Ford Tianguan

Chapter 151 Suffering Again 1 Suffering (2 in 1)

Chapter 151 Suffering Again (Two in One)

As for the preaching, Huang Tian has already taught it twice, and the effect is mediocre, but fortunately, there are more than one year to help change the exercises, so many little demons actively participated.

There are even little demons from other hilltops who come here especially for the name.

Huang Tian himself gathered soil to form an altar, and there were bluestones on the altar.

Huang Tiantuan sat on the altar and looked at the little demons below, not only from this mountain, but also from other mountains, probably more than 200.

They were sitting and standing casually, and some were still in the trees.

After all, those who have transformed themselves are considered big monsters, they are still in the shape of beasts with fur and feathers, and only their eyes reveal dexterity.

Huang Tian saw that the atmosphere was almost enhanced, so he used a spell to create a few streaks of golden light.

Ask Yanxi to control the vitality of Yimu and give birth to many flowers.

The singing of birds next to it should be the background music.

Huang Tian used several spells again to make the earth's energy out of the yellow clouds.

Let Mengsi exhale the vitality of dreams, colorful and gorgeous.

Such a battle made these little monsters dazzled.

Seeing that the time was almost here, Huang Tian began to talk about success learning.

"Successful goblins don't do these three things all their lives."

"Three sentences, let the gods spend 18 incense sticks for me."


Huang Tian's three sentences are inseparable from gratitude, and five sentences are inseparable from the pattern.

Where have these little demons seen this kind of speaking skills before, only Xin Yijiu secretly said: How did the tiger learn the way to control the people?It's scary, it devours people, and I have to thank you.

Huang Tian spit all over the place, actively mobilizing the little demon's emotions,
It probably means to tell the little demons that this land belongs to Master Huang, the cave they live in also belongs to Master Huang, and even the wild fruits they eat, the mountain springs they drink, and the air they breathe belong to Master Huang.

But Huang Tian, ​​as a mountain god, didn't charge the little demons any fee, it was too kind.

Originally, if the little demons wanted to farm the land, they had to spend money to contract it first.

If you want to live in the spirit realm, you have to rent it for a long time. For example, the Fox family of the Xin family paid a lot of money for a long-term rent.

Living and eating for nothing like this, are you worthy of Mr. Huang?
The little demons are thin-skinned, and they are embarrassed by the words in a few words. They just feel ashamed, and they can't pay off their debts even if they sell themselves.

Under such circumstances, Huang Tian successfully implemented the land contract system, coaxing the little demons into farming.

"Look, if you plant spirit flowers, spirit grass, and even spirit fruit trees, you can also connect with the mountains and forests, gain a lot of vitality, and keep some of the harvest. If you sell the rest to me, wouldn't it be a huge profit! "

Huang Tian bullied the little demons who didn't know how to do arithmetic, seeing them wriggling their fingers and toes doing addition and subtraction within twenty, he nodded secretly.

Except for the old fox Xin Yijiu who saw through Huang Tian's big cake.

But after all, he didn't dare to expose it, otherwise he might not be able to hang out in the Huangtian Mountain Range, and he had to show full enthusiasm and cooperate with Huangtian.

With Xin Yijiu's performance like this, other goblins, even Bai Qiansui, the medicine making fairy who lived for hundreds of years, were given a good injection by Huang Tian, ​​and they began to plan to organize forces of the same clan to work for Huang Tian.

Seeing that the effect was good, Huang Tian gave out many small gifts.

After receiving the small gift, the little demons were moved to tears, and they only called Huang Tian "Master Qingtian" and "reborn parents" and so on.

Tell Huang Tian to reap some incense of faith.

These incense sticks were absorbed and suppressed by Huang Tian Zhi Bao and used as "ink pads".

Every time Huang Tian stamped and branded, he could transform from these incense.

Even a piece of plain white paper with such a chapter stamped on it can be used as a magic talisman.

If you really can't hold it, with Huang Tian's strength, you can also start refining it, or sell it to the God of Wealth, and exchange it for incense money and incense silver.

After receiving the small gift, the little demons began to chatter and discuss.

Of course, Huang Tian was very conscientious, he didn't continue to brainwash the little demons, but started to talk dry things.

These days, Huang Tian, ​​apart from playing games with his liver, is just researching information and writing novels. After all, Jian Xian has already published it to Huang Tian, ​​but Huang Tian doesn't know exactly what's going on.

Huang Tian looked up the information on the Five Elements Dragon Scale, and saw many examples of demon spirits turning into divine beasts.

Because the protagonist in my novel is not a human being, the villains and supporting characters I come into contact with are all demon spirits, beast blood or something.

Therefore, Huang Tian happened to have some research on the cultivation of little demons.

At this time, some dry goods were shaken out, and Bai Qiantui and Bai Qiantui would definitely not be able to give advice to the medicine making fairy, but some little demons who had opened up the meridians could certainly be pointed out.

It focuses on the refining of the essence of the sun and the moon, combined with the Taoist "Ziwu Tiangang" method, and how to refine mana, get rid of vanity, seek inwardly, and stimulate blood...

This kind of falsehood and reality, after a set of combos, completely convinced some little demons who were still suspicious.

In addition, Huang Tian felt that the spirit realm was still growing, and there would definitely be new goblins coming to join him in the future, so he came up with a system where the old brings the new.

After all, Huang Tian stated that not all cats and dogs can enter the Huangtian Mountain Range, and only after the recommendation of three Huangtianling local goblins can they join Huangtianling and become a new demon people.

After three years of farming, new monsters will automatically become old monsters and enjoy the same treatment as old monsters.

Of course, Huang Tian didn't do these things of reviewing demon people, he only handed over the power to Bai Qiansui and Fairy Pounding Medicine.

There are alien fairies, the male worships Bai Qiantui, and the female worships the medicine fairy.

After worshiping the two demons, they will come to worship Huang Tian again. Huang Tian will then give a wooden sign with a stamp on it, which will be the proof of their demon status.

As for the welfare of the old demon people, it will also increase with time, and even their descendants can also enjoy certain benefits.

If the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren work for Huang Tian, ​​then they can be appraised as outstanding monsters, and Huang Tian's top ten monsters can be touched...

Of course, Huang Tian didn't throw out all these plans at once, but secretly imagined, what the situation would be, he had to take one step at a time.

The little demons had no idea that Huang Tian had turned into a street lamp pendant.

At this time, they were still talking about it with gusto, and among them, the little demon himself was on the verge of breaking through. After listening to Huang Tian's preaching, his brain became hot and he broke through directly.

With such an assist, Huang Tian didn't need to expend any energy.

Waiting for the plan to build a small road in the mountain to be mentioned casually, the little demons immediately jumped out.

Not only the trails in the mountains, but also the roads at the foot of the mountains. There were also a few goblins who volunteered, willing to work at night and avoid strangers during the day.

This is called Huang Tian and he is embarrassed.

I thought to myself: Am I going too far, I always feel a little guilty... But when I think that I will soon be poor, the guilt disappears.

I have no choice but to suffer for these little monsters.


Huang Tian held a meeting on the mountain, and Liu Chengdao and Big Fox entered the Earth Temple of Qingxuan Village together.

The big fox, Xin Shiniang, was not idle along the way. She chatted with Liu Chengdao, asked a few questions, and said to herself, "I'm afraid this person has some problems with his mind. He doesn't have any opinions of his own. Being able to preside over the Mountain God Temple very well is a bit of ability, I really don’t know why the tiger arranged him to come to Qingxuan Village with me.”

In fact, the New Year is already under the mountain, but due to the severe drought last year, many villages failed to harvest, so they were not very happy.

Fortunately, the dynasty was in its heyday and Shinto ruled the world. There were already measures to open warehouses to relieve disasters. There was no starvation, but it was only in a state of not being full.

Qingxuan Village is slightly better, but it is not enough to save relatives and friends.

Therefore, this year has been very sloppy.

But no matter how rare it is, the village is getting Huang Tian's entrusted dream, and he has to pull other villagers to repair the Earth Temple, which consumes money, kills sheep and pigs, serves chicken, duck and fish, sacrifices blood, and sacrifices at the Earth Temple.

Taking the red silk and yellow silk, he made clothes for Huang Tian's boy statue, powdered and painted the walls of the Earth Temple, replaced the rotten tiles, and pulled out the surrounding weeds.

A lot of joss sticks were burned, and the heads were knocked one after another, telling their wishes for the coming year.

Of course, Huang Tian wouldn't listen to each of them and realize them. It would be too easy to get physically and mentally exhausted, lose himself, and become a slave to believers.

These incense sticks were all suppressed by Huang Tian Bao Yin.

People have many thoughts, and they often worship their own desires when they worship God.

Not as simple as the little demon in the mountain, that gratitude is gratitude, and there is no utilitarianism.

Even if Huang Tian Baoyin suppressed these incenses, he would also refine more than half of the various desires.

After the villagers finished offering sacrifices, the Earth Temple looked even newer than before.

Liu Chengdao took the opportunity to walk into the temple.

Although the temple is not big, it is only as high as an adult's waist and hips.

But there is a spiritual realm in the Earth Temple, compared to Huang Tian's, it's naturally not that big, but it still has more than ten acres of land.

The elixir planted by the land master before, the five elements of rice, vermilion fruit trees and so on, are all there, and they are growing extremely well.

The land mansion is also a very spacious room. Various documents are placed on the table, and it seems that they need to be dealt with immediately.

Liu Chengdao originally thought that when he came to the Earth Temple, he was only doing temple blessings, and he didn't want to have such a treasured land for him to take care of, so he couldn't help being very happy: "Master Mountain God is so kind to me, that he asked me to take care of such a large property!"

Xin Shiniang said: "The tiger asked us to come here mainly to deal with the documents, but it is easy to deal with the documents, but it is difficult to make good land and help the tiger earn a good evaluation."

Liu Chengdao himself came from a poor background, so he often imagined that if he became an official, he would not let others have the same situation as him.

Although acting as a land agent is not a serious official position, it is also the first time that Liu Chengdao, who has always been humble, can touch the right.

But after all, he had never dealt with similar matters, so he had to turn to Xin Shiniang for help.

Xin Shiniang said: "Tiger said that he would upgrade Qingxuan Village to Qingxuan Town within three years. The first step is to build roads, but road construction costs money, so our current job is how to realize Tiger's s plan."

Now, I calculated the distance from Qingxuan Village to Huangtian Mountain Range, whether it is long or short, if you add the distance between Qingxuan Village and the official road in the county, it is more than ten miles.

After the road is built, there will be regular maintenance and maintenance. Xin Shiniang naturally knows the manpower and material resources involved.

"Need to mobilize the villagers to build roads?" Liu Chengdao frowned: "But... look at these documents, they are all the wishes of the villagers....

"More than 100 of them are saying that this year is difficult, and they hope that next year will be better."

"There are still some who want to be safe, free from illness and disaster."

"What's left is to hope to get rich and have a good harvest next year..."

Xin Shiniang read the document and said directly: "I don't need to pay attention to most of these, only those who make a wish to find the lost property, hope to get it back, and can deal with it. The others are too broad and we don't care about them."

"But they have no money... how to build roads?" Liu Chengdao was a little anxious: "You can't build roads on an empty stomach."

"We don't build roads in the early stage, as long as they often go to the mountains, as long as there are many people going, they will naturally walk out of the road. Let's talk about widening the road, which will be easy." Xin Shiniang said: "You are too straightforward. No wonder the tiger told you to learn from me."

Liu Chengdao shut up again.

Xin Shiniang took care of his emotions: "There is also an inspector in the village, a big ghost subdued by the tiger. We called him together. He has been in Qingxuan Village much longer than us. We asked him what is going on. situation, then go to the ancestral hall in the village to find the spirits of the ancestors."

Jiu Shan had seen the two of them enter the spiritual realm of the temple a long time ago.

But he didn't know the situation, Huang Tian didn't tell him.

Entering the spirit realm so actively, I intend to ask what happened.

After all, he was thinking, Huang Tian said before, when Huang Tian acquired the land of Qingxuan Village, he, the inspector of Qingxuan Village, would become a full-time official.

After the cake painting was finished, Huang Tian also became the land of Qingxuan Village, but he waited and waited, but he didn't wait for Huang Tian, ​​only for the other two outsourcers, Liu Chengdao and Xin Shiniang.

In this way, one person, one demon and one ghost formed the leadership team of the Earth Temple in Qingxuan Village.

Three cobblers can still stand up to Zhuge Liang, Huang Tian really saved a lot of thought by outsourcing all the things in Qingxuan Village.

At this time, Huang Tian finished his sermon on the mountain, and divided two acres of land among the little demons, thus only setting aside more than 300 acres of land.

However, this number will continue to expand, Huang Tian doesn't have to worry about no one farming, because every day new fairies join the Huangtian Mountain Range and become new demon people.

Moreover, the spirit realm has a limited amount of inspiration every day. If it accommodates too many monsters at once, it may not be able to supply them, and it will collapse.

These demon people have to be asked to plant the fields first to increase the throughput of spiritual intelligence, and then develop more demon people to create a virtuous circle, so that they can become more and more prosperous.

After all, three mouthfuls can't make a big fat man.

Huang Tian has already planted the seeds for the little demons, how to take root and germinate depends on the efforts of the little demons themselves.

And what is Huang Tian doing right now? He's uploading his spiritual cultivation experience.

Although "I Have a Paradise of Paradise" focuses on management and farming, Huang Tian looked at other strategies, how to plant spiritual roots and how to create miracles are all driven by the power of the master of the Paradise of Paradise.

They don't regard demon spirits at all as a booster that can help the development of the spiritual realm. At most, they are attuned to the grass and tree goblins, raising insect goblins and so on, like ordinary goblins, which don't seem to be within the scope of consideration of these celestial beings.

Therefore, Huang Tian wrote a strategy to fully explain the role of little fairies in promoting the spiritual realm, and how to give full play to the value of little fairies...

"Lingtian Contracting System"

After Huang Tian finished writing the guide, he set it to view and pay, and left his Watban's contact information in the paid guide.

After finishing all this, Huang Tian secretly said: "I hope a few more people will check it out, so that I can make a fortune and alleviate the shortfall."

After finishing all this, Huang Tian didn't continue to play games, but planned what he would do in the future: "The Heavenly Official will bless the world during the Shangyuan Festival, and will sprinkle lucky stars. Counting the days, it won't be long. I don't know Can I get one..."

"Spring begins on February [-]. I want to participate in the sacrificial activities in the Temple of Agriculture and invite the God of Spring. Goddess Huoyan has already reminded me before."

"March [-]rd, I still have to pay my respects to King Zhenyue Ling."

Huang Tian suddenly remembered that he still didn't know where Yiming Mountain was.

So he picked up the wat board and searched.

Yiming Mountain is in Cangzhou, and Jiang Jianmao was from Cangzhou before.

Cangzhou is still some distance away from Xiangren Mansion, and he can't go there on his own, and has to be there in advance.

Another one, to pay homage to King Zhenyue Ling for Christmas, it wouldn't be true to just carry a flower basket, Huang Tian felt a headache and annoyed about what gift to prepare.

There is no way to outsource this matter, so it is a bit of a headache.

"I'm afraid there is nothing unusual about the things on our side. The Spirit King himself suppresses the East Great Land. If I want to present him with something unusual, I still have to find a way from the Barbarian Continent."

Just like that, Huang Tian finally remembered the little clay figurine avatar that he had forgotten in the wild island.

"Three Boundary Mountain blocks the signal, it's blocked very badly, I'll go to that spiritual realm first to see if I can get in touch."

Huang Tian thought for a moment, and then used the method of teleportation.

It went directly to the natural three-talent formation in the Three Realms Mountain, which had been refined by Huang Xing and Huang Chen to create the Earth Spirit Treasure Cave, which was equivalent to refining by Huang Tian himself, and it was one of the teleportation points.

Although the Huangtian Mountain Range is not too far from here, it is still seventy or eighty miles away.

This only consumed one-twentieth of the mana in Huang Tian's body, which allowed Huang Tian to have a more intuitive understanding of his own ability.

Moreover, Huang Tian can quickly recover the consumed mana as long as he stands on the ground, which is nothing at all.

The last time Huang Tian didn't go to the Yin God Realm, he teleported with Nian Yuyu and was almost drained, now Huang Tian consciously brought Nian Yuyu with him, it would only cost about one-fifth of the mana consumption.

Huang Tian started from here, went deep into the Three Realms Mountain Range, and found the place where he and Nian Yuyu blew up the tunnel last time.

From time to time, there are fragmented space cracks above the head, passing by continuously, like a white blade.

If you accidentally touch it, whatever, will be truncated.

This is exactly the spatial turbulence generated after the tunnel exploded.

It belongs to the category of space trauma and scars, and it takes a certain amount of time to heal.

Sensing the vitality that occasionally leaked in the space rift, Huang Tian knew that it was still a barbaric continent, and immediately began to transport the Huang Tian Baoyin to strengthen the signal, and get in touch with the little clay figurine incarnation.

On the other side, the little clay figurine Huang Tian has already raised pigs very well.

The seven little pigs are full of spiritual energy, so they don't like to eat blood, and they don't like to drink milk. They just worship the little clay figurine Huang Tian every day to gain vitality, but this is only enough for them to live. Not growing enough.

Therefore, Huang Tian passed on the "White Lotus Purifying Mantra" to the seven little pigs along with the Spirit Nayuan Fa.

Now the seven little pigs can eat some tender grass, wild fruits, etc., and use this purification method to purify the evil spirits in them, so as to provide nutrition for themselves.

But except for these seven piglets, the other 150 or so newborn piglets would eat anything. In order to feed them, the old wild boar had to expand its territory and search for food in farther places.

The little clay figurine Huang Tian will follow the old wild boar to explore the place where it looks for food and observe its fights with other monsters.

In fact, there are quite a few monsters with the same human and peak strength as the old wild boar.

The territory they were in made the old wild boar fearful and did not dare to expand it.

Huang Tian secretly memorized these locations.

Even the little clay figurine Huang Tian saw Wu Village from afar.

It's just that Wuzhai here is protected by a fierce formation, and the old wild boar dare not mess around.

The little clay figurine Huang Tian was secretly frightened. There are many dangerous places within the radius of a hundred miles that the old wild boar explored.

For example, in the Moxiu cave, there is a big lion occupying a large territory, a witch village surrounded by fierce formations, and a forest full of Gu insects. There are various corpses hanging on the forest, which seems to warn people not to Going inside... a very turbulent big river, the water quality is black, and the evil spirit is so strong that the old wild boar dare not drink the water in it.

The little clay figurine Huang Tian secretly draws a clay map, marking all dangerous places.

Suddenly sensed the connection with the main body, although it was intermittent, but the little clay figurine Huang Tiandun felt kind, and immediately went to the Three Realms Mountains to escape to the previous exit to provide the main body with the information obtained here.

Huang Tian here in Dongjizhou received the message from the little clay figurine, and frowned slightly: "Is it so dangerous over there?"

However, Huang Tian has already entered the product now, and has also comprehended the new supernatural power "Murderous Intent". The divinity that was distributed before does not have this kind of supernatural comprehension. Upgraded a bit.

The little clay figurine Huang Tian quickly synchronized the original divine information with the main body, completed the upgrade, comprehended the killing intent of the ground, and some small spells of the god of good fortune.

Although he has only one divinity and his supernatural powers have limited effects, he still has a certain amount of self-protection power.

Moreover, after refining the land of the Barren Continent, even the incarnation of clay figurines will increase their divinity. When the earth spirit treasure acupoint is [-]% and Huang Tian's body can be teleported there, there is no need for a small clay figurine incarnation.

The little clay figurine has acquired new supernatural powers, and has already thought of many ways to harm people.

The killing intent of the ground can damage Feng Shui and affect the veins of the earth...

At that time, assist the old wild boar, conquer the barren continent, occupy a large area, and have more piglets... Become a big pig farmer in the barren continent!

The little clay figurine Huang Tian already had a plan, and after losing contact with his main body, he fled back to the Demon Cultivator Cave Mansion he had discovered before.

Drilling into the root of the solitary peak, and using the supernatural power "earth hair murderous intent", it secretly stimulates the fierce feng shui here and affects the energy of the old devil's cave.

A few days ago, the old devil Mahabala always felt that someone was watching him. When he went out the next day, he found that there was no one again, so he felt relieved.

When we went to the old wild boar's territory, the spirit yang fruit was gone, and the old wild boar also defeated other monsters. Huang Tian was delivering the old sow's birth, but he didn't notice the old devil.

The old devil lamented that he had missed the opportunity again, and he couldn't take advantage of the fact that both sides were hurt, or his physical strength was exhausted, to kill the old wild boar and practice the transformation of the pig.

So he killed a few adult wild boars casually, and when he returned, he could also refine the blood essence and condense the beast soul essence.

It's just that this kind of ordinary wild boar will progress very slowly in cultivating pig transformation. It's not as good as the same level as myself. As long as it completely devours and refines it, it will definitely be able to cultivate the transformation seeds.

Now he is cultivating in the cave, eating pig heart and drinking pig blood, his body is gradually becoming black and fat, and his fangs are gradually growing.

A demon of greed and gluttony rages...

In such a state, the old devil had never sensed that the feng shui of the cave had changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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