
Chapter 702: The spirit chants loudly and moves strangely (3 updates!)

Chapter 702: Thousands of chants and strange movements (third update!)

In the flash of lightning, almost when the spiritual light shone into the dim world, it had not yet completely transformed into the jelly-like vitality sea water.

Chu Weiyang, who was also swept up in this aura, immediately lifted his figure out of the air and immediately escaped into the mysterious metaphysical realm.

The concept of the existence of form and spirit was dimmed little by little. In the same place, the talisman and seal patterns of the true form were revealed one after another. Moreover, at this moment, Chu Weiyang had not maintained his true form. Those talisman and seal patterns In the metaphysical realm, it is scattered into a cloud of colorful spiritual light that is as thick as a mist.

Furthermore, with such changes, the various colorful auras in the clouds and mist intertwined and resonated with each other. Almost in an instant, the colorful auras disappeared. In the original place, there was only a group of dim yellow turbidity swirling. At first glance, When it passed away, its color was hazy, just like the hazy world outside the metaphysical realm.

After doing this, Chu Weiyang carefully looked at the aura of vitality that shone in the dim world, and looked in the direction in which the aura was drifting away.

Chu Weiyang couldn't help but be so cautious.

Because all the sudden changes are really too abnormal!
The Three Yuan Ji Zhen Realm has been in a state of continuous expansion for a long time, and it is precisely because of this long-lasting state of expansion that when the cracks in the door suddenly appeared, it was just a continuous state of expansion. Devouring and absorbing those dim and turbid currents from the sky.

This is not a moment where the two worlds are connected to each other without any change. There may be turbulent currents in which the Qi of each other is entangled with each other and flows into each other.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Chu Weiyang was very suspicious that there was some strange existence, relying on the influx of the dim and turbid current, plotting something in reverse, and carrying out some kind of bad "fishing"!
Precisely because of this thought, Chu Weiyang was so decisive that he covered his figure in the metaphysical realm.

Immediately afterwards, under Chu Weiyang's gaze, the spiritual light dissipated, and almost instantly, a majestic mist of dim light rose up. When looking carefully, there was something like a faint light in the afterglow. There is also a colorful aura with a little bit of the charm of Baihua Taoism.

Just like the turbid flow pouring into the great abyss, the turbid flow of vitality is transforming from disorder to order. From the turbid state of mixed evil spirits, the intention is to follow the rhythm of Tao and Dharma and transform into Clear and clear energy.

At this moment, when this nectar accumulated in the depths of the great abyss turns into a vast torrent of vitality, and is revealed in the dim world, a certain transformation from order to disorder has already begun.

As the dim light mist swirled and swirled in the transpiration process, Chu Weiyang could clearly see the collision between the subtle and colorful colors in the afterglow, and in this flash of constant collision, it seemed that Thousands of empirical methods have been completed one after another, and then, in some of the most natural changes, these colorful spiritual lights collided together with the mist.

In the splash of aura dust, a certain pure turbid yellow color that is closer to this turbulent world emerges!
But when you look at it like this, the pure and simple turbid charm seems to be more authentic than the dim clouds and mist that Chu Weiyang himself evolved in the metaphysical realm.

So at this moment, Chu Weiyang paid attention to the natural dim changes, and then continuously adjusted the dim haze formed by the seal patterns on his body.

Gradually, it became more than just a resemblance, but a complete integration with this twilight world.

And while Chu Weiyang was slowly adjusting his very subtle changes, the majestic torrent of nectar and vitality that was suddenly swept out of the sky was also in the process of such collision and change. Almost half of it was still there. There was so much water vapor that the original dim light turned into a hazy yellow color.

It seems that except for such changes, there is no strange existence in the dim and chaotic world that makes Chu Weiyang be overly cautious.

No one was fishing, it was just Chu Weiyang who was scaring himself.

But Chu Weiyang did not change his body shape. He was still dormant in the metaphysical realm, watching everything quietly.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths.

Standing outside the sky in the twilight world, there is no up and down world, and together with it, the power of time and years that changes in the four seasons seems to be hazy and blurred.

So, in the unreal change of time, finally at a certain moment, in the suspended dim and turbid current, suddenly, there was a figure slowly turning from nothing to something.

Amidst the change of presence and absence, a vague ferocious outline appeared. Gradually, as the ferocious outline approached, the dim yellow turbidity dissipated little by little, and then Chu, who was stationed in the metaphysical realm, Wei Yang, saw that figure clearly.

This animal's figure, when viewed from the side, looks roughly like a humanoid. However, when one looks at it truly, the humanoid appearance is almost similar to that of Chu Weiyang who was inspired by the poisonous energy of the five aggregates. It looks like a ferocious and terrifying thing after it smudges by itself.

Those thick, elephant-like legs were covered with tough horniness that seemed to be some kind of rugged sarcomas that were tightly packed together. Perhaps those sarcomas had been damaged, or perhaps they had suffered something irreparable in the past. The wounds, no part of the horny surface looked smooth, everything looked rugged and ferocious.

Moreover, the thick "elephant legs" became a little "thin" from top to bottom. Further down, among the rugged and horny gaps squeezed by the sarcoma, there were some complete or fragmented legs of different lengths and sizes. Dark red scales grew from the gaps and from the sarcoma.

They were densely illuminated, pieced together into a hideous and terrifying battle armor, and at the very end of the battle armor, the person did not have feet, but two cow hooves reflected at the ankles.And when looking up, on the upper and thicker part of the elephant's legs, there are no longer any scales, but in the gap, there is a stripe that seems to be stained with blood. There were long and thin silk hairs. These hairs were twisted and condensed together due to the contamination of blood and mud, and the locks drooped down.

However, when these dark red silk threads spread to the person's waist, they truly condensed and gradually turned into complete feathers. Those feathers that looked too gorgeous under the red aura covered the person's slightly-looking body. The upper body is half like an ape, except for the dark horny skin on the breastplate, the rest of the upper body is completely hidden in the red feathers.

When looking carefully, there are dark patterns condensed on those red feathers, which appear into dark red eyes, condensed on each feather. With the shaking of his body, the red feathers are constantly changing. The aura looked like pupils looking in all directions.

As his arms stretched, Chu Weiyang could clearly see that under the thick red feathers, the ape's half-powerful arms became increasingly slender, finally revealing two dark blue chickens. Claw-like hands.

It was like a real chicken claw, with only these three fingers. At this time, one hand was holding a numb and uneven iron rod. The color of the original material could no longer be seen on the iron rod, and it was all covered with layers. Layers of colorful rust.

And his other hand was constantly stirring in the dim yellow current.

When he looked up, he saw a horse's face growing on top of this strange figure. And even more, this horse's face was not the most strange thing about his head.

On both sides of the long and narrow horse face, the cheeks protruded forward in a strange way. When you look closely, they almost protrude into two chins, and on top of those two "chins", there are two more "chins". Two mouths.

A sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, like half of a real ape's face; a cracked lip, fangs turned out, I don't know what kind of animal it is.

At this moment, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked half of the face opened his mouth and said.

"Damn it, which ancient Yunfang boat of the ladies of Baihualou was destroyed here? Just by seeing the color of the aura, I knew it was the Taoism of this family!"

When the words fell, the horse face curled his lips.

"If you mention the word donkey again, Nai Gong will tear your mouth apart! To be honest, it's not surprising that it's the Yunfang Ancient Boat. In the past, which big world didn't have a few Hundred Realm Yunfang hovering outside it? Later, They even deliberately placed abandoned ancient boats on the ancient roads of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This is not the first time, it is just to see who is unlucky enough to bump into them."

When he heard this, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked half of the face spoke again.

"Bad luck! They say that bald donkey... Hey, they say that the seed of Zhu Mingyao, the last person to enlighten the Buddha, actually became a thing after his death. This time, the Sanyuanji Zhenjie can't be found again. You and I can only I’m afraid it’s not as simple as being unlucky!”

"Be careful! Most of your luck and mine are ruined by your mouth! Don't mention words like 'Zhu Ming Yao Zhen' again! That's a name only given to the remnants of their Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! Zhu Ming Yao Zhen Realm and Jintan Huayang The world has long been melted into one world! It is Zhu Ming Huayang Tian! There are similarities and convergences between the ten places, and the two become one is the true appearance of the ancient times!"

When I heard the horse face scolding, half of the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face in the same place just said a soft "hey", and I just saw that the chicken feet stirring the dim yellow and turbid water were actually raised. Trend, half of the face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, finally curled its lips and had no more words to say.

And it was at this time that the green-faced and fanged half of the face finally spoke again, and the dull voice became increasingly gentle and honest.

"It's not like Yunfang's ancient boat was broken, at least not completely. It's... popular!"


The sharp-mouthed monkey who had just pursed his lips and stopped talking suddenly exclaimed.

And in the same place, his entire figure showed an agility that did not belong to his body like a mountain of flesh at this moment. In an instant, this figure continued to move around in the process. The ground was shaking and tossing, and at first glance, it seemed like some kind of ancient witchcraft ritual.

And at this moment, when Chu Weiyang was watching all these strange changes in the metaphysical realm, suddenly for a moment, the bloody pupils on the densely packed red feathers on his upper body suddenly looked like... They looked into Chu Weiyang's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his figure paused, and then all the blood pupils in Chi Yu's body looked into this mysterious realm, as if they were really looking at Chu Weiyang.


(End of this chapter)

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