Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 126 Psychic sorcery! (seeking subscription)

Chapter 126 Psychic sorcery! (seeking subscription)

PS: Do you still have a monthly pass?Continue to codeword, no matter how late, there will be a second update.


Late night
It was drizzling outside.

The noisy monster village is rare to see quietness, and there are few monsters around the little monster village.

For most monsters, the continuous spring rain is not their favorite weather.

Take a little rest today.

Su Changsheng simply took advantage of the slightly dim light of the fluorite to look at some scrolls of animal skins presented by Bai Ling.

Among them, there are brief information about the Fox Book Demon League, basic explanations about the Four Beams and Eight Pillars, and a lot of strange knowledge.

Some he basically understands.

Some don't know it at all.

Even some information is messy, hard to figure out, and can only be seen tentatively.

At this moment, he is like a traveler who has been in the desert for a long time, eagerly absorbing the hard-won knowledge in front of him, and constantly filling his extremely scarce brain.

This is the benefit of joining the organization, otherwise he would have no way to obtain these animal skin scrolls in the face of the Black Mountain Demon Village where knowledge and information are severely blocked.

Although these scrolls only record some simple information, it is the most basic information that is the knowledge he needs most.

To understand a monster village, or even understand the mysterious and unpredictable core senior management of the monster village, one needs to start with the most basic knowledge, learn a little bit, deduce it, and then improve it.

"It turns out that the fox book demon alliance was established after the first eradication of the strange incident caused by the 17-year-old cicada. Compared with the core demon group such as minions and wolves, it is quite young."

"Hmm... The initiator turned out to be a ninth-level top monster clan whose limit is close to that of a big monster. It seems to be called the Nine Fox King. There is not much information about it... I think it should be the big guy at the core of the monster village."

"But why is it a fox again!"


Su Changsheng complained in his heart.

Now he gets annoyed when he sees foxes, especially male foxes, but it's okay for female foxes.

Looking through the animal skin scrolls, I found that many scrolls had the signature of the Nine Fox King on them, and these should all come from it.

He is a very knowledgeable monster.

However, there is very little relevant information about this top-level demon clan whose limit is close to that of a big demon. Now it is only known that this is one of the founders of the Fox Book Demon League.

As for other information, I don't know whether the Nine Fox Kings are male or female, male or female, half-demon or pure demon.

"The guy behind Fox Girl Xiaosi is most likely this big boss. No wonder he can become a talking monster of the Fox Book Demon League at the fourth level, and there is such a thick leg behind him."

"I want to hug my thigh too!"

Su Changsheng muttered to himself.

In addition, the monster group structure with four beams and eight pillars also attracted his attention.

According to these animal skin records, this setting is derived from a mysterious book.It records the structure of this group of monsters. Once the structure is completed, it will release some kind of mysterious power in the dark, which can effectively resist the invasion and pollution of 'humans'.

"Is that the book?"

Su Changsheng suddenly thought of the book that the embarrassing girl took out, which depicted a weird book with a huge fox.

It seems to be a very strange thing.

"Use the power of strange things to fight against strange things? If you seek skin from a tiger, aren't you afraid that one day you will be backlashed by the strange power?"

Frowning, subconsciously disgusted.For any strange power, he is extremely guarded and tries not to touch it if he can.

As for the origin of the fox book, it is said that it is also related to the Nine Fox King, but it is not known exactly how it came about.

This book has always been a taboo of the Fox Book Demon League, and some information about it is in an ambiguous state.

"The embarrassing girl is not easy!"

"Mother...the black widow and I are the only ones who are innocent, right?"

Su Changsheng looked around and found that among the four beams and eight pillars, he was the one who was inconspicuous and had no background.

A real grassroots snake!
However, these were not what he was looking for. There was definitely another secret in these animal skin scrolls, in order to complete the test and temptation of Fox Book Monster League again.

Flipping through it casually, Su Changsheng finally set his sights on the two animal skin scrolls: "Sorcerer's Relegation", "On the Possibility of Exploring the Possibility of Practicing Relegation on Earth Pillars - Nine Fox Kings".

"Witchcraft again?"

Su Changsheng became vigilant.

I used the purification talisman to 'clean' it a few times, and after confirming that there were no problems, I picked up the black magic book and scanned the content of the black magic.

His eyes gradually deepened.

This is a kind of spiritual shocking black art. When this art is activated, it will have a shocking and reprimanding effect.Similar to the abilities of Tiger Might and Wolf Howl.

The special magic structure can let the spiritual power mixed with the demon power radiate together, and have a deterrent effect on the monster race, all kinds of strange, strange beasts, deformed bodies, etc. that are lower than oneself.

"It's not exactly a spiritual witchcraft, it can only be said to be an approximation. It can make the evil wind that you emit carry special attributes."


Su Changsheng was secretly dumbfounded, this was the first time he had seen such an interesting sorcery, although it was not of the spiritual kind, but it was extremely similar.

However, he is naturally on guard against all sorcery, for fear of being tricked.So after carefully looking at it for a long time and confirming that there is no problem again and again, I feel a little relieved.

This technique is a bit complicated to practice, but it is not very difficult. Even those monsters with low aptitude can learn it successfully after a long time. It is a magic technique with good effect.

"Look again, don't worry!"

To be cautious, he picked up another animal skin, which recorded the possibility of ground-penetrating pillar research and assignment.

This is written by Nine Fox Kings.

It mainly records some essentials of studying and relegating. It turns out that this big boss Zeng Jin is also a ground-breaking pillar, which is equivalent to Su Changsheng's predecessor or former predecessor.

"It's no wonder that most of the animal skin scrolls Bai Ling gave me were written by this guy. It turned out to be the former stigma."

Su Changsheng said to himself.

Looking at the animal skin scroll in his hand, he gradually became clearer.

It turns out that the most difficult part of this black art is not its complicated and difficult black art structure.On the contrary, although the structure of this sorcery is slightly complicated, it can still be practiced successfully after careful study.

It belongs to the type that is easy to learn but difficult to practice.

The most difficult part of it is: this technique is close to the spiritual method, which requires the practitioners to be pure in spirit without any sign of pollution.

Anyone who has the slightest bit of spiritual pollution, especially being secretly bewitched by "people", is absolutely impossible to practice.

"I see."

"This is Bai Ling's last test. If they can't study successfully, it means there is something wrong. Whether it's from human pollution or the influence of the tortoise breath technique, in short, this will arouse their vigilance .”

"The last hurdle!"

Su Changsheng's face was cloudy and hesitant.

In front of him, it seems that the only way to go is to study and ban him, unless he completely gives up his identity as a half-demon black snake.

This is obviously not working.

The identity of the half-demon Black Snake may have been secretly targeted. It is too dangerous to give up at this juncture.

As for studying this technique...

He instinctively resisted this kind of sorcery that was easy to learn but difficult to practice.After all, there is a lesson learned from the past, and I was a little scared to be tricked by the turtle's breathing technique.

Although the problem of the cross-path tortoise's breath technique has been solved now, it has become one of his most important black arts.

But still afraid!
"It's still too cautious."

"I still have to practice!"

After weighing the pros and cons, Su Changsheng shook his head with a wry smile.

He also understands: If the Fox Book Demon League really wants to entrap him secretly, they have a lot of means at their disposal, and they can arrest him directly at the worst. Why do they take so many detours.

After all, I was bitten by a snake once and afraid of straw ropes for ten years.Under the paranoia of persecution, it made him seem to have problems with any sorcery.

Of course, the more important reason for studying it is because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. After all, even if there is a problem with this technique, it is a problem that needs to be faced in the future.

Sometimes when faced with a certain choice, you must persist, but you must also give up, as long as you keep moving towards the favorable side.

There are some disadvantages on the way, and we will worry about them later.

The most important thing for him right now is to firmly grasp his status as a four-beam and eight-poster, work hard to climb up, rely on the power of the Fox Book Demon League, and quickly make himself stronger.

When one's own strength can be fearless of any threat, those so-called dark pits will be like walking on the ground, not worth mentioning.

If Su Changsheng now possesses the strength of a high-level monster, and can slap to death the black tiger monster who finds fault, do you think he will still be afraid of the problem of the turtle's breath technique?
If you really dare to make trouble, just swallow it in one gulp and you're done.

"You can't let your guard down completely."

"Next, after stabilizing the identity of the four beams and eight pillars, we will use the power of the Fox Book Demon League to raise the runes such as the abbreviation talisman and purification talisman."

"Everyone is a family, so it's not too much to give some resources to practice. If these runes can break into the Xiaocheng level, then even if there is a problem with relegation, you can deal with it calmly."

"Even if there is a problem at the beginning of banishment, the proficient level of various magic runes, skills, and the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness that has been purified by the power of the purification runes can also be suppressed."

Su Changsheng thought clearly.

For the various situations that may be encountered in the future, I have made plans one by one, but I have fully reflected my cautious character.

However, studying the methods of changing various runes requires a lot of basic knowledge, and all of these require the power of the Fox Book Demon League.

At that time, he still needs to find a reason. After all, his "character design" belongs to the type who only knows how to practice, but doesn't know anything about magic runes.

There is no rush, just plan slowly.So practicing this sorcery now is not a big problem, it is completely under control.

"Anyway, this stuff is easy to learn but hard to practice. It doesn't need a high level, as long as it reaches the entry level."

Su Changsheng thought over and over again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he was ready to start studying.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, I still need to get started as soon as possible, after all, it has been delayed for more than a week.


three days later
A gust of evil wind suddenly rose from the stone house, and then swept across the surrounding area, a faint coercion enveloped a radius of ten meters, and the air was immediately cleared.

A few monsters happened to pass by from a distance, and before they approached the stone house, they felt unreasonable fear in their hearts, and subconsciously moved away from this place.

Looking around the stone house again, all kinds of deformed insects that came out due to the melting of winter snow and the coming of spring, crawled out of every dark and damp corner as if a catastrophe was imminent.

It almost formed a stream of insects, densely packed, and they all ran out in a panic, rolling and crawling.

The shock, fear, coercion, etc. in the demon wind made these little things feel fear and escape from their hearts.

"It's done!"

Su Changsheng was happy in his heart.

After practicing hard for three days, I finally broke through the threshold. It is said that it is easy to learn but difficult to practice, but it is not so easy.

"Tsk tsk..."

"There are so many bugs, it's a pity... there are almost no edible parts."

Looking at the deformed insects running away, he secretly said it's a pity again.

In spring and summer in the wilderness, there are many mutant insects and ants, but they are small in size and have almost no edible parts, so there are generally no monsters to hunt these things.

That is, those guys who can't live happily will choose to devour insects and ants. However, because of this, a large amount of pollution toxins have accumulated in their bodies, which is very prone to distortion and mutation.

Therefore, no monster race would eat these little bugs unless it was absolutely necessary.

"But this number is too much. Within a radius of only ten meters, there are so many deformed bugs hidden. In the entire demon village, even in the wilderness..."

Su Changsheng couldn't help but shuddered.

When I thought that I was in the same room with so many bugs every day, and even when I was practicing and sleeping, these bugs might crawl on my body and under me, so I couldn't help but released the magic spell twice.

Immediately, many snakes, insects, rats and ants that remained deep in the ground escaped.

He even saw a few centipedes with thick arms, small snakes the size of a palm, and a large number of small mice.

These are not monsters, but deformed monsters without the slightest intelligence.

"There are snakes, insects, rats and ants!"

"So many aberrations..."

Su Changsheng took a deep breath, his face a little gloomy.

This is not a good phenomenon. In the area where the monsters live in the monster village, there are so many deformed snakes, insects, rats and ants. How many are there in the wilderness?
You must know that once these things become large-scale and form dangerous things such as insect swarms and demon tides, then even high-level monsters will have to stay away and dare not touch their edge.

It has been rumored in the demon village that in the depths of the Black Mountains, there are occasional monster villages protected by big demons that were attacked by demon nests and insect swarms.

The huge swarm of insects was extremely dangerous, and they even caused the big monster to run away at one point.

Once anything becomes a scale, it will become extremely terrifying, and the power of destruction is incalculable.

"It's against the rules!"

"It's strange... the long winter of nearly half a year, the snow that is several meters thick, has not wiped out these small mutant insects?
"Not only are they not extinct, but there are so many of them..."

Su Changsheng was puzzled.

Something abnormal is a demon, which shows that some kind of unknown accident probably occurred among the mutant insects and ants, which caused the current situation.

It is very likely that some kind of large-scale mutant mother worm was born, or some kind of large-scale strange beast or strange substance.

Only they can reproduce and create so many mutant ants after a long winter.

He couldn't help but think of the aberrant rat disaster that caused a lot of turmoil in the outer layer of the demon village in winter.

My mind suddenly became heavy.

In the wild demon village, crises abound.

After finally surviving the winter, but facing the possibility of insect plagues, it is really difficult to live!
"Forget it, relegation is still important right now. When the sky falls, there will be big monsters to support it."

Su Changsheng shook his head, and looked back at his new sorcery: banished.

Getting Started with Relegation 25/100
I don't know if it's because his mental power is relatively clean and has not been polluted, or because the sea of ​​consciousness has been purified by the power of the purification talisman.

In short, he is very suitable for this evil technique of banishment.

In just three days, not only did the study succeed and reached the entry level, but also accumulated 25 points of experience.

There is quite a sense of handiness.

When the witchcraft is activated, the mental power can be easily fused with the demonic power. With the activation of the witchcraft, it will eventually disperse into the demonic wind, forming a shocking range covering a radius of ten meters.

This range is basically the maximum distance for his demon wind to radiate autonomously.

"The effect is also good."

"It's just an entry-level level. It has a slight deterrent effect on monsters below the third level, and it is even more deterrent to all kinds of distortions. I just don't know if it has any effect on ordinary monsters."

Su Changsheng is very satisfied with this sorcery, it is not much worse than the stone crushing technique, and the effect will be even better after reaching the level of proficiency.

And now he hasn't seen any hidden pits that may exist, which proves that the Fox Book Demon League really doesn't have too much malice towards him.

At least for now.

"In the middle of the month, there is another meeting of the Fox Book Demon League. But there is no need to wait until then. Let's go to the outer demon market today to have a look."

"Perhaps Bai Ling and the others are more anxious."

Action is worse than heartbeat, thinking of this, Su Changsheng fixed Dong XZ, set up rune traps and the like, and at the same time kept the shocking aura of being a fifth-level monster.

Blocking the door with boulders from the inside, he left the little demon's land secretly.

There was nothing he could do about it. Snake [-]rd Street was more chaotic, not as stable as the Snake [-]st and Snake [-]nd Streets he managed.

There are many monsters coming and going.

And he hasn't dug a deep tunnel yet, so if he really wants to leave casually, if he is noticed by a petty thief, it will be very easy to be stolen.

If this is the case, it will be a big loss, after all, there are many good things here, such as the body of the stone demon, the flesh and blood of the crocodile demon, and so on.

Be careful, it is necessary.


 Recommend a new book seedling
(End of this chapter)

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