Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 148 [Body-training Madman] and 'Golden Muscle and Jade Bone'

Chapter 148 [Body-training Madman] and 'Golden Muscle and Jade Bone'

After cleaning the battlefield, Han Zhao quietly returned to Yuanchang Prefecture.

Early the next morning, Han Zhao went to Zhang's mansion to visit Lu Yingxuan.

He made his way into the backyard.

Lv Yingxuan was standing in the middle of the backyard practicing swords. She was wearing a lake green slim warrior uniform, standing tall and showing her beautiful figure.

Seeing Lu Yingxuan's ruddy complexion and steady breathing, Han Zhao said with a smile, "Senior Sister, I'm relieved to see that your complexion is so good."

"I have to thank you, Junior Brother. If you hadn't cultivated the Soul Seizing Dafa to the third level and cured my physique, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly." Lu Yingxuan looked at Han Zhao affectionately. When helping, Han Zhao is always so reliable.

The yang energy in her body has been absorbed by Han Zhao eight to seven, and most of the Dragon Yin body has been taken away. Now she is completely unable to compete with her Fengming body. When she practices in the future, she will never be affected again. The imbalance of yin and yang and qi continued to trouble me.

"Senior sister is serious, and I have also gained a lot of benefits, just mutual benefit." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

Yesterday, while he was in a coma, he held hands and called Madam, but seeing Lu Yingxuan again today, he feels that this junior brother is really insincere.

"By the way, senior sister, I want to know the details of your encounter with the chief priest of Jiuyou Mansion this time. The more detailed the better." Han Zhao felt that Lu Yingxuan was a little weird, so he took the initiative to change the subject. Xingchen was killed, but the trouble was not solved.

"Okay." Lu Yingxuan nodded, and said seriously: "This matter has to be talked about two months ago. At that time, I felt that I was about to break through, so..."

"I understand." Han Zhao pondered. When Lu Yingxuan killed the priest, the priest left a mark on her body before he died. It seems that this is the reason why she was sought.

The most important thing is that for some unknown reason, the Bailingzong and the Baihu family are also eyeing her, which is a big trouble.

It seems that this matter has to start from Yuniang to find out the reason.

The easiest way is to just ask.

However, considering Yuniang's abnormal behavior before, Han Zhao felt that it was necessary to keep a safe hand.

"Junior brother, I will find a way to deal with the people in Jiuyou Mansion. I hope you can help me take good care of father and master, at least I can't implicate them." Seeing Han Zhao's uncertain expression, Lu Yingxuan also knew the seriousness of the matter.

When she was in a coma yesterday, people from the Zheng family and the old thief Yang Xie came to the door. If Han Zhao hadn't acted, both Lu Yi and Zhang Mudie would be in danger.

"You can't implicate Master, isn't Senior Sister afraid of implicating me?" Han Zhao joked.

"Junior Brother, I." Lu Yingxuan showed shame.

"Senior sister, don't take it seriously, I'm just joking." Han Zhao waved his hand, "The monsters in Jiuyou Mansion won't reason with us, otherwise they wouldn't be so courageous as to make a move in the inner city. Over there in Jiuyou Mansion, I will tell you Let's find a solution together, don't worry!"

"Thank you, Junior Brother." Lu Yingxuan said solemnly. Although she is now very powerful, she doesn't know when she started to take Han Zhao as the backbone. She feels that with him, she has confidence in her heart.

"By the way, senior sister, now your physical problems are basically solved, and you have broken through to the realm of the four-qi master. It's time for revenge!"

Han Zhao changed the topic, Yang Xie is now full of five qi, and he has a relationship with Jiuyou Mansion, and the next step is the realm of Ningsha Martial Saint.

If he gets away, it will be a big trouble in the future, why not take this opportunity to solve him.

"Junior brother is right! This old thief has lived long enough!" Lu Yingxuan showed a ruthless expression.

"Do you need my help?" Han Zhao asked.

Lu Yingxuan shook her head, "I want to challenge him openly and kill this person myself."

"Alright, then I won't interfere in this matter." Han Zhao said seriously.

Lu Yingxuan practiced the unique skill of the great demon Tiansha King. From the yin energy that Han Zhao felt when he treated her physique yesterday, one can know that her current strength is extraordinary.Killing a master of five qi does not need his help.

After exhorting some details, Han Zhao left the Zhang residence.

He went straight to the branch stronghold of Yulingwei.

He killed Xing Chen, even if there is no evidence in Jiuyou Mansion, if he really wants to touch him, it is just a thought.

In the simulation, 'Yuehua', the protector of Jiuyou Mansion, sneaked up on him on his way to Zhongzhou and killed him.

A big monster at the fourth level of the snake level may not be able to kill it stably even with the Kurong style, the difference in level is too big.

And although he has a long lifespan, it is not infinite.

"You have to rely on the Qi family, but the most important thing is to rely on yourself!"

Han Zhao thought to himself and quickened his pace at the same time.

Soon, he rushed to Yulingwei's stronghold in the outskirts.

However, due to his low level, he could only obtain part of the information about Jiuyoufu.

the next day.

Han Zhao is going to return to Nujiao Island to absorb the Leijiao blood in Shangguan Lie's body to improve his strength.

Before he left, Qi Xuanming arrived.

"Brother Han, disaster is imminent!"

As soon as Qi Xuanming came, he brought bad news to Han Zhao.

"Brother Qi, please tell me!" Han Zhao brought Qi Xuanming to the living room.

"I got the news from Eldest Brother that the Bailing Sect and Baihu Family of Chu State will send people to Yuanchang Mansion." Qi Xuanming said solemnly.

"What are the people from Bailingzong and Baihu Family doing in Yuanchang Mansion?!" Han Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stabilized his mind.

"I couldn't tell you this news, but as a friend, I have to say it." Qi Xuanming said seriously.

"This matter starts with the internal turmoil of the Bailing Sect. The ancestor of the Bailing Sect, Yu Xuanji, is the second-generation awakener of the Bingfeng bloodline of the spirit beast, and is extremely powerful.

However, there seemed to be hidden dangers in the exercises he cultivated, and was discovered by his sister from the same sect. When he was in nirvana, he colluded with people from the Baihu family to attack him and severely injured him.

Now the ancestor of the Bailingzong fled to Yunzhou in our Wei country, but the Bailingzong refused to give up and wanted to find this ancestor with the help of the Baiqin Yue of the Baihu family.

The demon side wants to find the Yuan Soul Orb, so it joins forces with the Bailingzong and the Baihu Family to put pressure on our top Wei officials.

Once a big war breaks out in Chu State, Yunzhou will surely be devastated. At that time, no matter whether we agree or not, blood sacrifice to the divine soldiers is imperative. "

"Isn't Wei the strongest among the Three Kingdoms? Is Chu really so unscrupulous?" Han Zhao pondered.

"Because there are quite a few peaceful factions within us. Only the high-level members of the Cao family and the Qi family are in the main battle. The other aristocratic families think that there is no need to fight recklessly with the top aristocratic families in Chu." Qi Xuanming said in a deep voice.

"Infighting is really the eternal theme of human beings." Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

"There are even some extreme military emissaries who think this is an excellent time to sacrifice blood to the divine soldiers and raise the level of divine soldiers. Mortals are still the foundation of the spirit beast family, but for some divine soldier families, mortals are taken by them. As food, these aristocratic families are no different from demons." Qi Xuanming clenched his fists.

"For the blood sacrifice of the Hundred Birds' Axe, the Bailing Sect and the White Tiger Family need some women who were born in the 'Yin Year, Yinyueyinshi' as special sacrifices. Your senior sister is eligible, and she is also a master-level warrior. Great tonic."

"Would the Qi family not be able to stop people from the Bailing Sect and the Baihu family?" Han Zhao's heart sank.

"We can only temporarily block snake-level masters for you, but you have to deal with people of the same level as you. The leader of the Bailing Sect and the White Tiger Family is named Murong Qi, who is ranked No.19 on the Qilin list. Second bloodline awakener." Qi Xuanming frowned.

"I just need to deal with people at the same level?" Han Zhao was taken aback.

Seeing Han Zhao's performance, Qi Xuanming added: "The people who can reach the top [-] on the unicorn list are all peerless geniuses in Dongshengzhou. All have the ability to leapfrog fighting.

When the senior elder brother had completed his five energies, he once used the Xuantian Slaying Spirit Sword Dian to severely injure a snake-level three-level monster. Even so, he was only ranked third in the unicorn list.

As for Cao Xuan, who was ranked number one that year, and Yu Chongxiao, who was ranked second, their strengths were even more unfathomable. "

"Thank you, Brother Qi, I will be careful." Han Zhao had a general understanding of his combat power in his heart.

Excluding Kurong's life-changing style of play, there is still a clear gap between his current strength and the top three in the Kirin list.

Of course, what he has to deal with is not the top three monsters, but No.19.

"The best way at the moment is to move to Yunzhou City, or directly to Daliang City in Tianzhou. Under the watchful eyes of my Qi family, people from Bailingzong and Baihu Family will not do too much." Qi Xuanming pondered Said: "just"

"Brother Qi, but it's okay to say." Han Zhao said seriously.

"There are not many high-level members in the Qi family who support the senior brother and me in taking the road of martial arts. Now if Brother Han gets into trouble with the Bailingzong and the Baihu family, the senior brother will have to bear a lot of pressure." Qi Xuanming explained.

"I understand, I have to prove my worth." Han Zhao understood.

Of course he wouldn't want to leave if he had a choice.

The Nujiao Gang can bring him a steady stream of gold and resources, and if he goes to Daliang, the center of the Wei state in Tianzhou, then he will have to live on the breath of others.

Daliang has to go, but not now.

"Nowadays, martial arts are on the decline, and many aristocratic families don't want another person like my elder brother to appear." Qi Xuanming apologized.

He sincerely thinks that Han Zhao's martial arts talent is no worse than Qi Yuntian's, the only difference is his background, without a strong background, the road to martial arts is very difficult.

"No matter what, I would like to thank Brother Qi for bringing me this news." Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted, "To be honest, I have made a breakthrough in sword technique recently, and I may not have a chance of winning against Murong Qi."

"What? Brother Han has made another breakthrough in saber technique?!" Qi Xuanming was startled, and hurriedly said, "Since Brother Han is confident, then I will collect information about Murong Qi for you. I hope it will be helpful to you."

After speaking, Qi Xuanming left in a hurry.

"Thank you, brother Qi." Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this Qi Xuanming is really a good friend.

Han Zhao set off immediately.

"Yu Niang, Yu Niang!" On the way, he kept calling her through the blood connection with Yuniang, but because of the distance, he couldn't contact her directly.

"Is she resisting me?"

Han Zhao frowned slightly. She felt the blood connection, and Yuniang's mood swings seemed to be quite different from her original personality.

"It seems that it is necessary to improve the blood spirit strategy!"

Han Zhao returned to Nu Jiao Island, announced his retreat and penance, and immediately went straight to the underground secret room of the Nu Jiao Palace.

Standing in front of Shangguan Lie's coffin, Han Zhao took a deep breath, and took out the alchemy furnace and the raw materials for refining Dragon Blood Pill from the sumeru bag.

Now is the time to have to increase combat power.

His alchemy has also entered a high level for a while, and he still has some confidence in refining the Dragon Blood Pill.

"I hope the Dragon Blood Pill can surprise me."

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the floor of the secret room, his heart turned to the sky, and he did not start alchemy until his heart was completely calm.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

A large amount of Lei Jiao's blood was extracted from Shangguan Lie's body at one time, and the blood turned into a palm-sized small Jiaolong, with platinum arcs flickering all over its body, and it opened its teeth and claws at Han Zhao, like a living thing.

However, Han Zhao now has the power of thunder in his body. With this level of power of thunder and lightning, he can resist it with Gang Qi, which is nothing.

"If you can fully grasp the power of thunder and lightning in the dragon's blood, your strength will definitely be improved to a higher level!"

Wrathful Flood Dragon True Kung Fu (55th floor small success [-]%)

Flood Dragon Transformation (before entry, can not be promoted; not yet meet the cultivation requirements: five qi complete, hundred pulses, Wusheng level body, 30% dragon essence blood)

Essence and blood of spirit beasts: Thunder Jiao 8%
The biggest obstacle for him to learn the Flood Dragon Transformation now is that he does not have the perfection of the five qi. As for the Martial Saint-level physical body, he only needs to continue to add some Vajra Art, and it will definitely meet the requirements.

"Let me go in!" Han Zhao's palm was full of energy, he grabbed the dragon's blood and stuffed it into the alchemy furnace.

With the refining of the pill fire driven by the true energy, the dragon's blood soon lost the ability to resist.

Immediately afterwards, he put various prepared pills into the pill furnace one by one.

For three whole days and three nights, he did not sleep and used up all the medicinal materials.

Five Furnaces of Dragon Blood Pill was refined.

There are twenty in total, ten of which are medium grade, seven of which are top grade, and three of which are top grade.

"Let's simulate and deduce the Vajra Art first." Han Zhao took out a Dragon Blood Pill, only to feel the body-numbing power of thunder and lightning coming from it.


【Collect all 400 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 120, gold 1800 taels.]

[Current balance: Gold 10000 taels]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 23, you obtained the body of Dragon Yin and killed the guardian stars of Jiuyoufu.The Bailing Sect and the White Tiger Family sent people here. 】

【Murong Qi challenged you in public, you can't refuse. 】

[After a great battle, you were forced to use the Kurong style, but he resisted it with a protective treasure. 】

【In desperation, you used the Kurong style again and killed Murong Qi at the cost of serious injuries.You lost more than 800 years of life under the First World War, and your vitality and blood were greatly damaged. 】

【When you returned to Nujiao Island to recuperate, you were attacked by He Wuji and the Longevity Sect. 】

[After a bloody battle, He Wuji paid the price of his life and used the 'True Sun' to die with you. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 8200 taels]

"Is there an entry? I'll choose one."

[Obtain the entry 'body training madman']

[Body training maniac]: purple entry; the limit of body training exercises is reduced by [-]%, the pain is reduced by [-]%, and the cultivation qualification is increased by ten times (it can be upgraded to an orange entry through cultivation, and the upper limit is a red entry)
"Good time!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, this entry was exactly what he needed.

"System, continue the simulation."

Han Zhao said silently.

[At the age of 23, you obtained the body of Dragon Yin and killed the guardian stars of Jiuyoufu.The Bailing Sect and the White Tiger Family sent people here. 】


【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 6400 taels]


[attribute point +100]

Vajra Jue (the third level is 100% perfect, can be deduced; special effects: Yijin 12, bone forging 10, marrow washing 4, vajra body protection, innate qi)
[The current deduction progress of King Kong Jue is 72%, and it can continue. 】

"System, upgrade the Vajra Art." Han Zhao said silently in his heart, took out a high-grade fire marrow pill and took it.

【Attribute points: 100→0】

"Crack!" Han Zhao felt the bones all over his body begin to make fine friction sounds, but the pain of the breakthrough was not as exaggerated as he imagined.

Vajra Jue (the fourth level is 68%, can be improved; special effects: Yijin 15, bone forging 13, marrow washing 6, diamond body protection, innate qi, golden muscle and jade bone)
Han Zhao took off his upper body clothes, and saw a faint golden light all over his body. Although the golden light was thin, it was integrated and exuded a strong vitality.

[Golden muscles and jade bones: a symbol of returning to innateness from the day after tomorrow. After the body of the dragon chant is completed, you can get a flawless body and reduce the power of supernatural powers and catastrophes. 】

 PS: Tomorrow, the [-]-word update will be resumed, to find out how it feels.

(End of this chapter)

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