Gou add some practice in the demon world

Chapter 116 Sprint to Level 5

Chapter 116 Sprint to Level [-]
For people's resistance!
It turns out that there are deep pits hidden in many forked-road sorcery, such as hidden 'people', also hidden weirdness, and fetters and coupling phenomena, etc.

And some specific black art skills, even a combination of several, such as the cross-path tortoise breathing technique.

It will not only produce fetters and coupling phenomena, but also hide a 'person' during the process of cultivation, and this person will secretly instill knowledge in you all the time, and induce you to be disoriented.

This situation, even just thinking about it, makes all the monsters feel their scalps go numb and their hairs stand on end.

Su Changsheng was even more so.

His shell is a monster, and his inside is a traveler of human beings from another world, so why not?
It's just that it's different from a shemale, he is a soul replacement, but the demon body is completely preserved.

It is a fortune in misfortune.

Otherwise, the monster's body has also changed, and it will be a big joke if it is mistaken for a human monster by other monsters.

However, as the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The people hidden in the cross-road magic can pollute the demon clan, so naturally there are demon clans that can naturally resist human pollution.

This is not uncommon in the Black Mountain Demon Village.And now the most famous one is...

"Black Tiger Demon!"

"It turned out to be it?"

Su Changsheng showed a dazed expression of astonishment and incomprehension.

Bai Ling nodded and continued: "That's right, it's the black tiger monster. It's also because it has a strong resistance to 'humans', so it didn't directly become a monster."

"However, the seventh level is already the end it can reach. As its cultivation level continues to improve, and the turtle's breath technique continues to operate in the body, it is already difficult for it to withstand human pollution."

"Of course, the upper echelons of the monster village think that the black tiger monster may have other problems, so they have been hesitant about whether to take action on it, and want to continue to observe it for a while."

"And this time, it's just that the few above want to see how far 'it' has grown."

Su Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and continued to ask: "Can the hidden people in the Crossroad Tortoise's Breathing Technique still grow?"


The one who answered turned out to be the owner of the Lingzhi shop. It was still covered in black mist and looked extremely mysterious.

Without waiting for Su Changsheng to react, just listen to it continue: "It should be said that it has been in a state of growth since the return of the unknown Black Mountain Demon King ten years ago. A few crops, but it has been growing steadily."

Su Changsheng frowned, becoming more and more puzzled, and said, "The higher-ups of the demon village, or the three great demons, won't take action?"

Hearing this, Bai Ling sighed slightly, and said: "It's not that easy, let alone how deep it hides, it's hard to find its trace, and there are so many avatars, it's even more difficult to pull it out. The upper echelons of the Yaozhai are helpless at all."

"What's more, the three big monsters may be able to do it, and they can easily erase its existence. But the three adults may have their own considerations, and they haven't made a move so far, so I don't know why."

"Forget it, stop talking about it."

Bai Ling shook her head, her expression became serious, she looked at the owner of the Lingzhi shop, and said, "Take out the things."

The latter hesitated for a while, and seemed to be in pain, but still stretched out an old arm from the black mist, holding a very complete spiritual plant on the arm.

It is the Snake Spirit Grass!
It's just that this Snake Spirit Grass is bigger than the one Su Changsheng saw in Pioneer Demon City, and the stamen snake body on it is also clearer, and even the pure white flower piece has a faint trace of pure red rhyme .

As soon as it appeared suddenly, the pervasive fragrance made Su Changsheng's whole body's qi and blood agitated, Yang Qi raised his head, and a fiery heat in his chest seemed to go straight to the sky.

This snake spirit grass is more than ten times stronger than the one he gave to the black tiger demon back then.

"This is……"

Su Changsheng vaguely guessed something, suppressed the shock in his heart, and looked at the Three Demons hesitantly.

This thing is a hot potato, although it is extremely precious, but he dare not take it.However, the current situation cannot be ignored.

Sure enough, Bai Ling continued: "The situation of the black tiger monster is unknown at the moment, and we really cannot deal with the monsters of level seven. In order to protect ourselves, we have to use some means to suppress the turtle's breathing technique in the body to prevent bond coupling. In addition to the occurrence of the phenomenon, another kind of resistance needs to be found to resist the pollution that 'it' imposes."

"This is you!"

"After you have been promoted to the fifth level, you can provide us with a part of the demon power, just like the protection of the great demon, covering the demon body for us and creating a certain isolation from 'it'."

That's it!

Su Changsheng suddenly realized.

No wonder the Three Demons would provide him with this spiritual plant. It turned out that he was fancying that he could resist the human pollution hidden in the turtle's breathing technique.

After all, the problem of cross-road tortoise's breath technique, besides bond coupling, is more serious precisely because of the 'it' hidden in the monster's body where, where, and where.

This is the source of the danger.

Even the fetter coupling phenomenon is related to it to a certain extent.

It can arouse the pollution of the cross-path tortoise breathing technique at will, causing the subject to appear in the distorted form with bloody handprints all over the body.

And Su Changsheng's small-level mirage technique is just not afraid of it, even facing its temptation, he doesn't even bother to move, acting like who are you, whoever you are, whoever you are, I don't bother to care about you .

In this way, it successfully caused the misunderstanding of the fox girl Xiao Si and other demons, mistakenly thinking that he is as strong as the black tiger demon and has strong resistance to it.

But it's not wrong to say that.

Su Changsheng did have an extraordinary resistance to it.It's just that it's not clear whether this resistance can protect other monsters through monster energy.

Therefore, facing this precious spiritual plant, he didn't want to pick it up.

The demon must be self-aware, his identity is fake, and his cultivation demon equipment is fake, if he really wants to accept this spiritual plant, he will definitely be in trouble in the future.

There is even a risk of exposure.

Can't accept it!
But...can't refuse either.

He has no reason to refuse at all. Once he refuses, it will be equivalent to cutting himself off from the Fox Book Demon League, which will lead to even greater troubles.

What should I do?

You can't just run away with Lingzhi, right?

Su Changsheng's eyes lit up, but he looked at the mysterious Bai Ling beside him, and finally shook his head secretly.

The risk of running away is also great.

Not advisable.

'It seems that I can only accept it temporarily, and take a step forward. '

The above mental activities just flashed through his mind in a short moment. Su Changsheng looked at the Three Demons, fixed his eyes on Lingzhi, and showed a trace of enthusiasm in due course.

"It seems you understand?"

"That's right, this spiritual plant is for you. You can use it to upgrade to level five, and then protect us for a while."

"It doesn't take too long. Before the rainy season comes, the incident of the black tiger demon will be completely over, and it will either die or hide again. At that time, you can remove the protection of the demon power."

Bai Ling explained softly.

But the fox girl Xiaosi pouted, looked at Su Changsheng and said in a low voice, "You are lucky too, if Bai Ling hadn't repeatedly recommended you, saying that you have very good cultivation aptitude, and you really have a lot of knowledge about it." Strong resistance, we will not choose you."

"But you won't abscond with the money, will you?"

Fox Girl Xiaosi paused suddenly, her eyes fixed on Su Changsheng.

"Ahem... How is that possible!" Su Changsheng coughed, and said helplessly, "The Black Mountain Demon Village is so big, even if I want to escape, I can't escape from this range. With the ability of the Fox Book Demon League, I can Where are you fleeing to?"

"That's true!" Fox Girl Xiaosi nodded, and continued, as if you were very sensible, "Then I'll give it to you. In fact, with your aptitude, you don't need such a big snake spirit grass at all, but It's your compensation."

"After all, with your resistance, you are not afraid of its pollution at all. This time it is a unilateral contribution to our Fox Book Demon League. If you have other requirements, you can also talk to Bai Ling or me in detail. Naturally, it can be done. I've done it for you."

"Our Fox Book Demon League never treats meritorious ministers badly. How do you say that human beings say: the big boss of human beings does not send hungry little monsters."

It must be the emperor's hungry soldiers!

Su Changsheng didn't bother to complain anymore, he took the Snake Spirit Grass, endured the agitation of blood caused by its spiritual energy, and looked at the owner of the spiritual plant shop.

He didn't know how to use this thing at all, and he even heard the name Snake Spirit Grass from the Black Tiger Demon.

"This thing is called Snake Spirit Grass."

"It was discovered in a deep cave in Beishan Mountain during the first pioneering exploration. At that time, apart from a huge snake slough, this piece of snake spirit grass was in the deep cave."

"As for its effect, our Lingzhi shop has conducted rigorous experiments and found that it has the effect of enhancing qi and blood and accelerating circulation and regeneration, especially for snake monsters."

"But this is not its biggest effect. Have you seen the snake-shaped stamen?" The Lingzhi stall owner pointed to the stamen, and continued with a hoarse voice:
"The snake-shaped thing in the stamen is the most precious part of this thing. It has a strong aphrodisiac effect. After taking it, the strong yang energy will burst out from the heart and fill the whole body, and then temper the whole body's blood and demon body. , and even bloodlines, and ultimately help the monster break through the realm and advance to a higher level."

"And during this process, the strong yang energy can also help you remove the slight pollution in the demon body, and the effect is many times stronger than ordinary purification techniques."

"And your Snake Spirit Grass is one of the best in the original batch. It is at least 50 years old, and its medicinal power is also very strong. But I suggest you take it at the top of the fourth level, so that it will be easier to break through the fifth level."

"As for other effects, it has many magical effects, especially the snake-shaped stamen. After you take it, you will slowly experience it."

After saying this, it still seemed a little reluctant, and murmured: "Hey, this thing should be made into pills. Good luck to you, this is a newly discovered spiritual plant, and the corresponding pill has not been researched yet. Fang, otherwise how could it be used like this.”

"It's a waste of money!"

"Take it, take it!"

"Cultivate to the fifth level quickly, if you can't reach it, Grandpa, I will definitely skin you!"

Su Changsheng looked at the Snake Spirit Grass in his hand, then froze it with his own ice, then found an animal skin bag and carried it behind his back.

And after doing all this, I saw that the fox girl Xiaosi and the owner of the Lingzhi shop had left without saying goodbye, and only Bai Ling was left here.

"Although it's presumptuous to say this, you really don't have to worry about us having other thoughts. Since you have already entered my long beam, we will not explore anything about you."

"Everyone is a fateful monster, bound by the cross-path tortoise breath technique and unable to extricate themselves. Helping you is helping ourselves."

"Also, the Snake Spirit Grass is very special, and its strong yang energy can't leave any traces of black magic, so you don't have to worry about us tampering with it."

Bai Ling said it very straightforwardly, she seemed to see the worry in Su Changsheng's heart.After all, in the middle of the wilderness, there are dangers everywhere. Faced with such a good thing, most of the monsters must have doubts.

She is also a person with a keen mind and strong insight.

"Okay, this meeting is completely over. You should practice hard and strive to be promoted to the fifth level as soon as possible."

"The time left for us...is running out."

After saying this, Bai Ling wagged her tail and left the place.


"Do you need to follow him?"

On a high platform, the eagle demon chick condescendingly watched Su Changsheng who left in a snake shape, and was eager to try.

"Follow, follow, you know how to follow! You are not afraid to follow and feed the snake!"

"You can't raise your head. How many times have you suffered losses?"

The fox girl Xiao Si didn't get angry, and slapped the eagle demon's head fiercely, making a bang bang sound.

It took her a long time to hear her continue: "Now this black snake is a monster of Changliang, so don't mess with him. Once that lunatic Bai Ling gets angry, I can't resist it."

"And... what exactly is she and Lingxian planning this time, I can't figure it out for a while. Let's take a look again. I always feel that the two of them have some tricks in private."



Su Changsheng disguised himself all the way and used many runes, including the purification talisman of the proficient level, the occult talisman, and even the abbreviation talisman.

But even so, he didn't go back home directly, but found a house that had been secretly prepared a long time ago in Xiaoyaodi Snake Street, and got in.

He simply changed the appearance of this house into a snake-like family by relying on the turtle's breath technique and many runes, and then secretly bought it under the guise of a third-level demon from Snake Third Street.

And in order to erase the last trace, he even hinted that the big toad, Catwoman, etc. took action to deal with a batch of thorns from Snake Third Street. Went to the frontier.

According to the memories of the big toad, this group of guys are already dead and can't die anymore.And the stone house that Su Changsheng secretly set up has naturally become the secret residence of the half-demon Black Snake.

Even if a monster finds that the half-demon Black Snake lives here, it will not be connected with the main body.

Although what he did was not perfect, it was within his capabilities.

This stone house also leaned against the rock wall at the back, Su Changsheng simply dug a hole, put the frozen snake spirit grass away, and carefully recalled all the experiences of today.

after a long time

After confirming that there were no omissions, he looked at the snake spirit grass again.

Level five seems to be just around the corner!
But when the breakthrough was approaching, Su Changsheng hesitated again.

The wild demon village is full of dangers!
How can there be a pie in the sky!


 No matter how late, no matter how painful it is, if you agree on the second update, there will be a second update, still four thousand words!

(End of this chapter)

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