from the star, in the void and chaos, to the sun for smelting. Therefore, Taoist Wanbao had a "steel trade" with the sun star.

This is the information revealed by this void warship machine soul.

But Sun Xingjun half concealed it, making outsiders think that he has something to do with Wanbao Taoist. In fact, Wanbao Taoist also tacitly agreed that Sun Xingjun pulled his tiger skin, and even Wanbao Daojun also learned the art of refining treasures.

Although Huang Tian doesn't really believe in this machine spirit, who knows if it's Daoist Wanbao's body talking to him, who knows what this core technology is.Even Jiuzhou couldn't copy it.

It seems that Jiuzhou urgently needs a high-end technical talent of its own, and Sun Xingjun clearly has the technology in his hands, forming a certain monopoly.

But looking at the methods of Empress Wa, she is also gradually breaking the monopoly of Sun Xingjun.

With this empress' tough character, she might even go directly to Daoist Wanbao with Sun Xingjun in her arms, and ask by the way, "Say it! What's your relationship?"

Thinking of this, Huang Tian wanted to laugh.

However, this is only Huang Tian's approximate calculation from the machine soul.

However, Master Saibo and Shang Pudu once said that every machine has its own soul. I don't know if he has communicated with the machine soul of the Void Battleship.

Huang Tian carefully asked what needs this machine soul had for consecration.

This machine soul is a bit arrogant, claiming that everything on him is perfect, only the dozen or so cannons need to be consecrated, they were made by Jiuzhou himself, and they were added to the hull later.

Huang Tian then focused on the [-] Gods of Fortune, consecrating and blessing these Sun God Thunder Cannons.

The vision of praying for blessings is originally the rain from the sky, and the auspicious light shines everywhere. For people, it is to cure ailments, big or small.

But [-] gods of blessings are offered together, which already belongs to the standard of praying for the country.

Seeing that many blessings fell into the Void Battleship and the Sun God Thunder Cannon, they bless the Void Battleship until they gave birth to a halo of light.

Huang Tian recited in his mouth: "The range is the truth. Today, let's consecrate and ask God to bombard the Emperor of Truth. Wherever the cannon's muzzle is directed, hit wherever it points!"

Immediately, the gun barrel was shiny and the muzzle was black, as if a lot of confidence came from it.

Machine Soul Joy.

Huang Tian also had to bless the statue of the dragon god at the head of the ship, thanks to Bibo Great Immortal who practiced the way of the dragon god of water virtue, and also refined the innate river map, and the river map is a star map, and blessed it with an "Old Horse Knowing the Way Charm". During the chaotic voyage, the chance of getting lost was greatly reduced.

The machine soul rejoiced again.

I feel that this kid Huang Tian's consecration and blessing is not like other gods of good fortune, he can scratch itchy spots.

Huang Tian not only blessed the Void Battleship, but also blessed the Void Treasure Ship and Void Traveling Boat carried by the battleship one by one.

"I'm optimistic about you kid! It's a pity that your cultivation is too low to control me. Although that Frost Tuotuo has a high cultivation, he is not gentle at all, and he doesn't love me!"

The machine soul of the Void Battleship is very satisfied with Huang Tian, ​​it's like talking about recent troubles after ordering a massage therapist to feel comfortable.

As far as Machine Soul is concerned, Lord Sunstar hid him and did not give him any configuration, which restrained his desire for chaos, but the first partner in the ship, King Yueling of the North Pole, already had a Void Battleship, and his attributes were not compatible with him.

Huang Tian thought that maybe he could abduct this void battleship in the future, so he listened patiently, and even gave a few more blessing curses.

What gears are not stuck, smooth and smooth, and screws are not loose.

The machine soul couldn't help moaning, don't say it, don't say it!

As soon as he debuted, he encountered the peak level of customized services.

I'm afraid that Huang Tian will be regarded as his white moonlight in the future.

Huang Tian didn't know why, a consecration to pray for blessings made the painting look a bit tauren.

The consecration and blessing ended successfully, and King Yue Ling of the North Pole Town came to check it out. He didn't know much about the God of Fortune, but felt that the Void Battleship seemed to be more agile.

Huang Tian was not modest either, he only said: "Ling King Zhenyue controls this warship, and he will definitely win the battle!"

"I will go back."

"Don't be in a hurry to go back. Now that you have finished praying, the soldiers are so precious and fast, so I will trouble you to fight with the army again. Take that Taiwei Shenting and try its power!"

(End of this chapter)

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