Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 186 The Method of Rapid Promotion to Level 9 (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 186 The Way to Quickly Advance to Level [-] (seeking a monthly ticket)
PS: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

My mother, why is there a problem with everything!
It's alright if Xianlin has a problem, why is there a problem with his purification talisman?
What a fucking world!

Su Changsheng was speechless, he was too lazy to complain.

Fortunately, it's not that there is really a problem with the purification rune itself. What is problematic is that this immortal visit involves the purification rune, or the purification power derived from the purification rune.

"Your power of purification is also the fundamental reason why I gave you the task of dealing with the black tiger demon."

"Under the presence of the immortals, they are born to restrain each other!"

"You are the black tiger demon's sky-beating thing! You really lived up to expectations, and completely killed the black tiger demon, leaving it without a trace of life."

"If a few of us take action, it may cause some troubles, such as the sudden explosion of the insect nest hiding under its house, and it is very likely that the black tiger demon will escape by chance."

The wolf king spoke eloquently.

It turns out that things like Xianlin are essentially a rule-like phenomenon. Since it is a phenomenon, there is naturally a natural restraint.

The way of heaven is balanced, and the world rotates.

Around the poison, there is always something to detoxify.

Mutual generation and restraint, nothing more than that.

And Xuanwu Zhenjun in the black tiger demon's body was restrained by the power of purification.It's not that other powers can't stop Xianlin, it's just that the power of purification is more effective when used.

Different celestial presences will attract different forces to overcome each other, just like this time it is the light feather demon, which also has a huge purification power.

Su Changsheng, however, derived a weak purification power due to the small success of the purification talisman, and would naturally be guided by the general trend. As a result, no matter how fast he was cultivating alchemy, or dealing with the black tiger demon incident, he was as commanding as his arm.

'It seems that the purification talisman has saved me again, and I am about to become a professional household who is responsible for the blame. '

Su Changsheng's mind was quite strange.

The real reason for the incident between him and the Black Tiger Demon and Xianlin is not at all what the Wolf King said.

The purification talisman may be one of the factors, but it is more caused by the combined effect of the two forked magic arts, even the light of the fairy in the body, the Taoist Lord of Longevity, and the Black Mountain Demon King.

It can be said that he is not a fringe role in this Xianlin incident, but a real and important participant.

The Black Tiger Demon is indispensable to him.

It's just that the poor black tiger demon is in the open, and he, the sixth son, has been hiding himself from beginning to end.

This is the advantage of being cautious. Although it is in the game, it is higher than the game.

So the purification talisman is not the fundamental factor.

But of course he wouldn't talk about these things, and Su Changsheng was also happy to attribute everything to the purification talisman as the Wolf King said.

Layer upon layer, continuous routine.

The deeper truths are hidden within the basic truths, and this is the best way to hide them.

Because it's all true.

"So, Lord Wolf King asked me to deal with the Black Tiger Demon incident because of the Purification Talisman?"

Su Changsheng scratched his head and asked the question knowingly.


"A long time ago, we have confirmed that the immortal in the black tiger demon is Xuanwu Zhenjun. This immortal has very strange abilities. He is in a state of neither life nor death. If he wants to be completely eliminated, only the power of purification can do it."

"You should have noticed that the lord from Falling Dragon Ridge also has the power of purification in his body, but they call it the purification method."

"You also have a weak purification power in your body, so you will be affected by the general trend of the Immortal's arrival. You will receive my task of dealing with the Black Tiger Demon, including your rapid progress in alchemy, and even your promotion to the eighth level. Because of this."

The wolf king talked eloquently.

Su Changsheng nodded again and again, and couldn't stop praising the wolf king for his wisdom and martial arts, with his eyes like torches.

If you can say it, just say more.

He even gave him a good reason to be promoted to the eighth level. Everything was covered by the power of purification, and all abnormalities became non-abnormal.

It's logical and logical.

Give Wolf King a thumbs up.

"I also saw that you have the power of purification, and that you are already at the peak of the seventh level. That's why I wanted to take you back to the Black Mountain Demon Village to see if I can advance you to the eighth level."

"I didn't expect you to be successful."

The Wolf King attributed the credit to himself, and continued with great satisfaction amidst Su Changsheng's repeated compliments:

"But still remember, I told you once: your innate flame seems to have a little life force, and it also has a strong purification effect. Make good use of it, and this will be your hope of being promoted to the ninth level."

"I also warn you, don't be addicted to alchemy! Don't chase after the end?" (Chapter 166)
Su Changsheng's expression changed slightly, and then he nodded hastily and said, "It turns out that Lord Wolf King gave me some advice from the side at that time, and you already knew that the progress of my alchemy is due to this immortal visit!"

"My lord is indeed far-sighted!"

Then with a mournful face, he said: "The little one thought that he had extraordinary aptitude, and he really had a chance to be promoted to the ninth level."

You bastard, just say it straight, what kind of riddle monster!Thanks to myself, I have been secretly happy for a long time, thinking that there is really hope to be promoted to the ninth level.

However, the Wolf King was noncommittal, and just said indifferently: "It is not a lie to say that you may be promoted to the ninth level. It is mainly because of the activity and purification power of your innate flame."

"Of course, going back to our original topic, although your rapid promotion makes me feel uneasy, but because of the power of purification, it's nothing."

"Just because of the power of purification, you need to submit the nomination certificate to the three big monsters as soon as possible than other high-level monsters."

Su Changsheng really didn't understand this time, and asked, "This...why?"

"Do you know where the purification talisman came from?" The wolf king seemed to ask, but before he could answer, he continued: "The purification talisman came from the Falling Dragon Valley in millions of miles. The housekeeping skills of all the demon caves."

"There, the power of purification has derived a variety of purification runes, purification exercises, purification magic, etc., which are collectively called purification methods."

"The original purification method is said to have originated from the corpse of an ancient real dragon. It is not known whether it is true or not. After all, although the wilderness is vast, it is not clear whether there are dragons."

"So, the problem right now is that the power of purification has been born in your body, and the power of purification is related to Falling Dragon Valley. If you don't submit your name certificate, how can you have a place in this Black Mountain Demon Village?"

"But you don't have to worry. Although there are problems with the exercise, since you have visualized the white lady and studied this exercise, you are the demon of the three demon kings. As long as you don't betray the Black Mountain Demon Village, you will be fine." Don't pay too much attention to these."

"By the way, to what level have you practiced this exercise?"

the wolf king asked suddenly.

Without hesitation, Su Changsheng released the monster power, qi and blood, fluctuations, etc. of the White Snake's advanced breathing method, and let the wolf king examine him, saying: "Just getting started, this technique is a bit difficult to practice, and the conversion of qi and blood is too laborious. "

The Wolf King nodded and said, "Getting started is enough, there is no need to practice any more. We are just submitting certificates for the three demon kings, and we don't have to transfer our own skills to this."

After confirming that Su Changsheng had indeed learned the skills, the Wolf King's expression became more gentle, and he chatted with Su Changsheng for a while, and the topic changed back to the issue of being promoted to the ninth level.

Just listen to it say: "Here is a way to quickly advance to the ninth level, but it is a bit dangerous, do you want to hear it?"

I don't want it, I don't listen!
Absolutely Nima has a big hole!
It turns out that all the foreshadowing before is waiting here!
Although Su Changsheng had 1 reluctances in his heart, he still had to pretend to be excited and said, "How can I quickly advance to the ninth level? Please tell me, Lord Wolf King. If the younger one has a chance to be promoted, he will serve the Wolf King for the rest of his life." behind my lord."

The wolf king sneered, and said lightly: "Okay, stop flattering. It's better for you to stay behind my ass for a while longer than anything else."

"It's okay to tell you."

"Actually, the method of quickly advancing to the ninth level is still related to your purification power. In the various monster caves of Falling Dragon Valley, the children of the monster clan will be selected from each monster village to study in the monster caves. One of the most important indicators is It is the power of purification."

"Especially those monsters who independently study various purification methods and finally derive the power of purification. They are the favorite children of the monster cave masters."

"As an eighth-level monster, you have experienced a fairyland. If you worship in those big monster caves, your status will definitely rise, and it is even possible to directly obtain the resources to be promoted to the ninth level. And the more advanced purification method It can also eradicate all abnormalities in the body..."

"You don't have to worry about some superfluous problems either."

The wolf king seemed to stop talking and didn't continue.

"So... are you excited?"

Su Changsheng shook his head again and again when he heard the words, and said directly: "I am absolutely loyal to Lord Wolf King, and I swear to be loyal to Lord Wolf King to the death. I will never dare to worship in such a demon cave."

"Life is a demon in the Black Mountain Demon Village, and death is a ghost in the Black Mountain Demon Village."

After a loyal statement, the heaven and earth wept ghosts and gods, with tearful eyes, wishing to take out his heart to prove it.

"Okay, put away your face, it doesn't mean that you are really going to seek refuge in the Fallen Dragon Valley demon cave, you are still the demon of my wolves."

"Forget it, since you don't want to, let's put it aside for now and discuss it later."

The wolf king waved his paws, suddenly lost interest, and asked Su Changsheng to leave the wolf hall.

Completely ended this conversation.


Go home.

Only then did Su Changsheng heave a sigh of relief.He touched the scales on his back, it was wet, and he couldn't tell whether it was cold sweat or damp for a moment.

Don't look at it as just a few words of conversation with the wolf king, on the surface it looks calm, but in essence it hides a mystery, like facing an abyss.

If you are not careful, your flaws will be exposed, and you will lose everything in the end.

As for the wolf king, the real purpose is not the White Snake's high-level breathing method, all the foreshadowing is just to lead to the question of how to advance to the ninth level.

"What does Wolf King mean?"

"Looking at its appearance, it seems that it is eager to worship in the demon cave of Falling Dragon Valley. Why is that?"

"Are you really not afraid of running away with the check and balance of the White Snake's high-level breathing method? Falling Dragon Valley is the lair of purification power. According to what it says, it is full of countless purification methods..."

"Isn't the meaning behind the words in these words, in fact, telling myself: the White Snake's high-level breathing method is not a problem, as long as you get there and worship in the demon cave, it can be solved?"

"It doesn't allow itself to continue to practice, saying that it's just enough to get started. Is it also because of this?"

Su Changsheng really didn't understand why the wolf king was like this.

First give him a problematic exercise, let him submit a certificate of honor to the three demon kings, and now want him to worship in the Falling Dragon Valley, implying that the certificate of honor can be dealt with, no matter how you look at it, it seems superfluous and selfish Contradictory look.

If you really want him to worship in the Fallen Dragon Valley Demon Cave, why bother to submit the nomination certificate first, can't you just go there?
Or it is true as it said, casting a certificate is a process that every high-level monster in the Black Mountain Monster Village must go through.

It also helpless?

"Wolf King has followed King Zhou and Tiger for hundreds of years, so it's impossible for him to be a boy in Falling Dragon Valley. What is the purpose of his careful planning?"

"In the black mountain demon village, what is it that makes it so afraid? The three demon kings?"

"And it suddenly gave up persuading itself in the end, which is obviously very abnormal. Could it be that there is something else monitoring the wolf king?"

Su Changsheng had more and more doubts in his heart, like a mess, the wolf king seemed to be abnormal, not quite right.

The most important thing is that it seems that there is indeed a hole in the purification rune, which involves the Falling Dragon Valley, but he doesn't know the specifics.

After thinking about it for a while, there was nothing to gain, and finally had no choice but to give up temporarily.

Thinking about it, the wolf king would not give up so easily. If it still had this idea, it would definitely continue to contact him.

Just wait and see.


After that, more than a month passed.

The fortune brought by Su Changsheng's promotion to the eighth level has also been completely digested.

The growth of the demon body has basically stopped, and the demon power, qi and blood, etc. have also entered a slower and stable period.

At this time, he is basically equivalent to an eighth-level middle-level person, and there is still some distance from a senior eighth-level monster.

It is mainly the coping methods in various aspects, as well as black art runes, life-saving skills, etc., which are indeed lacking a lot.

After all, compared to those eighth-level monsters who have lived for at least several decades, his mere 16 years is too short.

If you count from the time travel, it has only been five years, five years only, how can there be too many reserves.

Therefore, during this period of time, Su Changsheng, who has settled down, has been paying attention to related black arts, alchemy knowledge, rune skills, etc., but unfortunately he has gained very little.

There are too few things that fit me.

Either there are obvious pitfalls, or the successor is weak, or it is weird and unpredictable, and I dare not study.

And most of them are just low-level knowledge.Only then did he suddenly realize how lacking of high-level knowledge in the Black Mountain Demon Village was.

This place is like a rural place, the only advanced knowledge information is only in the hands of the masters of the big monster group and the three big monster kings.

Even if he is one of the Big Three of the wolf pack, there is no way to get it.There is even some knowledge that even the wolf king doesn't know.

For example, the method of alchemy promotion.

It is true that there are intermediate-level pills occasionally appearing in Heishan Yaozhai, and intermediate-level pills are also sold in Youzhai's pill shop, but no demon knows how to advance to the next level of alchemy.

However, Su Changsheng was not in a hurry, he suppressed his thoughts, cultivated slowly, developed slowly, and accumulated strength slowly.

Since he couldn't find good sorcery, and he didn't have any knowledge of alchemy, he simply studied his two middle-level runes, the Healing Talisman and the Little Poisonous Dragon Shedding Talisman.

It is hoped to find its derivatives, push them to small levels, and charge a small amount of survival points.

But intermediate runes are too difficult.

Its structure is complex, the demonic power it contains is peculiar, and the deep-level changes are even more varied. Without corresponding knowledge as a reference, trying to transform them is no less than creating a new rune.

Difficult to climb to the sky.

He only tried a few times, and then stopped trying, and there was no substantial progress at all.

"It's still knowledge!"

Su Changsheng sighed faintly, feeling quite helpless in his heart.Some time ago, when I was learning alchemy, I always thought that I was already a master of knowledge.

But today he really realized that compared to those ancient monsters who have lived for decades or hundreds of years, the knowledge in his mind is still too little.

Without sufficient knowledge to arm his mind, his path to the ninth level seemed a bit weak.

He has never been so eager for knowledge at that moment, as he is now.After all, he knew that Dan Dao could advance, but he was stuck because he had no direction to advance.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

What should I do?
Are you really going to Falling Dragon Ridge?

Su Changsheng was thinking, but suddenly heard the knock on the door again.

Bang bang bang!
"Master White Snake King!"

"Something happened to Youzhai!"

"Master Wolf King orders you to set off from Youzhai immediately to support the embarrassing king!"

"Master Shui Huan has already set off early!"

(End of this chapter)

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