Ford Tianguan

Chapter 270 Illusion Invades Reality

Chapter 270 Illusion Invades Reality
Fairy Huaiyin's words were thoughtful, so Huang Tian also nodded in agreement.

Then release the dream.

Mengsi devoured ghosts in that world, and grew up a lot, but her temperament became more eerie and strange, strange and inexplicable. I saw that my whole body was like black mist, and the characteristics of the daylight when I opened my eyes, and the dark sky when I closed my eyes became more obvious.

In terms of its original divinity, nightmares, death, illusion, night, shelter, and even the ultimate destination... It seems chaotic, and it looks more like an evil god, but it has a core and a surface, like internal organs, bones, and skin.

This is probably the camouflage of the snake, or something else.

Fortunately, there is one thing that Huang Tian is very satisfied with, that is being obedient.

Fairy Huaiyin was frightened by this giant snake, perhaps because of the huge sense of oppression brought by its size.

Mengsi is enough to circle the bubble world and become the "surrounding snake" of the bubble world.

"Huaiyin, you and Mengsi go back together, recruit some motivated and pioneering demon people in the mountains, and tell them that I have opened up a small world outside the territory, and I need them to immigrate. The big advantage is that this matter needs to be done in secret and cannot be leaked, it can only be discussed with Yanxi."

Fairy Huaiyin heard this and nodded immediately: "Even in this world, after the creation of the world, some immigrants should be selected from the mountains to live here and multiply."

Immediately, Mengsi and Huaiyin went back to Jiuzhou through the space corridor together.

Huang Tian attached great importance to this, so he intentionally waited for a while.

While waiting, the consciousness sinks into the core of the earth. This is where the core of life and stars is located, and it is the place where hundreds of millions of sentient beings are born and reclaim their true spirits in this future world.

At this time, an embryo was conceived, which seemed to be a praying mantis egg case.

The innate god inside the egg case of the mantis seemed to sense something, and began to move.

Huang Tian didn't bother with him anymore, he just remembered what happened when the second soul collected those spirit root worms.

But Huang Kui's side is really not good, the aura of calamity is pervasive, and he has encountered the demon lord of the ten directions before, and he already knows that there are people outside people, there is heaven outside the sky, and there are demons outside the demons.

The Barren Continent looks smoggy on the surface, but I don't know how many old demons and monsters are dormant in the dark.

At this time, the Yuan Demon Sect united with many demon sects in Poluo Continent, and wanted to share a piece of the pie, and went to the battlefield outside the territory to spread the teachings of demonism, so they involuntarily took many demon cultivators away, used them as cannon fodder, and stuffed them into the demon warships. Waiting for the war to collect dividends.

Huang Kui saw that his demons were being taken away one by one, so he had no choice but to sneak into the second underground world.

In the underground world, one layer of demon barriers is more powerful than the first layer. Most of the first layer are some yin demons, invisible and intangible, and the second layer has already appeared monsters of the human-devil level.

I don't know if there are any powerful underground demon gods, but there are third and fourth floors below, until the ninth floor, Huang Kui can take his time.

Huang Kui hid in the ground with his front feet, and there were many old demons who had cultivated to the realm of real demons on his back feet, and took away all the demon cultivators from the realm of human demons to the realm of magic pills. Once installed, there is a burst of suction force, such a large number of demon cultivators, all of them entered inside.

Even the golden spider lady, the poisonous dragon general, and all the monsters enlightened by Huang Kui could not escape.

The scene like harvesting leeks in the vegetable garden is a bit scary even for Huang Kui.

Huang Tian sensed Huang Kui's current situation and also knew about the changes in the Manhuang Continent, so he hurriedly went to report to King Ling.

King Ling knew that Huang Tian had a second soul, so Huang Tian had to be more careful, no matter whether King Ling knew about it or not, it was better to say it himself than not to say it.

When they arrived at King Ling's place, King Ling didn't meet Huang Tian. The last time Huang Tian hid in the side hall, he had a chance to give advice.

Nowadays, it's not easy to see Huang Tian, ​​the seventh-rank little god, even if the Spirit King is in charge of the overall battle situation.

He had to meet Ling Naughty Boy and Long Chang Shizi, but Huang Tian was not good at confessing the situation to the two of them.

However, I also heard a situation, and I was going to get serious.

The first wave of war will start from the underworld.

The Spirit King Shangsheng has already made a preliminary contact with the Netherland of Jiuzhou and the Netherland of the other world.

Netherland is not as good as the real world, it is a land of illusory projections, and it is a very idealistic state.

Therefore, across the vast chaos, as long as you think, you can break through space, time, and limit, and connect them together.

Although it is difficult, it is not impossible to do it at the level of the Spirit King Shangsheng.

Invading reality from illusion, refining falsehoods into reality, is always the usual method of Heavenly Court.

In order to prevent the opposite evil god from counterattacking Jiuzhou, they even set up a buffer zone in the middle, which is a group of middle thousand worlds and small thousand worlds.

Including the subordinate world of Jiuzhou, as well as the subordinate world opposite.

The reality is still far away, but the realm of Yin and Ming has already merged with illusion and opened up to each other.

As for whether the time is really ripe, Huang Tian doesn't know.

However, the traversers jumped up and down in different worlds, and those who were reborn disturbed the order and destiny.

Not to mention that Tiandao realized that something was wrong, even the powerful people in that world would naturally notice something was wrong.

Huang Tian has been working in the small world for several years, and he has been able to fool the way of heaven. Those carefully cultivated, complete sets of time travelers and rebirthers, who knows what they have done.

"As a god of good fortune, you will have to go to the battlefield sooner or later." Prince Longchang said to Huang Tian, ​​"Prepare early, try to take the initiative, don't go until you are ordered, so that you can choose the front by yourself, and you can't choose the rear if you want to. It must be to save the field, and it is easy to be sniped by the opponent's evil god."

Huang Tian had long expected such a day: "Then is there any other subsidy? Doesn't it mean that there are so many Gods of Fortune falling outside the territory? Can you let me choose some magic weapons of the God of Fortune?"

Long Chang didn't expect Huang Tian to be so thick-skinned and still want to ask for benefits, but after thinking about it carefully, this is not an excessive request.

After all, people are likely to dedicate their lives.

It is true that Ling Wang has the Zixiao True Spirit List in his hand, and it is true that he can resurrect meritorious ministers.

But is the you after resurrection the same as you before resurrection?
This is unknown.

Prince Longchang still agreed to Huang Tian: "Generally, the legacy of the God of Fortune is taken away by the Heavenly Court Department, and there may be some other pensions distributed to the lower levels, but they will not be kept outside the territory."

"But it's nothing to say. I'm afraid I'm lying to you. Some of them haven't been taken away. Maybe others don't think much of them, or they were seriously damaged in the battle. If you don't dislike them, go to the warehouse to look them up. Whatever you like, I give it to you."

Huang Tian was surprised: Isn't this just picking up trash?

But it’s not bad to have garbage picking. I picked up garbage at the Sanjieshan garbage dump before. Isn’t it the same as picking up the first pot of gold in life?
Not shabby.

(End of this chapter)

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