Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 147 You are the Lord of Longevity (for subscription)

Chapter 147 You are the Lord of Longevity (for subscription)
The outside world was cloudy and rainy, the thunder was deafening, and the rumble continued.

But inside the cave, Su Changsheng stood there with cold eyes, motionless.

Dark under the lights!
Really dark under the lights.

He thought about all the pits he might encounter, and lived cautiously all the time, fearing that he would fall into it.But he never thought that the biggest pitfall was actually in himself.

It is the predecessor that has been ignored!

In a strange way, it put its soul into the power of life and death, and then completely integrated into the breathing method.

If it wasn't for the Purification Talisman's promotion to Xiaocheng, and the combination with the Flame Rune, it mutated into the Soul Consciousness Fire, burning all the uncleanness in the Consciousness Sea, Su Changsheng would never have been able to discover this deepest hidden pit.

Right to life and death!
He, Su Changsheng, controls life, and the soul hidden in his predecessor controls death, and the right to reverse life and death is also in the latter's hands.

Once the green snake's breathing method continues to improve, the strength of the demon body will gradually become stronger. Perhaps after reaching a certain peak, it will be able to activate power and change life and death.

At that time, everything he has worked so hard to cultivate will be wiped out.No, it's not just being wiped out, but becoming the food for others' promotion.

It is hateful to press the gold thread every year and make wedding dresses for others.

So cruel!

What a ruthless means!
But at this time, I saw that the flame in my mind was still burning, and the continuous power of good fortune made this flame more and more brilliant.

On the imprint of the right to life and death, more and more black air collapsed out, and the figure entwined in the deepest part of the black air could be faintly seen.

It was a half-demon green snake that was almost exactly the same as Su Changsheng, but it was smaller in size, its body was also curled up, and its spine was bent even more, protruding like a tortoise shell.

Three points like a snake, seven points more like a turtle!

"The right to die is mine, obviously the right to die is mine!"

"Master Changsheng, you lied to me!"

"No, that's not right! You are not the Taoist Lord of Longevity, your soul...how could it be me? No, no, it's impossible, who are you?"

The predecessor was still howling in pain, his voice full of disbelief and horror.

It suddenly discovered that life and death had undergone a transformation, and the guy who awakened itself from death was not Changsheng Daojun at all, but itself!

The soul is exactly the same!
But how is this possible?

It is also the outside world that awakens itself, and who is it that is curled up in the imprint of the right to life and death?

"I... who am I?"

"I'm a half-demon green snake... I'm a half-demon from the half-demon land of the Black Mountain Demon Village? No, no, I'm the Zhuyin Academy... I'm the Taoist Lord of Longevity?"

"Grey wall, it's a gray wall! Hahahaha, who am I? Who am I?"

The predecessor became more and more insane.

In Su Changsheng's mind, he yelled wantonly, crying and laughing for a while, showing a ferocious face for a while, and making a scene for a while.

His expression was constantly changing, distorting, and out of control, and finally he gradually calmed down as the black air around him was evaporated by the flames little by little.

Its gaze became calm, and it just quietly looked at the fireball hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it could pass through the fireball and meet Su Changsheng outside.

Su Changsheng was also silent.

At this moment, he felt a very familiar feeling on the predecessor in the imprint of the right to life and death, and it was clearly himself.

Souls are shared, life and death are connected.


At this time, he also felt a little dazed in his heart. Could it be that he was himself from the beginning to the end, without any previous life or time travel?
He is the green snake and half demon?
No, it can't be!

Su Changsheng was startled, and understood that this was the strange power of the power of life and death, which could even make the souls of the two almost identical.

Seeing this, the predecessor sighed secretly, and the imprint of death quietly dissipated in his hands, saying: "After all, it is a failure. If you come later, it will be fine."

What he said was ambiguous, maybe he meant that Su Changsheng had discovered the clues and destroyed the imprint of the right to life and death, making it impossible to activate the transformation of life and death.

Or something else.

"who are you?"

Su Changsheng couldn't help frowning, his heart became more vigilant, and he quietly mobilized all the strength in his body.

"Who am I? Haha, of course I am a half-demon green snake, but I am also the Taoist Lord of Changsheng of Zhuyin Academy."

"It's you, and who is it?"

"Between humans and monsters, why is there an extra you!"

"third party!"

The soul of the predecessor began to gradually collapse and was about to perish.

However, he didn't seem to care much. After asking this question, before Su Changsheng could answer, he said to himself again:

"Forget it, it's no longer necessary."

"Whether you are a human, a demon, or even an unknown third party, all of this is me. I know you must have many doubts and puzzles, but I can't answer them for you."

"The right to life and death has destroyed my past memories, and the restrictions of the gray wall have made it impossible for me to speak. Changshengtian regards me as a thorn in the flesh. Speaking out will do you a hundred harms but will not benefit you."

Speaking of which, the predecessor's figure is constantly changing on the demon body and the human body, like a strange thing that has been mixed together.

Twisted and wacky.

The crash started to accelerate.

But as time went on, the predecessor was no longer in shape, leaving only a head, half snake head and half human head.

I only heard his hoarse voice at the end, and said quietly: "If possible, in the future, after passing through the gray fog, go to Zhuyin Academy to help me burn incense. After all, I have been away for so long..."

Su Changsheng frowned, and looked at him, only to see the face of the former with only half of his head left. For some reason, he turned hideous again.

An incomparably thick black air spread out again, and it was many times stronger than before.

In the black air, candles were reflected, and at the same time, a looming black palace also revealed the tip of the iceberg in the candlelight on the face.


"You really betrayed us too!"

"Come back with us!"

With a thought in Su Changsheng's mind, the fireball in the sea of ​​consciousness directly crashed into the black air. In an instant, the last imprint left by his predecessor evaporated directly.

soon disappeared.

Only a wail of pain was left, which circulated continuously in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the voice was no longer the voice of the previous one.

On the contrary, it is like the weird tone of countless old people, children, men, women, etc. gathered together.

It sounds like the scalp can't help but tingle.

"Damn it!"

"No, no, no, let's not go back to this dark place..."

"One day, we will step over the gray wall and completely destroy you, then..."

"Help me, who will save us!"

All kinds of voices finally disappeared under the illumination of the flame, and the sea of ​​consciousness regained its calm, leaving only a mark of the right of life and death, which re-condensed and emerged.

Only this time, it doesn't have that sinister feel to it.It echoed with the imprint of the mirage technique on the side, and slowly became entangled together.

'Back to your uncle! '

Su Changsheng complained coldly.He had already prepared, so he didn't panic.

However, the predecessor is also insidious enough.He wanted to lie to him with all kinds of words and save the ultimate move for the last. If he hadn't been always cautious, he might have fallen for it.

It can be described as extremely insidious.

Not only that, the predecessor also used the strange characteristics of the right of life and death to mislead Su Changsheng constantly, even pretending to be crazy and talking nonsense to confuse his mind.

Even under the destruction of the flames, he resisted not to launch it until the last moment.

It's a pity, for Su Changsheng, he never believed the words of his predecessor, and he has always maintained a vigilant mentality.

The reason why they pretend to talk about it is also to delay the time for the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flame.Until enough power of creation is accumulated, it will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

As for whether the predecessor was a half-demon or the Daoist Lord of Longevity, or even what it had to do with him, Su Changsheng didn't bother to care.

The best way to survive is not to participate in these vortexes, and to stifle all dangers in the cradle.

The most important thing is to survive!

At this point, the sea of ​​consciousness returned to calm.

But that flame didn't disappear, it just shrunk a lot in size, burning quietly like a candle.

At this moment, Su Changsheng felt an unprecedented joy, and his soul was extremely transparent.

All kinds of shackles attached to the body were completely released, allowing the demon body and spirit to breathe involuntarily.

He subconsciously used the green snake breathing method. He thought that this breathing method had lost its effect, but he didn't want it to still work smoothly.

Not only that, but the breathing efficiency is almost double that of before.In just one hour of practice, there are a full [-] points of realm experience.

It seems that his aptitude has more than doubled out of thin air.

Su Changsheng suppressed the surprise in his heart, and tried strength, speed, and even talent, etc. again.

It was found that all the attributes had grown sufficiently.Qi, blood and demon power were all nearly doubled out of thin air, and when they were running a little bit, they all made a rumbling sound like a tide.

Although the demon body has not grown up, its overall strength has more than doubled.

"Sure enough, I used to be a blood-sucking insect. I don't know how much strength I have quietly absorbed in my daily life. When I step over the gray wall in the future, let alone three sticks of incense, the ashes will have to be dug out for you!"

"Changsheng Daojun, right? I remember this."

Su Changsheng thought fiercely.He completely forgot that he was actually the one who occupied the magpie's nest.

Afterwards, he integrated his spirit into that candle and the power of life and death, and gradually, strands of unsystematic information flowed into his mind.

Let him gradually understand the effectiveness of the two.

Candlelight is the flame of the great sun, and it is the physical imprint in the sea of ​​consciousness after the purification rune enters the Xiaocheng level, and it has a certain power to purify the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

It is equivalent to adding a special talent.In the future, it can be used in conjunction with purification runes to get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, the magical effect of this candle is definitely more than that. More specific abilities, how to grow, etc., still need to be explored slowly.

As for the right to life and death, this is very troublesome.After Su Changsheng's spirit merged into it, he saw some fragmentary and strange images left over from his predecessor.

Those pictures are very fragmented and disorganized.But in many pictures, the sight of the male fox and the turtle monster appeared more than once.

The predecessor practiced cicada for 17 years, which must be related to the two.

But there was no more information. The information about Daoist Changsheng and Zhuyin Academy that Su Changsheng was eager to know was blank.

It was as if an invisible hand had wiped out the information completely.

"This is……"

Su Changsheng looked at the last broken memory fragment, and couldn't help frowning.

I saw a few monsters that he didn't expect at all appeared in that picture: the owner of the Lingzhi shop, covered in black mist, stood in front of the stone house of the male fox, with a cold expression on his face.

And the fox girl Xiaosi also stood on the left and right, looking around, constantly sizing up.

But this is not the point, the point is that behind them, among the subordinates following them, Tu Shanya stands out!

And when he saw this scene, Tu Shanya in the picture seemed to have sensed something, suddenly raised his head, and looked straight at him.His icy expression disappeared in an instant.

He showed a faint smile, opened his mouth slightly, and seemed to be saying something, looking at the shape of his mouth, it was: Longevity!

Next second

The screen suddenly collapsed.

Su Changsheng's heart was shaken, and it took a long time before he could bear it down and let out a deep breath.

But even so, his beating heart still didn't stop. One can imagine how much this picture shocked him.

Tu Shanya unexpectedly met the fox girl Xiaosi.And it seems that the relationship is very close.

You must know that this scene was seen by the predecessor, which proves that Tu Shanya and the fox girl Xiaosi had already mixed together before Su Changsheng came here.This means that Tu Shanya is probably also a member of the Fox Book Demon League.

"But she obviously migrated from Tushan Monster Village, there are so many monsters from Tushan Monster Village to testify. Or maybe Tushan Monster Village was connected with Black Mountain Monster Village before?"

"The so-called Tushan Demon Village collapsed and the residents of the Demon Village fled here along the map left by the Demon King of Montenegro. Is it all an illusion?"

"It seems that the water in the Fox Book Demon League is deeper than I imagined. The Nine Fox King, the fox girl Xiaosi, Tu Shanya... But what are these guys looking for the male fox for?"

"And why is Tu Shanya the only one who only noticed her predecessor?"

Su Changsheng was puzzled.

Being able to leave such a deep image on the predecessor, even after its collapse, is still left in the right of life and death, which proves that this matter is very important to the predecessor.

Tu Shanya, the fox girl Xiaosi, and the owner of Lingzhi's shop did not pass by by chance and were seen by their predecessors by chance.

"Fortunately, I still want to use Tu Shanya as an 'insurance'. It turns out that she and her predecessor have intersected a long time ago. It's no wonder that a dignified fox girl chose to live in a half-demon land, and even lived directly next door to me. "

"Could she be a demon hidden in the Fox Book Demon League?"

"It's really hidden."

"It's almost impossible to guard against."

Pit, all pits!
A ring is a ring.

Su Changsheng sighed, and the emotions that were high due to the breakthrough of the purification talisman suddenly subsided.

He tried his best to recall the various scenes of getting along with Tu Shanya, and every detail was carefully considered.You must make sure that you also break free from this pit right now.

In fact, he didn't meet Tu Shanya many times, in total, it was only three or five times.

Tu Shanya has never shown any problems, she is completely a Tushan refugee who has just arrived, with a slight personality and a miserable life experience.

The intersection of the two, the longest one, was just a gift of pills.

"It's also fortunate that I was cautious at the time and didn't take her Wangqing Pill, Wangqing Wangqing... Could this pill be testing myself, have I forgotten that I met her and the fox girl Xiaosi before?" (Chapter 100)
"I just said that there is no one who will give such a precious pill as soon as we meet. The name is so weird, and the effect is even weirder. It turns out that there is really a pit."

Su Changsheng gasped.

In the fucking world, neighbors, relatives, friends, and even oneself are the source of crisis, danger is everywhere, and anyone who is negligent will meet Hades on the spot.

Thinking about it this way, I continue to infer that if Tu Shanya is a demon, she probably knows that her predecessor has practiced cicada for 17 years.

Later, he migrated here to check whether he had transformed.After all, as Cicada continued to practice for 17 years, her personality, physiology, etc. will change, and forgetting her past is one of them.

It's not even just forgetting the past, but being replaced by a "person" in the end.

"If you're just here to confirm your status, that's okay."

Su Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief.

He has been devoting himself to cultivation, living in the house, and rarely interacts with Tu Shanya, so there should be no flaws.

Even if it is the identity of transforming into a half-demon black snake, it has never been carried out in a half-demon land, but completely away from the half-demon land, using hidden runes to choose a remote place.

"But the last suspended animation escaped..."

Su Changsheng was a little hesitant, and thought for a long time, but finally felt that no flaws had been revealed.After all, in order to prevent his death from being discovered, he even used the extremely dangerous insect swarm toxin.

That death body was indeed poisoned to death by the poison of the swarm.

In fact, even if there are some simple flaws, if Tu Shanya is a demon, he already knows that he is the 'Longevity Daojun', the mirage technique and the right to life and death are no longer secrets, and all simple flaws will no longer be flaws.

"But at the moment when the picture was shattered, Tu Shanya suddenly raised her head... Can she still travel through time and space and observe her future self?"

This is what shocked him the most.The school of building Yin, and the means of its monsters, seem to be more weird than he imagined.

And as he continues to become stronger, after all the pits around him have been pulled out, he is getting closer and closer to the truth of "human".Right now, Tu Shanya is just one of them, and perhaps this will be the best opportunity for him to get in touch with the organization of Zhuyin Academy.

Even if he didn't want to face the words Changsheng Daojun, he would come to him one day!
This hurdle will eventually be passed.

(End of this chapter)

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