
Chapter 796: Close to the End of the World 2 Phase Movement (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 796: So close and so far apart (please subscribe!)

At first, perhaps it was just the late arrival and disappearance of a heavy rain, the change of wind direction and the increase or decrease in strength in the mountains, or the thin mist that dispersed in the mountains and fields in the early morning that suddenly did not abate throughout the day on one day, and continued to grow throughout the day. After that, it became thicker little by little, and the dark gray color that represented Sumeru was dispersed in the thickness.

When the dots are connected into a line, the winding and narrow traces that originally only existed on the silk map that Chu Weiyang observed, and only existed in Chu Weiyang's thoughts and thoughts, truly appear in the east. Between earth and heaven.

The interweaving and resonance of the charms between the supreme talisman formations converged into a torrent of seal patterns at this moment.

And it was during this process that the continuous mountain wind was once again connected into a corridor. In an instant, the earth's energy was steaming all over the mountains and plains. In the increasingly fierce wind, the power of Sumeru was gradually drawn from all directions. , was carried into the strong wind.

Everything is like a reenactment of what happened in Xi Tu in the past.

The only difference from the past is that although at this moment, the shocking change in Bailu Mountain did not attract everyone's attention, the cultivators standing at the head of the Baijie Yunfang boat worked together to form two supreme The talisman formation reflected two completely different directions towards Dongtu at the same time.

In an instant, in the metaphysical realm, the dark gray mist wrapped around the Baijie Yunfang became extremely strong for a while. Soon, in the process of such wrapping, a more hazy scene gradually appeared, reflected in the Deeper in the mist, there seemed to be a corner of the spiritual floating cave sky, reflected like this behind the hundred realms of clouds.

And with the reflection of the corner of the cave sky, in an instant, a sea-eye vortex formed by some kind of Sumeru storm also seemed to swallow up the scene, and so straightly swallowed the "Dharma, Heaven and Earth· Convince" that seemed to be constant in the storm vortex. His charm also penetrated the two supreme talisman formations.

So, at the moment when the true atmosphere of the continuous mountains and fields was completely connected, a thunder that shook at least a quarter of the vast eastern land in that flash exploded!

And it was precisely with the explosion of thunder that the power of pure Sumeru vibration was transmitted to the rolling mountains and fields through the winding and rugged narrow storm corridor in an instant, and in an instant, it took over the road. The connection between the earth energy caused by the law and Sumeru.

And further aroused the supreme power of destruction of nature, actively pushing the change itself to successive transformations and sublimations.

So, naturally, the sudden raging wind transformed the corridor that was originally filled with smoke, dust and mist into a corridor filled with pure Sumeru wind.

In the process of the supreme power of nature between heaven and earth truly pulling the Sumeru Barrier of the Great Realm, the destructive force originating from nature has already taken a step forward before transforming this long and narrow corridor into a pure void crack. All human traces of Taoism and talisman formations were erased.

And the reason why there is such a raging flame is that at this moment, the power that truly gathers the cultivators actively pulls the soul that has been explored and emptied by the cultivators, leaving only the pure Sumeru. The fragment of the world itself.

They took the initiative to pry open a corner of the Sumeru world from the level of Taoism, and then caused it to turn into a storm of pure Sumeru power in the process of active collapse.

After all, whether it is the power of Sumeru itself, whether it is the empty shell of the universe that swallows up the world of refining, or the storm itself of refining Sumeru, it makes no difference to the dojo cave.

Then, accompanied by such a rumbling vibration, it really resounded throughout the world, and looking from a distance, one could still see Dongtu's figures wrapped in golden auras escaping into the air. And when it comes.

Almost at the same time, the second talisman formation once again carried the charm of Xumi Taoism and penetrated towards another place between heaven and earth.

It's just different from the rough process of dealing with the previous Sumeru fragment.

This time, as the charm of a different supreme talisman array began to intertwine and resonate with the fragments of this closed ancient world, the same reflection of the charm of the talisman array was reflected. This is Shi Yuting’s Way of Hundred Flowers and Sumeru.

Care about this, care about that.

In this moment of connection between the Sumeru of different worlds, through a certain connection between Taoism and the barrier of that realm, Shi Yuting is gradually inducing the Sumeru behind him who belongs to the Lingfu Cave Heaven. The power, as well as the charm and pulling power in the power of Sumeru.

In this way, the interaction between the qi and the ancient world made the connection closer. At the same time, the Suijiao Lingfu Cave Heaven began to continuously involve the Sumeru Barrier, and in the process of pulling it, it began to eat away at it bit by bit. To that ancient world.

Today's Lingfu Cave Heaven no longer resists the rotten connotation of the ancient world, and the aura of all the turbid evils that have settled over the years can also be used through the rotation of yin and yang, through the Fengdu. The portal can be sharpened and "recast".

However, compared to the mild antecedents and encroaching on the ancient world just now, the cultivators still bring about endless rumbling vibrations originating from the power of Sumeru itself.

In fact, the collapse of that realm into the Sumeru Storm earlier was a violent riot that had never happened before when he died.

The overlapping of the Sumeru Barriers in the Western Land in the past was only the source of natural power drawn by the aftermath of the actual shock when Chu Weiyang's Xuanhuang Baobing devoured the ancient world.

That is what the cultivators today are motivating the ancient world to do.The two different forms of Xumi power rioting one after another also truly showed at this moment that the world was changing more rapidly.

It seemed that the thunderbolt had erupted within a few breaths. Before the cultivators from the Eastern Land could reach the place where the storm was, the corridor formed by the raging storm was accompanied by the following... The continuous rumbling thunder no longer had such a flash of explosion, but the continuity of the shock itself made the destructive power of heaven and earth itself quickly become a material phenomenon.

It was a great curtain that isolated and destroyed all Tao and Dharma, falling between heaven and earth, falling in the storm. Then, following the corridor of the storm, a void rift was born that swallowed up everything in heaven and earth, and in this For a moment, the devouring power itself drove the spread of the storm, and then included the wider and higher heaven and earth in it.

All the processes are even worse than the catastrophe in the Western Earth, not only in terms of speed, but also in terms of the speed of the catastrophe itself, the cracks of nothingness swallowing up all kinds of crazy processes!

And when this process itself is reflected in the cave sky of the dojo, it is that its devouring of the ancient world is still slowly proceeding, but the devouring of the pure Sumeru storm power starts from the initiative of the storm vortex. The pulling turned into the active and crazy influx of the power of Sumeru that was dizzy and continued to be dizzy.

Naturally, such a sudden change almost aroused Zen Master Yuehua in the distance in a more rapid process.

When his figure appeared in the sky, the folding process of the Sumeru Barrier between the heaven and the earth in the east had already begun, and under the premise of being unstoppable, it became far crazier than in the west.

More of the world was entangled in the crack of nothingness. What even surprised Zen Master Yuehua was that this time, the crack itself was also lengthened in the process of being entangled. Come on!
From the scale that truly spans the east and west of the Eastern Land, after truly extending the tentacles themselves to the limit, they have further expanded into the scope of the heaven and earth in Zhongzhou!
In the vast and lofty world of monks, the southeast, northwest, and north are not just directions. The separation between regions also has a certain Taoist concept of fortune and Feng Shui in many fields.

At this moment, after the extension of the void crack slowly crossed the boundary of this region, it suddenly flourished in an extremely slender way.

Even at this moment, the stretching crack of nothingness itself is still very weak and slender, but it has truly begun to entangle and encroach on the universe of heaven and earth!

This almost means that even if Zen Master Yuehua wants to fill it with the essence of the aura of heaven and earth, it will have to arouse a rich aura that is far better than in the past!
The spiritual essence of heaven and earth itself can be born according to the cycle of Taoism, but excessive loss in this short period of time will eventually shake the foundation of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian from another level.

This is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst!

But in this flash of lightning, Zen Master Yuehua could no longer help but feel hesitant.

After all, it is the lesser of two evils. In just this moment of hesitation, Zen Master Yuehua had already felt some kind of shaking feeling that the dome of the cultivation realm was faintly about to fall. He felt something from the spiritual essence of living beings. A feeling of "darkness before your eyes".

And it was at this time that such thoughts jumped into Zen Master Yuehua's mind.

The aura that filled the sky suddenly condensed in the sky in the realm of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian.

Furthermore, without waiting for Zen Master Yuehua to use his secret method, the volume of the "Jade Book" suddenly hung in the sky in the realm of the Nine Chambers of Baoxian.

Furthermore, the aura on the "Jade Book" that surged like the ocean tide condensed itself, and the clear jade light like a vast ocean suddenly shone towards the heaven and earth hole in southern Xinjiang at this flashing moment.

The next moment, it was as if thunder from the sky had triggered fire on the ground.

The clear jade light led to the sudden rise of the Taoist charm. During the dispersion of the gilded divine flower, the figure of Elder Xuanhe of the Wujin Sect was revealed in the air.

At this moment, the Taoist seemed to be immersed in his own world of Taoism, forgetting himself and entering into concentration. Even the thunder in the east could not shake him.

And in such selflessness, with the accumulation of abundant inspiration, the Taoist finally picked up the cloud-sea azure talisman pen and landed on that page of talisman paper——

"Xuanhe Fazu Yuan Shuo Nine Yuan Spirit Form True Nature Symbol Formation Blood Flower Sutra"

And as the ancient seal patterns fell one after another on the talisman paper, it was the same mysterious voice, telling Zen Master Yuehua that the dome of the cultivation realm was falling, and that in such a In the process of falling bit by bit, Zen Master Yuehua appeared on the verge of collapse.

The "Jade Album" was hung just a short distance away, yet it seemed as far away as the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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