
Chapter 821 The spring breeze will not change the old wave (please vote for me!)

Chapter 821 The spring breeze will not change the old wave (please vote for me!)

broken!Could it be that the group of remnants of the old cultivators had penetrated the narrow battlefield and were heading straight towards the two realms of heaven!

In this flash of lightning, he saw the bloody figures crossing the dim and turbulent world. Only this thought appeared in Zen Master Yuehua's mind.

From the collapse of Bailu Mountain in the Nine Chambers of Baoxian, to the entire world floating like a floating ball, and only now have we gained insight into the truth of the Hunmist Method...

Before he could come to his senses at this moment, why did the most famous evil stars among the remnants of the old cultivator rush here directly like this?
Of course Zen Master Yuehua recognized them.

In other words, in fact, there are no monks from the old and new paths who don't know them.

At a certain moment, Zen Master Yuehua even just thought of their names and feet, and what they had done, he almost felt fear coming from his heart!

After all, this is a "prodigy rookie" who has already become famous in the era of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Furthermore, after the shocking changes in that period, they have been fighting each other since the beginning of the separation of the old and the new. Live to this day.

Those who are more talented than them and those who are weaker than them; those who are higher in Taoism and Dharma than they are... As long as they are not as outstanding in the way of killing, whether they are seniors or contemporaries, they are Or the descendants are all dead.

Only they survived.

Perhaps there were various chances and coincidences in escaping that shocking change earlier, but after that, during the long years, they really relied on their increasingly popular killing methods!
How many years they have lived, that is how many years of blood and tears, it has nothing to do with the old and the new, or the good and evil that may exist.

That is the fear that anyone who has a deep understanding of the concept of living beings is destined to have!

When was the last time such evil stars took action?
Zen Master Yuehua was in a trance. It seemed that this was the first time he had really seen such a scene since he was born. Earlier, he had personally experienced the bloody battle across the rapids on the ancient road, and occasionally only saw one or two of them. Such an evil star shines in the dojo and hangs high to show that it is suppressing the formation.

Furthermore, when Zen Master Yuehua recalled the stories he had heard from the sages and the fragments of words he had seen in the pile of old papers, in a daze, there seemed to be a torrent of thunder across his memory.

Probably, the last time these old and new evil stars appeared among the monks of the old and new paths was when they were fighting for the small realm of purity and emptiness and the great realm of emptiness and light.

That was truly the most brutal bloody battle recorded in history. In the process of fighting and attacking each other, they fought until the two realms merged into the realm of Clear Void and Tomorrow, and then fought until the realm of Clear Void and Tomorrow. The origin of all phenomena in the tomorrow world collapsed.

That world was completely destroyed in the process of the unbearable Taoism and murderous intent.

One world is in ruins, and the other is dead.

Also along with the destruction of the origin of all phenomena, there were hundreds of millions of beings in the two ancient worlds who had not yet had time to transfer.

The curtain of death comes so quickly and falls so ruthlessly.

And precisely because of this, since then, all the evil stars, both old and new, have awakened and restrained themselves. In the bloody battles that followed, as long as the intensity was not too high and the passes they fought for were not enough, Under the important premise, neither the old nor the new monks have ever had so many evil stars appear together.

Perhaps when the scene recorded in the ancient books comes to reality again, it is time for this battle between the old and the new that has lasted for countless years to come to a final conclusion.

But Zen Master Yuehua never thought that this day would come so quickly!
Even if we follow the memory of Zen Master Yuehua, these monks carrying the evil spirit of blood and desolate atmosphere are only part of the evil stars, but it is a rare thing in ancient and modern times for such a large number of evil stars to appear together!

I'm afraid, these evil stars are also terrifyingly old.

But in fact, it is precisely this indifference in facing the desolation and decay that makes the fear seem to be far worse than in the past!

Soon, Zen Master Yuehua's thoughts and eyes were like lightning, causing the Zen Master to turn his gaze and look at the floating ball on the river flowing down the river again.

Now, from a distance, only a hazy outline can be seen with great difficulty.

Zen Master Yuehua finally understood that at this moment, although it was not the end of the Dingding, the remnants of the old cultivators were fighting for the realm of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian with an attitude of welcoming the end of the Dingding.

When on earth could the remnants of the old cultivators be able to make such a decisive decision?
You must know that the movement of the realm of Baoxian Nine Chambers is only a matter of this moment.

The Zen master would not have known that long ago, cultivators in the realm of Shangqing Yuping had made a promise to a descendant they had never met through the mouth of the fifth chime.

As long as the realm of Baoxian Nine Chambers can be moved, the cultivators will take the initiative to guide it and ensure that everything is safe on the turbulent ancient road!
Teach Chu Weiyang and Wu Qing how to move the world, and teach them how to protect safety!
Zen masters don't know this.

But at this moment, after truly witnessing such a scene, the Zen Master knew that he had not lost unjustly.

Then, in the next moment, Zen Master Yuehua looked at the bloody glow at the end of his field of vision again, crossing the twilight world.

That was the picture of the bloody battlefield that followed.

Almost as soon as the evil stars of the ancient monks crossed over, the blood in the true divine haze almost boiled.

Even at a certain moment, the boiling blood light was no longer just a reflection of spiritual light. If you look carefully, you can see real but hazy figures flashing away.

That is the real person in the divine realm in the realm of Baoxian Nine Chambers.

They were the pioneers of the two worlds, and almost tried their best to rush into the front line of the battlefield to fight with people. However, due to such efforts, they ushered in the ending that their "hometown" was about to become a "foreign land".

In this twilight world, except for those who have experienced it, such as Zen Master, Chu Weiyang and Wu Qing, the ones who have the most vivid impression of the transformation of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian are these real monks of the divine realm. .

Even earlier, when the Zen master took action one after another, the Xumi barrier torn apart by the sky and the earth, and the beautiful mountains and rivers torn apart in an instant by the Xumi storm and the dim torrents, there were certain people's dojo!

Almost instantly, in such an incredible change, especially when seeing the figure of the evil stars that had penetrated the entire long and narrow battlefield and escaped into the air, the true giant of immortality in the realm of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian We can no longer deal with it calmly.

They almost subconsciously made a decision to turn around and break away from this bloody battlefield, whether it was to return to the realm of Baoxian Nine Chambers to stabilize the overall situation and protect their own dojo, or to work together to stop these evil stars. their process.No matter what the purpose is, it is always better to think of something to do in this moment than to do nothing.

However, it was at this moment that the even more astonishing sounds of shouting and cursing almost overlapped with the clear sound of laughter.

You must know that it is not just the monks from the Nine Chambers of Baoxian who have been attacking for a long time in that narrow and bloody battlefield!They are cultivating the forerunners for the two realms of heaven, but they are only the forerunners!

Also joining them in attacking the narrow line of defense of the remnants of the old cultivators are the equally countless Heavenly Cultivators of the Two Worlds!

Either they are mixed together in a killing formation and attack together, or they cooperate with each other, but also according to the position of the Nine Palaces and Stars.

But at this moment, as the cultivators in the nine realms of Baoxian lost their positions one after another in fear, and followed their instincts to turn their bodies, they were not the ones who were hit hard first. , but the two realms of heavenly cultivation that were affected!
In such a high-intensity attack, the confrontation and testing itself may be very long, but the decisive battle and victory are often only found in a moment of opportunity.

In an instant, an unknown number of cultivators from both realms were either dead or injured at this moment!
At the same time as the shouts and curses, whether directed at the ancient monks or the monks from the Nine Chambers of Precious Immortal, were heard, the laughter of the ancient monks became more and more majestic and raging. In the middle, the same fierce Qi machine covers all the Hunmen Faxin Dao monks.

Want to leave?It's not that easy!

The offensive and defensive situation is easy!
Of course, the moment of panic did not mean that the ancient monks had an advantage on this narrow battlefield.

Especially after the feeling of change in the realm of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian inspired the true murderous thoughts of these Hunmeng monks.

At this moment, the place where the ancient monks really began to die was not in the Holy Golden Palace, not in front of Emperor Xuanyun, or any of the evil stars flying across the sky.

Rather, in a certain corner of this long and narrow battlefield, in one of the successive corners, those ordinary monks, who may not have gained much fame even today, first created the prelude to this chapter of blood and tears.

As promised long ago, no new monk is allowed to escape from this bloody battlefield!

As a result, the long and narrow blood light suddenly flourished in the sky, and in the red color across the sky and fields, there were the blurry figures that suddenly appeared, struggling, and had to be submerged again.

Such a violent scene shook Zen Master Yuehua's mind.

"Crazy - what a bunch of crazy people -"

"I can't save a world of beings, I can't save so many people..."

"I can only cross myself——"

With such soft sighs, in an instant, Zen Master Yuehua turned around and disappeared into the dim mist.
In the boundary of Baoxian Nine Chambers, over Zhongzhou, Chu Weiyang and the fifth chime stood side by side in the sky.

On the one hand, they have the "Jade Book", and on the other hand, they have the map of the ancient roads of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Although they may not be so accurate, they can also deduce this "floating ball" based on the anchoring and judgment of the local charm. Where did it go with the current?

Closer, closer.

And it was at this moment that a rare look of hesitation appeared on Wu Qing's face.

"According to what the elders said, when they are at such a close distance, it is time to reveal the charm of Taoism to teach them to more accurately anchor this world in advance and arrange how to lead the world of Baoxian Nine Chambers."

Having said this, the fifth chime pushed the "Jade Book" in his hand towards Chu Weiyang.

"Junior brother, are you and I coming together?"

When he heard this, Chu Weiyang just smiled softly.

When the Taoist raised his hand, the aura of his body diminished. In this moment, it was just the "Five Zangs and Food Qi Jing Jue" turning around, just the five-color radiance rising, just... just the Xuanming Dan Cauldron!

"it is good!"

Only the mirror lake water in front of the door, the spring breeze does not change the old waves.
At the same time, in the long and narrow battlefield, suddenly, along with the dim and chaotic world that was still far away, two faint but real charms soared into the sky.

In the crowd, an old Taoist punched out, and the simple five-color divine flower turned into a mysterious light. When everything disappeared, only a rain of blood was left.

Then, the old Taoist seemed to be in a trance, looking blankly at the place where the charm was revealed.

At this moment, another old Taoist, wearing a dark green robe, walked on the World-Destroying Glacier. At this moment, he arrived near the old Taoist.

"Lao Xing! Lao Xing! Are you feeling it?"

When he heard this, the old Taoist priest suddenly seemed to come back to his senses and grinned.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! This is my Qingding Peak... No! This is the descendant of my Xuanming Danding lineage!"

"Hahaha! It's Ji! It's Ji! It's my Xie family's method! It's Yunji Sutra! Yunji Sutra!"

The two of them laughed loudly, and at the same time, they suddenly looked at each other in the rain of blood all over the sky.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go - go - go -"

"Kill! Kill! Kill—!"
"Volume [-]: Half an acre of Dantian is planted with golden millet, and a Ganoderma lucidum flower is fragrant" Ending
 ps: Of course I haven’t finished writing this plot yet, but I suddenly felt that it was just right for this volume to stop here.The end of volume six.

(End of this chapter)

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