
Chapter 614 Heavenly Mystery Shakes the Dragon and the Snake Moves (2 more!)

Chapter 614 The Mysteries of the Heavens Are Vibrating and the Dragons and Snakes Are Moving (Second Update!)
To be honest, the power and momentum of this fortune is no less than the mystery of Chu Weiyang's successive demonstrations of the true form and path, as long as it is swift and violent.

Thinking about it, there are still more common people in the world.

The truly high-level and wonderful methods, especially the high-level and wonderful methods like the True Form Taoism created by Chu Weiyang, only the accumulation of cultivation itself is the essence of medicine of multiple magnitudes, and in the end it is necessary to lay the foundation with the power of Tao and fruit , is the limit of this Tao.

Excessive Gao Zhuo, on the contrary, except for the real Tianjiao monks and the great monks of the Jindan realm of various sects, it is rare to teach ordinary monks to pay too much attention.

Maybe there was a surprise.

But that's it.

After all, for these ordinary monks, the long-term tempering and beatings in the world have taught them to clearly understand where their limits are. The magic method is in hand, maybe I don't have the talent and background to penetrate the path.

The indifference of the world taught them to have a clearer understanding.

Therefore, for the true shape of the way, it is only a momentary amazement, and the truly extremely graceful way of the way cannot touch their heartstrings.

However, how many Tianjiao monks can there be in one sect?

It is those ordinary monks who have been tempered and beaten that really support the vastness and infinity of this huge human world.

Therefore, when Chu Weiyang and Xiao Yuluo reappeared in front of the Hanging Wall in such a figure and posture, even he himself did not expect that in such a way, those dull and silent desperate Most of the ordinary monks were rejuvenated, which in turn contributed to the accumulation of momentum and the transformation of the power of luck.

And it was only at this moment that Chu Weiyang finally understood, as if he was belatedly aware, why Xiao Yuluo had to raise his head and look in all directions.

Every move is filled with the wonderful method of Baihualou that touches people's minds and feelings.

Perhaps as early as the moment he appeared, Xiao Yuluo had predicted the changes in Zhu Xiu's mind, as well as the power of luck that Chu Weiyang would condense here.

And with the help of Xiao Yuluo's expressions and movements, this change in momentum was brought to a peak in an instant.

Sure enough, when it comes to stirring up the momentum, such things as flowers blooming brocade and cooking oil over fire, the monks of Baihualou are really the Fang family of this way.

This Taoism cultivation path that rises in the wind is a unique learning that has been established throughout the ages. The clever and wonderful methods have penetrated into almost all fields, and even the tiniest details are not allowed to let go.

And it was also in the process of Xiao Yuluo's gaze looking around that in the blink of an eye, there was an invisible eye contact with the old building owner of Baihualou in a flash.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, the old host of Baihualou looked at the figures of the two of them with benevolent eyes, more precisely, at Chu Weiyang who was holding Xiao Yuluo's figure.

At the level of the old landlord, there is almost nothing that can be hidden from the old landlord.

Almost instantly, the old landlord had already guessed the outline and context of the cause of the incident.

Regardless of whether it was the instant he heard calling for help, he fled away without hesitation, or he didn't hesitate to spend that much in just a few breaths. After all, Chu Weiyang was limited by the realm of cultivation, and he was still unable to condense it. The power of gold-plated divine splendor and dao fruit.

This is life-saving grace.

And the cultivation realm is here, the fault is not Xiao Yuluo's willingness, and no one can force her.

She was able to find the way to ride the wind, and find Chu Weiyang, an unrivaled evildoer who created a real way. As the landlord of Baihualou, the old woman was too happy.

Therefore, with that flash of eye contact, the old landlord was also willing to cooperate with Xiao Yuluo, adding another fire to the growing momentum.

So, when all the cultivators were fascinated by Chu Weiyang's extraordinary treatment, and at the same time were envious, jealous, and hated, suddenly there was the voice of the old landlord of Baihualou from afar.

"Elder Xiao, congratulations, is this a continuation of the path of cultivation?"

Only after hearing these words, Xiao Yuluo, who had already leaned on Chu Weiyang's chest and buried his face deeply, poked his head out again with a smile.

This time, Xiao Yuluo never cared about Zhu Xiu's probing eyes, but just looked at the old landlord with a smile on his own.

"Returning to Master Yu's words, it is said that the disciple had good luck and had to teach Junior Brother Chu the cultivation method of the true shape path. After understanding the foundation of Taoism, it also taught people to see the meaning of returning to the true, and because of this, they were lucky enough to see the way forward."

Just as he was speaking, Xiao Yuluo's energy was exploding all over his body, and it was no longer concealed by the harmonious charm of the true shape and path. Therefore, the vitality that filled the sky swept around, and it seemed to be full of vitality, steadily and insightfully. Jin Yi's cultivation base disappeared in a flash.

When Zhuxiu can look again.

But it was like some kind of dream bubble, there was no majestic momentum in the original place, it was only Xiao Yuluo's figure lying in Chu Weiyang's arms, gradually fascinated by the Yan Yan who moved his hands and feet.

All of a sudden, quite a few great monks who possessed the Golden Core Realm envied Chu Weiyang's treatment.

Gifted scholars and beautiful ladies do not enjoy this kind of enjoyment.

That is the golden core realm female monk of Baihualou.

And just when the minds of the cultivators were scattered, suddenly, their minds were startled again, and when they felt it again suddenly, they realized that the fleeting energy itself was not a dream, Xiao Yuluo's ingenious tricks that sway people's thoughts silently are all the aftertaste of that fleeting energy.

It really has benefits.

This kind of Taoism is revealed, far more convincing than Xiao Yuluo's words themselves.

And then, there was almost no need for the old building owner to speak again, and in the layered mist in the distance, a big monk asked suddenly.

"But you only need the True Shape Atlas to practice?"

In an instant, almost without Chu Weiyang's response, Xiao Yuluo shook his head first.

"Where is such an easy thing, the inheritance of the Zhenxing Atlas is for the Tianjiao monks in the realm of the alchemy to practice the magic of the Zhenxing, and they are taking the most orthodox path of the Zhenxing.

And you and I have already stopped in the realm of the golden core, and we can't turn back after we have gone through the road of nine refinements in the past. How can we record all kinds of talismans and seal patterns with our own bodies on the road of true form?
After thinking about it, it's impossible, but Junior Brother Chu has a magic method, which can turn its pure energy into a Tao seed, so that you and I can water and nourish it with the Tao method, so that it can have the appearance of taking root and sprouting. "

And almost immediately after Xiao Yuluo's voice fell, one after another, the auras of the great monks in the golden core realm shone in the sky and the earth. It confirmed Xiao Yuluo's statement.

After all, this is too important a matter!

To be honest, not everyone who is a cultivator has a heart for the sect. After years of quiet practice and retreat, it is always easy to teach people to develop indifference and indifference.

Over time, not to mention the rise and fall of the sect, even the vicissitudes of life may not be as important as the improvement of one's own cultivation.

But at the same time, it's not like blindly immersing in one's own Taoism practice, and then one can gallop all the way in the Jindan realm without hindrance.

In fact, the gap between the Golden Core Realm is far greater than other realms, and almost ninety-nine percent of the monks, the moment they enter the Golden Core Realm, have already lost their deep cultivation to the Golden Core Realm. The ultimate hope and possibility.

Because this is the supreme and perfect state of true energy and spirit. In the past, many places that seemed to be perfect and harmonious may not be so perfect in reality. Many books written by themselves may not have their own As harmonious as in the feeling.

These subtle flaws were still within the scope of harmony in previous years.

But once promoted to the Golden Core Realm, perhaps because of the radiance and amplification in the process of transformation and sublimation, these flaws eventually turned into disharmony.

Or it may be that the choice of the pure path is a bit biased, this path has been walked by predecessors, or it involves a dispute with someone.

Everything is unclear.

But once the way forward is shackled, it is indeed an eternal path. Not only has the way forward been lost, it is even more impossible to cut the way and go back to the way that has been walked in the past.

But today, a miracle has been born on Xiao Yuluo, and there is still a possibility that the eternal path can be turned into a thoroughfare. If they go all the way, maybe the gap between them and the old monsters will become smaller after discarding the changes of time and time. There are only strands left.

Such a "chance" is enough to touch every big monk in the Golden Core realm, everyone!
Surprised three times a day.

And it is precisely the "three turns and four shakes" surrounding the path of the true form, the constant overturning of all kinds of surprises, and finally at this moment, it is like a quantitative change triggering a qualitative change.

Obviously, the infusion of excessive and majestic power of fortune finally produced transformation and sublimation at this moment.

It is no longer the aura of pure fortune, but has become some kind of extremely mysterious existence that is really full of aura and mixed with the secrets of heaven.

Chu Weiyang had never seen such words recorded in ancient books.

But for no reason, two words appeared in Chu Weiyang's mind in the blink of an eye.


A consonant heart.

Furthermore, at this moment, accompanied by the infusion of divine secrets, that kind of emptiness completely exploded in thoughts and thoughts, almost made Chu Weiyang lose his mind from the present world because of it.

But at this moment, also, Xiao Yuluo's figure was once again accompanied by the sound of Chu Weiyang's soft breathing, and gently twisted his waist in his arms.

The already strong love between the two was ignited at this moment, and the ordinary state of mind after washing away the lead anchored Chu Weiyang's ecstatic state of mind and spiritual thoughts.

And at this moment, far away, where the mist is relatively light, a ray of spiritual light suddenly flew over.

It was Shang Bo who came.

"Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Chu, what should the old man give to obtain such a Dao Seed, a Dao Seed that can water and nourish the True Form Atlas? Can... return to the True Dao Seed!"

For a while, Chu Weiyang did not answer.

It was almost like being blessed to the soul, in this flash, the supreme pupil technique of nine stacks of circles appeared in the depths of Chu Weiyang's mist, and in an instant, the Taoist glanced at the three feet above Shang Bo's top.


 ps: The fourth update is restored, book friends, ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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