
Chapter 573 8 Wind Shaking False Mysteries (4 More!)

Chapter 573 Eight Winds Shake Mysterious Meanings (Fourth Update!)
It is rare, after so many times of condensing the magic weapon and even the magic weapon, Chu Weiyang intuitively felt the process of "unity of human body and instrument" from another field in this way like never before.

But you need to know that in fact, from the moment the "quality" of the treasure is revealed to the world, crazy vitality has already poured towards it.

It was a process in which the frame and outline of a certain treasure itself were sorted out, and continued to be filled with flesh and blood.

And the frame and outline of the highest series naturally also need a truly majestic supplement of vitality.

Originally, this filling process did not stop because of the fusion of shape and quality of the treasure vessel. Logically speaking, Chu Weiyang should wait a little longer.

But that familiar feeling of hunger that almost lifted Chu Weiyang's mind made it difficult for the Taoist to wait any longer.

Therefore, with Chu Weiyang opening his mouth to swallow, accompanied by the "integration of man and instrument" at the level of the real body and Taoism, when the emptiness of this kind of treasure needs to be filled with the vitality of heaven and earth and Chu Weiyang's body, Taoism and body The glow of hunger feels when two become one.

The fusion of shape and quality is a kind of madness that completely jumps out of the sky and almost penetrates Chu Weiyang's spirit, energy, and spirit.

But it happened to be at this moment that Chu Weiyang sat in the air, bent over, his face became paler with each breath, but he grinned and laughed out loud with an extremely sick feeling.

The more he smiled, the more out of breath Chu Weiyang seemed, the hoarse he seemed, and the sicker he appeared.

Until a certain moment, along with the actual fusion of form and quality, with the smelting of the shape and quality of the mountain and river gui and the stomach sac Danding, all levels of mystery and reality are all smelted into one, all of which are truly conceptual. Regardless of each other, the feeling of hunger was brewed to the extreme.

Rao is the fourth alchemy embryo, and the physical body that has been tempered and tempered by one after another true form atlas can't resist the pain and erosion of hunger that originates from the internal organs of his body at this moment.

Taoist's rare figure swayed suddenly, and then the crazy and hoarse laughter stopped abruptly, and then, Chu Weiyang even coughed uncontrollably.

And with the continuous trembling of his shoulders, Chu Weiyang finally did not dare to neglect any longer, and suddenly pulled out of the immersion in the old emotions. Chu Weiyang gulped it down.

From hungry to full to hungry glow.

In that breath, Chu Weiyang actually sensed all kinds of things. This kind of change that is no longer pure and single, but gradually distinguishes clear levels makes Chu Weiyang feel an indescribable throbbing in his heart.

So, it seemed that he was urged by his own thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Weiyang didn't even have time to put the jade bottle away, so the Taoist slammed the jade bottle on the ground of the stone room, as if he was so excited.

In the next moment, when the delicate jade flakes splashed, Chu Weiyang flipped his hands over and drank down another bottle of essence in one gulp.

At this moment, the five-color aura flows from the stomach sac Danding to the talisman and seal pattern on Chu Weiyang's body.

In an instant, Chu Weiyang seemed to be bathed in colorful light and rain.

Thus, accompanied by the continuous and rhythmic crisp sound of the successive jade bottles, at a certain moment, there was a succession of thunderous Dao sounds resounding from Chu Weiyang's Dao body.

Until this moment, Chu Weiyang had completely completed the process of cultivating and refining the Stomach Pill Cauldron that Chu Weiyang had missed in the past.

And it was also at this moment that Chu Weiyang's swallowing began to become wild with the end of the cultivation process.

It was a kind of seamless transformation, which made Chu Weiyang's stomach pill's ability to withstand it increase by more than [-]% out of thin air.

So, almost in a blink of an eye, Chu Weiyang abandoned some of the precious medicine pills that he took repeatedly, and began to swallow the essence of the great medicine purely following the law of the five elements.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

With the passing of time and the continuous "tug-of-war" between hunger and satiety, Chu Weiyang's spirit became more and more excited by the transmission of various feelings.

In the mysterious state of "unity of man and instrument", at the same time when Chu Weiyang completed his own magic power in the fourth refining process, it was equivalent to the treasure vessel whose form and quality were united being cultivated. It really reached the limit of the grade of the magic weapon.

At this moment, both Chu Weiyang and Shanhe Gui are eager to lay the foundation of some kind of more supreme power, so as to teach them further transformation and sublimation.

As a result, at the time when the abundant vitality in the sky was no longer pouring in wildly, and there were no jade bottles falling down among the jade chips all over the ground, it was obvious that all the pulsation of energy had disappeared.

But the feeling of hunger in Chu Weiyang's mind never disappeared, on the contrary, because of the desire for a higher level of supreme power, the feeling of hunger itself has even been sublimated one step ahead, becoming mysterious and metaphysical.

It seems to have strange changes and evolutions, but its essence still lingers on Chu Weiyang, following him like a shadow at this moment.

But when he looked around, Chu Weiyang didn't seem to be bothered by this.

He just sat there in the air, still grinning uncontrollably.

"Back! Everything is back!"

Amidst the intermittent murmurs and sighs, Chu Weiyang raised his hand, and the Wuyun Tianluo Dharma Umbrella was raised, and Chu Weiyang's body was immediately surrounded by five-color spiritual light, and then sank into the Xumi crack that opened .

The feeling of hunger that followed everywhere made Chu Weiyang eager to hunt something, anything.

Of course, it is best to be the supreme power that can teach all transformation and sublimation, and all foundations.


And it was in the process of Chu Weiyang moving towards the "unity of man and machine".

At the same time, Qianyuan Sword Sect, Jieyun Peak, and the stone chamber in the back mountain.

The second time, already the second time, accompanied by violent body shaking, Song Qingxi fell from the lotus platform.

Her face actually didn't seem too pale.

With all the changes in the distance, the Dao fruit that belongs to her no longer completely belongs to her, but whether it is smelted into another supreme and perfect sword pill, or Chu Weiyang The "completion" of the other half's soul and true spirit actually taught Song Qingxi's real body to slightly improve in a strange way.

Even with the improvement of Tao and Dharma, You also taught Song Qingxi's face to no longer be so pale, and began to fill with blood.

But all is not free.

In particular, the reason why Chu Weiyang left behind his true spirit was to bury Song Qingxi in the "Suppressing Demon Cave" that followed like a shadow and merged into one!
Therefore, it is a long-term, continuous fear and pain about death, all of which are continuously transmitted from afar to Song Qingxi's mind.

She has no way of knowing what is happening in the distance, it seems that every moment, which half of her soul is repeating the cycle of birth and death, but the nourishment of good fortune has never glowed and wandered in her mind, but All the tortures related to death are repeated forever, randomly in different fields, torturing Song Qingxi's spirit.

Only for a very short period of time.

It was clear that Song Qingxi's complexion was still improving, but the fatigue between her brows could hardly be concealed.

No matter how delightful the recovery of Dao and Dharma is, Dao Dharma itself can't separate Song Qingxi's mind, but can't cut off the faint connection with the other half of the true soul and her own Dao fruit.

Even in the process of such torture, there was also some kind of nightmare-like dream. Song Qingxi seemed to see a boundless storm, and then, many sword sect disciples who had been instructed and taught by her, Accompanied by Song Qingxi's pain and fear at that moment, they greeted death together and sank together in pain and fear.

This is a further mental trauma.

But even so, Song Qingxi still survived!
As a great monk of Jindan, Song Qingxi is still in the state of retreat and practice, and the background of constant recovery and reduction can support Song Qingxi to continue to linger.

But until just a certain moment.

Accompanied by Chu Weiyang's emotions surging like never before due to the feeling of hunger.

Chu Weiyang's energy and spirit were pierced through, and what was also pierced were the only magic weapons that Chu Weiyang had smelted, "the unity of man and body"!

Naturally, the sword pill that Chu Weiyang sacrificed, as well as the world of mountains and rivers reflecting the origin of the sword pill, were all included in it.

So, when that intense emotion permeated through Jianwan, it was further reflected in Song Qingxi's induction.

Even though there was such a long distance, the torture he had suffered for a long time suddenly jumped to the top at this moment completely and completely.

Death began to become clearer and more specific in her touch, and it became a formless but ecstatic flame of mind that was cut apart!

Pain, hunger, anger!
All the emotions that had created Chu Weiyang today began to destroy Song Qingxi's mental defense at this moment.

So, almost at this flashing moment, Song Qingxi, who stood up tremblingly from the ground of the stone room, looked towards the direction of the eastern sea with dignified and frightened eyes.

She still doesn't know what happened to her natal magic weapon and Jindan Daoguo there, but at this moment, at least what Song Qingxi can be sure of is that the cycle of birth and death is not created by the mighty force of nature.

When the actual torture of death became so specific, Song Qingxi finally understood that his talisman was probably no longer in the whirlpool.

"Is it a natural disaster? Or is it a man-made disaster?"

"Hopefully the worst doesn't happen..."

Feeling so emotional, Song Qingxi's thoughts suddenly became firm because of his judgment on the talisman.

The road of drinking poison to quench thirst was abandoned by Song Qingxi at this moment.

At this moment, the glory that belonged to the sword cultivator appeared on Song Qingxi's body.

Immediately, Song Qingxi flipped through her hands, and she held a jade box in the palm of her hand. Then, Song Qingxi carefully unsealed it, and picked up a supreme treasure medicine full of spiritual light from it. The moment she swallowed it, Song Qingxi's cultivation seemed to be frozen in this flash.

The next moment, he cautiously put away the jade box, and Song Qingxi's figure suddenly turned into a beam of sword light, jumped out from Jieyun Peak, and then fled straight towards the open sea!
(End of this chapter)

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