Chapter 19
The high-end atmosphere and high-grade sky scene has nothing to do with the earth.

On the river beach of Baijiyuan, there are refugees all over the place.

Once a few shelves are built, and some thatch is spread on it, it is a house.

Spread some hay on the ground to make a bed.

If there is still a little food to eat, this place can also be heaven.

However, how many people can have food all year round?

On the river beach, mosquitoes are bigger than flies in summer, and in winter, the cold wind blows through the body and cools the body. Where is the place for people to stay?The locals would rather live in the deep mountains and old forests than here, and most of the people who live here are refugees.

The hometown was hit by a disaster, and they borrowed land to live temporarily. This is the common business card of almost all residents of Baiji Plain.

But this temporary residence, some people have lived for several generations.

Why?When is your hometown free from disasters?

If there is no natural disaster, there will be military disaster, if there is no military disaster, there will be locust plague, and if there is no locust plague, there will be human disaster...

In comparison, Baiji Plain is better.

Even if there is nothing to eat, even if the flood comes, it will more or less kill some people, after all, it is beneficial. The advantage is that this beach has no owner, no one asks them to collect high taxes, and this is Haining There are no wild animals in the suburbs. Of course, it is good to have wild animals. If the young and strong man goes out, he may be able to kill a few Da Da Ya Ji...

At a corner near the river, Xiaoxue looked at Chang Liushui quietly. She was originally a maid in Dingnanhou's mansion. In the eyes of the country people, she was rich and well-dressed, but she came back more than half a month ago. Because her father was ill.

She invited a doctor, and she bought medicines, but in the end she couldn't save her father's life.

Her father passed away, and the Immortal Dao Sect did not allow the bones to be buried here. She could only use a few bamboos to tie a bamboo raft, cover it with hay, and burn a fire in the middle of the river. Her father turned into ashes right under her eyes, and her mother fainted from crying. in her arms.

"Xueer, Xueer..." The mother in the room called softly.

Xiaoxue woke up suddenly from contemplation, and pushed open the thatched door outside: "Mother, are you hungry... I just picked the freshest wild vegetables, and I will cook them for you."

The old woman on the bed had a pale face and was extremely weak, but she still stretched out her hand and held her daughter's hand: "Xue'er, you should go back, it's not good to be away for a long time when you're working in someone else's house, the host will hate you. "

"Mom, you can't even get out of bed..."

"Who said mother can't get up? Mother is fine, just a little tired..." The old woman struggled to sit up: "Don't worry, huh?"

Tears rolled in Xiaoxue's eyes, she dared not tell her mother that she could not go back.

The master's family suffered a disaster, and it was difficult for the family to even have a meal. Going back to the Lin family at this time is not to help him, but to increase the burden on the Lin family...

Suddenly, a voice came from outside: "Xiaoxue!"

Xue'er's heart skipped a beat, she recognized whose voice it was, it was Lin Jialiang, the Second Young Master!The most remarkable person in the entire Dingnanhou Mansion.

Why did he appear on the river beach? Could it be that something serious happened to the Lin family?God bless, please don't have any accidents...

"Xiaoxue, are you there?"

Another voice came, Xiaoxue's whole body was shaken, and the third son also came?Something must have happened to the Lin family!

"Xueer, who is it?"

"Yes...the two sons of the Hou Mansion..."

ah?The mother got out of bed: "Xue'er, hurry up, quickly invite the two sons in..."

As soon as the door was opened, Lin Su and Lin Jialiang appeared at the door with a bag each.

"Xiaoxue!" Lin Su said: "There are some rice and noodles in here, my mother asked us to bring them over..."

"Ma'am... Ma'am, are you okay?" Xiaoxue's lips trembled slightly.

Lin Su smiled: "My mother is very good, she worships her ancestors at home every now and then, thanking her for her protection, I said Xiaoxue, after you go back, you have to persuade her to pay respects to her ancestors, do it on the 15th day of the new year Just do it, who can stand worshiping all the time?"

A few words, easy and playful, but conveyed a little key information.The Lin family is doing well and has weathered the storm.

Xiaoxue's heart was churning like a dream.

When saying goodbye to Xiaoxue, Lin Su saw a bag of scape rice in the corner, and picked it up, "Xiaoxue, give me this bag of scape rice..."

Xiaoxue was taken aback: "Master, this is ting rice, you can't eat it."

"I know it can't be eaten..." Lin Su smiled easily: "But I'm thinking about a question, can it... drink it? Leave! Goodbye!"

Ting Mi slung her shoulders, and Lin Su strode away.

All the way back, there was nothing unusual, only Lin Jialiang, full of puzzlement.

"Third Brother, what are you doing with this scape? You can't eat it, you can't even feed it to pigs or dogs, it's like a fertilizer, and it's not as good as pig and cow dung."

Lin Su said bluntly: I plan to make an experiment to see if this scape rice can be used to make wine.

Making wine in a feudal society was actually not as easy as imagined.

Raw materials are a big problem.

Ordinary people eat bran-swallowed wild vegetables, how can there be so much food for you to make wine?If you drink a glass of wine, it may mean that an ordinary person will starve to death. Are you guilty?After the Song Dynasty, all dynasties have controlled wineries, and they also realized that there is a defect in wine making that competes with the people.

Therefore, Lin Su is not willing to use the staple food of rice to make wine.

But tingmi is completely different.

Ting rice has no edible value, and he uses this thing to make wine, so there is no competition with the people for food.

On the one hand, make good wine and get rich.

On the other hand, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds to find a way to make money for the people on the river beach?Maybe the saints felt his great good deeds, and directly gave him all the literary world, Wenshan, Wenxin, etc., wouldn't that be hahahaha?

He spoke easily, but Lin Jialiang's heart trembled.

Does it really work?

This road is not a literary road, but the livelihood of the common people.

The common people are helpless, the common people are miserable, how many literati describe it with emotional tone, but how many people really care about people's livelihood?
The third brother, but really paid attention to it!

And do it yourself!

"Third brother, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books! As a brother, I really understand!" Lin Jialiang said: "One day, if I become an official, I will definitely live up to the people of all directions!"

Lin Su put his hand on his shoulder: "Okay, one day, I will make you a high official."

Lin Jialiang's eyes lit up: "Then you have to become a bigger official first, third brother, it's good if you have this understanding. After you go back, study behind closed doors and concentrate on the imperial examination..."

Lin Su slapped himself on the mouth: "Forget that I didn't say anything!"


(End of this chapter)

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