Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 180 Am I the Taoist Lord of Longevity?

Chapter 180 Am I the Taoist Lord of Longevity?

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A ray of light emerged.

Traveling through time and space, he entered Su Changsheng's face in an instant, there was no way to avoid it, and it was impossible to guard against.

Like a baby swallow returning to the forest, after entering the sea of ​​consciousness, it will bloom with an unparalleled luster.

Holy and noble!
Just like the breath of a real fairy.

At the same time, pieces of information emerged.

That light is called the Immortal Spirit.

Su Changsheng was shocked.

He hurriedly checked his body, and found that in the sea of ​​consciousness, the ray of light was like a bridge, connecting the mirage technique and the seal of the sea of ​​consciousness of the right of life and death.

And gradually wrap the two together.

"This is……"

Su Changsheng frowned, but he was relieved in his heart.

Right now, the immortality of immortality is not throbbing, on the contrary, it welcomes this ray of light very much.

There was no reaction to the flames of the candle flames, nor did the stone forging technique that suppressed the demon body.

This means that the longevity fairy is not harmful, and it may be possible to hide it very deeply, but since it cannot be discovered and cannot be resisted right now, then it is tantamount to nothing.

And after this immortal spirit lived in the sea of ​​consciousness, it was like a catalyst, a linking bridge, or it was originally related to the two kinds of forked roads.

It can be seen that under its illumination, the two magic imprints that were originally entangled gradually merged together, and finally turned into a key-like imprint.

Dazzling and shining, the source of chaos is one.

A message also came from the imprint of the key: the key of the ancient fantasy array, you can enter it with it.

Ancient Fantasy Formation?

When Su Changsheng saw this message, his first thought was that there was a hole, a big hole.The second thought was the green grass.

The green grass is an ancient large formation that has become an essence. After thousands of years of development, it has finally turned into a taboo place.

According to legend, there is a tomb of an ancient strong man under it, where the skills and treasures leading to the big monster are buried.

The three great demons once jointly explored there, but for some reason, they stopped.

The Black Mountain Demon King entered the Black Mountain Mountains to hunt for treasure after exploring the green grass formation.

Afterwards, the sky cracked, and the Black Mountain Demon King returned in embarrassment, and his life and death are still unknown.At the same time, the two forked magic arts were also introduced into the Black Mountain Demon Village.

It can be described as the beginning of everything.

Su Changsheng gradually figured out the clues, and had some guesses in his heart.

In order to form this key mark, there must be two prerequisites: the spirit of immortality, and two different ways of magic.

Sixteen years ago, the treasure that the Demon King of Montenegro went into the mountain to search for was most likely the Spirit of Immortality.The purpose is to combine with the two forked-road sorcery to form the key to open the green grass array.

"But this kind of imprint can only appear in the sea of ​​consciousness of the young demon who descended from the immortal spirit, and the sea of ​​consciousness of the practitioners of black arts from two different paths. Both conditions are indispensable."

"So 16 years ago, there were young demons such as the predecessor, the black tiger demon, and the fox girl, etc., and with the introduction of the two forked magic arts to the Black Mountain Demon Village, the number of trainees gradually increased, and the latter condition gradually increased. reached."

"The black tiger demon is the result of being specifically screened out. But it failed. It failed to withstand the pollution of the cross-road black art, and finally attracted the idea of ​​Xuanwu Zhenjun."

"All of this is secretly manipulated by the Black Mountain Demon King. Its purpose may be to open up a large array of green grass! King Zhou Hu and the White Lady are likely to be involved as well."

Su Changsheng thought secretly.

All of this is still the game of the three big demons, because the 'key' has not been issued, and the Black Mountain Demon King has not appeared, and everything is not over yet.

"Right now, the black tiger demon has failed and is completely useless. So the three big demons let the immortals in it descend, and even the existence of those ninth-level demons who guided the Falling Dragon Ridge to descend for the sake of Hei Jing has never appeared. .”

"Because it's not necessary."

"The fairy descends, and the movement caused by the ninth-level demon clan chasing Hei Jing will instead cover up the real purpose of the three great demons."

"That big demon phantom from Falling Dragon Ridge may be able to guess something, which is why it wants those nine-level monsters to find the Black Mountain Demon King as soon as possible."

"As for what it said: Under the Sky Crack, without the protection of the big monster, the Black Mountain Demon Village will definitely perish... I remember what Tu Shanya said is that you can protect yourself under the Sky Crack if you reach level nine."

"These big monsters are really good at tricks. They all have treacherous minds, and countless conspiracies are covered under ordinary words. Even the ninth-level monsters are being tricked."

Su Changsheng took a deep breath.

For those big monsters, the black tiger demon's ability to attract immortals was nothing more than a failed experiment.

What they want is the key!

Rather than a descending fairy.

"If the key appears on me, will it be noticed?"

Su Changsheng's heart tightened.

He was afraid that the test subject, the Black Tiger Demon, would die and he would become a new test subject.

That kind of result is unbearable.

But after careful consideration, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He is different from the black tiger demon. The pollution of the two sorcerers studied by Su Changsheng has already been defeated and turned into his real name.

Moreover, he does not have the immortal light of the spirit of longevity in his body, otherwise, since both of his black arts have reached the realm of Xiaocheng, the key has already been formed in his body.

There is no need to wait until today.

As for the Black Tiger Demon's failure, none of those powerful beings paid attention to it anymore, which proved that its function was completely useless.

As for the spirit of immortality not dissipating, but directly passing through the void and throwing himself into his sea of ​​consciousness, there is no way to find it.

No one would have expected such a situation.

"It's just that the black tiger demon, Tu Shanya, and the wolf girl Shuiyu are all of the same kind in the mouth of the wolf girl Shuiyu. They are all one of the young demons 16 years ago. The Zhuyin Academy has approached me more than once..."

"Why is there no fairy light from the Immortal Spirit in my body?"

Su Changsheng frowned again.

According to this inference, there are only four possibilities.

First: The Spirit of Immortality is the predecessor, after being eliminated by him, the Spirit of Immortality is also completely wiped out.

This point, the soliloquy of the predecessor is the evidence, and it may have been polluted by spiritual light.

Second: The spirit of immortality has been revived and left the body.

This guess is impossible to judge.

He has no memory of his previous life, and after time travelling, he only knows that his previous life is dead. As for whether he was under the control of Taoist Changsheng for a period of time, it is not clear at all.

The third possibility: He is the Spirit of Longevity, and also the Daoist of Longevity in the mouths of all existences!

His crossing is recovery.

Because of the time-travel recovery, this demon body no longer has the aura of longevity, and it cannot be combined with the cross-road magic imprint, so it was impossible to form a key before.

The last possibility: the aura of longevity is the golden finger!
The last point is actually not important, it doesn't matter anymore, he's still an ass without a golden finger.

In such a difficult world, it would be better to hit him head-on to death, at least he could leave a whole body.

Moreover, Goldfinger has not caused any harm so far, instead, it has been secretly reminding him of various crises, so the probability of the Immortal Spirit being Goldfinger is unlikely.


"The Lord of Longevity..."

"So, that ancient tomb is the real key."

Su Changsheng took a deep breath.

Immediately, these complicated thoughts were suppressed in his mind.If you don't have enough strength, it's useless to think too much.

He is him, the current White Snake Wang Xi, the earth traveler, as for other identities, it has nothing to do with him.

So what if he is the Taoist Lord of Longevity?

Without the memory of the past, that period of life belonged to others for him.

Skimming the imprint of the Key of Consciousness Sea, Su Changsheng looked at his attribute panel again.

As the mirage technique and the Sea of ​​Consciousness imprint of the right to life and death merged into one, these two sorcerers disappeared silently on the panel.

Instead, in the column of exercises, there is an extra exercise.

Cultivation method: Green Snake Breathing Method Dacheng 2700/20000, Xuanwu Breathing Method · Snake Realm Proficiency 100/20000.

Xuanwu Breathing Method · Snake Land!
The level of proficiency alone requires up to 20000 experience points, which is the same as that required for the success of the Green Snake Breathing Technique.

Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng became short of breath and his face flushed a little.

Top skills!

This is definitely a top skill!
Only the top-level breathing method requires such a huge amount of experience.

This is the real good luck obtained from the black tiger demon!Compared with this top-notch breathing method, what are those black crystals that other monsters chase after?
Even if you get the black crystal, you still need to go to the so-called Falling Dragon Ridge, worship in the demon cave, and practice new skills!
And not only that, after the mirage technique was combined with the right of life and death, and transformed into the Xuanwu Breathing Method Snake Realm, the disappearance of the two branch magic arts also indicated that all the fetters, couplings, and various entanglements about them would also disappear.

From now on, he has nothing to do with these two sorcerers at all.

I am no longer afraid that some demons will discover the aura of these two forked magic arts.

Although the new cultivation method contains various abilities of the two forked-road black arts, they are fundamentally different.

It is not sorcery, but a skill!

While it can also be problematic, that's another story.

"Hold on!"

"Be sure to hold on tight!"

"Don't be in a hurry, let's talk about the matter of the black tiger demon."

Su Changsheng's mouth was dry, and he really wanted to try the power of the Xuanwu breathing method, but he didn't dare to reveal the slightest flaw, for fear of causing unnecessary suspicion.

Nothing should be rushed.

The more critical the moment, the more we need to be steady.

Prudence is the fundamental premise for him to live up to now.


The death of the black tiger demon.

It's time and fate.

Everything was doomed from the moment it came into contact with the forked road magic.

It will eventually be the sacrifice of the immortals.

But its death, as well as the fluctuation caused by Su Changsheng's promotion to the eighth level, still caused vibrations in the Black Mountain Demon Village.

the moment before,

In the deepest part of the Black Mountain Demon Village, in that luxurious palace, the White Lady is still patiently teaching a young demon about the collapse of the sky.

It's still an unfounded worry.

King Zhou Hu was still there, as if he hadn't left since the last time he came.

The two saw the appearance of the big monster Guangyu with their own eyes, but they didn't have the slightest intention to go to say hello.

"Why not go?"

King Zhou Tiger asked.

"So what if we go?"

Bai Niangniang put down the book in her hand, and asked indifferently.But before King Zhouhu could answer, he continued:

"The big demon caves in the Falling Dragon Ridge are watching from the sidelines, and you and I can't fight against it alone."

"Furthermore, the matter is far from over, if we act now, it would be a flaw."

After saying this, the two sensed a burst of majestic demon power spreading in the Black Mountain Demon Village, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the black tiger demon's wailing before it died.

"Eighth grade?"

"Interesting little guy."

"It actually broke through in the battle. It seems that another lucky person has been favored by luck. In my opinion, compared with those who are looking for black crystals, the benefits at hand are the most important."

Bai Niangniang smiled lightly, and stopped paying attention. She just turned her head, looked at King Zhou steadfastly, and said, "There is an old saying among human beings that a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring. Are you really unwilling to send it on its last journey?" ?”

King Zhou Hu was indifferent, he didn't even raise his eyelids, but said in a calm voice: "The man behind the scenes has not yet appeared, and the real chess pieces have not yet appeared on the stage. A mere black tiger monster is nothing."

"I already knew the final outcome 16 years ago. It doesn't matter if I left, but I didn't know why, it's better than knowing everything."

"It's just a pity that after setting up such a good stage, they still haven't attracted them. Don't you think they don't need these chess pieces?"

After hearing the words, Bai Niangniang took a look at the Black Mountain Demon Village outside the palace, and finally said meaningfully: "Don't worry, the sky will change in three years. Apart from that big tomb, where can they hide?"

"Just wait."


at the same time
On the outer ring of Youzhai, in a dilapidated shanty town, a tortoise demon with a human head and a tortoise body slowly poked its head out of the tortoise shell.

Looking at it like that, it is the turtle demon of the half demon, and it has also come to the right village.

"The clue is broken!"

"It's really strange, I can't feel the breath anymore, did that guy really die in the wilderness of Youzhai?"

The turtle demon muttered to himself.

No idea who it's looking for.

After waiting for a while, the turtle demon suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, which was clearly the direction of the Black Mountain Demon Village.

"It's dead?"

"What a pity!"

"What a good chess piece, with pure aptitude and superior bloodline, why did it die. King Zhou and the Tiger...Tigers do not eat their own chess pieces, it is really cruel."

"These big monsters are not good things. But don't worry, the swarm should be more anxious than me."

The turtle demon sighed, looked away, and seemed to see something again, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Not far ahead, the big toad and the stone man were happily coming together.

During this period of time, they have practiced the Black Mountain Demon King's stone birth technique, and their strength has progressed rapidly. Not only has they made up for the lack of strength, but they are about to break through to the fourth level.

Even luck seemed to be much better. Not only did he not encounter any danger when he went hunting these few days, on the contrary, he also gained quite a lot.

As if by divine help.

"There are so many chess pieces!"

"It's dead, just create another one."


Deep in the Montenegro Mountains
Still in that huge cave, within the endless swarm of insects, the turtle-shaped monster with a man growing on its back moved slightly.

The human being on the back suddenly opened his eyes, his distorted expression was full of disappointment, disbelief, and unacceptability.

"damn it!"

"It failed, why did it fail!"

"The black tiger demon wasted a piece of immortality, and it died!"

"Hateful, hateful!"

"Activate the bug swarm for me, kill it! Kill all the demon clans in the Black Mountain Demon Village, I know you can do it, do as I say!"

This person looked crazy, and a strange aura kept permeating out.

But the huge black turtle connected to him remained indifferent.

After a long time, after the humans had finished venting their anger, the black turtle said calmly: "Why should the Taoist be angry?"

"Your goal has basically been achieved. The basalt black crystal has spread out. With the psychology of those ninth-level monster races eager to be promoted, whether you use it yourself or flow into the Falling Dragon Ridge, isn't it what you desire?"

"It's just a chess piece that died, or is it because you feel sorry for Xuanwu Zhenjun?"

Hearing this, the man restrained his anger immediately, and said with a sneer, "Xuanwu is a fart. He is an immortal guy. He is stuck in the gray wall and can't get up and down. Who cares about that idiot thing?" .”

"What I feel distressed about is the scattered aura of Daoist Lord Changsheng."

The giant black tortoise was silent for a while, before saying after a long time: "How much did you use?"

The expression of the figure froze, and finally slowly gestured two fingers.


"No, twice! I also used the share you collected back then."

Giant black turtle: "..."

I fuck your ancestors for eighteen generations!

Damn it, I shouldn't have let you out back then!


(End of this chapter)

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