Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 150 Are you ready to die!

Chapter 150 Are you ready to die!
PS: Add changes to the monthly pass.Ask for a monthly pass.


Break through two realms in a row!

The flame of the talent candle has directly stepped into the Xiaocheng level.

After the thorough promotion was completed, Su Changsheng moved his body a little, and the bones all over his body made a sound like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, and when the scales rubbed against each other, there was a clanging sound.

Talent breakthrough, bloodline promotion, strength is more than three times stronger than before.It's like a molt.

"The monster power is stronger, and it also contains the power of the three elements."

"The qi and blood have also improved slightly compared to before, mainly because the intensity is stronger than before."

"The body has grown a bit, and the defense, strength, speed, flexibility, etc. have also been strengthened a lot. Especially the defense..."

Su Changsheng tapped the scales on his body with his hands, and the latter immediately gave out a thick and dull metal impact-like echo.

I tried it with the flame talisman of the proficiency level, but I didn't feel it at all.Not only defense, high temperature resistance seems to have improved a lot.

You must know that Su Changsheng's physical attributes were originally biased towards ice and poison.The resistance to both is strong.

But it is not good at high temperature resistance.

Even soaking in a pool with normal water temperature will feel a little warm, and the body will involuntarily produce disgust.

And now...

Feeling the power of the fire element flowing in the scales, he felt that he could take a bath in the magma in the future.

Thinking this way, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out.


A gust of demonic wind spewed out, and the demonic wind suddenly turned into Foehn in the void, the fiery power spread rapidly, and the roasted rock wall in front of it rattled.

Some fur materials scattered on the ground actually burned on the spot and quickly turned to ashes.

Terrible high temperature!

I'm afraid the temperature is close to a thousand degrees.

Ordinary low-level monsters can't last long in this foehn.


"It seems that it can still change?"

Su Changsheng felt the power of his evil wind, and his mind moved again.

Next second

The foehn turned into a huge icy storm in an instant with lightning speed, roaring and completely freezing the huge stone wall in front of him.

And that poor stone wall, how could it stand the abnormal torture of hot and cold, it couldn't hold on any longer, it fell off with a crackling sound, and scattered all over the ground.

But the change of Yaofeng is still unfinished!

Another variation emerged again.

I saw it going straight down, and in an instant it turned into a pitch black color, and emitted a thick corrosive toxin. The toxin spread out, covering all the rocks scattered on the ground.

Only three to five seconds later, when the evil wind dissipated completely, where there were any rocks on the ground, they had already been corroded by toxins.

Even a huge pothole was corroded by toxins on the ground.

"The talent has been strengthened so much!"

He was silent.

After the talent was promoted, the bloodline was rebuilt, and the power of the fire element was derived, not only did not weaken the two powers of ice and toxin, but it continued to raise the talent of the little poisonous breath to a higher level.

Just by releasing the evil wind slightly, the three elements can be transformed into each other in an instant, and the coordination is very tacit.

"The bloodline is promoted, and a more pure bloodline is derived. These bloodlines are scattered into the demon body, driving the strength of the whole body to burst forward."

"Thinking about it comprehensively, the current self should be able to beat the previous ten selves?"

Su Changsheng became more and more excited.

There is nothing more satisfying than being stronger.

Right now, the higher the level, the greater the gap will be after being promoted upwards.For example, if his defensive power, monster power, qi and blood, etc. have all been tripled, his overall strength is not just tripled.

will be stronger!
This time, due to his blood promotion, he really took off.Even if he still loses to the seventh-level monster, he can still walk sideways in the sixth-level.

It's not much worse than those sixth-level pure-blood monsters with profound background.

If you think about it, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, even the black tiger demon would be amazed at the Xiaocheng level of magic skills, how much does he have in his hands now?

Xiaocheng's green snake breathing method!

Xiaocheng's mirage technique!

Xiaocheng's lithotripsy!

Xiao Cheng's purification talisman!

Xiao Cheng's Candle Flame!
From skills and skills, to runes and talents, the most important elements for judging the strength of a monster clan, he has reached the Xiaocheng level in all of them.

This is not counting the magic runes and skills of various proficiency levels.There is also the stone forging technique, and at this moment, it is only a short step away from a smooth breakthrough.

If it breaks through, this is another body-forging skill that breaks into a small success.At that time, his strength will definitely continue to rise.

And with the current reserve of survival points, if you don't improve your skills, you can quickly pile up a few black arts to a small level.

It's just that it's not necessary to do so. Survival points are too precious, and they still have to be reserved for skills and talent candle flames. This is the best upgrade strategy.

As the saying goes, if you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small currents, you can't form rivers and seas.Thanks to nearly a year of hard work, now is the period when his strength explodes.

A time of rapid growth!
All the hardships, prudence, all the past and sacrifices before will be turned into today's heritage.

The dragon entered the sea and soared into the sky.

Lay the strongest foundation for the beginning of the seventh-level myth.

Skip your own changes.

Looking at Xiao Cheng's talent Candle Flame, in addition to the magical power of regenerating blood, its protective power, purification power, and purification power have all been improved dozens of times.

The candle flame at this moment is really like a small sun, controlling the sea of ​​consciousness, connecting the blood vessels and protecting the whole body.

Su Changsheng immediately felt a sense of security.

From now on, he can safely and boldly study all kinds of magic runes and skills. As long as it is not the kind of magic that obviously has a lot of pitfalls, he will not be afraid of anyone who comes.

At the very least, even if it is polluted, there are ways to deal with it, so as not to be completely helpless and anxious.

"However, the body has grown a bit, and the changes behind it are not small. It still needs to be hidden, troublesome."

Su Changsheng sighed.

Fortunately, he has been changing the color of his scales, the change of his back, and a little re-disguise with a mirage technique.

As for the size issue, he has long been prepared.

At that time in the outer demon city, due to his large size and inconvenient movement, Bai Ling gave him a lot of abbreviations.

It is also used frequently in normal times. Except for maintaining a standing height of 13 meters when migrating, he has maintained a compressed body of [-] meters after arriving in Youzhai.

It's called a 'good match' with Bai Ling!
In fact, the real purpose is that once the body size increases again one day, using the abbreviation directly will not arouse Bai Ling's suspicion.

After all, Bai Ling was familiar with the abbreviated talisman, and if she used it suddenly, the magic fluctuations on it would be obvious, so it was hard not to arouse her suspicion.

"But it's not a long-term solution."

"I have to find a technique of shrinking. If I have time, go to the demon market in Youzhai."

Su Changsheng silently calculated.

At the beginning, Bai Ling and Black Widow told him to pay attention to the shrinking skills, but then the black tiger demon attacked and hurriedly migrated, so the matter was delayed.

Naturally, there is no need to bother Bai Ling right now, if you really can't find a suitable one in Youzhai's demon market, it won't be too late to find her.

like this,

After fully adapting to the improvement brought about by talent and bloodline promotion, Su Changsheng turned to stone forging again.

Stonesmithing mastery 2499/2500.

"Don't rush, be more cautious."

"It's time to show up, after all, I've been 'hit' by the power of the forbidden speech talisman."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you! Otherwise, if you don't show up for a long time, it will easily arouse her suspicion."

He used the mirage technique to disguise himself inside and out, and then used the abbreviation given by Bai Ling to compress his body size to ten meters, after repeatedly confirming that there were no flaws.

Only then did his qi and blood appear to have increased by 'three points', and then he headed towards the temporary camp.

The best concealment is to hide other realities under another fact.He practiced hard in seclusion and sucked the aura of the snake spirit grass. Even if his qi and blood had a breakthrough, it would be understandable.

The advantage of doing this is that once other flaws appear, they can be covered up with the breakthrough of Qi and blood.

He is an old driver, the road is not passable, it is not smooth, how to get on is the most suitable, it can be said that he is familiar with the road.


Today's day, the sun is just right.

Su Changsheng pushed himself with the evil wind, and moved forward quickly in the wind.After a while, they arrived at the outskirts of the temporary camp.

At this moment, the temporary camp of the Fox Book Demon League is quite different from before.A series of huge simple wooden houses rose from the ground. Although they looked extremely rough, they were very neat and grand.

In fact, the demon tribe in Black Mountain Demon Village doesn't like wooden houses, because these houses built with wood can't help but toss.

Not sheltered from the rain yet.

It is not as comfortable as a stone house at all, and it is not as safe and reliable as a cave.

But who let Youzhai be in the plain area, in the wilderness outside the plain, there are many trees of all kinds, but there are really not many stone mountains.

And these few stone hills that only rely on Youzhai are either surrounded by the Fox Book Monster League, or like Su Changsheng, they are also occupied by other monsters.

Therefore, stone resources are quite scarce, so we can only use strong trees to directly build blocks to build wooden houses.

Of course, it's not blind cover.

There are harpies who are good at building nests to direct, and many half-demons also have deep research on this.

So don't look at these wooden houses built directly with giant logs, which are rough and crazy, but they can barely shelter from the wind and rain.

For the low-level monsters who migrated, it is already a pretty good monster den.

Before Su Changsheng approached his destination, when he was 500 meters away, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong ahead.

Frowning, a hidden rune was quietly used, temporarily hiding his aura.

Then, far away, in front of the only stone house made of huge stones, Bai Ling was confronting six colorful tigers.

At this moment, the beautiful face was full of evil spirits.

crowned with anger.

And behind her, Huang Xian also had a gloomy face, his chest heaved violently, as if it was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart.

And behind the six colorful tigers was a huge werewolf nearly ten meters high.

The latter stood with his hands behind his back, just standing there quietly, the aura in his body was faintly rippling, and the evil wind howled, stirring up the surrounding wind and clouds.

It was a high-level monster of the same level as Huang Xian.

Level [-] werewolf!

The two sides are confronting each other, swords drawn.

"Bai Cang, don't push yourself too hard. This matter was decided by Zhou Hu King and Nine Fox King. Although your wolves are very strong, do you still dare to stop them?"

Huang Xian said in a hoarse voice, as if suppressing his anger.

However, the werewolf named Bai Cang didn't care, and said with a sneer:

"Don't give me a hat."

"I never said that it is the Humin Yaomeng that prevents the Fox Book Demon League from migrating to Youzhai. It is the Humin Yaomeng that prevents you from moving into Youzhai as a whole, not our wolves."

"However, the area you occupy is the hunting ground that our wolves have set up long ago. It is our territory. For the Demon League, territory is life. I think King Zhouhu and Nine Fox King, even if there is an agreement, It won't stop us from going back to our territory!"

As soon as the words fall

Both Bai Ling and Huang Xian stared angrily, and the latter poked hard on the ground with his cane, saying bitterly, "You wolves are just trying to make excuses!"

The wolves didn't come out early or late, but they didn't show up until the temporary camp was built.

Using the hunting place as an excuse is obviously a deliberate embarrassment.

Huang Xian understands, Bai Ling understands, and all the monsters present understand, but knowing that this is an excuse, there is nothing they can do about it.

The wolves are powerful, and there is an existence comparable to the Nine Fox Kings behind them, and they have been entrenched in Youzhai for a long time, which can be said to be deeply entrenched.

As a newcomer to the Fox Book Demon League, it is inevitable that some strong dragons will not be able to overwhelm the local snakes.So even if they knew that the wolves were trying to make things difficult for them, it would be difficult for them to parry if they were weak.

"What unreasonable words!"

"I think you're pretending to be a fool. Put away your face, we wild monsters only pay attention to fists."

"You Fox Book Demon League, either get out and make room for us wolves. Or collectively pay protection fees. We adults have a lot, and we can barely shelter you bastards for a while."

"Either draw the line today, and I won't have to fight with you, saving you from going to the Nine Fox King to file a complaint. But how many tricks do you think that little white snake can survive under my men?"

"Tsk tsk, there are only two or three big cats and kittens in the forward migration team of the mighty Fox Book Monster League. Aren't you afraid of losing the face of the Nine Fox King if you say it?"

Bai Cang mocked and mocked.

There was a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

Without even waiting for Huang Xian to continue speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Bai Ling, with a hint of excitement, he said cruelly: "Come on, tear her up for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the six colorful tigers opened their bloody mouths and bit towards Bai Ling.They are all at the sixth level, and they are also the top existence of the sixth level.

The monster power of the six tigers was mixed with Qi and blood, and the power they created together was not even a bit worse than that of the Black Tiger Monster back in the day.

Although Bai Ling is the demon body of the White Lady, her current strength is only at the fourth level. If she doesn't expose her inner skills, it will be difficult for her to compete.

But if you make a sudden move...

Bai Ling's identity is likely to cause some existential doubts.Even this time, it might be a temptation for her by some secret existence.

It's hard to ride a tiger!
At this moment, Bai Ling's face became more and more gloomy, Huang Xian was also very anxious, and Bai Cang looked even more gloomy, staring at Bai Ling's every move, with deep and deep eyes.

The timing of the wolves' choice was so good that Bai Ling was caught off guard.


Still not doing it?
But the attack was within reach, and there was no time to hesitate.

next moment

The sound of a violent explosion suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ling, and the cold wind suddenly struck.

She froze for a moment, as if sensing something, a sweet smile appeared on her face.The power secretly condensed in the hands also quietly dissipated.

Then, in front of the six colorful tigers, there stood a huge half-demon black snake with a height of ten meters.

Su Changsheng actually crossed a distance of hundreds of meters at this critical moment, and appeared in front of Bai Ling in the blink of an eye.

With only one huge and pitch-black tail, all the attacks of the six tigers were blocked.

Of course, he didn't do this to help Bai Ling, in fact, he wished that this guy would die immediately.But not now, he still needs to rely on the Fox Book Demon League to grow rapidly.

Moreover, if something happened to Bai Ling, he would not be able to escape the responsibility, and he would definitely be liquidated together, which made it impossible for the former to have an accident.

Everything needs to be calculated after he has completely become stronger.Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, it is necessary to stop it.

Because Su Changsheng's appearance was too sudden and the distance was too far, all the monsters present were only focused on confronting each other, and no one noticed him, so facing his sudden appearance, they all froze in place.

But Su Changsheng didn't care about it, he just glanced at the colorful tigers with a 'gloomy' face, the monster energy all over his body boiled completely, and the tyrannical energy and blood burst out of his body.

But even though he was so 'angry', he still turned his head to look at Bai Ling, pretending to be concerned: "Are you okay?"

Bai Ling shook her head.

"It's fine, so can I kill them?"

Su Changsheng continued to ask.

Bai Ling smiled sweetly when she heard the words, and still didn't speak, but the meaning was self-evident.

And Huang Xian also recovered from his stupor, laughed loudly and said: "Fight hard, kill them all, today I will personally celebrate for you."

Only then did Su Changsheng nodded, and looked at the six big tigers again, the corners of his mouth slightly grinning, revealing densely packed snake teeth.

He didn't seem to take these guys seriously at all, looking extremely rampant.

As for the six-headed tiger demon, its expression was particularly dignified.Even the seventh-level werewolf had a restrained smile on his face at the moment.The big black snake in front of him is very strong, even it feels a little bit threatened.

"Earth detection pole?"

"The guy known as the Big Rock Snake King?"

Bai Cang asked in a cold voice.

However, Su Changsheng didn't pay attention to it at all. He saw his huge snake tail flying across the sky, and the bursting demonic wind emerged again, tearing apart the demonic aura of the six tigers in an instant.

With a hideous look:

"I hate tigers the most in my life!"


"Are you ready to die!"


 The ten thousand words are over, and the word is done.Continue to ask for monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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