
Chapter 521 Ziyan Xifei Wants to Send a Book (3 more!)

Chapter 521 Ziyan Xifei Wants to Send a Book (Third Watch!)
"South of the Chalcedony River... Shiquan Mountain?"

Half suspended in the air, the "young" Elder Zong recited this sentence softly, clearly pondering and contemplating, but at the right time, he showed some thoughtfulness, such a thoughtful expression, It even disappeared in a flash, as if he understood something, but he was hiding something in the face of a strange person.

What's more, the "young" Zong Lao seemed to show some kind of more vigilant scrutiny because of the familiar words suddenly uttered by the visitor from afar.

Thinking about it, this kind of emotion is easier to understand. After all, there is the ancestral homeland of the monster race, the Sumeru world style, and the method of opening the sky passed down here. There is a sense of self-confinement and closure.

Now, in such a place that has been closed for a long time, and no outsiders have set foot in it for an unknown number of years, suddenly there is such a group of people arriving, and the destination he opened his mouth is a place he is more familiar with...

In just a few breaths, the change of Zong Lao's expression can be said to be natural, and even the concealment of the change of expression reveals a certain kind of stubbornness that is almost in line with the old man.

But such a change in expression almost taught Shang Bo to believe that Zong Lao really knew where this place was.

Thus, the ferocious murderous intent that had been diminished was brought up again by Shang Bo. This time, even without the gilded glow, anyone could sense that Shang Bo's whole body energy was mixed with that Dao killing thoughts are all condensed in one place.

He clearly hasn't said a word yet, but he has already shown a certain decisive attitude, as if he must ask an answer, and even, for this answer, he will not hesitate to show a desperate attitude!
And at this moment, almost when Shang Bo's whole body's killing intent was suppressed, suddenly, the voice of the elder Zong in the original place sounded very peacefully.

"The Chalcedony River? I have never heard such a saying, but I have heard of the Chalcedony River. We live in a wasteland, but when I was young, Pindao also traveled to the real place where Tianyuan was at its peak. , Then I heard people say that in the more advanced field, there is a chalcedony river that loops through several giant cities and wraps the continuous mountains in it.

That's all I know, that's all. Perhaps you have found the wrong place. There is only the Chalcedony River here, and the Baojiang River loops back. How can it be regarded as the south?Among the continuous mountains, who knows which one is Shiquan Mountain? "

When he heard these words, Shang Bo's eyes became brighter little by little.

Elder Zong's reply clearly fit Shang Bo's extremely complicated beliefs.

He was ordered by the Patriarch to protect the young master, but whether it was the animal skin scroll or the few words that recorded the address of a certain place, they were all ancient things inherited from Zhongzhou.

It seems that this world has always been passed down to the west of the West Pole and there is a vast world.

It's all word of mouth, but no one has seen it, and almost [-]% of the world's people don't have any rumors that want to see it.

But now, after endless time and years, when such rumors are confirmed.

Shang Bo was afraid that this would be a lie, so that the travel of his group across almost the entire world would become a ridiculous futility; Years later, Shang Bo was afraid that he would get a too clear answer as soon as he came up.

Because of such an overly clear answer, Gai seemed more and more false and like a mirror image.

Facing this mentality of worrying about gains and losses that Shang Bo had never shown, Zong Lao gave an answer that was so subtle that it almost fit into the slightest detail.

It seems that there is such a place, but it is far away, and it does not seem to be the destination of Shang Bo, but when it is mentioned like this, it seems to have a feeling of vicissitudes.

When a mood of worrying about gains and losses meets such an answer that is more worrying about gains and losses.

Almost instantly, Uncle Shang's emotions were stirred silently, and then, he almost subconsciously felt the secret feeling originating from the golden core realm, and because of this emotional stirring, he was determined to be based on this source of worrying about gains and losses In itself, it is the real purpose of my traveling all the way.

Accompanied by such emotions, almost instantly, Shang Bo had the urge to go to the distant and prosperous place of Tianyuan that Zong said in his old mouth to find out!

But things that are close to each other are hard to come by after all.

But the repeated interlacing of emotions in this flash moment caused Shang Bo's original kindness and vigor to suddenly dissipate.

He was shackled in place because of this impossible reality itself, and because of this, he inevitably continued to immerse himself in the silent worry about gains and losses.


Before the West Pole Gate, at this time, Zhu Xiu had already had an extremely drastic mental change because of a name that was spoken by a strange visitor.

Uncle Shang's mood is stirring, so why are they not like this!

The Chalcedony River is right behind them!

Even to the left of the gateway to the West Pole is the source of the chalcedony river that runs through the world!
A stranger who seemed to come from another world actually spoke out an address name that is familiar to everyone in this world. Almost instantly, the minds of Zhuxiu were shaken violently by this!

It's just that there is also some kind of unresolved confusion that is also explained together due to shock.

"Where is this Shiquan Mountain?"

Among the crowd, such a confused and incomprehensible voice suddenly came out.

"Maybe it is the ancient name of a certain mountain? After all, changing names is a common thing. The fault is that the Chalcedony River runs through the east and west for a long time, splits the north and the south, and traverses the world. I am afraid that its name was changed early. I don't know how many times."

"God knows that the ancient name is the ancient name a few generations ago? It may be too long ago, and it is really a change like the sea. It is also very possible that the mountain becomes a big lake."

"Shiquan Mountain... It's like looking for people, even if it's looking for a needle in a haystack, but since it teaches us to hear the famous taboo, since it's the place where people travel thousands of miles to look for it, 'you must meet people if you live, and you must meet people if you die. corpse'!"

"Let's try our best to find the ancient books and old books of the master! Even Zong Lao, who has lived for a long time, seems to have never known the root of Shiquan Mountain. If you and I want to find out, we can only go to the pile of old papers. I found it."

"It's okay, we 'outsiders' don't know about it, and Immortal Master Gao Zhuo who came from 'Zhongzhou' may not know anything about it. Maybe he only has such an address in his hand, so we can't tell. You can’t find the real one, but you can also make him a fake one to appease him!”

"Let's see how Zong Lao plays! The geomantic omen and landforms here are all built by Zong Lao."


Almost speaking like this, all the great monks in the Golden Core realm stared intently at the open Sumeru Realm, staring at the "guest from afar" whose minds and emotions were almost drawn by Zong Lao's few words.

At the same time, they kept flipping through their hands to take out jade slips one after another, and scanned them all with their spiritual thoughts, and then made them go through the air, flying towards the direction of their own mountain gate.

Their intuition told them that finding Shiquan Mountain is almost as important as exploring that strange and brand-new Taoism, or even more important!


And while Zhu Xiu was watching, the conversation between Zong Lao and others was still going on in the same place.

Elder Zong's deep but clear eyes swept across Uncle Shang's face that was constantly showing emotions.

There has been such silence for several breaths.

Zong Lao never taught Shang Bo to continue to be immersed in this kind of emotion of worrying about gains and losses.

He has a firm grip on the rhythm of the conversation.

And Zong Lao understands that whether he wants to teach his people to reveal the purpose of finding Shiquanshan, or to teach him to further reveal the root of his Tao and Dharma, which is completely different from Kaitian Dharma, many times, The direct communication with the person in front of him, the collision between the great monks of the Golden Core Realm and the great monks of the Golden Core Realm, did not have the desired effect.

Therefore, as soon as he rolled his eyes, Elder Zong's voice sounded leisurely.

"Speaking of... if this fellow daoist intends to travel to the place where Tianyuan is at its peak, for the sake that you have never hurt my teacher's life, I am willing to escort you for a while, as a guarantee for the status of a fellow daoist, but... ...If you want to set foot near the Chalcedony River...I'm afraid..."

Elder Zong was hesitant to speak, and in the end he was speechless, and just shook his head silently.

"Afraid of what?"

Uncle Shang finally asked a little anxiously.

When the voice fell, Zong Lao spoke again, and his speech became much smoother.

"Fellow Daoists know that that area of ​​land has always been a testing ground and a battleground for the descendants of Tianjiao Daozi to be jointly demarcated by our families.

Since the fellow Taoist is from Zhongzhou, which sounds like the land realm, he should know that when it comes to the succession of the descendants of various families, it seems that it is something about the children of the foundation-building realm and the pill realm. When it comes to talking about it, it is often more important than the life of a great monk in the realm of one or two Golden Cores!

Therefore, early on, the great cultivators of the Golden Core Realm from various families had already made an alliance, and jointly swore an oath that anyone who dared to reach the vicinity with the Golden Core Realm, all the Great Golden Core Realm cultivators in the world would attack together!

So Pindao said, even if fellow Taoists are visitors from far away, if they want to go to the vicinity of the Yushui River to find the Laoshizi Shiquan Mountain, I'm afraid it will be a troublesome thing. "

And just as he said that, far above the sky, suddenly, the jade seal of the Yunfu Palace suddenly hung from the virtual and real, and in line with the words of Zong Lao, in this flash, the original cultivators in the The qi of the ancient alliance of the West Pole portal is true and true, penetrating the Sumeru Realm.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light connected this qi of heavenly secrets with the portal of the West Pole.

Almost when Shang Bo was looking into the distance, in the hazy layer of clouds, it seemed that one after another extremely vast divine splendor and precious light intertwined in the sea of ​​rolling clouds that never existed.

But the scene presented in the eyes of the great cultivator in the Golden Core realm is already a kind of proof that does not require words.

This kind of personal care, the confirmation between the secret and the mind, is even better than the ordinary induction like a whim without a trace.

It can almost be regarded as the proof of the final conclusion!

So, in the same place, Uncle Shang suddenly had a sad face because of it, like an old farmer.

"This this……"

 ps: The number of chapters is pretty good, so ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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