
Chapter 67

Chapter 67

There are five phoenixes in the world——

The red one is the phoenix, the green one is the luan, the yellow one is the owl, the purple one is the bird, and the white one is the swan.

At this moment, on a lonely island in the vast open sea, accompanied by screaming cries, from a distance, five-colored fireworks intertwined into a whirlpool, and inside they couldn't help circling with the bright light, it was five Feng's fur!
It's just that maybe the monster's blood that has been refined into the magic flame is too strong. If you look carefully, the five-colored fireworks all seem to be covered with a hazy dark red veil, which is exactly this dark red color. , actually tied all the auras of the five-color fireworks together.

Amidst the cries, even Wufeng's fur became more and more lifelike against the dark red color, almost as if the true spirit of the phoenix had appeared in the world!
It seems that this is the orthodox practice of "Five Phoenixes Attracting Phoenixes from the Nanming Mantra".

Just suddenly, with a flash of flame, the lush bushes in the original place turned into scorched earth in no time, and even the wet rocks on the ground cracked in a flash.

In the crackling sound of the fireworks, there are all the wails of the fallen creatures on the island.

And—the most horrific roaring human voice.

In the center of the storm formed by five-colored flames, the middle-aged Taoist quietly watched the destruction of the life of an entire island in front of him with indifferent eyes.

In the eyes of the middle-aged Taoist, the treacherous figure that was constantly twisting and dancing in the flames seemed to be some kind of wild and primitive dance - free and romantic.

After watching carefully for a while, the middle-aged Taoist seemed to be feeling emotional, half-lowered his head, and when he raised his hand again, he even wiped away a little tear from the corner of his eye.

Immediately afterwards, some morbid ferocity appeared on his face, but as his cheeks twitched, when he looked again, he seemed to be smiling slightly.

"It is said that... Taoism's stepping and fighting, and the nine palaces and gossip between these steps, all originated from witches, from ancient witchcraft. Dance when you mourn, dance when you mourn..."

While speaking, the middle-aged Taoist raised his hand and knocked down a magic seal in the air. There seemed to be a dark red thunder and fire in the sky that turned into a sharp arrow, piercing through the body of a monk who had escaped from the flame storm.

When he looked at him, the man had no power to resist, and his death was nothing more than the "effort of the Taoist" in the blink of an eye.

"Seeing that the child died in Tingchang Mountain, the Yan family's hope for the next hundred years is gone."

"The person who killed him took away part of Tingchangshan's legal system from the boy Jianming's Qiankun bag. Although everyone understands what's going on, the cause and effect are on the Yan family. We have to die..."

"That person deserves to be damned, but he passed on the Dharma door and ended up living here with you, so there is another damned family in this world."

"See you, baby, on Yinming Road, just watch, Uncle Wei is already avenging you!"

"There must be a big fire! There must be dust and smoke all over the sky! There must be that witch's wanton dance! There must be freedom and romance..."

At the end of the sentence, the middle-aged Taoist trembled almost throbbingly, his shoulders shook violently, and his whole body seemed to be swinging.

The originally pale face also turned red at this moment, as if intoxicated, and even the aura brewing in the depths of the eyes was all dark red with the color of blood.

The next moment, the middle-aged Taoist moved his hand into the fireworks again.

While the flames were turning around, thick mana fell, suddenly enveloping a thin old man, who was about to be pulled out of the flames and pulled towards him.

The majestic aura of mana almost condensed into a Huosha handprint in the air, and the old man who was held in the palm of his hand also made the sound of bone cracking, grinning, as if wanting to cry out, But he couldn't make a sound.

When the old man was pulled in front of the middle-aged Taoist priest, the old man was still held in the air by Huo Sha's handprint, and his figure was distorted. When he looked again, the bright red blood had been dripping from the old man's Taoist robe, but Before it hit the ground, it had already been dried by the heat wave, leaving only an increasingly fishy smell.

At the same time, the middle-aged Taoist raised his hand, as if he wanted to pinch the old man's head.

But when you look carefully, the old man's withered hair on the top of his head is sparse, like a baby's lanugo, but when you look carefully, the old man's thin and dry hair is full of pickled hair, like some kind of dirt and silt, or like The keratinization of the cortex is more like the backlash of the magic training.

At a glance, it looks like a layer of slippery snake scales has been laid under the withered hair of an old man.

If you look at it for a while, you will find that even the wrinkles on the face of the old man are the same. The place that should have been weathered and sculpted by the years suddenly has some pink fine lines, which seem to be the lines of snake scales, and they seem to have dried up. His flesh and blood broke apart inch by inch under the skin.

So, the middle-aged Taoist's hand that was stretched out in the air stopped immediately, and then, as if he saw something dirty, he quickly retracted his hand.

If so, the middle-aged Taoist couldn't help scolding angrily.

"The human body is already a thoroughfare to immortality, but I want to learn the appearance of that beast! If it wasn't for the protection of the Lord of the Seventy-two Dao City back then, like you guys, they should be sentenced to evil cultivators. If you see one, kill the other!"

As he spoke, the face of the middle-aged Taoist turned red again.

"Pin Dao is already fighting demons and defending Dao!"

When the words fell, Xu Shi's heart was throbbing, and the Huo Sha handprint suddenly exerted force, and the sound of bones cracking on the old man's body was almost like popping beans, crackling, crackling, and non-stop.

In the end, there was still a mouthful of blood that spit out directly from the old man's mouth.

Opening his mouth wide suddenly, the old man's mouth was filled with the sound of difficult breathing, like a dilapidated bellows, it seemed that even howling had become an exhausting thing.

The middle-aged Taoist's almost scarlet eyes were brewing with murderous intent, looking at the old man as if he was looking at some kind of enemy.

"Where did that Mo island owner of your family go? The poor Taoist has already asked several people, if you still don't tell me, I'm going to burn another island;

Don't worry, Baisnake Islands, your Mo family claims to have a hundred islands, doesn't it?I have asked over and over again, and it takes a hundred times for you to be considered annihilated! "

When the voice fell, the old man struggled violently.

When the middle-aged Taoist looked over, he heard the old man's intermittent voice with difficulty.

"The patriarch has gone to pay homage to Patriarch Biyun, and the clan is destroyed? If the patriarch is alive, we are not counted as annihilated! Instead, it is you, Tingchang Mountain... the traitors in the demon sect! Your legal system is really going to flow into the monster clan It’s gone! Kill me, and kill a hundred more of me, and the result will be the same!"

The blush on the middle-aged Taoist's face dissipated little by little, and he twitched the corners of his mouth, but he no longer smiled at all.

He looked back at the scorched earth under the five-color fireworks, looked at the ashes and dust raised in the vortex of the storm, waved his hand suddenly, and threw the old man back into the magic flame.

"The monster from the Outer Sea... is really rude!"


Lingfu Island.

In front of the wooden Taoist hall after the second reconstruction, the door was opened, and Chu Weiyang sat on the lush grass, in front of him was the boundless sea, the black light circling in the thick fog, walking according to the innate gossip;

Behind him is the entrance of the cave, amidst the intertwined gold and jade, a deep blue magic flame is suspended above it, when you look carefully, you can occasionally see a ray of purple light circling in the flame.

The place where Chu Weiyang is sitting is the hub where the island's real water and fire intertwine.

At this moment, Chu Weiyang was holding the warm and cool Shanhe Gui in his hand, and was inhaling the light crimson aura into his mouth.

The abundant herbal aroma and the fresh aroma of the demon fish's repeated refinement exploded in the mouth together. Immediately afterwards, the thick medicinal power and Yuan Qi turned into a torrent rushing in the central channel, and finally, the scorching warm current flooded the body. Stomach sac Danding.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Weiyang raised his head, and as if intoxicated, he took a deep breath. When time passed, the two phases of water and fire turned into dragons and tigers, and merged into the Danding. Among them, the medicinal power and Yuan Qi mana are further refined to refine and remove the evil Qi from erosion.

The medicinal power dissolves the evil qi, the magic power of the Yuan qi draws the evil qi, and the five qi Xuanming complexes and refines the evil qi.

In this way, it seems as if one person makes three consecutive strikes in an instant. I dare not say that [-]% of the evil qi that has dissipated at this moment has been eliminated, but this combination of punches is enough to eliminate [-]% to [-]%.

This is a great leap forward!

Feeling the entry of my own mana again, now I have a mouthful of soup, far exceeding the refining practice of several dragon and tiger Huiyuan pills at the peak!
This could be as fast as one month, and as slow as three or four months. It was enough to teach Chu Weiyang to peek at the sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage!

Such down-to-earth progress really made Chu Weiyang feel that accumulating with evil qi and earning his life is no longer a vain thing, but a tangible thing, right in front of his eyes, on the road under his feet!
At the same time, it seemed that Chu Weiyang had sensed the joy in Chu Weiyang's heart, and immediately, a spiritual light circled around the Shanhe Gui.

After lightly stroking the fine and beautiful patterns on the mountains and rivers, Chu Weiyang raised his hand, and the magic weapon turned into a little spiritual light, which disappeared into the sleeve robe.

Chu Weiyang also got up and looked at the flat and open ground not far away.

It can be seen at a glance that in just a few days, Chu Weiyang has opened up a field there.

To be honest, the island is not a good place for farming, especially in a wide and flat area like Lingfu Island, but after Chu Weiyang deployed the formation to protect the island, he used the mist to stabilize the wind and rain, and reconciled the water and fire. The islands on the abundant ground veins are already good places to open up spiritual fields.

If the same medicinal herb is planted in this spiritual field, it may be able to increase the medicinal power by three points.

As for the seeds of medicinal herbs, Chu Weiyang had prepared them as early as in Lingqiu Shanfang City. Later, when he came to the island and obtained Mo Daozhong's extravagant wealth, the elixir seeds were no longer a shortage.

Chu Weiyang expected that if he practiced like this, the alchemy would almost swallow the sky, and no amount of herbs would be enough to consume, so he had to prepare them in advance, which would save a lot of expenses and increase the potency of the herbs.

Because of this, this area of ​​land was opened up.

At this moment, Chu Weiyang was pacing slowly, and was about to go to the spiritual field, and when he was about to repair it again, suddenly, there was another subtle cracking sound from the wooden Taoist hall behind Chu Weiyang.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, Chu Weiyang hurriedly turned around, stepped into the Taoist hall a few steps, and walked straight to the big urn in the corner.

All the treasures that Mo Daozhong stored on Lingfu Island were collected by Chu Weiyang in the Qiankun bag by category, except for hundreds of snake eggs, all of which were full of vitality, but they could not be stored in the Qiankun bag It was only then that Chu Weiyang went through several twists and turns, and finally placed it in a big urn and sealed it in a corner of the Dao Hall.

Weird!Logically speaking, this time shouldn't be the time when the vitality of snake eggs changes...

The talisman paper sealed on the big urn was lifted, and when I looked again, as expected, the snake egg on the top had been broken, and the slender snake was coiled in place, twisting in a very ignorant manner.

Chu Weiyang held his chin and shook his head self-consciously.

"Yeah, I was supposed to make egg custard, but now, I can only cook snake meat custard..."

When the words fell, Chu Weiyang formed sword fingers, and wanted to strike down with a sword qi, and cut the young snake seven inches away.

But at this moment, before the sword energy from Chu Weiyang's fingertips came out, suddenly, the dharma sword was hanging beside Chu Weiyang, and amidst the sound of the sword, Chunyu Zhi's voice came from his mind.

"Wait a minute!"

There is nothing wrong with listening to the magic method of Tingchang Mountain.

In an instant, Chu Weiyang's sword fingers staggered and landed on the ground.

"Miss Zhi, what's wrong?"

When the words fell, Chunyu Zhi's extremely weird voice suddenly sounded.

"The real spirit of this monster snake... I mean the real spirit of the soul, something is wrong!"

At the same time as he heard these words, Chu Weiyang shot down a burst of fire and smoke, which was just the afterglow of the poisonous energy, and immediately made the monster snake faint.

After finishing all this, Chu Weiyang just heard Chunyu Zhi's nonsense, so he hurriedly asked.

"There's something wrong with the soul and true spirit? What's wrong? It stands to reason that this monster snake has just been born, so its mind is still ignorant? It's the Jade Snake, which has been with me for so long, and it can't be transmitted with the soul voice even when the spirit is fluctuating. People say, a young snake, how can it be blamed..."

While he was speaking, the jade snake wrapped around Chu Weiyang's wrist couldn't help twisting, making a buzzing sound that seemed dissatisfied.

Because of that, Chu Weiyang held up the jade snake, and took out a Biyun Huan Shendan from his hand, and was about to move it in front of the jade snake, teasing the jade snake, when it opened its mouth, Chu Weiyang flipped his wrist, Instead, he threw the pill directly into his mouth.

Chu Weiyang's movements were not fast. The Jade Snake had a chance to jump straight into the air and then cut off the pill, but from the beginning to the end, the Jade Snake was only coiled in Chu Weiyang's palm, twisting its body more and more.

Seeing this, the smile on Chu Weiyang's face grew even wider, and he took out another treasure pill, crushed it carefully, and let the jade snake swallow it bit by bit.

But for a moment, Chunyu Zhi remained silent.

But Chu Weiyang knew that she would always open her mouth and say something.

"What is hidden in that young snake is a wisp of remnant soul, a remnant soul in the literal sense, even the true spirit has been ignorant, almost like a remnant soul in the wind!"

Hearing this, for the first moment, Chu Weiyang didn't look at the monster snake, but turned his head to look at the dharma sword beside him.

oh?This is another Chunyu Zhi?Another chance to pass on my legal system?

While thinking like this, successive crackling sounds came from the urn.

When I looked again, three more monster snakes were born, all with the same listless appearance.

This time, Chu Weiyang felt that there might be some trouble...

 ps: Although it is a young snake demon, it must have a domineering chapter name!By the way, ask for a monthly pass!More than [-] votes this month will be updated!

(End of this chapter)

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