Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 32 Intermediate Rune Method (Start 3 more)

Chapter 32 Intermediate Rune Method (beginning three times)
After thinking for a long time, Su Changsheng finally agreed to Fox Girl Xiaosi's proposal.

And at this moment

Seeing the white snake in front of her nodding her head in agreement, the fox girl also breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on her tense face again, her voice was a little clear and sweet, and she said, "Xi, how much stock do you have now?"

Su Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Fifteen! These are what I saved up last month, and I plan to exchange them all for blood food."

"According to the current market price, 28 pieces. If you can eat it this time, I will exchange it all for you."

Apart from keeping a few spares, he planned to exchange all the hidden runes in his hand at once.And the price given is reasonable, and the fox girl can make some money.

"Yes!" The fox girl gritted her teeth and continued: "But I don't have that much blood food, so how about using several runes to deduct the rest?"

"How much blood food do you have?" Su Changsheng asked, the most important thing right now is blood food, the amount should not be too small.

"280 catties! This is all I have in stock. If you want to eat all of it, give me some time. I have to adjust it."

"Okay, let's trade!" Su Changsheng nodded, agreeing, this amount of blood is quite a lot.

Moreover, he was planning to purchase several new rune-making methods, so he continued to ask: "You also have the materials for making runes here, don't you? Convert it into it, and give me some too."


The fox girl nodded and said, completely relieved.She was afraid that Su Changsheng would not agree to the deal. Now that the good-quality hidden runes are too useful, she wished she could get them immediately.

Of course, the fox girl didn't carry these things, but left for a while, and then turned back soon.After a while, a little demon led the two half-monsters and brought them over with some things.

That little demon is obviously the eagle demon.After seeing Su Changsheng, he still smiled mischievously, and hurriedly led the other two half-monsters away after completing the task.

Su Changsheng didn't get angry either, he just took a deep look at the eagle demon and the fox girl, and then checked the blood food and rune making methods and rune materials.

There is no problem with blood food, it is very fresh, some come from wild monsters, some come from mutants, and there are even a lot of rat monster flesh and blood, which suits his taste.

These blood meals were packed in a bag made of animal skin, stuffed to the brim, it looked really big.

There are fewer rune methods and rune materials.For the remaining share, the fox girl gave Su Changsheng two kinds of intermediate rune-making methods, as well as some rune-making materials.

"These two methods of making intermediate runes, one is the little poisonous dragon's shedding talisman, and the other is the healing technique. The former is given to you and the latter is priced at 100 catties. I won't cheat you. You can inquire about it yourself. Intermediate runes The preparation method is generally between 50 and 100 catties of flesh and blood."

"Healing is one of the rare middle-level runes that can heal the injuries of our monster race. The price of its preparation method has always been above a hundred catties of blood food, and there is no market for the price."

"As for the little poisonous dragon moulting technique, this thing comes from the innate rune of the pure-blooded goblin. It has not been improved at all. It is very difficult to learn. I advise you not to put your mind on it."

The fox girl pointed to the rune system on the table and said.

Su Changsheng nodded, feeling a little happy in his heart.He never expected that besides the little poisonous dragon moulting technique, he could also obtain an intermediate rune method.

More critical is the healing runes.

At the level of middle-level runes, the price of its preparation method will be more than ten times higher than that of low-level runes.Not only because of its outstanding effect, but also because the animal skin carried by the intermediate rune system cannot be sold again.

Because the students want to integrate the demon power into it, slowly experience, explore, resonate and study.Once used, this preparation method is mixed with the user's demon power, and it is basically completely useless.

Moreover, even if you have learned the method, it is even more difficult to re-print this method.It is basically impossible without the strength above level seven or eight.

There are many restrictions.

It can be seen from this that Fox Girl's healing rune method is so precious, and it really didn't trick him.

It's just that Su Changsheng couldn't figure it out for a while, he was only a third-level half-demon, how did he have this level of rune system, could he be a sugar daddy?
Some powerful monsters, but they especially love half-monsters like fox girls, after all, the latter are really coquettish.

But these, of course, have nothing to do with him.

After packing up all the trading items, he rejected the fox girl's offer to deliver the goods to the door, and agreed on an approximate time for the next transaction. Su Changsheng put the huge burden on his back and left quickly.

With huge sums of money, long nights and many dreams.He didn't even have the intention of continuing to stroll around, so he left the Yaoshi directly, and ran towards various remote areas of the Yaozhai.

Only the fox girl behind him watched him leave without saying a word.

"Aren't you following him?"

"I can keep an eye on him in the sky, and I can definitely find his hiding place."

The eagle demon appeared next to the fox girl at some point, and said in a low voice.

"Follow? Why follow him? Find his lair, and then catch him back to work for us as a talisman?"

"How many times have I said that we are serious business monsters, and we don't do cheating and abducting things. What did the book of the human race say? To be human... Bah, to be a monster, you must be honest, so that you can establish a stable trading system."

"Don't focus on the immediate interests. The situation in the monster village is complicated right now, and the attitudes of the big monsters are also ambiguous... Besides, you really can't keep an eye on him. I feel that this guy is not simple."

The Fox Goddess complexion is difficult to understand.

Ying Yao's heart sank when she heard the words. The fox girl said so much, but the real reason for not doing anything was the last sentence.

As a third-level half-demon fox girl, she couldn't figure out the depth of the half-demon white snake.

It's reasonable to think about it, after all, who can produce so many high-grade hidden runes, who knows how many cards he has in his hand.


the other side

Su Changsheng did not return to the half-demon land, but walked around the periphery of the demon village for a long time.

Specially choose remote, quiet, and demon-free places to go.Turning all over again and again, almost making the demon faint.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Su Changsheng found a place on the edge of a jungle surrounded by huge fir trees, and stopped.

"Still following?"

"If you don't come out again, I will go into the forest!"

Su Changsheng snorted coldly.

However, there was no response from the demon, only the strong wind mixed with blizzard, howling in the forest.


"Still hiding? I've already seen you, come out! Aren't you just peeping at this bit of blood food? I'll share some of it and pay the road money, so everyone can save their friendship, how about it?"

The sound echoed constantly in the woods.

Still no response.

After a long time, Su Changsheng's face also relaxed slightly, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "Phew, it's okay! It turns out that there are no demons following. Maybe they were all thrown away."

"What a blessing."

"Forget it, let's go quickly, the boss must be waiting in a hurry. If so much blood food is lost, the boss will definitely tear me apart."


(End of this chapter)

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