Ford Tianguan

Chapter 49

Chapter 49
One thought was fruitless, so Huang Tian accepted these useless troubles and compassion. Being able to distribute the tribute to them was already considered good. He was still weak, so how could he have the extra strength to help them?
Da means self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace.

If you are poor, you can eat three meals a day to find food and clothing.

Huang Tian fled back to the Earth Spirit Treasure Cave, stopped looking at them, and continued to practice Wuji Shenlei.

Seeing that the gods they had stolen the tribute from hadn't come out to blame, the little ghosts secretly got lucky and felt that this place was a safe place.

And the ghost boy, who was full, began to play games beside him.

What I didn't eat just now, I came here to find some leftovers, so I can finally feel less hungry.

Wuji Shenlei is divided into Wutu Yanglei and Jitu Yinlei, two kinds of thunder methods.

Among them, Wu Lei is a thunder that collapses rocks, like an earthquake. When it is used, it feels like the earth is collapsing. If it hits a person, it can petrify and shatter the person.

Among them, self thunder is more about destroying vitality, eroding with negative energy, can damage the spleen, "mud" the human body and rot, destroying vitality.

When Wuji Shenlei is combined, one plus one is greater than two. If it is further advanced, it is to master the "shelei" of the five thunders.

The thunder method here is only the practice method of Maoshen and Youshen realm.

The "Thunder Cardinal" who collects the evil energy of the earth to practice and understand the changes of yin and yang.

But collecting evil spirits takes time, Huang Tian can only figure out the spells first, and gain insights from them. He wants to comprehend the "true meaning of spells" first, and then practice in reality.

However, after such a comprehension, the whole day will pass, the sky will be dark, the sunset will be like a brocade, and the sun will be setting.

It was time for Huang Tian to go to work again, so he walked out of the cave, wanting to escape to Qingxuan Village.

When I got out of the cave, I saw a few little ghosts who didn't go out, but stayed here instead.

I guess I had a full meal here, so I wanted to see if there was another incense tribute to eat.

Huang Tian didn't chase them away, he poured divine power into the two bean soldiers, and began to serve as the security captain in Qingxuan Village.

The first half of the night was fine, nothing happened, Huang Tian was still able to touch fish and try his own earth escape technique, it was [-]% faster than before, which can be considered as an improvement.

But when the time passed, all kinds of evil spirits became active.

"Quack! Quack! Quack!" A strange bird called a duck flew from nowhere, and it was full of ghostly air, dripping dark red blood as it flew.

He was about to go into the village, of course Huang Tian wanted to stop it, this thing was covered in black aura and looked really vicious.

Huang Tian's luck is continuous, and he hates the aura of calamity the most. I'm afraid this thing is either plagued by plague or drought.

Huang Tian made his three-pronged steel fork a little bigger, aimed at the sky, and threw it vigorously.

"Xiao!" As soon as Huang Tian fell into the soul, although Huang Tian was small in stature, as an earth spirit, he absorbed the energy of the earth and had considerable strength, so he threw the steel fork into the sky seven or eight feet high, piercing through the wings of the strange bird .

The strange bird let out a scream, bled profusely, flapped its wings twice, couldn't keep its balance, and soon fell from the sky.

Huang Tian immediately fled away, and when he got to the edge where the strange bird landed, he saw the strange bird thumping, trying to pull out the steel fork with its mouth, black blood and black air gushing out from the wound .

If it is contaminated with vegetation, the vegetation will die, and if it is contaminated with stones, the stones will start to bubble and become scorched black as if they have encountered sulfuric acid.

Huang Tian became even more afraid, he didn't dare to touch it at all, could this be some kind of fierce beast in the Book of Mountains and Seas?

This thing shouldn't appear in East Pole, right?Shouldn't it be a species unique to Manhuang Continent or Tian Yao Continent?

Huang Tian saw that his three-pronged fork was about to be pulled out by this strange bird.

Quickly commanded two bean soldiers to hold it down.

The strange bird immediately screamed "quack quack", the sound was piercing, and it had the power to penetrate the soul.

It's like the "corpse howl" from that zombie when the little devil refined his corpse back then.

Fortunately, the two bean soldiers have no independent thinking, just a puppet Yin soldier.Huang Tian is not the former Wuxia Ameng.

Now that he possesses the divine nature of five realms, his soul is much more stable, but he just feels a headache from the noise, I'm afraid this strange bird is either a duck or a crow.

Huang Tian was annoyed by the noise. Seeing that it was held tightly by the bean soldiers, unable to move, he took the ghost-shaping stick and gave it a hit, and even used the technique of sticking and drinking: "Shut up!"

The strange bird was hit, and its body was in great pain. Not only did it not stop calling, but it even screamed "Ga! Ga! Ga!".

Such a loud sound alarmed the land master, so he came to check.

Seeing this bird, the land master looked surprised, and said: "This is a disaster bird, why did it come to our Qingxuan Village?"

Huang Tian was curious: "What is a disaster bird? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's the bird that represents disaster, bad luck, and calamity," said the land.

"This one was shot down by you before it took shape. How can ordinary people shoot him down? Just seeing it, it is easy to be haunted and seriously ill."

"Your luck is high, it seems that you are one step closer to the realm of wandering gods? Could it be that you have refined the mountain forest and are ready to become a mountain god?"

Huang Tian nodded: "Part of the forest has been refined."

The land master stroked his beard and gave a slight approval: "Take the divine way of authority completely, and gather the true seeds of the divine way. It can be regarded as a bright future, much better than my land."

"Your luck is enough to offset the disaster brought by the evil bird, so you can shoot him down."

"Of course, it's also because of the bad luck of this bad bird. Not only did he bring bad luck to others, but he also suffered a lot of disasters himself."

"It is said that seeing this bird means that there will be disasters. This disaster bird grows by sucking disaster energy. The more people die, the more powerful it is. But there are also many people who come to kill the source of disaster and seek merit."

Calamity Qi is the last breath in a person's throat after death. If you swallow it, you are dead. If you can't swallow it, you will easily change into a dead body.

Huang Tian couldn't help being startled and said: "Why did this beast come here, could there be some disaster coming?"

The land master was worried: "Could it be the cause of the severe drought? After so many days, I have already heard from God, why is it still not raining?"

"Even if the Dragon King of East Lake is dead, it's not that there are no other dragon gods, or is there some conspiracy behind that Corpse God Sect?"

The Corpse God Cult likes to refine zombies. If they have a conspiracy to create a large number of zombies, walking corpses will have a lot of evil spirits. It is understandable that they can attract such evil birds to come for food.

Huang Tian changed his mind to comfort the land and said: "It's not like I shot down this troubled bird before it got up, what does this mean? of."

The land master thought for a moment: "You are right."

Then he said: "This thing can't be killed, it will easily pollute the land after death, and cause plague, and it can't be let go, otherwise a small disaster will become a big disaster, and it will easily bring bad luck to oneself if it is kept around."

(End of this chapter)

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